HomeMy WebLinkAbout24050645 .... f~~.~ architect, p.a. .rchifect.re + ".I..i., + illerior ..i,. July 15, 2004 Re: Oceanique Oceanfront Condos- St. Lucie County, Florida Building Permit #: L24050645, L24050646, L24050647 Building Official St. Lucie County Building Department To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the following changes to the blueprints for Tricon Development, Inc. for Oceanique Oceanfront Condos. 1. Sheathing nailing pattern and fastener size added to Sheet A-2 jjk 1701 S. WASHTINGTON AVE. - TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA 32780- TEL. (321) 267-6915 FAX (321) 268-5688 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC WORKS CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION May 25, 2007 Mr. Ray Caron Proj ect Manager Tricon Development of Brevard, Inc. P.O. Box 320637 Cocoa Beach, FL 32932-0637 RE: Oceanique Oceanfront Condominiums May 22, 2007 Permit Extension Request SLC Permits 24050645,24050646,24050647 & 24050634 Dear Mr. Caron: Permits 24050645 (Garage Building D), 24050646 (Garage Building E) and 24050647 (Garage Building F) are currently valid until March 5, 2008. Written extension requests should be submitted one month prior to expiration. Extensions can be granted for a fee based upon the number of outstanding inspections at that time. Permit 24050634 (Building A) is currently valid until July 6, 2007. The permit can be extended to July 31, 2008 as requested for a fee of $1,650.00. This amount is based upon thirty-three open inspections at a cost of $50.00 per inspection. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (772) 462-3755. Sincerely, Christopher Lestrange Code Compliance Manager Building Official Cc: Ken Arnold, Building Code Supervisor Frank Williams, Permitting Supervisor Permit Files JOSEPH E. SMITH, District NO.1· DOUG COWARD, District NO.2· PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. J · CHARLES GRANDE, District NO.4. CHRIS CRAFT, District NO.5 County Administrator - Douglos M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft. Pierce, FL J4982 Permitting and Zoning: (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1735 Contractor Licensing: (772) 462-1672 · Code Enforcement (772) 462-1571 · Inspections: (772) 462-2165 Fax: (772) 462-1148 WWW.co.st-lucie.fl.us MH'-( . 2¿. c:l1kJr' ~: "r(I-'(Yl I t'< 1 LUI'" I Jt..'-Vt:.L1-Jr-', rlt..r'i I I .., '...,., . 0"-+:;) r. .!.. /J .~_.- TRICON DEVELOPMENT 01' BIŒV ARD, INC. P.O. BOX 320637 COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA 32932-0637 (321) 453-5360 FA:K:: (321:1453-3618 May 22, 2007 8J~ 2. t.£o 50 (,4. ~ ¡&.to S"ollc.{(., Zc.{o.s D U c{ 7 St. Lucie County Code Complianet Division 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, fl. 34982 Art. : Ch.·is LeStrange Dear Mr. LeStrange~ I am writing you per the advice of Ken Arn.old. W~~ were advised that Permit Numbers 24050645, 24050646 and 24050647 art: c~,pired at this time. All these Permits pertain to Tne Oceanique Oceanfr,ont D e\'t:lopment at 4160 North IDghway AlA in Fort Pierce. Presently, Permit No. :24050634 is being used. Permit Nos. 24050645 and 24050647 are for 24 unit gar;age b Llildings which are detached from the main structure. Permit No. 2405646 is a 20 unit garage building which is dctaehed from the main structure. At this time, please extend onr Pennit untül July 2008. Thanking you in ad,rance, ~. 5l2$(OlP Ray Ca n Project Manager p~ e~~Nk~ +0 3 (s (oß w/~ or\.. ~ 15 (0(, · tùð £'tf~ iol'S r~~d, C, rr (, c, ,f c£2 ~~ , ~1~~ If'- ~ MAY. 23. 2007 1:30PM TRIC DEVELOPMENT t~() . E,60 P.l ,/'. 'fRlCON DEVELO,MENT OF BUEV ARD, INC. P.O. BOX 3206~¡7 COCOA BEAQH, FL()RIDA ~'2932-0637 (321) 453-536~ FA": (3:~1) 453-3618 May 22,2007 St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia A -ve. Ft. Pierce, t1. 34982 Att.: Chris LeStrange Dear Mr. LeStra.nge: ! ¡ 1 am writing to you about our permit at the Oceanique Oceanfront Condominium project presently active in your Co~~ty. PE:r my mHcting with Ken Arnold on Friday t May 18, 2007, I W'as advised'that our peJ omit will expire on July 2007. We would like aD extension of this perni~t until July 1008. The permit number in question is 24050634 for Buildin~ Ai~ an 84 11nit (on dominium presently being built. We were scheduled to finish around, March. 20m:. Hue to delays from delays from circumstances beyond our control, please extent. onr permit until July 2008. I I I ¡ ! Thanking you in advance, ~~. Ray Caron Proje~t Manager