HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 4300 6300 8652 Clearlake LnMAMMArDE COU NTY - FLORID -A PRODUCT CONTROL SECTIONN �DEPAKJPIMYNT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC MESOUR- CES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARDAN�D-CODEADMLNJSTRATON DIWSION T(796)315-2590 -A(786)315--2599 NOTICE -OF AECEPTANCE (�LQA) JLawsott Industries,31=. 8:501-t ' 90" Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE. - Th This PTCA. is b e i ng issued urf der the applicable ru 1es and regulations governing the -rise of c ons-truct ion Materials - The ateriaIs-The docunnentation st"b-mitted has been -reviewed and accepted by Yfiatni-Dade County REIR-Product Control ,Section to be used in Muni }carie Courty and other areas vqhere allowed by the. Authority Navin; Jurisdiction This NOA sh all not be vaUid emr the expiration date tate be -low. The Mliff_­_n�nade Cou—V'y Produzct Control S'eia;,on (In .1viia-mir-Dade Coi arid! ar Ahe A-Hj (I'll areas other tIiait de C_ouha�-')' res,-rve dhe -right to have this product or material tested for equality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perfonn in the accepted manna . tie nuuaefactareer -,;vill incur the expense of such te-sting,-and the AM* may imm-p-diatety withia their Jwrisdktion. RE'Rreservestheright mvoke, mod ify, or -susgendtlhe use of such product or T-flateri. .1 tY -tP I tr �_duct C.= of Section that this product or Matcrial Flits, to 1:0 eet the requirei tents of. the applicable buildancg cQde. This lvreia ib - U E0 -f a Building Code, 1his product is apporo I as des---,' ed hereirl, and has bc-en designed - coniply -��fh the Florm includir-tor, the IfTga.,'Veloccikiy Htn-ricane Zone. M DFS CIR 014- Series `=443001.63 OF in-Fnum F rame" Alumiixed Window - L.-TIJ. APPROVAL DOCOMETNT: D-m-1vving No. L4300-63400-1201 Rev C, fitled"Se-its-4300-6300 Fiii-Frarre Impact Rxed VtTindlovv", sheets 01 through 05 of 05, dated 02121;12 an I last revised or Nov 21, 2017, prepared 1 y m ign - d IJ 11- OM aZ T Cr 'a= C_ua� Pro UC '01 �, , anlafach7iei�,sl- ;e andsealedby J. Sotos, P - E, bearing thc� Mi - - y - d t Cora- I Section Revision stz.wp -xith tie Notice ofjAcceptzmce rannber and Expiration date. by m0 Mliami-Dade County -ol-Sedian- MISS -ME ILNVACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impoet Reaistant limftatioz's- I I I ­ -vo de 7 - -- ched to -vvood, 51 -­cture, uyider s�-par�te review ky Akff. I Extggat LyN odatta, LABELWING� Eac 'nit s1iall bear a "ernlanent lab- Vvith the -m-an-Iract urer's E, -_ or loggo, city, state, series, and following stattmmi: �"Miami-Dade County Productt t2ontrol kv-proved", -aniess otirerwisenoted herein. R-EmmA_L off-lis'151410A,, shall be c_oiasidered aft -,r it renewal ap a beer fiR-J n ti plicattion- hass I - - x .1_1 2l:id: + ere has beeit no change in the appYkable buildimg, code negatilvely a6feating the perfonnance of this product. "T of tl:"_is TQFCJYA1_ Will oczrur aft 61 - fter thz.oxpir 2 -e e 111 aldjon date or ift ez, has beein a revisiou or ChM- - _e, e rnateriaL_ use:. - and/ or mam ayture cyff the, pro duct or -process- Misuse of +, IS IN -0A - as an endo rs c-,neTV, of any product, -foir ti --1-s, adve.,­tisip a or aqy otlt= puzpostz-s shall zatonnalicaTfly termiumL- this TNTOA_ Failure to comply "r f7,T A ,with. anysectio-r; of ffii NO -A slieB be cause zu V_- I N al_x . 