HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter Garden Pkwy 5702, Filed NOCx* JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4687556 OR BOOK 4395 PAGE 2879, Recorded 03/13/2020 12:46.37 PM 0TiCE OF COMMENCEMENT PerrrritNo. TaxForto No- 1301-613-0365-000-5 State of Florida County of St. Wde The undersigned hereby gives notice fflatimprov2rnentvA hA nMdeto CeTta7n real pro thefoiiawing inforrteation is provided in tW "Ice ofCommencen� perty, and in accordance vriift ChaPier723, #7orida $tdt€3E�K, Legal Oc:srript7an of ftPerty-- (:nd street addmis ifavar'lable): 57421Ninir r Garden >31cary, Fust Piceroe, FL 34951 LAKEWOOD PArRK4JNJT 1 t- SLK 152 LOT 20 (lttAP 131.12N) (OR 212.3-753) General sfescrrptivn of €neprz we merit: Owrwr inforrnatfon or Lessee sre�O-*i'tthe Lessee c0ntraetMd for ttse tmgrWeMeriL Warne A P: watas_ George Pravatw. Milena Provalas Address i €rlve_ No :ch cy 06360 Interest in property. Name and addreass of fee simpleiitfeSzafdarF'f f�FerC ttfram 4evnesfMedebony,): 03114-&ct❑r`s Names Trade Vq"mds Rooj!n-z Ino, Contrac#,orRddress: F-0- Sox Ott erre phone nesmber_ 42{i Surety(tfap{alitable,amPyofthe Peyrnentbond€sattadWcQ:Amourrtofbond:$ -- — Name and address: Phareereumber !_ender Name. Phone Number - Lender's address: Persons wttf dn'tFieRtate of 5arida designated by Owner upon wh m ncstices Or Odw doramertt: may he served ars provided by 5ectaan 7231.3{2} N7, FlaridaS=wte= Name; 3>hane %lumber. Address In addition to himseff or he€seft owngi-&gpates Lssn&s. Not;ce aspraettded in Section jgj) (b), FforidaSirrtes_, Picone number o; Perm or entity dig fated by oumer_ to receive a copy afthe ecpiration date of not of mrntriefecernettt (',he expirations date may not be faefore the ctimpledca of construeEion and Frnal paymentw-the contractor, hal aril( be 1 Yearfi- m the dateof recflrdfrtg tiretessa alitfen rrtdate is sFecfiied� WARNING iiaOWNE?,ANYPAYMENTS NMADEBYTHFOWNER AMU -nizE.xPIF-nONQFTHENoncEofeo&rnnlNcEMENTARE4oNsiRERED IMPROPER PAYMEiM UNDER G AVMR 733, PART 1, SECnOld 713.13, F7�It121RSiAt 1lTESr AND f1�t�i F�ULT!!i Y�311t; PAYfNI� TWICE FOR dMP'E YUI! V, IS YOU NTE PRf3Fe=AI4FI4AN(3 €CQSVEM1=At£Eli1FEIIriT;1f p47lE }�, nANI)P05 WtieTHE1085tM8 0FtgTHERFtST l�l5p> CTtc G O R N INTEND TO OSWN EMErfr.NG, CONSULT Yi Mi YOUR LE4 ER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WMK OFt Ri=G47Rf31i@GYC11dR 1VC}TiC� OF CE1t9iv1ENCEWfEN'i'. Under penalty of perju h4 I declare zhat I have read the foregoing nattce of commencerteltt and that the facts stated therein are true to the bm of mfr knovdqdgepncd Mbat'7 �/ {Signature of Owner or Lemde, Or CwWs or Lessee's Authorized afficmiDirector/Partner/Manager (Slgnatary's TideiDfl4e e) TheforegoirigMsrrumentwas acknovAedgadW,0remethis 1601ay of-meru—,?—o _ By e as Nam F earn Pe n Tye of authority (eg officer txust* Party on behalf of whom instrumaltmpts Ojewted ~ {Sfgrrat+ete of F'ubt%- of arida} n�Y knovxm .y ar produced lrfenti�po'- {Prinr:, Type, or stamp >r ommi Name of Natwy Public} TYPeof Fdentif€ atla I produced_ *#: Sigel in both pk = in front of. notm.7 N4T State !C ctirut My Cammissian lues1 0 13112(}4