HomeMy WebLinkAbout07030347 JUN. 8.2007 3:51PM F'RuPl ; Ð~/Ð&!2øa7 67:69 ELECTRIC ~q~~~~TION613698921 7724~2~'3~ ~, LU~i~ V~ Feb. 12 2INO. 4820~2PMP. 2/4 St.. Lpde Cowty u-D.. F¿jXED B UlldlDJ " Z<tnln¡ Depørtment ~ (0/ f3/0-::r %300 V'rglnl. A~lnUf Vort riera, ".. :54"2 172.-"~.11'5 Fax 77~4'2..~443 ReqUO)f lör !o-Dsy Temþorery Power Relense Date!: gJgLó} · PetølltN.umbl\r:~~+ 'roperty Acldr..¡ ~:® JJ4 . \)~ Lv(> l at ~ J" . =ttì'ï~r~ C n U "-J 1 V . .......' , J 1 þ, , I , ,,' a.. ~~~~~\J~t_ ~~d r~.~ 'tIß UNDJtRSIG,lUJ) IŒUDV' lIEQV:a;ST RELEA8~ OF J¡:1,,)!;CnUCAr., POWER TD THE ~ ABOVE DISCmHD .PROPEJL ITt FOR A fBRJOD NO't TO }e"CEED TKIJtTY (30) DAYS, FOR c::;) THE r1JRPOSE OF TiSnNG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN fIŒPARA 110N ltoR FINAL . Q... INsncnoNÞ IN CONSJD:tR~'I10N OF APP'ROVAL or T1-m REQUEST \\1£ HEREBV ACKNOWl,BDGEAND AGREBAS 'OLLOWS~ J a "'hJJI Þmþor.r: ]'DW'f NJ..,I" il.Quld'ad tor Ih~ IOOv. .e.rtd purpose DIIJ.r, And .t'e "'If bt dO NCU4~.nc'y .r .~y t),~. oth.r thal1 ,,,.~ p-enrdtted bf wn.tMl~l4on dbri..., In~ 1hnt peliod", 2. -^. .,alllts by nut ,I,,,.ttrr,,, WI hlr-'~y '~te' I.b .J iCi~ b)' åJllerin. IlId ~Oftdltl~p, ftf fl)b '~IIt, Iltc!."uC JI.i\dlnl DIYillo.., Pl'lkJ·J whl~h 1,lncorpor_1-Id hG~r" b,. refucnca. .3.. All coNlltlOJ» IRd "4&"'t(~ 1&Ied i1I dtt .ta~ d...mt fDtltIN ·'.equ(rcnuul!I rCJr .JO 0." l'cwreJi tnI' Tetttn¡f' hi" haft f\1Jt11Iåf _d ~ Jr.",I. Ji lëldy to~ com,li.JJce In.plt.'lGftl 4, All ,.,aa1. for In d~l1. rlJJ b'10ftd :Jð '1)'1 InOft b. mldt '" -rmal to tlte B1dtdt61 OI'J1~I.J rrb1ttlhC Lbo rtlKtn rOt th- r.qu.t. Power ml, bl ""'dved from tbe lite ~ndlør. rtop Work Onk~ 'QUid If ~h~ ,jg«alb,pection I).. nðt titer. 'PP"vÐd ",Ilhfn 3~ dl~.. A let of $100,00 \\'11' b.nqU1red tlJ 11ft u.. Stop WI#k Ordet~ \YE HJ.REBY ReUASE ANI) AGkltlt TO HOLI) HARMLESS, S1, LUd¡; COUNTY, A.ND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ~LLL LJAl1lLlnEB AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NA TtTR! WHICH MA V ARISE NOW Q]t IN THE FU1IOßB OUf or 1111.$ TlAN8~cnON, [NCLtJDr.NG ANY DAMAGE WHJCH MAY BE INCURRED Dt]¡; 1'0 TilE ÞJSCONN¡cnON OF ~11.¡CTaICAL POW!tR XN r11Ft EV~T OF VIOLATION or TIffS AO'REtMENT. , .... .- DATE ( · ~ H: .11.... '-u.......~~ " ..... r ...~ - D4 tE -~~.... 1~- - . ~~LELó7:~~~ VA T¡ . RECE\"EO 1U ~ \\ ß 'Z.\\\\1 , \j\Ior\<.S pub\\C ot'¡, Fl- · e CoU st. \-UC\ , ~~41 o 10~ /01 \o~~~ 8t Lucie County Inspections '2300 Virginia Avenue RECEIVE Ft Pierce, FL 34982 J' 0 (772) 462-2172' UN 0 7 2007 PUblic W St. Luc. arks .,. CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREA TMENT·e county, FL. (J ,) () 3 - CJ CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT c¡ tf 1:2 (2 ý-l-~(,¿ ~ Dv; PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS BUILDER Q, ~ \I) ~ ~ '/ PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR \'-\ÖVV1..1t. ~ l ð \l""- v PEST CONTROL LICENSE # l5" ç q Q ~ L/ ?t.s+ \)e~ Qv\ )Æ- We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Prô Þu t'" ,j . ~b c;vq ( };'/f Square feet of area treated: \ 3b~ Chemicals used: Percentage of solu · n: -~ I~ Total gallons used: Date of tre ent: ~--1-61 Time of Treatment: Foot" g 1st Treatment ~~~ Re-trea 18t Treatment ORe-treat D Driveway o 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Pools FBCI04.2.6 Certificate 0/ Protective Treatment/or prevention a/termites. A weather resistant jobsite posting ..board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each requireå protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, .chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. 