HomeMy WebLinkAbout07050390 RK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY ~~~~N#M30~~~Ó2JrÕR ~~K 2836 PAGE 1707, Recorded 06/18/2007 at 04:12 PM '"", MAV-26-2se7 12:21 AM TAPPP..ff'lA.f.TGCCT 7~2..!..~~_~"!...9_~__.___..._~.:..el 113, Florida Statutea,.the roDowiag iafi:Jaaatka is)llOVidcd ÌD dais Notic:o of~ . ~al Descripti,., ofpropaty ~ ~~ iflYailabJc J :r s: ~ ~ ¡j ~ I í 4 S~. LA k £.s rA-t{C.(L 3t./ 'Lf ..:Jð/ I!ð/ ð<J__ . ~..:.. des tio~ oC'ÏJopray , f \ (\ 0 :.s: ".., Dwucr II- L .¡. J4' ~ Addrea 6.., r L. Owna's iDleIeat ÌD lite of improvaƓat ('} 1....) ~ ~ IÞ ~ Fee Simple 1itJc holder (if 0Ihcr thin 0'InICr) IV / fI. Ad~ . CODtnctor ~/IM~ J.. (J c: K ~fI r ?if '?! ' . Addreal f. - ì ~ r.J 7'ð ~ ' .e: p,i. Hdy. r L. .:f l/ £J1' ~ 'v Iff Q W > - W Phoøe' 71.:1 -5-9:r-~.:t. ~ S- WCJ =- Fax . 7.. r.. ~ - ;!Jq..,- A -'1.:1.. ":I ¿ rr Suiely Address Amount of BODd S Phone # =- Fax # = Phone: ". Fax" Lender . AddrCS; /Il//} , . Person. witJm. cbc Stlte of Florida. daåpated by <>wnw upoa 'Wborn lI01icea or- olba- cIoc:1.uncata may be acned .. pcovided by Section 713.J3 (1) (a) 1.) Florida Statutes: Name Phone" ¡'\ Addres~_ Fax II ~ addition t~ mlDlClf, O'WDer dcåpatca of , (phone'll Fax t# . ) 10 receive. copy oflbe Lieu...s Notke.. provided ÌD Section 7J3. I 3 (I)(b), PIOrid. Statutes. Expiratioo date of D01Ïce of COIlllba&ccIÞllDt is ODe year fiom the date oC recording W1Jcss a di1fercnt date is specified. (Dare) '~. (Î ~ )¿~~GN~ . STAtE OF FLOIUDA. COtJN1'Y OF . Acbowledged before me tbia ---J day of who has produced .20----,by as identificalÌon. · who is peøonaJJy boWD to me or (1aI) :1~~~~~. ~ 1m Hø S. Elmd r~ ".\I~~tl" Betty S. E ore TYPB PlUN'TNAMEoFNarARY (~~~\ Comnussion HDD273242 :'.:, ~.:;: Expires: Jan 31,2008 ~~;¡ö;.¿~--- ~ondcd.Tbru ' ,NOTAJl){ PUBIJG nrLE 'II "" \' Atlantic BOIIchn¡ Co..1Dc. COMMISSION NUMBER. o r: f ~~. (; ~:;~ ~ [~. i~~' ;'; -;" ",,' ,..... r'~'~;' .: "':i~:'~::~~~ t!:~ ( ~ì l", \:i4 )';~ d 'tf-' \, ~dÞ1:<J:f.1Ø,... '< n "1;' ~ ,_rOO; ..t......\.. ,.,,1 ,~) q " ,It, <, ~... , ,\...0/:- }~ \j., , '-'I; Wi- \y q \~:~~ "þ .J LL. "- UJi- c::) ~ ~C o ~ 00 ~O 0(.) = Q Z .c '- :J (J :::) a..3 ...., ...; en