HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS 1 High Velocity Shutters 8652 Clearlake LnSCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Bade County RER Product Control Section to be used in. Miami Dade County and outer areas where allowed by the Authority Haring Jurisdiction (AHJ) This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (1n Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reser re the right to .have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such tenting and the A_HJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jursdiction. REQ. reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the reTuirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity /-Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: " RS -1 High Velocity " Aluminum Accordion Shutter System ,APPROVAL DOCUTMEN7: Drawing No. 01-12 (RSI -06), tilled "RS -I High �Felocity Shutter System", sheets 1 through 9 of 9, & 2A of 9, prepared by V. M. Engineering, last revision #I dated September 19, 2017, sued and sealed by Morgan Villanueva, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and the expiration date by the Miami -bade County Product Control. Section.. MISSILE LNWACT RATING: Large and Small Msssile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, the Following statement: " iami-Dade County Product Control Approved", and NOA number. per TA5201, TAS 202> and TAS -2£13, unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this VOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA. as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NCA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of iL 10A. Al)VERTISEMETNT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then. it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTIQN: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Oficial. This NOA. revises NOA #16-0725.01 and consists of this page 1, evidence submitted pages E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4 & E-5 as well as approvaldocument mentioned above. The submitted doc-urnentation was reviewed by Helmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. NOA No. 17-0925.€ 7 MJKAMI,D�Expiration Bate: 01/1912022- Approval 1/191202 .Approval Bate; 02/1512018 �r f Page I MIAM11— E miAmi DADS CL?INTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTWIN DEPARTMEN"i'''1I" REGULATORY Alii? COhONDC RESC}URCES �REk2} 08 11 05 am F. Street, Room 474 Flori Rollingshield, Inc. NO-TICE OF .ACCEPTANCE: E ENCE SUBMITTED L EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL 4 06-0822.03 A. DRAWINGS 1, Drat4,ing NTo. 06-003RS1, titled " KS -1 High velocity shutter System", sheets 1 through 9 of 9, prepared by V 1sL .engineering dated July 05, 2006, last revision 41 datedNovember 25, 2006, signed and sealed by Morgan Villanueva, P.E. B. 'PESTS 1. See Association `s generic approval under 06--1826. C. CALCULATIONS. 1. See—ssociation's generic approval under 06-1826. D. QUALITY CONTROL 1. By Miami -Dade County .Building Code Compliance Office. E. MATERIAL CER'TIFICATION'. 1. See Association's generic approval under 06-1826. F. STATEMENTS 1. release fetter issued by National Shutter Association, dated October 19, 2006, certi� f Ong this product to meet the criteria ref product tested and approved, and allowing Rollingshield, Inc. to use the test results approved under Miami -Dade CountyApprovallVo. J6-1826, storied vv Jose Delgada. 2. Acknowledgment letter by Rollingshield, Inc., dated October 21 2006, signed by .lose Delgado, 3. .Letter issued by T,-' Engineering, dated October 19 2006, certifying that the drawing (No. 06-003RS1) prepared for Rollingshield, Inc., ,signed and settled by Morgan Villanueva, P. E. is engineering wise identical to National Shutter ssociat Qrr generic drawing (No. 06-00405'=). Q, Acceptance ,Letter issued to Mr. Jose Delgado on December 10, 2006 and returned signed by Mr. Nose Delgado on December 11, 2016:, indicating to please issue the proposed Notice ofAcceptance as submitted and reviewed 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNER PREVIOUS APPRQVAL #01_0206.03 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drca�ving leo. 06-003,R8'1, titled. " RS 11"Iigh Velocity Shutter System ", sheets 1 thru. 9 of9, & 2A of 9, prepared by V -Al. Engineering. dated 0710512006, last revision ':2 dated' 111012006, signed and sealed by Morgan Villanueva, P.E. on 0210.2107. elmy A. Makar, P.E., N'T.