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Window Schedule PRODAPP SH 7700
GENERAL CONTRACTORS GENTILE CORP. as 521 50B DATE: C13C I TO: REF. 140 S No Lip" CDURT PkAc-s 14 --------- F- 1 -77-7 1 -�K ......... 01- Lin I A-a .L L L I fn Uri FAX: 551-566-1396 PHONE: 954.520.0548 954.553.0375 13 ENT[ LELLO(c_)r- o mr-AST. NET MIAMINDEy MIAMI-TRADE COUNTY 910 PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Stre4 Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMPffSTRATION DWISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) w Ny w. mi; a m i d a d e. g o El _ec o! I o m v Lawson Indastries, Ine- 8501 NW 90 Street Medley, FL 33166 This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation -submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami bade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (_-AJU). Control This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade -County Product C Section (In Miami -Dade County) an&/ or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right Cl_ malarial s o to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or I fails t perform in the accepted manner. the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify. or 'suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. PIER n e urity reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by I M iam1-Dad - Co Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone.- DESCRJPTION: Series 11SH-7700 (Flange Frame)" Aluminum Single Hung Window - L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCU-NMNT: Drawing No. L7700-0901, titled "Series-7700 Sinigle Hung Flange Frame Impact Window", sheets I through 5 of 5, dated 05/27109, with revision D dated 11/01/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. TNIIISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LINUTATIONS- Insulated Glazing Options Types 6 and 7 are not approved to be installed above 30 feet in height without external protection, device (shutters) LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the inanufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, and fQllowius statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMnz 'ATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NO-4k as an endorsement of any product for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NNOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ,kDVERT1SEYH,NT_.- The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION. A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection atthe job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 16-1003.01 and consists of this page I and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well. as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by*Sifang Zhao, P.E. NOA No. 17-121121 MIAM-DADE COUNTYAM t Expiration Date: December 27,2021 1124 two Approval Date. February 01,2018 Page 1 Lawson Industries, 1ne.. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBNU EM A. DRAWINGS 1. I Ianufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Suh itteed under JN70 Z�To. 09-07K 69) 2_ Drawing No. L7700-0901, titled "Sep-ies ?700 Single Hung Flange Frame Impact- 1-1 Windour', sheets I through 5 of 5, dated 05/27/09 with revision D dated 11/01/17, prepared by manufacturer, and signed and sealed by Thiomas I Sotos, P.E. -B. TESTS 1. Test rquo s on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading. per FBC, TAS 202-94 21 Large Missile lmpact T sst per FBC, TAS 20 1-944 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along wif,i marked -up -swings and installation d grrar� a-f an aluminum single hag window, prepared by Flurrieane ngin,=ring & Testing, Inc., Test. P�epo,--ts No. �'�M- 09-2530A and HEF149=253€ B. dated 03/02109, signed and seared by Candido F. Pant, P.E. (Submitted under JVOW No. 09-0796.09) 2. Test reports on: 1) Un brm Static Ai;" Pressure T est, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Large Miss -le linpact Test per FBC , TAS 201-94 3) C.ye is Wind Pressure Loading per IBC, TAS 2103-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum single hung window, .prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., all Test Reports No. HE'11-08-2003C, TI-08-2004A, HE71"1-48-2OOA <& B, HE, -08-2061A cal B, HETI-0&2- 2A & B, I-08 2t-63A &. B, EETI-08=2064 A :ski B, dated 03/1.5/08, signed anti sealed by Candido F. Font, P-E. {,Submitted under ZVO o- 08-0825.17j 3. 'best reprrrts on: 1) Air infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) I nifcrm Static Air Pressure Test, i ,oadir�g er FBC TADS 202.-94 3) WaterResisT,.ance Tess. per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) barge Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure L.oadingpf- FBC, T 203 94 6) Forded Entry Test, per FBC 2411 3.2.1, TAS 202-94 along witih maimed -up drawings and installiation diagram of an aluminum single hung window., prepared M, Fenestration Testing Laboratory,. Inc., Test Reports No. FTIL- 2% 7 and -FTI -2956, dated. 04/0-3/01 .and 03/27/01, all signed and sealed by Los Anton o Figueredo,. P.E. (Submitted under TVOA Na. 01-19-19 0-1) C. CA..L.CULAT O S I. Andh4or veraffication-calculi tions and str€;c-Ama:1 analysis, comp lyingwith FBC, prepared. by Lawson Industries, Inc., dated- 05/28/09., re --iced on 01/18/10, signed and sealed by Thomas +. Sotos, PE. iSubm&ted under O-41'V& 11-0705�09) 2. dazing complies with ASTM E1300=09 Shang Zhacr, P.E. Product Control Ex2minei NOA No. 1.7-1212.21 Expiration Bate: Dece.mber 27, 2021 ApprovaiDate: February 01, 20,18 E-1 Lawson Industries, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department oil."'Regulatory and Economic Resources (REIZ). E. NIATERTAL CERTLFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0808.02 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "SentryGlasO (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers" dated 12,128/17, expiring on 07/04/23. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-1117.01 issued to Kuraray America, Ine. for their "TrosifolO Ultraclear, Clear and Color PVB Interlayers", dated 01/19/17, expiring 0� onO7/08/19. 3. Notice of Acceptance Nio. 17-0712.05 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (NIA) for their "Saflex Clear and Color Glass 1-nterlayers" dated 09/07/17, expiring on 05/21/21. F. STAXEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance. complying wilh FBC-6' Edition (2017). and of no financial interest, dated November 17, 2017, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed b�, Thomas J. Sotos,1P.E- -7. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated 05/28,109, issued by inanufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos. P.E. (Submitted under,'VO.A Xo- 1,1-0705.09) 3. Laboratory compliance letter for all Test Reports No. HETI-09-2530A & B, issued by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., dated 03/02/09, signed and sealed by Candido F. Pont, P.E. (Submitted under NOA IV& 09-0 706.09) 4. Laboratory cornplianc-e letter for Test Reports No- FIETI-08-2003C, HE U-08- 2004A. HEETI-08-2060A & B, -HETI-08-2061A & B, 3 ETI-08-2062A & B, HETI-08-2P,463A & B, RETI-08-2064A &B, issued by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., dated 03115108, signed and sealed -by Candido F. Font. P.E. ,Suhniifted urderVOA Xo. 08-0825.17)- 5. