HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application (2)Name:_ Address: zip th®ne State, StMKE T#itE dYot AppEiea€aie NaFEEme: Address: City: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGECOMPANY- Nal _NrlcAppiicabte Address: State: Zip: Phone: BONDUfficoml�AhtT; Warne: _tHrre App(ieai3le Address: Cath: IJP:—.Phone. a:r3�tE 1 testy that no woe# or Installation has commenced psi iu itle issuabereW nce nt obtain a Permit to do the work and installation as indicated - qt r„ ..-�__-. pern#L In consideration of thegannfirgofths---__.__U w YOUF neentor any nes Wct€ tuilic3sr�ray p [y•,`�r" in accordance wittl cheap yid the Il pef°� 1 do hereby agree that! -viik in all respects, perform the work The foil" gardirl);CodesarliSt CadeCYAmendmesrts- wing isudidsngpermit appligti"ns are exemptfrom n accessory stsdct�es, svg pocrtts, fences, waftsergod°g a �Nconcurr 'reew: room additions, AMINis TO _ � screen rooms and als essmy uses to another rt"n-residential use s€urs taReco a s cera rlrestinyourpairisrgi ice%r imgrouemenis to your prtlperty A Notice Of Commencemelat must be recorded and before the first inspecvwn. ff you intend to obtain finarr�n consuii wl+fr lender or anpa ed on the yobsite ctsrnmencFng work or reeordh your Notice of Ccwnrrr� „- � , ameY before '1 f 1 / v 7r r f t� f F.if __7RHISTINEJ.00NWELL Nublic - State of Flory r o m ssion # GG 017839 My Comm. Expires Aug 21, 2C Bonded through National Notary As i 4 Rev. �•ira_- The fo, dns m��enntt�was acksnowuledged before me � of!rA.; 2fd?D by Nameof akingsta t Personally iatown v Off Produced ldeotilkation Type of identification Produced tate of Florida) CHRISTINEJ eterrPublic . S to of florlda Commission # GG 017839 Nalionai