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 17-{1925.07 Expiration Date: 01/1912022 Approval Date: 02/1512018 E-1 Roliinushiel€ ,. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE' EVIDENCE SUBNNIITTTEI� B. TESTS 1. See association's generic approval under 06-2372- C. CALCULATIONS: 1. See association's generic approval under 06--2372. D. QUALITY CONTROL 1. By iami-Dade County Building Cade Compliance mice,M E. IVI.ATERIAL CERTII'ICATION: 1. See Association's generic approval under (16-2372. F. STATEMENTS 1. .Release letter issued by National Shutter Associatio4 dated October 19, 2046. certifying this product to meet the criteria of product tested and approved, and allowing Rollingshielr Inc. to use the test results approved under Miami -Dade County Approval No. 06-2372, signed by Tose Delgado. 2. Acknowledgment letter by .Rollingshield., Inc, dated October 27, 2006, signed by Jose .Delgado. 3. Letter issued by V -M .Engineering dated October 19, 201)6, certifying that the drawing (Mo. 46-003RSI) pr iepared, for Rollingshield, Inc,, .signed and sealers by Morgan Villanueva, P.E. is engine ering wise identical to National Shutter Association generic drawing(No. 06-004RS11, revision 42. 4. Acceptance Letter issued to Mr. Jose Delgado on December 49, 2006 and returned signed b; Mr. Jose Delgado on December 11, 2046, indicating to please issue the proposed -Notice of 41cceptance 4 au si!btniited and reviewed I- EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL #09-0604.13 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing ATO. 09-008RS1, titled "-RS-1 high Velocity Shutter System", sheets 1 thru. 9 of 9, & 2,4 of 9, prepared by V M Engineering, dared 035/14/2009, last revision 413 dated 45,11412009, signed and sealed by Morgan Villanueva, P.E. on 0512710.9. B. TESTS 1. See Association's generic approval under 09-0830. C. CALCULATIONS; 1. See Association's generic approval under 49-4830. Aelmy A. -Makar, P.E., -M.N. Product Control Section Supervisor NQA No. 17-0925.07 Expiration Bate: 01/19/2022 Approval Bate; 02115/2018 E-2 IloUingshiel€ , E: NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBAUTTEIi D. QUALITY CONTROL - 1. By Miami -fade County° Building Code Compliance Office. E. MATERIAL CERTWICATION: 1. See Association's generic approval ander 09-0830. F. STATEMENTS 1. .Release letter issued by 2, Vational Shutter Association dated May 21, 2009, certifying this product to meet the criteria r f product tested and approvers and allowing Pollingshield, Inc. to use the test results approved under Miami -Dade County Alpproval Xo. 09-0,830, signed: by Jose Delgado, 2. Acknowled„anent letter by hollingshield, Inc., dated May 21, 2009, .signed by.hlr. .lose Delgado. 3. Letter issued by V M Engineering, dated May 21, 2009, certifying that the drawing (IN7o. 09-008RS1) prepared, fol- Rollingshield Inc., signed and sealed by lllorgan Villanueva, P. E. is engineering wise identical to (national Shatter Association generic drawing (Xo. 09-01 RSI), dated Meda 29, 2009. 4. EVIDENCE SLUMIT I'ED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL 411-1227.04 A. DRAWLYGS 1. Drawing.,Vo. a. 12-2011(RSI -06), titled "RS -1 High Velocity Shutter SVstem sheets I through 9 of 9, & 24 ref 9, prepared by V M Engineering, dated 12126120.E 1, last revision 44 dated .122612011, signed and sealed by Morgan Villanueva, E.E. B. TES'T'S 1. .See Association s generic approval under 12-0074- C. CALCUL AT ONS: 1. See 14ssociation's generic approval under 12-0074. D. QUI ALITY CONTROL 1. By Miarni-Dade County Department clf Permitting, Environment, and Regulatory Ofairs (BER4). