HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040509 Î:~~ St Lucie County Inspection;, ¡:~~~~ 2300 Virginia A venue /' Jú.' ~t Pierce, FL 349~2 I~ . (772) 462-2172 ."'~~ / ¡'CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT ~,,:/ CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREA TMENT PERMIT# 07ol{-'05ð9 JOB ADDRESS <ðY2\ O~~)~ ~\c @La{ BUILDER Q~~ PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR t '\ \ \ S e.tJ\ [NV \~~ JVle~\fV'\ ~ee-v J c~ \~- 9YL\QS PEST CONTROL LICENSE # We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated tbe above..cJescribed construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: J6b Chemicals used:~~~ ):~ Percentage of so Jut ion: i ~' Total gallons used:--J.D Date of treatment: Q- t LAq Time of Treatment: QFooting f:] 1 st Treatment o Re~treat D Slab . 0 1st Treatment ORe-treat ! It'~ay , ~{st Treatment " 0 Re-treat a Pools o 1st Treatment ORe-treat o Other o 1st Treatment l:J Re-treat Q Perimeter for Final Inspection FBC104.2.6 Certificåt' of l'rot«ctive Tritatlnètl1fOT prellenJion oftermiJes~ A weather resistant jobsitt! posting board sha.ll be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificatej a.f each required protective treatment is completed. providing a copy for tlze person the permit is iSSll.t!d to and another copy for lIte buildin.g permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall providtI the prOdl{ct used, identity a/the applicaior~ time and date of tIt#! treatment, .site location. area treated. chemical used. percellt concentration and numbt!r of gallons used, to establish Q v~ri.fiable r(!cord of protective trt!atment. If the joil cht!mical barriët ttzet/lod for termite prevention ij used, final exterior treatment .r;hall be completed prior to final building a.pproval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing ~U the treatments and dates of applications. NOTE: There must be a completed form for each reqtÛred treatme1f,t or re-treatment and this f'OrIn must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection. or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-il1,spedÎQn fee charged. Signature of exterminator Rt"iseJ 6/13101 dmg