HomeMy WebLinkAbout07050268 06/19/2007 12:59 5613935882 on/'C PAGE 01 RECE:I V~~'? . ...---- -f1:r~: ~u~~ !C!!-!'LIGENT · UCle County FL 'TtH'rn itøP retreat. COrn State License J1194495 ~----.:.:-. (ÍJIlIGENT~"') \..... L.31/V?7 i'}nd Pl"st C",.,trol // ..~ ' ~ Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by F"orida Building Code (FBC) 104,2.6 and 8roward COur.Jty Chapter F8C i05.2.2) PEn PR~ENTION I LAWN &. ORNAMENTAL CARE I TERMITE SE:~VlC~S l MOÐO TO ABATEME," I RODBfT & NUISANCE W'II.,DLlFE EXCLUSION&. "EMOVAL DEVELOPMENT NAME (PROJECT) ~UNNY Q CLOUDY SE:1WICE ORDER NUMBeR 8Eé S OIiY. STAtE. ZIP CODe , Q~\CS'J R--~,€~ I CONTACT PE~ON S~UCTU~~ADO~SS(lOTJeLOC~ CONTACT PHONE NUMBeR NOTEs COUNTY ~ . ,~ ~ FLOATING tJ CUTOUTS CJ MONOLITrlrc o FOOTeRS t:J PAiJo CJ FRONT ENTRY [J GAFlAGE I:J DRivewAY o 15XrEArOA P!:R'M~R FOR RENEWAL o STeM WALL o OTHeR o AODmON mEA1M~'V t:J TAMÞ & TREAT t6'-EAT ONLY C FINAL ~ RetREAT CJ BOAA CARE 'tREATMENT CJ E3AfT STATrON E8QDU~.I L) aASEUNE ~OaullO TC 0 DRAGNET I;J DeMON TC 0 iERMIOOR TC Q 90RACARE CJ OTH~ ACTIVr: INGReDIENT Q2tD¡taMncæ o .06% tt .12% 'l(.25% C.5% 0.23% o OTHE~ ___ GALLONS APPljeD 9 .......... .... ND P~8 ....~.. .. -\.. Þ-1 ..._.~.. ". ^ .. ~'~~_.. 0 .. ""^' I ~.. f.. ~ " .. ,,~ \ : ~I 0 ......~\ ~ .~ ~\ . 2- : . . · '" .à ...1 ~ . · ~.. -... .." ~.. .... ~ '\.,.(, 0 R \ 0... ." .. .. .............. ",.- .~.... -tr ",_.. .......~- ~mM~ ~-s- "'MållECmAQE ~OTAQE WhlF_m ~ES 0 NO [J MEASU~êD OR VERIFfEO PEA ~LANS &I...READV CONDfTlnNS.MEI ~ QNO SAfiIY-ØQ~Dmo~ DeTAILS As per 104.2.6 FeC - If soil chemical ban1ør method for térmlte øreventlon Is I,.ISed. Anal èXterlor trestmønt shall be eOmplE!ted prior to final building approval. c.rutIcdo of Compll~é: The building haa fflCeived a OOmplete t~ment lor the prewntlon Of subterranean tårml~. Treat'nent Is 11'1 acCOrdance with n.IIM and lawa establlðhB(f by the Flortda Oêpartn'liBnt of AgrlculfUl'ê end Consumer Servlc:ØiS. (Per the Florida BUildIng Codà.) If thIs notice Is for the tlnal eJ<terior treatment, initial and date tl'Iis line {TERM 'tE MOMmA 'NsTAl..LED D YE:S 0 NO} fm~~ CJ Eu;crRICAL PANel Q WATER HEArER OiHER '--... 'nI,....= Custom... PØJrnent In full fa duo at tfIM of "'ldal øøMCé. eu.o....ør agl"èB$ that a fll18nc. charg. in the amount or 18% per armum wMI be 88øøsSOd on elf unpefd bafances tIuIt ~ not BBtIs1t8d by the duo d_. In the event a cofrectlon proc.u baoome. ~ to '-COver .n unpmd "ønœ tho fol wtng ,... wiD be 8á8ft8l8d Indudng Ixd: not Ilmft8cl to: œllOdlon ~ '-411, ~ey'B Ieo. ftnanOlD çhal'ß8$ und nae,.8Ufft~nt funds p~ · C stamer wlU be mBpOnalbht for JIg BII COS'I8 assoCIs d with any oollectlon process. ~ II Custom. (ProPêI1y Own. or Agent) . . A .....,,~..,,~ ~ '._~ ~ NAIll IItB 800~DILIGENT BOO Diligent. com D~te Date ft· _11_'Ir'" CorporQte 3100 NW Boca.Raton Blvd. r Suite 106 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 I 600.487,8190