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATION: 1. See Association's generic approval under 12-0074. i a" 12 1d�� � ei€uy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. ProductControl Section Supervisor NOA No. 17-0925-07 Expiration Date: 01/1912022 Approval Date: 02/15/2018 E-3 RcaUineslZiel€3, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SU$?VIITTED F. STATE,E'I`S 1. Release letter issued by Arational Shutter Association, dated Janualy 13, 2012, certifying this product to meet the criteria of product tested and approved and allowing Rollingshield. Inc. to use the test results approved under Aliami-Dade County approval Mo. 12-0074, signed by .Tose Delgado. 2. 1cknowledgment letter by Rollingshield, Inc., dated Jamauy 13, 2012, signed by Mr. .lose Delgado. 3. Letter issued by V M Engineering, dared January 13, 2012, certifying that the drain=ing (Yo. 12-2011 (RSI -06) prepared for Rollingshield, Inc., signed and sealed byMorgan Millanueva P. E. is engineering wise identical to National Shutter Association generic drawing. 5. EVIDENCE SU$NYIITTER UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL #15-0505.01 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing Mo. 0I-12 tRSI-06), titled "A -1 High I%elocipp Shutter Systema'; ,sheets I through 9 of 9, & 2A of 9, prepared by V M Engineering, last revision #5 dated .4pril 22, 20115, signed and sealed by -&Iorgan Villanueva, P. E. $. TESTS 1. gore. C. CALCULATIONS: 1. None. D. QUALITY CONTROL nt of 1. By Miami -.Dade Couniy DepartmeRegaalatary and Economic Resources (R -EER) - E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATION: 1, lone. F. OTHERS 1. F71orida .Building Code, 201' .Edition, compliance letter, prepared by V M. Engineering, dated .May 12, 2015, signed and sealed by,'Tongan Villanueva, —,.% �Helmy A. Maizar, P.E., M.N. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 17-0925-07 Expiration Date_ 01/19/2022 Approval Date: 02/1512018 E-4 Roffingshield. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUSi 11TED G. EVIDENCE SUMUTTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL #16-0725.01 A. DRAWINGS 1. Mone. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS: 1. Mone. D. QUALITY CONTROL L By !Miami-Drade Comp, Deprartme cf l egzsl tary andEconomic Resources. E. NIATERYAL CERTIFICATION - 1, None. F. OTHERS I. Florida Building Code, 2014 Edition, compliance letter, prepared by Y. M Engineering, dated July 1.9, 2016, signed and sealed IcyMorgan Villanueva, P. E. 7. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. .Frau}ing No. 01-12 (AU -016), titled ' �ag14 velocity Shutter System", sheets 1 through 9 o, f 9 & 2.4 o, f 9, prepared by V M. Engineering, last i ®vision 41 dated -September J9,2017. signed and sealed by Morgan Villanueva, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Mane. C. CALCULATIONS. - 1, Xone. D. QUALITY CONTROL 1. By �Ilami-Dade Chanty Department ofRegulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATION: 1. X -one. F. OTBERS 1. Florida Building Cade, 2017 Edition, compliance letter, prepared by V M Engineering dated Sept. 24, 2017, signed and sealed by .Morgan T'illanaaeva, R.E. Helmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. ]Product Central Section Supervisor NOA No. 17-0925.01, Expiration Hate: 01119120-12 Approval slate: 02115/2018 E-5 1 I ^ rw _ ;„.. �sas }sZ-aeL ;r. x} nfi rn j. arise va•bot? w a f o:se}Li�ir5� CIA ,' E c.x-et-so etoa ;�t sv :na;+;;x t t i ti s(i f� ' 0 E N O rta!tns3a['n- } [' i .x KIMNA ,� �:�. •�u� Eutraaui8u� _ � 33� ,i rLZ 31”, ri sv. @6 y, :, o O 3'7 G''1313iS9�iiTiDL _I � } t^3 i:a"h5 ��._;f''•ts nSt -� .�, t ;;a.., � �'�,: - .- '' 4 ,,, 4 ��, :.,,�. � ..: y { � T gminps VMNIY'1;•1"'J �Sllf� £i'1V#��}fib: = c ..,_ a.a ,•f a', s, cr t s o � " � w `n 5 � l.;:r � `.JcG .q )�T ,� l•�. cs -�rr� l ,'. 1 -4 os i ! X30 Z/ , � } Z - 2 Esc,\ r . a. � � � � � a �_ '� s ��y �G�ky i .,�-;_�.�.,. �. 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