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No. FTL-2987 and FTIL-2986, issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Ine., dated 04,103/01 and 03/217/01, signed and sealed by Luis Antonio Figueredo, P.E. (Submitted under JIVOA No, 01-0406.08) G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No, 16-1003.01, issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their Series "SH-7700 (Flange Frame)" Aluminum Single Hung Window — L.M.L", approved on 12!15/16 and expiring. on 12/27/21. Sifang Zhao, P.E. Product Control Examiner NO A No. 17-1212.21 Expiration Date: December 27,2021 Approval Datez- February 01, 2018 E-2 -, -, 00 .4 3i Z_ " -5wtam - M q T, I 93 oz 0 t13 0 Coils, W 14 OR oi\WM 91 pug 0 K Z3 00 m" , 9i t rm z x ig i�� g 2: !� r- 1.-0 "; rjS,C>!ajgtr= C, 5-, mKmg s rz gj fA A F, 2,12 0 P, cl :,Sow -�i k�j q !3 ta ty 0 w s,. 'c!a 0 Q n 29M�Rwd 0 a N ig, rr C va, C2 G93 E-� OM 00 oanON R ;* �. Z — -a . W-,w Vw 41- M U. 9 o -,- �a r! 6;e 5val "a 2 6 20 Z, N ti rh Z tt BR, 0" 7w K -SEE 61EV 4 OF t$� bt IME 14X-1 Alf Hi t I/s ------------- WINW.' BWK rFMHT R al 5 Q ,MDWV W_X;K zw WL-MV FLA96E F*RA!C [ Ax 7r ". - Sr-E 9*_'l 4 UF KISMT5J Wcq k 2n./ 2019 850l N.W. 90 Si. C& j 201+ M LA WSO MEDLEY. FLOPMA 55156 / Em(2014" PH No, (305) 696-86r3o NANUF,4CrUWR OF *VALffY ALUNINUM WrNPOWS AND GLASS DOORS N. Soros 06 27-OD OMS-7700 MME-M-9 kPiPPOVED MVATION$, CON.-GMTIONS AND NMW L7700-0301 1 0 5 it Fri ;g Xii �-T E THOMAS 1. SDUS PROFMIDNAL ENGINEER (11 F 2. A tz < N zv x 00 4, 00 pm -x 7- 70 el 20 Af; 7110 ra� -- Sl N 8501 N.W. 90 ST, "14 'm 4 H' u MEDLEY, FLORIDA. 33166 -5th UK- (2014) cl PH No. 1,305) 696-8660 201-, nc MANUPACTURPP OF QUALITY ALVQVIVUM WINPO)FS AND CLASS DOORS SERIES-7700 SINGLE HUNG FLNNGE FRAME LMP,%,CT, W"J"O WINDOW VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION. DETAILS & NOTES L7700— om or �Q�� a �u ru.-� ,. ry n, F.- � € -, �.v su •- :�. ,- � € .aimC- ([ s� a k s�N � � a r}c(� F3ig a1 ii i g _ � � `�1"`�i c� So vS ti ? j o Y an :>^ 5 N zfill Am o u a a Rl A ry.4'3E [ ,,`_ i inC s i� f� �� C�•$• �„/' ( � j T>mC P3 '.�£+.%ts +s; �i'cK y t 11.01 Li r ^\j vi U ;i7 n c: t4 r '•g p o }s� ,~�>Ajib tat Cyr W r �4 iz �..... cu nil a� $£4FP.S57f3?vA7.. X:Yfi --. -. r sswsm. nmerr t a_ I2>riissd to o w 2En0 t'( 8501 NV. 90 ST. TVs w ; .o o•4 Eec i77 iT � ` s 4- � f MEDLEY, FLORIDA 33166 ea u s C� sn cl: an <xDt ; f3 3�i I l - - PH No. (305) 696-8660 z¢=.a me idAANUF.ACTUREF OF QUALITY ALCTMFNUM WhYBOPTS AND CLASS DOORS ' iX " N. O `BaQy_ az ae SERIES 7700 SINGLE HUNG FT.AN F FRAMR, IMPACT YFII I)O�Y 0F.>IGN PRESSLiKS. GLAZING UFTAUZ & LOCK OPTIONS tt s,11 E$# ; 4 HsvMm. s.�.k Ismt+: Pradust R+Je•enee tFsm6m Rmwrnp xw�a=r: L7700-0901 OF sn d: tw.aw». fi e 6 �t •J V V -41 ' I i" .+a A." �'C3€oi Cfi`^vf:O Sn to Ut C71 L'si c71 V V �t VEV �•• - w w Ew'r Vx w u, v, } °€ 21 df°d W Ws{w fez F� irs 0� <%•' a� N iU €o t j iV W G%t 43 C3 W W Q to t{3 to CCE to �i? ja, w W di W N N N N W ca Wi W; W" W sD m i✓ ta}. ^^ N em cst an CA cn ,�, L'7 I c rn :n to l cn d Vt;m n.€N O(€ t t3 cn w ar am :7 - c G) a€ G7 Cii r7l LS}.RI Ot OL O:F Cs [Pr}6Fi i3: Cs`i t� IIr Ci o5 t7r Q:}GsGt $� '�f cnjm 0-,m Wat w.at �3}m d tri d w d W pm u to m GL d d m m i tao P !0.o 4 sJ #z of oho o a a OP a a 0 0 O Q O a a 0 O C o CYt O€O 0 O O Q O D 0 i C� � yak GOt 4}O P O O P fl OI Cs O�Q tS O fJ�d CS .00 E a + G L} I S txi II -.t 03 aI as m w w m m m'm w m m to co 05 co m m tet L3} W W w wtm�m m wtw wE}x w W m�W W d m W rss}w m w m crs m u O to Ks G'� Q o c„s c3 � o ca c� c c7 Q O cs O c:3 o cS cs {rI +� ! m o o a o ofI c�b oto o;o Gia q.P o G o P P P o b o o w�� � -i �• o ct cs o O'cs(c e i�€P cS;b Piib O G C'F 0 O O as o O O P '1 ..