HomeMy WebLinkAbout07030385 St Lucie County Inspections 2300 VirginJaAvenue RECEIVED Ft Pierce, FL 34982 o (772) 462-2172 " J,UN 0 6 2007 ~ PUblic Works CERTIFICA TE OF TERMITE TREA Tl\iiN're County, FL CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREA TMEN'l'f t) 71/ > - ð* J·OB ADDD~S /¿;Ç ('Ç- ~J' /e ¿' ~ PERlVllT It.... ~t:J ß\JILDER &/~Ì?r 7...? PEST CO~TROL CONTRACTOR BUG MAN PE~T MANAGEMENT ~ INC. PEST CONTROL LJCENS.£ 1f . . 5694 TERMITE - DACS LICENSE# PerCt'.otMg~ of solution: .. ~.. Jr ;>Sð~ :SqtUU~ f(!et ox al'ea treateu.: Ð, ~~ o/Q ~·,./-07 \Ve, the understgnfd, hereby cerlìf)' that we have pretreated the ab.)ve-des(:ribed const.ru~ti(Jn .lor t)ulHt:rnweaD te.rtnit.es in accordance \v1tb the standard, of ~he Natiow Pest Control ASBoeiation. Chemieals uaed; lJeA.AOf) MAÝ- ~~ c;;} -' /..)~ Total gallons aed: Date of' U:~~t.lnent: -.. Time of 1'reatment: o Footing o 1st Treatment o .Re-treat o Slab o 1st Treatment o Re-1u·at a Driveway o 1st Treatment .~ 0 R~-trc:u i.tt Pool¥ [f¿f 1 $1 Trcaunê:nt Q R~-{reLU a Other __ ---~---- o 1 st Tœato1eut CJ R~-trêat o Perime-t~r for Final Inspection \ ~r · · FBC1.04..2.6 Cern/Ie.. qf Protmiw T1WIimeRl/PT pnwllti01J.I)/ t,ntIÌkS. A w~r resiSUltU jøb$ile poJting bClard shøll /Ie p)Y)'lJide.d t:O rl/.€'ei'Ve duplicœe Tl'tillnkml Cørt¡¡¡cal~¥ a~ «lch required prf>1eCiiJle Ir.:athl.eru is (!ompúred. PT01:ùli48 a cop~ jÞr The person ,he pennil is úsWt! 10 und £IIIOtMr CUPY./br ;he building pl1mdt fi/~s. The TNaÐn4nt C~TtiJit:Q11i! shill; PJ'OVItU the producr u.t~ iåenllty eot the applkator. ~ and ikue of rhl(. treatIn4t1l. lre. /.()CQlÍlm, area lr~ éhQllitc.l fl.ted. pt:Tc~nt Coru:~rl.£ral!on and IIUllWIT of gall()1I8 u.tt:d, tø esr,b!ish Q verifiable r«(I,d olpr::>kc=tn/" 11'eallf1ell1. 11 tIa~ soil c!r.r,miC41 barmr 1TlfI.IJwd jòr tenniJe. preYlUuÙ)n Í111~ed. /ìtuIJ. t!.~riDr trultl'lle11J :thall he colnplet«</ prl.or 10 ftnal-building ap/JTowlI. Sl Ùldc} Couaty c"Qulb5 to.. .~ tina} fMpectj.n (or CO, a !"erll\uenl SU~Jœr to be P"ced OJ) th~ ~Jectricïd pand box COVQ" I Usfin8 1tI. the l tX'e«tmeuu abd dates of appJJutious, ~--- . .:VOTE.- . SignAture of exterminator TJu~~ ~1l~81 bø a completed form for each reljUÎI"ed. trt!4bllelù or re-treat11Unt __" d...!_ I'. b ¡liB JOb $ik tq be piclc.~d Ii b ¡, ~ · ,... foHUI. uU6 JOr11l 1'#1161 t: on · rp, :.v l. e ~.,ectQr III lime øf each 1nspeetwn IÞr the $cheduhd ìnspecticul- will JCnt," fIlJIP3 *ç fail and II re-tn#p~c.·tûÞ"J fø.e cluvged. ~