HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PLANSi' MAX - �1- MAX. --B' PORCH F' RIOA 4A+! Y rm # 774 77701 PIERS REQ'O UNCE SIIEWALL PORC PIFR POINT LAYOUT_ OJ CONTACT MMUFA LURING DVISION LOT # 7511 44*-0* 1 4442-3CIK-25 I Wke Manufactured Home Installation Specifications (Must be completed and submitted with your application) Applicant THOMAS JENNINGS Address SAVANNA CLUB 7808 MCCLINTOCK WAY PORT ST LUCiE FL 34952 Manufacturers Name SKYLINE Roof Zone I I - ���,,,{{< Wind Zone TI I No. of Sections 3 width 48 Length X 44 Installation Standard Used (check) Manufacturers Manual X Site Preparation Permit # Year 2020 15C-1 Serial # TB❑ Debris and Organic Removal X Page # 144 Water Drainage: Natural Swale Pad X Other Page # 14 Foundation Load bearing soil density 1500 Or assumed 1,000 psf Page # 166 Footing type: Poured in place Portable X Page # 188 Mainrail frame block: Size 17.5 X 25.5 Placement o.c. 7' Page # 32 Perimeter blocking: Size 13X26 Number PER Location BLOCKING page # 21 Ridge beam support: Number Size 17.5 X 25.5 Location Page # 72 Center line blocking: Number Size 17.5 X 25.5 Location PER BLOCKING Page # 22 Special supports required (fireplace, bay window) Yes No X Page # Mating of Units: Mating gasket X Type used CENTERSEAL Page # 38 Fasteners: Roof Type 318 LAG Spacing 24 o.c, Page # 41 Endwall Type 318 LAG Spacing 12 O.C. Page # 44 Floors Type 318 LAG Spacing 24" o.c. Page # 40 Anchors: Type 6,000 3,150 X Page # 65 Height of Unit (top of foundation to frame): MIN 18" Page # Angle of straps 45 Page # Number of frame ties 18 Spacing 51410 O.C. Page # 56 Number of over -roof ties (if required) NA Page # - Number of sidewall anchors 18 Zone II X Zone III Page # 74 Number of centerline anchors 4 Number of stabilizers 4 Page # 67 Vents required for underpinning (1 sf1150 sf floor area). No. Page # 97 Prepared by: THOMAS G. JENNINGS gate: 3/912020 Revised 7/2212014 F'r.:f\MI F fflwiuCi3ER !ra•st��EG,•.=ru1W Limns. Addre,� nt hc?mo 78 8 MCCLINTOCK WAY beltsc; insta'sled nail tu r-tu; ea K I N E Lengfh x wlalh _ 3y`,7( NGrE. d home is a sing€e w de fill out ono half of rare blacking plans d home is a traplu or quad wider sketch in remaindetraf home I u€xiers#and L Werat Arm Syslerwv carmol he used on any hart- (new or used) wtlere the sidewall ties exceed 5 It 4 in k+slallr.+'sirtitials Typicai pierSpacing rad 2' Show 10caRions of Longitudinal and Eaters# Systems (use dark bytes Co show #hese iocalio€is) Mew MOTne U-f U:;ed i tome Q Horne Installed to the A+lanufaic urers Insta►lawn manual H—rne is 105talled in accordarze rnth F2ule 15•C Single wide Wind "Lane It d Ward ZtAL ill [7oubie wde Installation Decal # isipWChjad Serial r -F!& p FIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED mows Lased ta:airx} I FShA 16"x16` 161rrx1tlTl-r' 2Vx2ir 22"xZr 24-X2.4` 25'x26- caPacly � �+qIn) (342) (400) {4"r (57or wa) I ow 4 'l 2000 8 8 $ 8 Lj l=€IaI sI7Es ry 5 5 l-t>earrl pier p� slze _I 7 Penmew pier pacer =e Other pier pact sixes (required by the ntg-) D lt- appaxwMis b allons of masrrzage Li wad s w the Pius orVecrier. Ilse his i —t k ---I apl ws grea[ef I17ari 4 teal s¢e�s PW pad s1zA A� lts TIES -. ---- Vdall l 7 of end of Iwotr spaced at sr' 4' oc TIEaac11n N LETNIPOkElJi7 S QT_ HE_R itEs }} - hlurrtlaet 1 . LongitudinalStaht7iaing L)ovica.