HomeMy WebLinkAbout07060043 (2) " ' ," :', :.:,,', ,',', ' , ~ : y, ~',.;,' , '" " '., ...... .:.' . :." ",~ ", \ ",\:': ',~' '?-:::..~. >':'" :,:' ,', . " ." .,'j ',., ;'.., .... ',',""\~ .: " ' . ' . :.."'" ,..·.-..':,:,:·,:·:::.;:::~·,:;:.':-::':.·:",~.:..,·~N~ÇÈ·OFCOMMEN~, ' ..:. . P6~~N~. ,··..CJ~~7· û· ~'~~':t)'Ôèf, 3::···..· ..:.-' .,...".':. . TaxJ~#: " 3~}~'~~:;'·~()·i 66'49w_OO()"~ State Of :""-r C.: 0 :\~ { . 1>~. . , :,... '.' Coùnty Ç)f:)-'f " (. I 1. r .J l;,. , .. THE UNDERSI~' ~~ieby gi~~ notice thai irnprovenifjnt wïÍl be made to cc¡1ain rear~iÒ~~~' ~'(im '~C~~;dåIiC~ with· Chapter 713; Florida Statutcs~,'the foJlowin'g irifo:r:matioJi is provided in ~s No~ce ofConuntncement. ' . . . ~a1})~~ .oDofPro~and~tf~~t~dtht$Jif~V3i1abJe~1 ~ ~O~( ¡G'ff", ~auJ)l, Ci fg1f-SfdÚCÜL e[ , ,/ · ~ ~-S ... :::¿.J I' ;;t) Gt!UeraJ description of improvements p. C~ L. . ~ .') "":. ~ t .owner 'L:) ,I t. \. en" tl ¿ Address l I ,)! ~ (j C ,<-. Û ê.· , Owner's interest in site of imprQvement )--1 ( ,"y , , .. , . Ftc Simple Title hoMer (if ~the:r than oWDer)~ Address Contractor , Address - ~ -- JUN 1 9,2007 ~ . Phone # Fax # Suiety Address Amount of Bond S PUblic Work !àt. Lu~ie Co s unty, FL Phon~ # Fax # Lender· Addre~~ Phone # Fax # ~1Jf.Lh- P~sonswithin the State ofFlorida.des.ign.a.ted by Owner 'Upon whom notices. Or other docQ:mcnts may be scrve-d as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (~) 7_J'Florida Statutes: Name Phone #~. Address , Fax #_. In addition to himself, owner designates of (phone fJ Fax # . ) to receìvè a copy of the Lienor\s Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b)) Florida Statutes. &pu-;¡¡tion chtc ofnotiçc; of commcncement.is One year fiom'the date ofreco:rding un1~ss 3 different date is specified. (Da.e) · cP ·IC· t ALJL~ ~ \. ··f ',.- OWNERs SIGNA 11!JŒ . 20 ~by' . a.nnt . L -f{C,t/f-Jo is pen;ona]]y known to me or as identificahoD_ STATE OF FLORJDA~ , Acknowledged befor who has PIoducedt- (sea]) t....~.~1U:~ , V ALAAIE SPELLS Q}*l ·Y~ MY COMMISSION # Dc 554758 ~. · i EXPIRES: May 21, 2010 "1 ,~, Bonded Thru Notary P~btJc Underwr ters ,NOTARY PUBliC TITLE COMMISSION NUMBER 10/10 39'\jd IL9gg9p2:LL1 2:1:11 L002:/61/90