HomeMy WebLinkAbout07020480 JUN. 8.2007 3: 51 PM FRO~1 : 02/eS(2ßa7 ij1:6~ E L E CT R I C. .CqN N E C TI ON36ge921 1724"2173Ø5 ~1 \...l.JL1-t:. IJ'.A F t:: b. 1 ¿ 2\j~ NO. 4 8 2 0 ~~I P . 1 / 4 ._~ C ( ') l j f\J 1 \t ,. ~ , I . þ, 1 , I ., AI.. ~~I.~IJ.;~ I~' , St~ L"cie COIIOn' BI1Udl11&" Zonlna DEpaU1ment 2~O Vlr81n1a Å ~tßue TO" Ptert.l~ "L :5491:¡ 7T3.-"3.) I f5 Fax 77~4d~5~3 ,Æ] ~A~ED ~ J2i.t1_.cR- Requ es't for ~-Da1 Temþorary power Releo:æ DUe: (Qf8J91- · Pc:tJ1Ilt .N1IIUb~r: ó192~ Propørt} Addr_. ~~Lrdüf±Q\YJ'JJL .l Qt (Q..L- r~ r~~ . ~ 1'8'& UNDERSIGNED B!;ØB'~ Il:EQtI~ REJ:..EA8Jt Of Et.rECTlUCAJ., POWER TD THE ~ ABOVE DISCltlIlD p:ROPERTY, FOK A PERIOD NO'f TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DA YB, 'FOR ~ TUB pURPOSE or r&SnNG IÞYS1'EMS AND EQtJIPMENT IN PØPAIlA n0.N ltOR FINAL ~ 1'N8nC110N~ IN CONSJDER/L.'l10N OF ArrROVA't OP' THE REQUEST v.'E HEREBY . A CKNOWJ.,EDGE AND ACRES AS FOLLOWSI J . 'tþ.~ Þlitpor'1"17qwn- nIJ.' It ',"ulI1t.d tor .he; lbov. tørtd ptlFpøfe DIiIYI artd tJMl'I! W'M tal no HCIJ.¡'.ftC1 ,.r '''y trl*, olh.... ltu.n ,,,.t p.rmI'Þd b)' cO,,-u'uiI!dOn ....11~ ,~~ tJ..- pe~od, 2. A. ....... b,y 4JUr 11'111-1111'11'1'. Vlt h.("'~ ..are. tb .!JI~~ by .lItctiDlI and ClDndltltJou oC thIS ..,..n.tIu, IlIdu'lr:g I~ndl... DlV(do)' PðlkyJ ,.-hlda Ir aneorpor~,.rJ a,,~~" b, referentt, .3. All cOReI'lloØl ...d "~ul""""'11Md hi tM .~caa11e4 'fM¡D\- IDtlIC'" flae.ul.rfld\ltnla fot 30 0.)' r~ep ~r1'étønt' ....n "aft ruØM~ ød u,. ,'flJll- j¡ ....dy for åJØ1p~Mt"J: Inlpl1i.JUft, 4. An r.'1Ianl tor Ii" ...~nllrlJf b.Y8d 31\ ð.)'1 IÞl15t b. Dltdl ~ IItdtfn& to the. þaUdl61 omt'!I.' ~tf'tIhC &he rc.Q\'h '0.. thl r'Q"'.t. rD~~t may bl rernoYld fro", tbc IIdll!: AncUQI' II rtcl' Work Ordtr ""Ulct "1:\,. Fjø.., "uþtditm þu ~t lI~n .ppr,,~td _Ithh, 30 4.)11. .4 1ft of $lr1O.'O ,,-III ta. raqu1r" ft) 11ft till Stoþ W9rit Otdn. \VE H:iRED Y RELEASE A.ND AGUa TO nO"'D JlARM~ES6, ~TI LUCm COt1NTY, AND TßEIR BMPLOYBES FROM iLLL tlADIL1TJI8 AN» CLAIMS OE ANY TYPE or NATtTR! WHICH MAY 41.f$E NOW OH IN THE FtJTt>1tE 0t11 0' nus TaANS4.CnON, INCLUDING ANY DÁMAGE WHrCH MAY )E JNCUkRED DUE TO THt nJSCONNEtnON OF f;1..RCTRICAL POWEll IN TIlE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF TlflS AO'RltMEN'r. ~ ---A ~ ....... V h ... b(- V""q" D^TE ( V'" ~ ¡;< .1. œ.d v--" -.... DA'rE L cc)} e ~:t~ ~ DA , ~ . RECE'"ED JUN \\ ß.~nl publiC works ' LUcie County, FL st. · o~ r¿O 010'd--' /0-1 {P/~ 8t Lucie County InspectioJie-CE2 . 2300 Virginia Avenue IVÆ:O Ft Pierce, FL 34982 :UN 0 8 2001' (772) 462-2172 s~. l.fJl.¡~'ic t1t. e'e C arks ol.¡/')I-. .. '¥, ~I.. I. CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # LJ I () ~ eo 0 L{ '6 ~JOB ADDRESS BUILDER ~ e '^ t-.( 'f. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association~ Square feet of area treated: ! t.