(LS€]) Side"[ .. �t� [ Longftdtnal � Longftuattirtal St•a zir�q vice wf LarC Atatas fs9arriage waft Mar3ufacttser L� ShearxraEi 4 -- PERMIT WORKSHEET t ige 2 of a The pocket penetrometer. tests are rounded dowh to 15Q0 psf or check here to Mare 1000 lb.. soli Without toWng. X 1500 x L500 K 1500 POCKET PENETROMEM TESTING ME HOb 1. Test the perimeter of the Hone at 0 looatlons. 2 Take the reading at the depth of the rooter. 3. Using 600 lb. Increments, take the lowest reading and round down to that Increment. x 1500 x 1500 x 15 00 T— - results of the torque probe test Is 280 • inch pounds or check here if you are declaring ' anchors wlihou�"t'as"'fir-g A test showing 276 inch pounds or less will requlrsSToot anchom NQtec A state approved lateral arm system Is being used and 4 ft. anchors are allowed at the sidewall tocatigns. I understand 6 ft anchors are required at all centerline He ppolnts where the torque test reading Is 276 or leas and More the moblie hpme manufacturer may requires anchors with 4000 lb holding capacity. TJ lnsfailar's initlais ALL TESTS MUST BE PEiF®RMW t3Y A LICENSED INSTALLER Installer Name Thomas G'.iennings Cate Tested 3/912020 • ach^ cal Connect etectricai conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the main power sourde. includes the banding wine between mutt -wide units. Pg. 75 Connect all sewer drains to an existing sewer tap or aeptic. tank pg. 78 Connect all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other lndependOnt Water supply systems. Pg. 78 she P!!-R-!M70&ft Debris and organic material removed YES Water drainage: Natural Swale Other nst�r rr rn urr fs • ' floor: Type Fastener: 318 LAG I sraglh: �„ Spacing- floor Walls: Type Fastener, 318 LAG Length: 6" Spaoing: 12" Roof: Type Fastener 318 LAG Length: 6" Spacl : 2W For used hornas amityarr ga, t3 v�v rte—ggaivanl7J9 YMtai strip will be centered over the ppeak of the roof and fastened with gain. roofing naps at 24 on centeron both sides of the cerierilne. I understand a properly Installed gasket €s a regutrenvrd of all new and used homes and that o6bdansatlon, maid, rmIdew and budded rnatriage walls are a result of a peony Installed -or no gasket being installed. I understand a s Hp of tape will not serve as a gasket, Installer's Initials Ta Type gasket GENTERSEAL Installed: d pg- 35 Between Floors Yes Between Waiis Yes Battomof ridgebeam Yss' Q;T4'M�o The bottomboard will be repaired andlor topped. Yes V . pg. Slding on units is installed to manufacturer's sppeecific ions. _ es (- Fireplace chimney Installed so as not to allow Intrusion of rain wades V C$r Rmaous �L Skhing to be Installed. Yes No .Dryer vent Installed outside � Yes V NIA Range dowrtfiow vent Installed outside of r1 n- Yes J NIA Drain Iltles supported aM foot lhtervals, Yes Electrical crossovers protected. Yes V Other: - -- ---y Is accurate and true leased on the a Installation InsbucHcM and or t Inaislier Signature - `,L , -- Date 3f972020 Af'�14tv"Anchorsb-. InstailaUan I o for Model LLBS n MAnal and 0 Braci $ ro r Florida