HomeMy WebLinkAbout07020152 St Lucie Count)' Inspeetiol1s I?JJ; 2300 Vitginia Å ven,re / J :-;~ Ft Pierce, FL 3498.2 L~\~. U OOì-'~Ô7 (772) 4'2..2172' ¥ ". / ~ /' ~~ / CER'ItIFICA TE OF TERMITE TkEA'rMENT --~.~: CONSTltUCTION SOXL TREA TMEN1.' PERrvllTtI....Ol(};2-()/~~ JOBADDXŒSS '18;[; I~ 7.()j ?;;¿,¿ If¡µ; &Is .6{fILDKR tf l 1 PEST C()~TR(U.. CONTRACTOR BUG MAN PEST MANAq~MENT, INC · PEST CONTROL LICENSE #t~ . 5694 TERMIT~ -DACS LICENSE# \Ve, the understgnfd, hereby eertif)' tbat we bave pretreated the ab.)ve..desçribcd c()n~".ruet~on .lor sub1.err.n~aD fermites in accordance witb the staltdards of the National Pe:st Control Asso~latiOJ¡. Squal~ tt!~t of au'. treated.: é1(j') Chomicall used; 0 MA;':f Pe~~,~.otMge or soluti()n: Ð, ~~ % Total gallon5 ued: c1c; fJ.PV Uat.e of (~$t.\n.nt: ---.td /1.{ I fJl Time of 'l'reatment:_d ~."." fJ ____ CJ I~ooting o 1st Treatment o RC-freat, o Slab Q 1s( '"freatn1.erlt a ,Re-l1€'at (J Drive\vay o 1st Treatment , Q R~~t{e:n roos ," 1 Sf TrCaU1\ðnt R~..{relt{ a Other ---~""'---------~- (J 1 $t 1'reatnlent U R~-[r~at o Pcrimet~r for Final Il1spection \ ,. F8C1043.6 ~rtlIk- tJ/ PTOl~ClÍJIØ TNldm6n1/()T P,'V4øtiOø. ~/1'T1I'iWs. Å w6Grh~, "~;"«," JØbß;I~ pOltinS b(lard sl,ø/I þt! p)'O\f/4<td f:Ø r.,;'fIÎ"c: dl~plic4f1J 'Jre,,'nklnt CSI'liflcald6 a.¡· each Tøql~ir~J prOle(.'it"ç. Ir.:ørfll.etU is ~omplered. prot:idjn84 cøp}llbr ,h,! persoll ¡he permit ;s i.tswd lQ und øllo.h~,. cqP)I fbr ¡h, b"~1d'7J' pørlt,lrjilcl. l1Je 1Natlll4nr CC"'ifkØ1Q slJllll pl'Q~1th ,h_ prMlccr 1',t/4d, idctIJll1y f.o/tho ø.ppllcøtor. nm.e and dar~ t)f,.h~ tr~4f,fmøl", life l()(vliølJ. area lreatfld, cJ1R11icGlrued, pe,·c.nt t:Dt.c~nlr.I. !t'Jn tmd IIUOIb,r of galll)ftI kÞ~d. tQ ~81t;;¡'!lS}' II verijit;lhle r~t:"rd ølprq~c:t'Vtf Ireann'l!tr1. q th~ JIOtl chof#micøllHlrrictr mfllJwd jÞ,. te,mile. p1"ø~IJ"¡¡f)n Ú "led. /intll «'tJ~rl",. lr'tJln¡em shall he c&1mpleled prior ft1 ftnnl'/)"i1dtng apJll'o"'al. gf; LÞd~ Coø,J:ty requl.... to.. lb.. final JMpeet.ifJt:o for COt a "o.nn."OD¡ SU~1œr to b$ placed on the- ~ecti"icál'paß«I bos eovG', UøCiAe 111& I.be . JIeMullntt aUd -to, of appJleat'f)~5. ,-~!OTE;· T}..e~<II ~1'~8t flø Q. co.,npleø.d form /0,. eøc;h. r.Q,,¡"8fl tr¢lftnJl!lI' 0,. re-Ifylllmø1lt and this form mU6' be on tl'lI }O~ IUCt tFJ be plICk~d '"p IIllh~ tn"'P(fctor at rime (Jf (tach inspøet'lÐ-n .,. the geheJ.,úd inspectìfu ' will fail a,ul a r4...tI'Sp8#;ti6''''' ftt# cluu-ge4. SlenàtUJ:"e of exterDdnator J(tlvls.f#4 fllJIfU "8 ~