HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERIC OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4689124 OR BOOK 4397 PAGE 2250, Recrrrded 03/18/2020 10:35:21. AM r Q T' NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT �}. Permit No. Property Tax ID No. 3402-603mOl 18-000-4 State of Florida, County of Ct. Lncic Q The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with m Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 1 ❑ Legal Description of property and address if available 5812 PINETREE ❑R FORT PIERCE FL 34982 INDIAN RIVER ESTATES -UNIT-02-BLK 10 LOTS 19,20,21 LU (, General description of improvements REMOVE AND REPLACE ROOF COVER ❑ owner/lessee LYNN MARIE CONDON 1 w Address 5812 PINETREE DR FORT PIERCE FL 34982 C) Interest in property: OWNER m Fee Simple Titleholder (if other than owner) NIA 0Address NIA L1� Contractor ONE CONSTRUCTION & ROOFINGPhone 772-240-9497 r Address 2768 SW EDGARCE ST PORT ST LUCIE FL 34953 � Fax # NIA Surety NIA Phone # NIA Address NIA Fax # N/A Amount of Bond NIA m Lender N/A Phone # NIA t Address NIA Fax # W Persons within the State o€Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may he served as provided I,I by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Statues: 0 Name NIA Phone # NIA (] Address NIA Fax # 'NIA U In addition to himself, owner designates NIA (� NIA phone # NIA of Fax # LU to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notiee of m commencement is one year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified. WARNING TO OWNER_ ANY PAYMENTS MAD[ BY TME OWNER AFTER TIIF EXPIRATION OF THE.. NOTICE OF C'ONIMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED iMPRO11EP F co PAYMENTS U-NOFR CH.713.13, F.S.. AND CAN RESULT LN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR LMPROVEME14TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. iF YOU INTENDTOOBTAIN, ( 'j FFNANCINCf, Ck)"ULT WFTK YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTSCT: OF I C0MMFNCMF=NT. OwnerlLmee, or Owner's or Leisee`s AutLurizedOffleprlDirecteriPartnerl:4tanager/Signature Siyeatury's Tilleidffiee State of Florida, County of ST LUCIF C) l Acknowledged before nt this , day of Vfl "t h gq- o , by � }� cc,, ju, .J CT isi-t is ers Ily k.. ax to me ar who has produced J 11 1� �ioa. Y ►mac ���`' A'.......... I tire of Nota z: ti. ' Type or Print Name of Not y : eP'� �a }i "'^, •. 1 Title: Notar Pnirlic Commission NumberGG c42 G SL4 s �#C4 g38G45 �•��� ...blie il � t ItG'N4N I HEREBY CEHn ET MAT THIS IXXI)MENT ISA TRUE AND CVRKECT COPY of AN OFFICIAL RECnan OR 7rt; Di gi tally si.�ned bV The. Honorable Joseph E. Smith ROCUNIFATAUFHORIY•E:B BILAWFU IIE RECOROYROR FILEn A�1}ACTL'AI.I.YRECORIYEnnR FILEAIL 4 TIIE"WFICE OP nIF;T, LUCIE CYli?KYCLERK OF THt'. CIRCUIT COURT- Date: 20 .0 .18 1T1:38:00-p4:17fl THISWC:tlliE:T]SAYAAYEREDACTIO\ShSRL[1UIREHHYLASY• ' Reason: Electronically Certified Copy T.nratinn- 7f11 Sn,th Tnriian Rilror r -sr_ Fort Pion . FT. 74q, fn