Revisers: Mn 5/15 Note; Your set must be designed by a Registered Professional Engineer if all or one of the following conditions occur. Location is within 1,500 feet of Coast Roof eaves exceeds 16' Pier Height exceeds 48' Main beam spacing exceeds 99.5° Sidewdl height exams 109- (call Minute Man Products) 1. Refer to the Home Manufacturers Installation instructions for pier locations. W Disc anchors 48" lonq with vertical ties are required at maximum 5-4° enter along both sidewails starting at maximum of T-OR in from each end of the home. Vertical ties must be used at all connec- tion points furnished by home manufacturer_ Centerline anchors to be sized wording to soil torque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,OGO lbs require a 5` anchor. 2. Refer to the System Placement Plans for the location of Longitudinal Lateral Bracing System [See Attached). Each system is required to have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at each lateral arm stabilizing location_ 3. Flex Tube 11nS1t91llatioM A. Remove turf to expose firm level soil at each SD3 pier pad location_ Pre -assemble 112" x 1-114" carriage bolts onto the SID3 pact with bent edges of pad placed downward, center pad under I-beam and firmly press SD3 pad into soil and level. B. A,Itach Longitudinal and 'Lateral 'Flex "Pubes at boil locations on pad (see detail assembly drawing). Drive angle pins may be driven vertically through (4) slots in SD3 pier pad now or after home is totally set. Angle Drive Pins may be driven up to ten degrees off of vertical. 4. Standard Tube Installation: A. For extremely hard soil or surface conditions the SD3 pier pad can be placed flat on surface with edges bent up. Mark (4) slots and pre -drill soil, ruck or asphalt with a 3/4" x 12' masonry drill bit. Drilling not required when installed on softer soils- B. Attach Longitudinal and Lateral Standard Tubes at Tube Clip locations on pad lsee detail assembly drawing). Drive angle pins may be driven vertically through (4) slots in 8i]3 pier pad now or after home is totally set. Angle Drive Pins may be driven up to ten degrees off of vertical. 5_ Level home on concrete blocks or steel piers by Minute Man. B, Install Longitudinal And Lateral Bracing in accordance with Systems Placement Plan and Assembly Drawing. 7. Install vertical anchors, frame ties and stabilizers at each lateral arm system location. FLORIDA ZONE II AND Ill LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL BRACING SYSTEMS PLACEMENT For Roof slopes up to 4112 piicf Each system is required to have a frame tie and stabilizer adeched at each lateral arm siabi Wng location. Revised; 6l17/2002 HOME DIMENSIONS REPRESENT BOX SIZE LEGEND Bac itudinatng System Bra�Longibjdlnal SyLateral Ltem ateral Bracing M SINGLEAND DOUBLE WIDE LIP TO 49 LONG - 4 SYSTEMS 57 INCLUDING HITCH SINGLE AND DOUBLE WIDE 49'-7V LONG - 6 SYSTEMS W INCLUDING HITCH FOR TRIPLE WME OR TAG UNITS- ` FOR TRIPLE WDE OR TAG UNITS- 8 SYSTEMS OVER 8Z BOX159 INCLUDING HITCH 6 SYSTEMS UP TO � W BOXJ 6VINCLUDING HITCH LONGITUDINAL BRACE DETAIL FOR SD3 PIER PAD MmLw K W CUP %n4 ilk CArJMM WILT umwwvm MCC WK: W FM 1f TO le Plot w Fri1 TD 9 P