HomeMy WebLinkAbout24102043 To~ ....1--1/23987111 Page 2 of 2 20C7-0 1-24 20:46,23 (GMT) XXX-xxxx Fron1: Keith BrOOker M'id'dlet'oiì LAWN.~T C.QNTROL Certificate of Preconstruct ion 'rI:I]S F()RM IS ~r(:) BE FILLED ()(rr }~y (~C)NrRi\Cl'C)R\ BtJJLDER CUS'J 0 ~1.I3R N ^ 1\1 r;. Meha~~y Const~uctiOt1 /1 (This is a NOT. ice ofTre~J1.mçnt only ~l1d no :.~ guarantee 0,. wl:1mlIlly) PERMIl NUMBER: ~~D d. 0'-t ~ T .()(~ A'rI4)N () f:I PRe)!' H I{'" "., 1 06üq Pi ne Cone J ,ane~ Fort Pierce LECrAL J).lJSCRrPl"H:>N: S~CTlON: Q../. ·~.DER· iNFORMAI10N DL')(:K, LefT: l ~~OTT. ;1·ïu:t\.TMEl.~T CÖMP AI\ Y r l\1ehafJcy Con~trut.~tioß 1~111 JdE!I"~ NUTf1C 1\1iddleton Lawn & I~est Cootrol (~')TJlpL1ny !\ amc ~/~ ~11811atl1re ~ .. \ \ rt:' SA) O-e I~~ 11lJc 2801 ~E Monroe, Bldg H, Stuart J4~ ^ddrc~s / .- &--4- 01 ,11)123041 .. :Soil 'I're~1111(~f I DACS LiOOt1~~ú .II .1Jatc . . . I' IIorizontal Treatment Infonnation '(Hu c of I I 'r~ m1 en t TiT~}C of'l'reatJnCul. Notice ofTreatnJcnt Chemic:11 lJsed ----- I. C~(.'nL~TltrntJOß '- (;allon, U ied ~lunÅ“ t"\)ölHgu of "r~~(I TJ(,~lt~d . M~~h("cl uf J\ PVlicH.t1..~n NaJ"~ uf ApllJj~aliJT . . . Supplemcnta1 Tre¡ttmmt Infonnatiol1 Ddl.U t.r ·I'r~tn)<?nt , fIll! C l) f 1'rcatßle nt N oLic.:c 0 r 'l'reatan en1 (~ht:mi cn./ 1 J~ed ct UTI CCT1 tra ti on ('j H.l1 ('Tlg l.~ ~~d Tot:ll l.,iH~aI" F l~ct: , - ~~thQd of A~~~ication -"'Ñaiile ofApphcator --.-- ..~ ,0 Hnal- Vl.Ttk-a1 Ranier 'l'r~atmèOt Infon..aUun 1/2312007 I) Lil c of '!'TcatJn ~n t 9:528111 . 'r1t1'1E' of Trcatnlellt NOt1CC ofTrcatm~nt C)1per T.(: Chcnlic:\111~'(~" ().5O 0Æ. '-. f: t.ln~l·ILlrø fiOD 4f).()() (1~IIt'1I.~ TJ:~,~d lOt) T'C.1bll ,# ine3J F~t Spray _ M~thod of AeplicatiulI DWl Nan~.~ of,~~p ti':iltCt "t/"t·d £ÞÞ929Þ2LL:Ol "t"t"tL86£2LL S^3~~~H3W:WO~~ 9Þ:9"t LØØ2-Þ2-N~r St. Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 RECEIVED DEC 1 9 2(11) Public Works St. Lucie County, FL' 15th of September of 2004 Owner: Pennington Type of facility: Single Family Residential Addition Address: 1 0600 Pine Cone Lane Fort Pierce, FL 34952 Permit: Permit No. 24080081 (:21{ I ö ?o<f3) Permit Description: Construct Rear Porch with Slab & Electrical Parcel No 2321-801-0001-00/8 Description: Residential Alter/Addition Contractor: Byron Lynoff, C/o Cherokee Builders, Subject: The St. Lucie County Building Department Requires a Foundation Pre-Pour Structural Inspection of Pennington's Residential Addition Pre-Pour Structural Inspection of the Porch of Pennington's Residence I performed a structural inspection at the site of the Pennington residence and hereby certify that the contractor has strictly followed the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved for construction by the building department. /'~ d J /k:.-I-~~~0/~J ( --WJuho C. Banks! P.E. Florida Registration No. 46544 P. O. Box 880187 Port St. L,ucie, FL 34988-0187