HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040133 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3067842 OR BOOK 2833 PAGE 794, Recorded 06/13/2007 at 08:57 PemritNo. () r¡OLf· 1)'/ 81· State Of . NÒTICE OF COMMENCEMEN:r Tax,lD # 13bl'{,bg.~ O~J-ciJD-4 County Of ~. " I ~iO. - TIIE UNDERSIGJiffiD hereby give:; notice that improvement win be made to certain real property. and in accordance with Cbapler 713, F10rida Statutes~ the foJJowing infonnation is provided in ~s Notice ofConunencement. . General ~escription °r~emeD~ ~~~ ~;t::: ~d::~~~~ ~:{,6(:ó~ .'~ , 0 'p Owners interest in site of improvement ' . . FI 3Uf1& J , Fee Simple Title ho]der (if ~tber than owner)_ Address Contractor D. Dnd Address Phone # Fax # Surety Address Amount of Bond S Phone # Fax # Lender Address Phone # Fax # Persons within the Stale of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other dOet;lJnents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (3) 7., Florida Statutes: Name Phone # Address Fax # In addition to himself, owner designates of (phone # Fax # ) to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes'. Expiration dale of notice of conunencemenlis one year from the date of rec . meSS a different d is specified. (Date) STATE OF FLORIDA, CO . AcknowJedged before me the who has produced ~ · a .l~~·~~ VAlARIE SPEU.s i*t'" MY COMMISSION' DO 554758 ,~ D-.h~)(P'RE8: May ~1J 2010 Iit'r..,,, -~ Thro NðfI.ry FitJIio U,*Rwite" NOTARY PUBLIC llTI..E CO?vIMJSSION NUlvIBER .. ~,~ ITAT,£ OF fldAtDA . ST LUCIE CC!JNTY TMIS TO Cf:RflfY THAT THI' IS A TRUE AND CCRRECT COpy Of THE ORIG"it\;.. I' ~ K l _ ~ ~ ..._.,JoJ# By· Date: Ii ~ 00 JJ ~ m 11) '-- C c: c: C1 !2. CT :z: tÐ = 0° (.A.) m o~ -- c: 0 I'..) < ::s ., c::::> ~~ C) m --..J " r- 0 IC::;;J~ ~~ 9--_ ~,,_...,L'\' ~ C:~;~ Q.,.