HomeMy WebLinkAbout07050171 (2) ()~~T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. SOIL DENSITY TEST REPORT Project Name: Client Name: A tto: Momingside l:~~ Report Date: St. Lucie County, Florida RECEIVED~"~"'~,,,,-~ Lot No.: Centex Homes ~,:y~~~~ Permit No.: 3301 Quantum Boulevard, First Floor JUN 1 9 2007 ~:~;y Project No.: Boynton Beach, FL 33426 f.;-:. Date Tested: public Works "¡Technician Initials: Mr. David Donvito St. Lucie County, FL Sheet No.: 06-19-07 423 SLC 0705-0171 06-10-2402 06-19-07 AMR 1 of 1 La:børatoryProcíor '" Field Tests Minimum Probe Maximum Optimum Dry Cone Required Percent Test Depth Dry Density Moisture Density Resistance1 Moisture Compaction Maximum Test No. (in) (pet) (% ) (pet) (tst) (% ) (% ) Density Result 1 12 120.0 10.0 120.4 - - - 8.2 95.0 100 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 120.1 - - - 8.8 95.0 100 Pass 3 12 120.0 10.0 120.3 - - - 8.5 95.0 100 Pass 4 12 120.0 10.0 120.0 - - - 8.4 95.0 100 Pass Type ofField Density Test: () ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 () ASTM D 2937 Minimum Required Compaction Based on: (X) AASHTO T-180 (ASTM D 1557) () AASHTO T-99 (ASTM D 698) lCom action ercent estimated from cone enetrometer readin obtained with a Brainard-Kilman Model S-214 hand-held cone enetrometer. Test Soil No." T':.""e 1 2 2 2 3 10 4 10 Elevatiol1 0-12 0-12 0-12 0-12 Elevation Referenced to: ( ) NGVD ( ) MSL (X) Other Tests 1-2: Inches below top of slab subgrade. Tests 3-4: Inches below top of footing subgrade. cc: Client... (1) Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer)...(2) 81. Lucie County, Building Inspections.. . (1) 1 Structural Fill 2 Final Grading Fill 3 Mass Grading Fill 4 Utility Backfill - Sanitary 5 Utility Backfill - Water 6 Utility Backfill- Storm 7 Roadway Subgrade 8 Stabilized Subgrade 9 Base Course 10 Other: Footin Sub rade Note: The original of this report was signed and sealed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61 G 15-18.01] of the Flor~déi Administrat!v/c Code. This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above-referenced testing was performed at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date. No other warranties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this firm. 607 NWCommodityCove,PortSt.Lucie, Florida 349"86 .' Phone: (772)343-9787 . ,F¡ax:, (772) 343-9404 State of Florida Board of Professional Engineers Authorization No. 6870 /~?:J/~AJ ~ ~raig E. Dunkelberger, ,: FL Reg!JNi<>t V. 2 JUN 20,2007 11:04 3217239280 Page 1 L. ~,; 5r.~ .:1 "~\.~\ \ %L~9V'Ó~ OCy-O '-- ""'~, ~ . '~~ ~ S t Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, Ii'L 34982 (772) 46~..1172 t, CER'fIFIf:A TE o.~ TERMITE 'fREA 1'MEN'I' Ct)NSTRIJC1';ION S()IL "rREArl'MENPI"' - t' PER~tlT 1# JOB ADDRESS c..-{:::LJ I (}::] ·tL.)Y'·-é--5 u_..t'~~<=...., /"-' +c:: .....~.. - _. .._~., 'F+ · ~-)ie:."·cc.' ~~ BUILDRR ~~"...)