HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040349 JUN. 8.2007 3:52PM FRurl : Ð2/eG!2~~1 D7:G9 ELECTRIC ~qN~E~TION61369a921 7724G2~?3~ ~, ~-~~ ~~ Feb. 12 2,NO. 4820J~~!P, 4/4 .~~ C ( ") l J r-~ 1 \' . - t I I þ, . ~ a r' ..... ~d·_~Ut:\1III5 SL L1ICit çQantY Bl1lldln~ " ZOnID¡ Depørtment %300 Vlr3fnt. AVlnue F~1'1 "ene, Fl. ~"2 7'12.--4ó2.¡tð5 F,,~ 77;4'~5443 R~uest loJ" 3O..D01 TemþOratY Power Relen$e Dalel: fo£ßl ðr· Pe~ØlhNumbtlr: ..f21fi±:öm PlWcrt)' AddJ".-1 3:3li,.,..Bt..~s ~.--lcl 9J2. IPV' ~ FAXED G(tlLt5Y TH"¡¡:' UNDE'R5IG~Ð HEREBY JlEQV¡ST RItLEA81t OF ELE~TRrCAr... POWER TO THE f.·:';·:::~' ABOVI DiSC'IUBB)) ,P;ROP£1t1'Y, JOK A PERIOD No'r to EXCEJm THIRTY (~) DA VS, 'F.\QB~ THE PURPOSE or TJ£SnNG SYSTEMS ANn EQUIPMENT IN fJUtPAM'I10N ll'OR l1NAL~'~ INsnc:noN. IN CONSJDEÞA 'nON OF APrROV A L or mE REQtJEST \'\-"1 HEREBV ~~'é¡ ACKNOWI,EDCEA.ND 4GRf:BA! FOLLO\VSI {:~ J. 't"l' tlmpor.r¥ 1Qwtr ~1i..IÞ rlQI1I11'ad tor Ih~ lbout ,u-r.d ptlPpose ORJrr anl1 UterI! will bt 110 ...4Q ~.nCiY .r .~y 1;f~. other 'b.n 1Þ.~ p-rtnf1Led bf conA,rntdOn oun., ",__ ÙØII pt!r4Qd, 2. A' .'.ftll5 by our JIIJnllarGI, ~. hlr-.J.G' .~tel tb .abl(i~ 1:»y .U lerlnllod condltlt)ß' or rhll."....II!, Jllf:tttdl',C Ø.,M1nl Dlvi.'DR Pœk}', 1,iJtd~1I J. tnQOrpor,,~d "art'" '" rcfà~ncl. 3. All ~ôndl~lfœ IReI "~IJI,.,~ IbWi hi ÖIt attra1tf4 dlCtØJ\ra 18tit'" "'_eQultIØlBntt far .!O ,.~; rower tor 1'esrtna" "n Me!' rulfMkd If'd "'" ,r,,,.11O b nldy for ccn:nplinbCt h"'per.1foft, 4. An J1If(DtJ11 ff)r ure ,x~n.lrJ' b'1ðftll ~ð ,.". mwct ~. In,tit In -dtfn¡ tu t1\t B1dldJ'1 OPJI!III .~t1hll.be r~.f<1n 'of ~h. ttqwat. rDWer )11'1 ba ~.,..oy.d trDm eTaIl øIi[! andllJC' . StÞþ Work Orchr ......." II ,he 'k...IIn~tdicm bl' ROt b~n .pp,,,vL'd " ~bi11 3Q ctl)".. A I~ of tlDO,OO wU' Þ- Pf.q\aired IIJ ,1ft u.. s~ Wørk Order. 'VI HItREBY RKLEASE ANÐ AGIdtE TD HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LuciE ÇOt1NT\", AND 1ØEIh. EMPLOYSES FROM ~LL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS or ANY TYPi or t4A'rlYR! WHICH MAY ARØE NOW O)it IN THB FlTt'tJRE our or nus T'RANS4.CnON, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WH~CH MA~' BI JNOURRED DOl 1iO tUg DISCONNECTION or Eli.ECTRICAL POWER IN TJIJt EVE~T OF VIOLATION OF ntJS AGREEMENT. ....... ~ ~ ..- .. ...... .~~~ J)~TE f ",R ~ r------ ~ I Ui!; ~~..."N~..., !SIll ~. -.v- ~ ~ #II BI----AIcL , -...... D.-re - £(rl1L RECE'"ED JUN \} ß ~~1 pubHC \Nort·:~::, . C()U~.".i' t'~L st... l.UCie St Lucie County Inspection~ E' 2300 Virginia Avenue CEI\leo Ft Pierce, FL 34982 JUN 0 7 2007 (772) 462-2172 ; PUb' . St. Luc.llc Works Ie County, FL I. CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # lJ10 cf - o1L( '1 JOB ADDRESS <13 \ '\ ~,e q \¿ e. r S Q 0 ~ BUILDER ~ ~",4 ..¡:. ~ o~ ~5 PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR \-\OVV\~ \a.. ð~ ~.( ST ~.Jt .\2-.e'^-'S-'<.,¡ PEST CONTROL LICENSE # :s \=' <;. &.