¡ {) 1 ' Chemicals used: ~ r & b \) \ J J ,.. ,S~ Percentage of solution: PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR PEST CONTROL LICENSE # Date of treat ent: Slab 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Driveway o 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Pools , 1st Treatment o Re- reat Other Gf~~~ 1st Treatment ORe-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection q l..{ 0 3 \AJ ~\I\d Î: {'i- c; r. \-\ ~~ ~ç- 7~ &c{ Total gallons used: .'~ I G¡q C ;) !'f~ Time of Treatment: FBCI04.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatmentfor prevention of termites. A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, ,chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Signature of exterminator NOTE: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this fonn must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-illspection fee charged. Revised 6/13/02 dmg · I)I:~ T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Project Name: ~~~~i~S~:unty, Florida POSTED Repo~~~~~~ Centex Homes Permit No.: 3301 Quantum Boulevard, First Flo~ EC EIVED Project No.: Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Date Tested: JUN 0 6 2007 Technician Initials: Mr. David Donvito Sheet No.: Minimum Probe Maximum Optimum Dry Cone Required Percent Test Depth Dry Density Moisture Density Resistance1 Moisture Compaction Maximum Test No. (in) ( ct) (0/0) ( cf) ( tst) (%) %) Densi Result 1 12 120.0 10.0 119.8 12.2 95.0 99.8 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 117.4 12.4 95.0 97.8 Pass 3 12 120.0 10.0 118.9 11.8 95.0 99.1 Pass 4 12 120.0 10.0 120.0 10.7 95.0 100 Pass 06-05-07 101 SLC-0702-0480 06-10-2402 06-04-07 SM 1 of 1 Client Name: Attn: () ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 () ASTM D 2937 Elevation Referenced to: ( ) NGVD ( ) MSL (X) Other Tests 1-2: Inches below top of slab subgrade Tests 3-4: Inches below top affooting subgrade cc: Centex Homes, David Donvito.. . ( 1 ) Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer).. .(2) St. Lucie County, Building Inspections...(1) /. /~: / ~:' t;--;¡', ,-~~ ~ ~~¿/ 1,''1 _Á# ..., Chris L. Min~P.E. FL RegîjeMioo 1'5>. t9Ø16 1 Structural Fill 2 Final Grading Fill 3 Mass Grading Fill 4 Utility Backfill - Sanitary 5 Utility BackfIll- Water 6 Utility Backfill - Storm 7 Roadway Subgrade 8 Stabilized Subgrade 9 Base Course 10 Other: Footing Subgrade Note: The original of this report was signed and sealed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61 G 15-18.011 of the Florida Administrative Code. This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above-referenced testing was perfonned at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date. No other warranties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this firm.