Sr FOR Ir TO AO*ER PER W MR Vr TO 4r PER' !!e'er-V CARRIAGE BOLT 1 �+4 SD3 PIER m LONGITUDINAL & LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM DETAIL ASSEMBLY DRAWING The Minute Man An hom UM System vans tested for Wind Zom I, II, & III Tested 10110/01 Rev. 31WD2 Rom. 711404 Rev. 211110 Rev. 111115 NOTES MAXIM PIER HOW MAX SIDEWALL KOW W MAX KOM SPACM 99.w MAX ROOF EQ" W NO3£: 11r ®OUS ARE GCE 5 V4*N USNO 1OM61f1lDD1AL ORCM 2ND PEER Dt FROM TW END OF THE "ME MAY K USED 70 it" ROOM FOR ommi 0 ■ B S ML Pot PAD OR STM _IP UP ow so v I PIN 8,M Iet WORKING LOAD ANCHORS WITH STABILIZERS AND FRAME TIES ARE REQUIRED ON 4 CORNERS OFALL SINGLE WIDE HOMES. ANCHOR STRAPS MAY BE INSTALLED WITH AN ANGLE AS LOW AS 45 DEGREES UP TO SD DEGREES WHEN THEIR SOLE PURPOSE IS VERTICAL ANCHORAGIL J �4M 72- hid wit a �' 4... MMA W x4rmdAvAm,d balk head_ �h i e dbm t MMiAL.73--. WxSfl' redAacbur, double -bolt Whhx ShWe7" lac. MMA, " Anchor Wx 60" zad,.dq bak bra 4b V din A;12. S/r-xI(rtWmdedIOdwfth 07) MMA 1.. ..�, ' Anchor x AY md aJx� ' an the � TTrr�v�_ Wm fe0wwrma. 1 4 4. •F �F� . hG"42A .. Swivel modnchor. Linemmods i ... COMM dab (wet) 4,725 mobok h* m.bosom cfycim skb(&I!) .Tmam Doalge � W/A . 4y MWASM 4, ! •:t a - APPROVED ODuCrS . FORIM- NMNVM 14AN AACREMS, �. 305 Wag Xing ftft ,5 Rock,Nm* CWO1iM,2VAYrX yy 41 .. 3953.9 � GYM{ � • Q i t V" WI&Y2 Mrkog N/A 4 yy cca . ..finW/A �� -Pier -1 -with n ual ha !�j 4lid — bind locks, topiw `MA — 2r wi&4r &djugme= head � to I-beam _ 7.RF3'i. MA • MOW riw hiWt—:to WwM l U" — 2J vhIh 4r —head bdMVD1,beam W/A MA N/A ` ?P Pier 28"— 3r wi& 4'" ad jaftM MA N/A N!A hGOL-31 Lw9bdinW.Dewn now dod bay N/A 3�1 3 W= rx.6 3!•" x 7 Wig �r CJMP md 2" x u . S Wx7 Swip N/A 3 : F � 1L�ni7�.. 6 :.fro, � xx l" �d ALA: i�i "m 1 3A'n x P x 7Sw MA. low'. e 1 W Rcmx Tube lAv** vwics MA MA WA - . •, ' cam Tyr f `�'�i. wa beadmdpbft S"at ALL MMASr.. 1 �r & I W p.vuind IWA I MA ROW-C tr 3 YA7 x B' x 7 c WA NIA WA ;1 7 P," PRODUM FOR Tim '::.; ,ALUM . Ent F#aal Rack NW& - i low 2r 2& x r i S� �G 1'ITI .�qs ..r .. A z ;b�tC 1 b y �'. f 2.75 art. $. f 11 p.W VA ".MA MA CHPS_S JPL flap for momft 1V3,'L .. WA s Ak fimw pound GOOMIftalKit •• MA wtA Lam ` . ,. :.A :i 16 APPROVED PRODUCTS + FOR INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOWS MOBME HOME. SAFETY PRODUCTS continue... Aba Oliver Tv , I.s. P.O. Box 581467 HobenwaK Tenneme 39462 PAD CQNFIGURATTONS Pad 5;—* n Pad Area 1,000 Ib. 2,M 1113. 3AM11b. Foater Confiffun#gn . �. soil sara soli (2)1314" x 26'/" as a base and (1) 20" x 20" on tap 4.8 4,800 91600 NIA Three (3)17" x 2r 5.0 5,000 10,000 NIA 11mwQjL7 W x 25 W 6.0 6,000 1 NIA CAP RqNM IIDFNTMCATION OT1CB1 Plastic Cap Board 1" x 8" x le QT1CB2 PhLsde Cap Boyd 2" x 9 x 16" I 'fbc cW Winds VMC * on CMU p2er (CW) vith mWer a smgto or YoMe SUw&W amp boom. i 10/118 t � sY L I 44' T T Truiecm Trmcm Ttwmn Nnsm P .ICH 7V LMNG ROOM � KffME G _ 21'-" 1� Y iL Transa�n Frrnaam � t 'I2 PH LWm B 4T- '� F SLABS WAIL No. 2 S.Rl LALMRY � t /ROOM\ a \ if I / i\ I i\ 1--Box f �1 Bax ROAMP SCAMP Ir Ite Floor 1'4 i/?' 4 S'—D t,f—I 11-91id'—E ,xmar Dorm pa oarmar �a . r r E]orter n Dorroet' tart eatT area——'�tart8son3a—_"_-1f1'—$ —