1A ni�uber pr -ceded by thie, words Pvfiami-Dade Coun�yr, Florida- and fblllowec� 'Pqpyg�g AD N I M EMEJKNT; 7 -he N(_ _-laye nit by fhe date mmay be displayed. in advertisin g fiteratuie. If avy po�tion, f the.l�-, A Is diqp d th e .shaR 'be idone *ul its ennrotv- A his N(DA-shail be irrovide-d to the user by t1he-manClacturer or iLz distri-butors; 1NSP_E'CTJ0JX'�- 16 C-01)�_ Of t entme and shall be, available. for L-i-spection at thle job sitczt the reqaest of theRu 111dinggg 001ciall 'Plais 1 F0A revises 17�0511_104 and consists of this page I and e. �+dence--pages E -l-, &-222 and E-3, .as well as approval docume-rAl meatiotned above - Thi' submitwd documieum-tiomu was reviewed 'by Islhaqq L Chnmaa, 1. -E. GAIRAMM'DADE CMWINI %M2MM"_ NOA _N-0 - 1. MUZ-11 july 19.",202Z Febragary 0, ZDIS pnge I Lawson IrkdUstries. lnc, 'OTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUIB-IM-1 1-17ED I. files A. DRA, Wif N G S dlt,,s,bv�ings and section. (Swhwutted trrider -IVCv,-4.IVo. 11-0416.10) 2- Drawing -N-o. L4300-63-00-12011- titled "Scries-433-00-6300 -Fin r-rase.1-1-1pact Fixed Window", shetts 014 tdirrollala 05 of 05, dated 02.121/12 with revision "B" da d 05/12/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and. sealed by Vhhomas j. Sotos. P. E. B. TSTS F - T,sj repo 7; s c,-- --arggt fissileial actTeste IBc "iikl-s 1 v, 1I1 Z) CY76lic Wind Pressure Loading, per FBS`, TAS 210-3-94 atongg, wiith m.- dm.wings aud in�alla_tiorj djagrpm of ai, frame firmed window, -prqn�Lred by Hurricane Engg�neering & Testing, Inc, Test Repo r-ts No.'s dated 03/14,112 and HETI-411,733,62, dated 0-3/1.4y'l-2. a!', s4med and, sealed by -Rafael Droz-Scda., P. E. islibmitted -andleir-N JVo. .11 2-04-164 10) :2FBCTAS 2022-94hr , Test reports oln: 1) Air Ieliftr a -D st. , � 2) Static A ir Pressi:,�Yc 'res -t Loadinng per FBK, US 3) 'A.7-ater Resis-uluace Tesstper FBC, TAS 202�9-4 along ,wifft tnarked-ap drawings and installation ffiagram of a circular ardi fin—frame fixed wirsdow. d by Hurricane Engincer-j�r Test prcp�rrc -g & ing, lnc...Test Report No. HEII-4a-- 1-026, dated i#Itf 1i si,"o-ed and sealed by Candildo F. Encntj- E. (Sit bmi'Ved iiitder I'V041 No. 12-X416.1 j 3Test reports on: V1 Uniform- Static Air PressLuie T Oadina per F&C", YI A0 along with TnnaiIked--- titkVAmd, instLwl or diagam 0i a rectaa gular OL qr' fb�tJ-wi-'rj2jo-'A," T,,�pjared by H'arricane hnggme-ermni-5 JLj�c_ Test Rep,3i LS 8 05R. all, --sigmed and REETI-007-4379- dat-ed and j-08,2218& dated 11-1/1 o�-alb;;dbv Cand�do PR, (Sub M-'R-tcduP&-rAIOA JzVo. 12-0416.16j' 4.