-lÞ L\ · L\ ~~4~ 010 Ã)1 lo~~ We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for subte~ranean termites in accordance with the standards of the Nation~est Cont:ol Association.. Square feet of area treated: .J () ~~ ' Chemicals used: , ~ 0 ~ ~\,j \cÅ Date of treatment: ~otþ1g .c, 1st Treatment ~ 0 Re-treat (ZJ Slab 1 st Treatment ORe-treat D Driveway o 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Pools D'lst Treatment /' D Re-treat ÁJ Othe~ ~ 6 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection Percentage of solution: ,s- ·5 Li Gr~/\ '.2 j 0 Total gallons used: v}l )O, Time of rrreatment: FBCI04.2.6 Certificate 0/ Protective Treatment/or prevention a/termites. A weather re$istant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another cop:ÿ for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, .chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrîer method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed pr~or to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. \\~~ tJlO Signature of exterminator NOTE: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this fonn must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-inspection fee charged. . Revised 6/13/02 dmg VßT DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Attn: Morningside St. Lucie County, Florida CentexHomes RECEIVED 3301 Quantum Boulevard, First Flo0Í\. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 ~~ Mr. David Donvito ~ JUN 0 6 2007 Report Date: Lot No.: PerlDit No.: Project No.: Date Tested: Technician Initials: Sheet No.: 06-05-07 915 SLC-0704-0349 06-10-2402 06-05-07 SM 1 of 1 Project Name: Client Name: Minimum Probe Maximum Optimum Dry Cone Required Percent Test Depth Dry Density Moisture Density Resistance1 Moisture Compaction Maximum Test No. (in) ( ct) (%) ( ct) (tst) (%) (%) Densit Result 1 12 120.0 10.0 118.7 10.7 95.0 98.9 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 118.2 11.2 95.0 98.5 Pass 3 12 120.0 10.0 117.9 9.8 95.0 98.3 Pass 4 12 120.0 10.0 119.5 9.0 95.0 99.6 Pass () ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 () ASTM D 2937 Elevation Referenced to: ( ) NGVD ( ) MSL (X) Other Tests 1-2: Inches below top of slab subgrade Tests 3-4: Inches below top of footing subgrade >:··:::~'~}:"::.::::·::::':Soil:·~·, 1 Structural Fill cc: Centex Homes, David Donvito. · · ( 1 ) 2 Final Grading Fill Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer).. .(2) 3 Mass Grading Fill St. Lucie County, Building Inspections...{l) /./ ~7 þl' 4 Utility Backfill- Sanitary '/' 'K 5 Utility Backfill- Water /. // ~ 6 Utility Backfill - Storm ( //~ ~ .I;~~ 7 Roadway Subgrade l.--/' /J ~~ 8 Stabilized Subgrade Chris L. Mings(iE. 9 Base Course FL Registration No. 61556 . 10 Other: Footin Sub rade JUN 0 5 20D7 Note: The original of this report was signed and sealed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 6IGIS-18.011 of the Florida Administrative Code. This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above-referenced testing was perfonned at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date, No other wammties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this finn.