1 st Trea ent D Re- at Othe Gr ~~ r¿ 1 st Treatment () ORe-treat D Perimeter for Final Inspection St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Signature of exterminator NOTE: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this fonn must be on the job sìte to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-inspection fee charged. Revised 6/13/02 dmg 1)r:~T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEER! Client Name: Morningside St. Lucie County, Florida Centex Homes 3301 Quantum Boulevard, First Floor jUN 0 6 2007 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 RECEIVED Attn: Mr. David Donvito Public Works St. Lucie County, FL Repo Date: Lot No.: PerlDit No.: Project No.: Date Tested: Technician Initials: Sheet No.: 06-05-07 304 SLC-0703-0347 06-10-2402 06-04-07 SM 1 of 1 *'I ~,.,..,. ~ -- II II Minimum Probe Maximum Optimum Dry Cone Req uired Percent Test Depth Dry Density Moisture Density Resistance! Moisture Compaction Maximum Test No. (in) (peO (0/0) (peO (tsO (%) (%) Density Result 1 12 120.0 10.0 122.5 - - - 10.4 95.0 102 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 119.7 - - - 9.2 95.0 99.8 Pass 3 12 120.0 10.0 118.1 - - - 11.7 95.0 98.4 Pass 4 12 120.0 10.0 118.8 - - - 10.9 95.0 99.0 Pass () ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 () ASTM D 2937 Elevation Referenced to: ( ) NGVD ( ) MSL (X) Other Tests 1-2: Inches below top of slab subgrade Tests 3-4: Inches below top of footing subgrnde ;:::". ..~:;::~.::; ·-:·:::·:;::''>:,·/\·;::~¡:!)::¡·:.:S'oil·:· rp . ' 1 Structural Fill cc: Centex Homes, David Donvito...(l) 2 Final Grading Fill Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer).. .(2) 3 Mass Grading Fill St. Lucie County, Building Inspections...(l) /.. /'} 4 Utility Backfill - Sanitary , ,/ 5 Utility Backfill- Water i/~; CM 6 Utility Backfill - Storm ¡If ,,' ,;ß/ r- 7 Roadway Subgrade ~I'¡;"'~~ 8 Stabilized Subgrade Chris L. Mi~ P.E. 9 Base Course FL Registration No. 61556 10 Other: Footin Sub rade If 1M () 1:\ ?nn7 Note: The original of this report was signed and sealed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61 G 15 -18.0 II of the Florida ~~dt1niMratt've ~Hl This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts ftom or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approvaL The above-referenced testing was perfonned at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date. No other waJTaI1ties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this finn, I)I:~T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Project Name: Attn: Mr. David Donvito Report Date: Lot No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Public Works Date Tested: St. Lucie County, f~'-J'echnician Initials: Sheet No.: JUN 0 6 2007 06-05-07 304 SLC-0703-0347 06-10-2402 06-04-07 8M 1 of 1 Client Name: .'- Minimum Probe Maximum Optimum Dry Cone Req uired Percent Test Depth Dry Density Moisture Density Resistance· Moisture Compaction Maximum Test No. (in) (pef) (°/0) (pef) (tsf) (°/0) (0,/ó) Density Result 1 12 120.0 10.0 122.5 - - - 10.4 95.0 102 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 119.7 - - - 9.2 95.0 99.8 Pass 3 12 120.0 10.0 118.1 - - - 11.7 95.0 98.4 Pass 4 12 120.0 10.0 118.8 - - - 10.9 95.0 99.0 Pass () ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 () ASTM D 2937 Elevation Referenced to: ( ) NGVD ( ) MSL (X) Other Tests 1-2: Inches below top of slab subgrade Tests 3-4: Inches below top of footing subgrade "'.' .>:::' ::::,,:,,: cc: Centex Homes, David Donvito.. .(1) Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer).. .(2) St. Lucie County, Building Inspections...( 1) /)7 / 1/// ~,~ ~/~. ¡Â~? Chris L. Mi~s, P.E. FL Registrati~eJ~û~tj5~007 1 Structural Fill 2 Final Grading Fill 3 Mass Grading Fill 4 Utility Backfill - Sanitary 5 Utility Backfill - Water 6 Utility Backfill - Storm 7 Roadway Subgrade 8 Stabilized Subgrade 9 Base Course 10 Other: Footio2 Subgrade Note: The original of this report was signed and sealed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61 G 1 5-18.0] I of the Florida Administrati.¡e Cod~. This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions cr extracts from or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above-referenced testing was perfonned at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date. No other warranties with regard to subsuñace exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this Ïmn. ~ o f'1 . . ,~ ~ Q" 0 ~ ~ J \) Ä ~ .. d1 ..> ~ 'J ~ ~ _ r -.l 4 ~ ..J 2- ~Jl