- Testreper-mm: IjL)' ILPz----e ,j,le imp tr st -p F ac B. 11 TAS 201-494 .2'� Cyclic VY-ind Pressure Loading pe -r FBC, TAS 203----:94 r - - .alung with ma6�c �&awinvgs audd ffistallationn ding— Tal ircular c' gain of a recta -D, ar-, a- c - ar L - cane F-liginczCmg and as elliptical arch fin--fi-arre- =-ed window- prepared by H=- 0- dated ng, h�, Tez-st Rgports NL3-'s RETI-0%-254. ijBied 019/014/09 09/04,109, �T-"N-2-539- dated D)9/04/09, HE 2536, da-' 09/U4WD'97 -HE—flJAS- '10 L -�)� v '210112-7, dated 10-1223' 8" -BREPTIAS-1710129, dated jor233,1010, HETIE-48-21�"30:. date 101/2`08 and dated 18' �, ar, igned, and seal-edby Candido- -F-Uont R E- SI ice;Lm2YtV0Aa14476MdhdN Tndret ControlExaminer -NCA No. 111 7-1211A2 Expiration DeAte: Jul y19,2022 -Apprc-valDate: -Febr".ry M, 20T8 E—I Lawson Industries, Inc. NOTICE OF A�:FNICIE SUI 3MUTTRED C- CALCMIiMONS 1. Anchor verification calcul'arioins and strucwral =alysiis, co.-nplyd-rig with FRC -2014, 55' e€1?-fion, prepared by ma=-ffac-turer, dated 09/024114, signed and sealed by "L!oM- as J. Saws, P. E. (Sjjhj,mWeJ, under jpy°evioza ISO APY-e. 14-0908,17j' 2. Glazirxg complies with A,'--' WEII Ml -041 09 T), QUALITY ASSURIMNCE I Jia= -Dade e D-i--lartme-n-t o-fRep-al atory x Economic RcesoUr-Ces (k-CIR)- Iq - E. MV-.TER1�1 CERTI-PICAUGMS aray Amerim, lnc� tior t-Ifteir, II Notice off Accegtanr cINTo. 16-1111 tO'K-wr lar PVBGlass I terL-q-err. -" dated OlIIIW17, eNvirimg 0n 01108/1-9. Notice of Accu:tanceNo. 1-4-0413.15 issued to Eastman Chemical Company t-N-LAL) fix } P A �iT Cl Lh, "Saflex CP - SO lax a -q -- I WE Composite Gla- ss lhtleri-ayen wi C Or Ir F.STATE TMIKINUS 1. Statement lever of conformannee to and colnpl, i- or with FB C 5d, Edon (22, 0-141), issued by, y in or dated 05/22,33,117, signed and sealed by Thornas j. Sotos, R E. Statement laft- of no firl-a-mciall interlsT- issued by mamnitfacturer, &,red 04,11 lit 2�.sign-etl, "T and scaled by Thornas J. Sotos, P.E "Sub-nih-ted underTVCt4 !Vo.12-9476-10' - 08 -fabora-torlv- corvdhance letter -e for Tst !R --errs 1"0. s HE da ,/2, --0 REVE Oy .2^ 0 2 6 7 d a: t ed, 10 -- -, n �-, da IETI 7 -HETT ted 091 HjEi-, :;,--:08- 22 dated j Aj HET -14119-2540, dated 09/04/M 1MMI-09- 25-33, dated 05k/04/09, da-t;d 09AG4/09. HET"a-ZO27, d -t --d 1012 -91102 -, dated !OMI/M H-ET"8-2030, dated 10/23/08 and -dated[ a issued 1by-Hur-dicane Engdoeering, & Testin--,, inc-, signed and sealed by Candido F. IF'ont, P- E. IS -Y J-2-0,416.169 1 1 U-11-lorato-1-j compliance letter for -lestRepor-ts, No -'s RETI-111-401-1. dated 03114/ 12, aed xT�Er-Fii-t-er' . & T date.j 03/1-4.11-2. -ah -Ssued by esztin�--� signmiz,ad sealed b -v P i Droz-Seda, P. E. 