~ ++C~?f".Q"--C'~~______,_._.. __., .,......._ . ._,_..__ P.~ST CONTROL CONTRACTOR. j+c..?c:-.r -')C ~..JÇC~¡!.- õ-'¡ ç~-~,-., ..,.c.x:f O-~i=. II EST CON TROt LICf.;NS'E/(.._~E:'~2C.~;¿-~ .,\,.~~ C~2~4 . .. .............-.-.- We, tbe undeni~Jled, het~tJ'y' cc:rtify lI)at ~·e have ¡)retreated the Itbo\re...d~~ribed ~on~tru.ctiol) '-or ~Ilbtecr...neala term¡t~ in accordan~~ with the stan(lards (.ftl,c Nationull'cst C(Jntrol Âssoclatiol1. \)-..,)1 "e-tl ('.:hernicals \Is~d: ~.~:.--.:~_?-~~__~ _ __ Sq mere rr.c! of .rea treated i..~~) 3çL-' ç=- L)) rtrCt~nlage of soluti,tn: .~_) _.~ I:E..-..--.... DKtc of trelatnlent: _~.ç' · IS,.. ,,~Jl_ Tc)tal gan(UI~ used: L.(' ¿\ { í ~r-1 'I~ime of l~reYf.I'.~nt:_" . .~.,., f~)r !~~. .,~........-- U Fo~ptg ~ 1 st 'fn:aLment LJ J~e..tl'e.a{ lJ Slab / ....- ;£1 ht T('catrnent l.J~ l'{c . t1'eat a Driveway o 11'1 -1" rC~\n1eTìt o I~e tre,at Q P()ols o 1st l-realn)Cnt o Rc..trcat o 0, hcl' .___.__,.___,...._.., ..,.. '_,___._.... ~ ~s:., ~:;:: ~ I m ~ n t ..._..... 0'. ~,~_~:~:? ~ :~: ~,:,' : _ .'J ,~_'.'_ _ - ,.) U Pcrirnctcr for Final Inspection /.~:~~~:;¡::<::, ~~::'~-"::ÐI.:-~ y.- 1¡:l\aW.c!" of' e); rlninator ...,)- _.- 1\'OT 1::: ,/ ( 1/ 1ïwre IPIIlst /II' a i:OtllþlCll?d fQrm fur ,:a('it n:q,ârr:d "·ea'Unel1t 01- I'c.t"cu","·nt-cíI1,tJ. this foh¡('""ust be tin r¡;ñCl04.1~~¿·IÌTtifltlJlt of Prø'~clïa>' Tre-;;';eft;j~~~rev",uio" o./u:n"ilCfS. I A we<uht.r }'f:.~î$lallt jøb.utt ¡JUJ.ling boa rlJ J'hiJll b(' 'rl.')\'id~d tCJ Ired ,l; I riupltcatl ¡Ì'tarmetll Ct!rtrfimlt1J' tU ØQL~h rt4ìi4ii'cd prNtXlillC lr~al"¡~"l U' ,'Q'71plt'led. prO~j¡di "J< " ""py j( t· rile pcr~()I' rh~ pt:t,,.rlit J.J '·.J·~Uf:d If) 4.1'1.4./ &lllo/Iu!f (~(1r_'; ,101' rhfÞ: building p~(rrll'! fit 1'4'. T7,~t T'~at')I~)11 CertificCJlt': ..\''',,,1/ pr('I\,·idf.:: 11',~ pr.;,d,#,'·' 14S~df k'lffl:~ry of tJlt: nJ)I,)Iz~i.l.1C'f 1¡'7.~ (rl'J(~ dale ("¡J'lliC rre'~'f/IC:'111 (iltt 11it'11'¡"f1, tJrf#fZ l'~alef,i. cl1~thi("J w.r(l(I. )t/I'·CI'JI r.'n~I('~nlrt' Hil1 fll1t1' ttulubcr tJj ~1((II(),.s lIsed. It) e~ftablti'h (I ''Jet ~/i(jb{ t r('tCktd Qf l"I'(,Jl,,:t:II\'C I J'/~(ll"a:I¡I. LLf Il1~ j'oii C'h€"Ji~~(l1 barrier ,taelhod 10" fellt/fie pr~"'c"n()~ i.i (4j~dr tÜh.1 t.I·/f~rÍtJI· (I ~al'/1t'/~r ~It(.¡ti b.r rt)mµk:ltd )tì~~,¡'r tv fi¡z,,! btl.ildÙJg lJp;JI·O\ltJl. St Lu(:ie Cu~nty requires fut tl~e f1nal il.as~(I¡"ø f()r (:(). Q Pc:rDl8Dt:nt Stic:k~r II) lit phaa:d un the electri~aJ paDDI biJX 4,"ü,'('r, U1I(i"1 QJI c)~" Ir'eåtITtt'nt.~ aud dmtes or 'ipplicntions. .,,_.3....... . I_._~..'. .. ,:,J;) J2'\·;h·tlli.-J l'n') J,ng '~r,:'I~":~ ,:j t'1,] j(~b .site ((} h~ [lîcJu.'d 1111 b~ tile inspe':tol' at (¿lilt! (~f f~(,d, ill.,'i}Jfc(Ím, t,r tile !\'d,nlu.l~(1 ÙI.\JI"I·timl ""ill "fail <1",/ u re-Î"sptcti(ï" Jet chtlrgf!tl. j I j I':..:: It' J r H ~-f4 ., l~ j · t ~ . f', .. ~-¡ c~ +-, .:'"' þ' ,,' \J 'f . r' , I ,~ ~- f·¡~;·~ '-,- /.' 4" " '~ . ,