` C30OO OOOOG�O04�t?©G3OQC�PO „� "s tIJ; , , t Ti tD Ti jjj W Go w W 0 m w m0 Q w py wQ Qm � Q y�ryry �}m.wW m{ W'S mmwm.d mGO M. wwmw w,w and W z c0.0 R O O Q a o a C3 O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O Q p€ th d4 O O{O O P O O OO Oda CF Of Oja aiP ax '� GY 0 t3 O O Q Q 4 0 C.i O Q O Q O C7 O O O Q Q 0 0 0 0"CCiO C Oa O O Ca. Cf K tdy t t fit W A£A W A A W W +S pp`W m .Z A. LS€� A A 42[�:' Ala W-G1 AsA W 61 p i W V m N .t w N. V E tom` I rT N IV 4 N N Ut N N ,t11 N N (S•iV U h N N� t5tp r3 � \` j € -t •.E-a-�€.-a. �i , i t i a off$'{a `�I``c�3t `' `Ea mm ♦c"'c "mwW }�f�F •.t_ N -€ v .n d "� A .a a a t d as' m m �n to cn v.'tn cn Wscs �,. Uz ilr t/x CS} m t i Cn �tyv (n S€C= Gx tR its L`.t CA Vi � ^-F f ( # Oil �_� co w m •� m wgq WjFj m Wfd Wwt d_d 0 d coi t o O LZ, wwW cctm +a([W'd w d m w w w d W w O} w�mq( Wm ((pp wtpmz �s { CF0 sSU O O a n P o£PjO O Gi0 O =O. O aFa C10 CS(Ct[[O 0 O:O 9 O C o C:yO3a O O T.a tri --.---- O 0 O O E ti P "t"i Q O a p[[.) O CFO`C2 O a O 0 bt0 O(QfQEEO Cl O O a{O P O a \t _ ai C0 Lm'4 `i°s wO tw O's0 71- p O aO555555aP,. is CYO O c<3#o a rnCSamJ'+d d m v©o oa o a d O O O,P {O dci.con Wb oa mb ed wcsEdo}' W�wo rn ct W m m�x rn'm w d"m[ascsers m dmrnmcr.a> cnalm�mmmr A O�O O O"O O i O a,t7 p a L? ai0 Ck 4 0 0 b O O O O Ci a G En 6ti-fi O P O CCS GO as OFO 0Oq 0!? ^J tS000 C?O '{ ly 1 � {w Sn d w Eryry33 m`wd { Ew. L:. m m w Om d m m W d m w d w m mi mtw 4a -� OO v O O Q O t7 d Gs C, O O a a € w "e'�wY, [ t0C CCJ t000L? E0000 OL7000�POL�GG"^�'iI L}COasA K84 y S.;r t W mm W w 'm ww. W W w"m 07 m M8 m 43 ym m an d d w.W m d m miw W m } {:[{4 b O Ci O CF O O BO O O O'sC O O GJ O P Ci O GI O O O Ci PIP O c€ s [Q rJ O CS s �O O O.G3 F t!� O O O OO O O C? O C3 tlCS O O�d 4 O 4tLi Dt3 t O mjw w T O O. P O O (iaP.16 GJ�.[0 6 O O CZ OiO O c, 010 b O#O 6 CJFQ p O P. O O 0,0 O O C II •� �� PRaF6SSiOtidL $NG3h'ESR i. � � i � - lsuiwfbx keM: 1 ff�r T A, R�ak to �9 x! 'Mo s� ITS O 1 F! 8`a01 N_W, 90 ST. a. arri: to g . Y wi zuvs eaf' MEDLEY, FS CRt6k 3Sf 6E me St.,, a on (s}Is€ cfjv 15 -3'S" fm- PH N.. (30) 696-86E0 t ..; E. o. t A.a to �. wl zet; cac — dfA�YUFAC2'Ik�?B'R OF QUALITY AECI.fi€I2-JUM €f!!rLIfiNS Attill GLASS DOORS . n=,<,y.. :N4 asnza o'-xr° =ee SERFI3 %;_794 Si"i�FGLE iit;IVG F �}GE F'12ATdf: IMPACT WINBf}i'i tee ' t S 'o wo+..e ae� h. Erezn omit/o DFSICN PRESSUR3 CHAFT55, & CONFIGURATION OPTIONS Q — DeiTE_3#� ' jt�� a„r w t. ae aoa f nr . w. r n�: t *a m isr700-08a1 sa.r g aF s m r �: a; R m P j <0 � �i c a ,• s t E - j- o ; s m. IT 1 - {( vi FF I t# } € to 71 i X LA X ! `£ x r 1l•+L '�SF 5 c� �w PBflI'6Sii4t3NAt- EhGIeiEHR «f 84 si. s< 201C. �T A y 1 6SQ2 N.Y€. R A d to Cm- Wy MEDLEY,' L`}L l`. FLORIDA .�+. SE$ raise so, ? :ZNDL.7'S'TRIE'�, i C. PH No. (3G5) 696-8660 c Ond AS E13t1G-4B 'tp• # ' _ ^.. Raved ee eamy x - z;):7 . ifAjVVFACTURER OF QUALITY ALUMT.VUM WEMOIY& AND CLASS DOORE 3axzc "asza . SERIES-7Z0_Q SINGLE HUNG FLANGE MAIM IMPACT WINDOW {� "�S ` c•t r4..Essa eu: naa x«o.a c-• L +,� £Brazo 11 01, i't GF` fA'ATERIAiS, EKTSiiSiO'i DET&EiS & CflR'"iFR AS...r b?SLY DEfiAiIS pit �s x.ms,R s.w sem. area wt AV_ x w . r�wsro N� §ter L?7QQ-Q3Qi 5 of DATE—__ N. CS 5E CfS fP I U1 h .S IC ( ( E � }� r � � SV 6� S JE V V r V r€f, V.•n I-; +�„{CS y y N I i p V t`V 7 V V V R- V"'S - •J3 V of k(u}? Y; i r io --. tCEV O, .. cr R. WIN: h-i ,,i.- edi.E ' .TFrt�:3C! :J R £J,:'V t�j f*AliMS� m}� � #€C C l9 -*)'-n Fc�� e �: � G C`T- cat <�'u+'�i m;r A tr m M,m �t?r e�<C n:r: �;�az �-:r�I�,I �� +-w n�C Z in 9 ..� � E' :TT �_ �• [� -f . � � IU � kO E ! H ';-�iG td 3 � ^-E m X Pf ': m i 4 r i' �.. ;� � iR I nti In Yy'tij