'F 5. Proposal No. 10-7-252-77-issurZI.by Pro7 !Clontroi, dated 03312910-7., sigm-ed by Pvlanut;Perez, P- E-(SiAmified untler NOA 1-W;P, 12-4-4:26JI09" ism 1. Chanda, P. Ez F--amine'r k NTe- 17-1212JZ Datte., J-LIIY 11"'I= Appnwal Date: Februa-ry WI -201& -E-2 a san 1 d stries, be. G. OTHERS 1. ?'notice of"Acceptance No. !,4-0908.1,7, issued to Lawson Incfasties, Tric, for daeff ScTies -`43001 z ram " l s ;r Wirndo — L—AVU.", approvedwi 11/27,1=1 and expiring f 6300 g o U7a.91.7. '. ;-,Vew Evidence suatled. pa i -I V- s's:�¢i tz., .. .'[L:?3�daed02/2212iiu ii-ovl.ri7, Dry, ared b�,Tufa,.--are-r, s m, -d a, -id seaied.loY=�c1.n I SLOWS. P. E. ,c)t.se. i..''1.1.s revisicen consist ^v' editorials changes of FIR ' .'' ECode Test x . *lone.. 1. Mone y t, wIgD e, F. Al PAE T x. 1; at letter of GoI'ifG?'Li ante to FR --C 20117 (6t" E-�o-;) a.3'.Ci 4`i o fi financial interest" dated .milli?"-'` asl. .1't}L:38 . s.. .3. az G 1. Ti-hisl`d'•.JA revrves 't' 17-0531-04, ixpir-ung 44[ t t }£ N&A leo_ 17-12112,12 -�-,pj on Da -es .qua's 19. 20 . _kpproval Date; 7ebruary 01, 2018 E-3 9 'go I _..__i rozi-001';8-00CM `SNOLLYATIS G-qA0UdJV b T14a00c9-00st 12ITTS 1 Md 13,vamm a HA Nu0OC9 syoDff gsvTo Grxv sAomva Hnxmn7v Lm-vno jo Y.7uaL0Fjj79vN 09913-969 (sot) 'ON Ha 991TE VOUG-11 '43,103K Us 06 As 1058IV7717 Oaysa 'x man r.ff 4, -g, aj < 0 E. 0 fib 4 p a MY Is 14 M> ea �s � '� w . L.J A i Rise es 3,21 ki, -',z w, to to E- p 2 pp it a' 0z ;4��4- 5 z= A: otm Tv 00 1 4, cy. - -M - A g, Z- % po 0 w o m ea ISE ato P9 to 090, . r2, a'"MI - n v Z -211 2 v =A Z 0 - 2: 0 0�� conal8a yyo a WON 6 on =0��OZNV� jQ§-"0jQ%Q1 �E = rCs M- 2 '-t 2 R W u z E- a 94 U. F -Z w rq RP , - E� it A q I'M yid MR woo jm EYE IT Q A A -was I :�;4 w two X"20H— cr z t4 " 6 u 9 1i to �21WR9 U to ilk =�; 6 WE 32 . v '— 'a Mtn ": " M6, M 25 to to 0 o"Q to -Y. Oaysa 'x man r.ff Vwx" too -g, aj -HUM - Min fib BT- �1111 -1 Mama wMasmioad qws I MMOUX 1092 109 L L. A -g, aj -HUM - Min 1092 109 L L. A ! L. A -HUM - Min fib Lslj L.J A i ....1 ---J L ki, N8 _j ilk L-- -A A I Lmsj s ra s v a 'Nalsags ssoxa gyLNOzcaca (INV IVOLLUM AOGNLu etroaa�Y spa OU IAAl 3 cI I I'ti 3 AiI t}fY 9—i} lE S I2I S zt" u c 11998^569 (S0£) '°y ttd 7Ni 7 L CC '.i E}S 'Is'i'M !45$ �f 0 SAI 83 4e4L x'75 �c },N3�ti3�ta'a ..LL a. wo ' G �`-•+ vii JZ f R E a Baa v S n*MX *+�WWg V A „ �a r Q 4 � r4 X . �II o a3 f �w W ry r a Baa v S n*MX *+�WWg V A Q 4 � r4 X . �II o f �w �'-7j � f-voLi..«ru{.t� . �� f f `A✓..y` f �i t I ca 'd w `n LWz. w wex ? .,. •.� _�-. ^Y; & u "' li �I3H iE�fl ��.'`f31k l�kiG iA-��---��---" x \y�y usa er���^� WetF 4w W �ce a¢w mtf1 o ptrt�aEr �3- � �r �rcivR�3ctn c�7a z z a�Xzc��xzc x wm �F� � Fi.16F� V W FYA G2 �p 9 9 10 9 '1 TOM zo 'R Aoamllk Claxia IDYJNI afivag Nid 0009-000,=91=91 —ozvda Suooff SSY70 amy S�doawu mamormy ALllvqb 10 Y=1Uqrj11mw 0999—S69 (Sw) 'ON fid comm zo n93 LID?, ....... ..... 99UZC V01801.4 'AMR4 7* Q AM11 P` 'IS 06 WN LOW 6�tor) "IP3 auj /. -6 nil'i +10Z P. -t -N V _Lvo 41 1L V 7 _V1 ll 1rt ;t Pa �wl V ci Al Ag 82 z C) < o 8 v 818 $18 8 3 8 8 sIR! 8 .JJ .2 8's) 89 9F 8 SS 42 -.1818 a 8 6 6 6 d 1 0f 0 lig 8 1� R i mi j 61 6 a II Sig t Sil S 8 8 S 81s a S S�gig 8 8 g. 8 8 . 