HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040480 . . St L1.1Cie COllnty Inspections' 2300 Virginia A Ven1.1e Ft,P~erce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 , . CERTIFICATE OF rfERMITE TREArrMENT\BY:. CONSTI~UCTION SOIL TREATMENT · 'j / PERrvnT# O='ic1-,-t!Y;ßL? JOßAD~n.ESS / g~(... ¿¿;' lij hLi/Je (1/-:-~ BUILDER Hdk Æ/ &~6- · ¡ '. R & F·, Pest COntrol.; Ine . · PEST CONTROL CQNTRACTOlt 1856 SW BÇlyshor~ Bl vd .. Port St Lucie, FL 34984 PEST CONTROL LICENSE it ,t)~d 0 "'. We, the un{le~1signeò, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for Sllbtcl'l'Allean tertl11ites in accol"da11ce witlI tl1e stulldar<ls of tl1C National Pest C~ntlwol Associatioll. Square feet of area treated: ~5~ Chen1icnls used:. (ì..~¡:; r' / '. Percentage of solution: ;' .,?.r Total gallons used: ..--p',~~.ç"-"'- ~"/8Jð ;;i Tin1e of Treatnlcnt: 3.~ .:3B Date of tl·c'1tmcllt: o Footing o 1st Treí\tn1ent o Re.~treat I o Slab o 1st Treatment o Re-treat ~ o Driveway o 1st Treatl11ðnt Re-treat FßCI04.2.6 C6l'tifica/e of ])rofecltve TreatTllellt for prevelJ(i()IJ {}/lerJ1JiJes. A HJenlJ,er re~~'istaIJt jobsile pO.1'JiJJg boarll sJ)llll be prqv;¡Je¡/ 10 receive dUjJJicate TreatJJJelJI Cerlificatel {IS eacll reqllirell protl-CIJ'le (real/lle/Jt /j. cOIJlplel{!(J¡ provj(Jing (J copy for IJ1e persoll TIle ]>erlllills ;SS'I e.(110 (llld aJ10tlfer copy for tI,e bllildilJg perJIJi¡files. TIle T.reatl1Jenl Certificate sll(ll/ {JrOVlfle tIlt: JJrO(lllct l¡sell, Îf/61Jlity 'oft/,e appl;cator t;,n~ Q/1l/ date of tJ,e IrealJ1J{!JJt, site locatio/I, area/rea/ell, CIJel1J;cal J' .fe{l~ perCIJI)1 COJ,ce/Jfrt11io/J (lTlllnilJl1ber of gal/onJ' I¡sell, 10 e-.rlaölisl, a verifiable recortl OfJ)"olecliv~ tr~(JIJ ,,'el}l. ~ lflJ1e soil clte/f,ical barrier 11Je¡J,od for lørnJ;le pre.1/e/Jlioll is ".red, (illil! exterior Jrofll/1Jent .rll(lJ be COltlpleted prior to fllJul bllilding IJ})pro\lal. . . , oals o 1st Treatn1ent ORe-treat o Oth¢r ,,0 1st Treatment o Re~tTeat '. o Perimeter for Final Inspection St I.llfCic C01Jnty rcq11ires for tile fil101 il1Spcctjol\ for CO') a I~cr.nal'c(\t Sticl,cr to be placed ()Il tIle electrical panel box cover, listing nil tIle trcutments auc\ dutcs of UPI»)jèa~jons. -....... ~ NOTE: Th~te lJlItst be a cOl11pleted fOrIn for each required treatJllent or re-treatlllent anti this forTH l111t.ft be Oil the job site to be picked lip qy the inspector at tÎ1llB of each inspection or the scheduled Ì11J'jJecÜoll will .fail aud a re-ínspe,ctioll fee charged.