HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit ApplicationAII APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION Date: TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Plonning ond Developnent Sewices Buildinq ondcode Requlation Division \ 2j00 Virginio Avenue, Fon Pierce FL j4982 Phone: (772) 462-1ss3 Fax: 17721 462-1s7a Building Permit Application Residential PERMIT TYPEI PROPOSED IMPROVEMEI{T LOCATION: P.operty Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: Lot No. Block No.lQL Prore(r Name. ilo, un DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WOR(: CoNSTRUCTION INFoRMATIONT Additional workto be performed underthis Mechanical permit-check all _ Gas Piping spnnklers that applyr _Shutters _Windows/Doors_ Gas Tank _ Electric Plumbing _Generator -Roo, -Pitch Total sq. Ft of construction:Sq. Ft.of First Floorl costofConstruction:$ 9.111,5 "' utilities: sewer -septic Building Heightl lfvalue ofconstruction is S25oO or more, a RECoRDED Notice ofcommencem€nt is required. lfvalue of HVAC h S7,5oo or more, a REGoRDED Notice ofcommencement is required OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name City: zip code:3!951- Phone No. ?71. q6l Sltll E Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( iI d:fre.ent from the owner listed above) State:U_ NameiTashara Lively Company , Professional Grade Fence Address 4T0 l\,llartin Road SE City:Palm Bay state:IL zip Code:!!!P Faxt 1321)3 12 4187 Phone No (321)749-9884 E-Mail professionalgradefence@yahoo.com State or County License 30485 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: OESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable Na me: Address: City:State: Zipi Phone MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:Statel Zipi Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Na me: Address: City: zip:Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Na me: Address: City: Zap: _ OWNER/ CONfRACTOR AFFIDVIT: appli.ation is hereby made to obtain a permit to do thewolk and installation as indiGted. lcertifyihat no work orinitallarion hascommenced priortothe issuanceof a permit. 5t. L-cie Co-ntv mahet no reorelentation that 's prantin! a oe/mir wrll authon2e the oermrt ho der !o burld (he sub,ect stru(tu.e wh ch is ncolfict with anr dool(able Home Owiers As;ociaron rules. ovlawsorand (ovena.rsthat mav restnct dr oroh, oit suc h 5t.u(t-re Please consult w th your Hore Ow4e.s Associarron and r€vrew your deed for dny rennd ons {thrcl m.y apply. ln consideration ofthe Branting of this requested permit, I do hereby aSre€ that lwill, in all respects, perform the work in accordantewith the approved plans, the Florida BuildinE Codes and St. Lucie Cou nty Amen dm ents. Thefo lowing building permit appllcatiors are exemptfrom undertoing a fuilconcurrency revi€w: room additions, accessory structures,5w mmirg pools, fe.ces, waLls, signs, screen rooms ind accessory usesto another non-re!identialuse "WARIIIXG TO OVII{ER: YOUR FAILURE TO RfCORD A iIOTICE OF COMIiIEI{CEIIIEI{T iIAY RESULT IIT YOUR PAYI G TWICE FOR IUPROVE Ef,TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A ITOTICE OF COiIiIEIICEiIEIIT iIUST AE RECOROED AIID POSTED OT{ T]IE JOB SITE BETORE TflE FIRiT II{SPECTIOII. IF YOU IYTEXD IO OBTAIX FII{AiCII{G, COI{SULT WIIII YOUR LE DER OR A ATTORiEY BEFORE RECORDI G YOUR XOTICE OT ractor as aSent for owne. STATE OF TLORIOA COUNTY OF .1 /;zi€ TheforEoinE instrument was acknowledged befo thislLdayof l]1lrzh .20& by Nameof pe60n makint statement. Persona ly Known _ OR Produced lde Tvoe of ldent fr.atlon eroaucea Fl ltti,tt* )itensc {sicnatureof Publjc'state of Florida ) commission No. !/alf2l . (sear) 6.396a-9 STATE OF FI-ORIDA rhe IorEoinE instrument was acInowledted be th,s lLdayof nlr/h .20212 b Name of person mak nE statement. Personally Known X oR Produced rd€nti Tvo. of ldentifi.atron P;oduced /v/A of Notary Public- stite of connissionno..!2lf)l SUPERVISOR REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW OATE COMPLETED o- ot2 o oa t 4 .llo a I * 9. f E 6 : e *l Math-Aids.com{s\s r ,* o ;t]. waft,-nios comt+,t+ I E- a G $ t IA R 6'2 l E 8o- , .fOSEPH E. SM]TH, FILE * 4687236 CLERK OF TTiE OR I}oOK 4395 CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 1858, Recorded O3/73/2O2O 09:17:38 AM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT p.ap.riy ru tD NL jlo]jthll:]X6fil2cf)tr Srrt. ol Florid., Couty .l st L@1. Tn Und.rslgn d b.Eby givts notlc. tt.t hprov.b.rt sill b. n d. to c.rtrtu nll propdly, .nd h .c.ord.!.. wlth Chrpr.r713,Florid.Std.att.fo[owhgidotm.6o!bpiovid.dhdnsNoti@otcoED.!..udt L.E l t 4rcnptud orprop.rty rId.dd!B Itivril.ble@ rthlxtroe -lr1.f,B iq6.llts)- 650: D.Jeon /4u2, F-,| 9{rr, ,r-i,l^ Qq.<t G.n.Et rl.scrigtiotr of inprov.m.lt! Ns Fqnce t".^1 h. ).^^ nn. l-t Di.r.. El^',,t^ 1U05-l Fee Siople Titl. bolder (if ofi.r th.n own.r) Cotrln.b. Prchssional GradE Fence PhtlG e {?1)74$9E64 Add|6 470 Mrrrn Ro.d SE' P.ln Bry Floada 32909 F*xi P2l)312'rrru7 P.Bons ritbtr th. Stat ofFloridt d.slgn.l6rl by (}*.e. opolr wi.m notic.s or oth.r de{mlnrs Dev be seF.d rs lnvided b! s.ction ?lJJ3(3) 7., Flo.ldr Srllu.3: ID .dditior to tidr.r, ollrcr ddtsn.its roreetle!coploflhel,ienor'!\otic.atp.ovaedins..rion?lJ.ll(l)(b)'Iloridasttut.s.l:rPintio'd't"t'6tic'of comm.nc€m€.r h ose y€.r from rhe drr. ofre(ordioS unls a difi.rcnt dat. is il,..i,icd wlRNIN(; LOWNER: ary pAyNlh-'rs M DE BY lrlr, Oqr{riR ^r r!R TH! EXPIF^TION Or TllE NOTrt: Oi aOVMTNCI'MEfIr ARll CONSIDaRIID rMrRoPrit PAY]NG TWICI]IOR (MPROVEME JOB Sfl'f, Bf,TORD TTI[, FIRIiI II5Pf,CTIOA. IF YOU II!TI}-'D 1O OETr'J} FNAN'IIIC. CONSI)LI WITI] YOUR LENDFR I)R AN A srrre offlo.i,lr, coulr] ot sl luc e ,r"u*reriJ itt"".,i" ffi.-,-,d.yof:tat+U- zo :lO-by Arprp Fr^&)^' * ld..t tetion.sno is p.EotrrE4roAn to DG or vho Ld Fodrc.d Z,r P""+ IlD. o/ Priri Nro. ol \oir.y riile: NglsllEglli!conmissroo rvumber )klfll-