8:8i8 8 8 a 8 a I Ci g ig 6 g 6 6 6 6 i , a slsl-qlql� 9 W9 8 9 8 o? 1 S 8 s� S sisig 8 8_T g 9 g g 2! 9 W 2 Z6 8 8 81s. iS -is oo Sig .191. .!a 8 i 1,6' ! Z� 6' 1. IS I. 8 is 14 A i g i 3 P 2 z C) < e a Ton Doss , �n3., a �') y S-Tawrjo axns a N�i53Q SS1T tibi�3I€P#T szfiofteWwx> ativas'ri nar,rwr MOUNIA *F ''t u ri [ S@fll0ti SSV70 ILV SJfO(ftIL9 MMATI MY A-LITYRb JO Zr-79 JaF'J1WVW latla�3 ifi9 � �tOz f+R e�Ero;r'-uW3 �, 0992-969 (SOS} 'OiV Hd 99 FFf f3 'A3103?� �"'Y:FY.atca '.ES 68 «t� ;OSE ..r�- b...A =�. { ,.� YY" • ail � f,F'�' �-'�"� "s .oci VIM -r IW ':ivP Da sy y Yf3SNt`J?1g 1Y7SflfS58d0lTJ cF Solos 'P SVKOHI Fi L i Ea �Q{ _,' �Y/'.-• { i o tY Y �S• f. F� a'"i 1� '; _ � £ tF o'3 / ��t f�� !#7 tG f of t �� 1--- '. € 1 it Fi -F (�W�+ �, Lei l i i Si 1 I as 3v 4itS 1 3t ¢{33tt z p v #`. .�. �{ F� { ota c o n a � A oio 0 0. o � � oF� cPio. c:.In o a o A A ei d d o o d ola A A YaFc o n e r. C3A n a a n}a#n AFa c o alo d�m a m{s) �, �M1•v_ a a€xo{ �D _.{ ...w `�` �ss an Itl A=s s mks A. w sf`.tF'7s''� v-_,aY. w w cos m w ©. a(((v rnn a.•ooFm a w.�a''c w ,oa .na w mEw( �� C: Vp.O ft}C O O C OI LSiQ 0 4 0 0 0I{. I A�A.p t F31 7 tl16 . P IF h Jt 4i N { fs ` � k1 .A 1Puij+f'r to Fy. F F`W�IY C{A A A '0 n OSAA A a- 7 O O�Ojn O! 4 G a 1 { OAf19 A.aA GA. {> .{F t. h.E l 3 hS,,, FI.'n i I u;{m w; >n�,rs .ram na :n :r xslm n:�vi t {u•>{ j '� 8.:3(a rf o c '4'a a`i: uG.Is o m Sp .a�w .e o a:s R O$A ¢ A O#A A a1AA; A. C cio c 5 s 2{ a ci n}a `'soo a of Qjsjn o 0 o. ald o ods a �' F o.A chi{oois ''erjs ro u o w c4e na o m+� s o .Q s o t3 s n?c�s t Q ti} 'rIC{G 'J 6 P QTY? c w d A Y -a 3 D4 O n o l A s�sr.ss b3£SiF^-.1{O n u ci 'o a A a �s O.O cs z> Aa's - O rs cs w A 'J.{O n A o Fc€s b 40'«IgFGR a .a m . a�o�'�. "AJI p€4 in.Y=C oaf A{ri c a o b A � c P aG w£m A tn} roo w €'O ms a}p sjm u[% E 2 Eooi F�C'i _II s jjjl Si �i € G { 4G �R WW k$m W D{O€q IWFu Q n CIO P"Ct '.17 { 2 a a 4£N 3S 1 1 A.O 4 € {Ef.1 } f 44 7: tl�i (W{In W� *, Eli O tl1 { A iiS �, b3j Of6 >�DC?A�DQ } n 6i nO6-CQO jjn 6€Ot �a �i Q O•. qC? {OCC+iF O €C: {1 A A 3z'i�Cl O La E O OF Ftri a'{ f EEIl���©}} O 6 `i O =OI{ ^S f i j d I � �n c3 G SSj(C t Yl O O O a b a OA O'OFO CSFQ U3 ��C3 O Cf O O_ n a t"E i O"J n U M C L2 Oi <, tD L s Z 3 FC iD A �Ftl. ED f� w�a w :.;, ur 'de IG 0-8-111 W W W 4: � b� (t'�{ { yr «)� �4k'S!N � � W W f�1 .7� ` •i M a. Sf 4] v, . : • • _ _. _ . •c a e> cv n m <+ u7 nr .n ry n •c r .(. c M N re r ;.. ..; '- "I c m 3 9 ,iD 9 F02i-0099-OO I �r^�'7 <++m.r f+;t Tnta S75§,L3fS %�P€a5.9V aamoa 7? slivizu HOIS.qu xj 'SIVEHMEYK .3o Tifa rm�asinal Anan�.ws `� ANNIA (TaXTa 13ya V MIA 0 f o—( 0of—Salzia at-ta: � ozv�� ti � Z SYDOiT VEY70 iTVV SAtlAWN -WflV Hj27V ALIIVrt8 .10 tf7,L`t, jVrl2mylF ub;i!ng aty ;�� Ltoz lx �:c�tdvs:rJ 'a r . nsss-sss (s02) -ora s iz s sa r srzcs^is 6G 'fh'N 1658 jl J trtw} u !w: 41% /M >-uo�amoa -� �t i ✓ li rL 3sa >scz au��a c ro mxwm tib 0 a qtr^•. 2 ezl t: z3 � u 6~€y �:R s .- 0 a