R [ 8 q
Permit Number:
Building Permit Application
Planning and Development Services
Building and Code Regulotion Divisiorr
2300 Virginia A verrue, Fort Prerce FL 349,32
Phone: (772) 462-15-53 Fax- (777) 462-1578
Commercial Residential —\4
PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select frern droPbox, click arrow at the end of lire
Address: _ 1 0 c f
Legal Descri ption: a ,,o . p 0 Av--L
Property Tax ID 4- — tot No.
Site Plan Name:._-.
Project Name: A -
Setbacks Front _ Fuck: _ Right Side -
re a o d a f
Left Side:
Block No. -
24 G�+~S- crlry and
Add�toona wo ' 5o r me un er t is permitn
0HVAC f Sias Tank a5 Piping Shutters
❑ Electric ❑ Plumbing OSprinklers. ❑ Generator
Total Sq- Ft of Construction;
Cost of Construction: $
Name [� f7
�&Oof Roof pitch
Ft. of First Floor: _
Utilities;5eer 1:1 Septii, Building height:
Address: 0 a f, �
City; A _ State:
Zip Cade; Fax:_
P3ione No. 7 2-
E-Mail._. .�
Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if d iffere.nt
from the Owner listed above)If Value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of I
City: State=
Zip Cade: 7 Fax. -
Phone, No- Y?- 8 a,
E-h ail; 6")6, • C o,
State or County License: t
'ommencement is required.
Code Red Roofers, Inc, Main Office: 1 (944) 4 - CDDERED
License #CCC 1326574 1 (844) 42- 3373
License # CR 1325$2 Fax: (772) 287-7763
infiD@coderedroofers.com s . .coderedroofers.com
Submitted To: Julie Lange _ Date: Febru F 28. ?0 .0
Address: 7405 Ocala Ave Phone; (77 ) 321-2341
City: Ft Pierce Statc; FI. Enudl: - .01 } �
Shingle Roof Proposal
e hereby submit 5pec,tions and estimates for:
1) Carcplete removal of existing roofing materials down to &-a.
2) Remow and discard existing non-structural gutters — not to be replaced..
3) lnipecl p"rood &ck* far damage; replace up to five, (s) she
l'lcase see Wood and Labor Addendum,
4) Re -nail plyvvud to meet current code.
S) histaliation of set f-adhered ,,ouierlayment Nualifles as seca4dary wMe r barrio).
6) lnstallatioas of accessory metals, drip edge, valley metal, and pipe stacks.
7) Installation of MetrDi iae approved, fungus-re5L arlt Arehitectllr l shingles.
8) Includes taxes, permit fee, trash removal, clean u% diunp fect, labor, and materials,
Roofing Corrtractoor will suPPIY a fI've (5) year Limited Warm nty upon cnmpfetion of the project,
e propose hereby to furnish material and labt)r — complete in aoowdance w4h the above specificatims. for ft sum of:
($ U95,G) EiVht TiiousarA Nine HuudrW Ninety -Five and xx1100 ----------------- -----
r - ]pollars
�rtion: Lr.�tallati n i" fr a Sv metal f i1� alvalum finish �- -- — — — ----- 1 L S{1(3,0� f( rlirial}
�$ti on: Installations of two 1 modified fldt roof to lqw. slo __---�—------� --add 80t}_00 Lai "
c7llti�sl= 1-nstaJ.Catian,of erect ` latiam to low sloped flat rcnof area'—-----�------------ a� $1_SS.OtI (hlitial]
Total contract price witli all selected c ticm-- - ..------------------�-- — -- -- 9 lrlitial
A Project Manager will be as Weed to your job io ensum high quality ► orik
Quoted price is a c&qh price includes all rebates and discotwts, An additional 3.3% convn6mce fee will laic added to paywcnts made by
credit card. Payment draws to be made as Follows: I13 on conlrxaei acceptance, 1I3 prior to Commertrement 113 within 15 calendar days
of completion, Completion is determined as the scope of work being mbsuwdady eonpfete and ready for f l i upeeti+an. Owner
may withhold an a»mourlt up to 10% of completion &" invoice, pend ng resolution of Corrective ]Fork Request Form. Owner
umkrstaxrds and agrees by signature below that such withholding of paynw??1 array jeapardae appile&ron of vmrkmmuhip carrat2ty,
aid than b7speolion scheduiing is trot wflhin C KR's control. Outstanding balances may accrue finance charges at the statutory rate
(currently t 9% per al nurn),
Note; This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within thirty (30) days.
Any alteration or deviation f is above specifications involving extra casts will be executed only upon written order and will become
art extra charge river above estimate_ All agreements are con ingmt upon strikes, accidents, or delays bq }ymd our contmi,
Respectfully Submitted by: Sean Perez at Cade Red Roofers
Acceptance of Proposal
BY sigaaGtwv below, Owner indicates they are aw'dm tha cumat proiect sche&ditig is subjected to additional delays outsiide of Code
Red Roofers' control, iindudillg but not limited W material arid labor shorta , and irlclemem weather. Time is ofthe essence in any
major project such as roofing, and Code lied Roofers will make nest efi`orti to advance schedule dates whenever possible. The stated
prices, specifications and conditious are sarisfactary and acre hereby aecelrted. Ilse Wood and Lahr Addendum is also satisfactory
and herby accepted. You lure awh(ri7)ed to do the work as specified. payments will be made as outlined above.
Owner Signature.• '
Page 1 c f a
SdUIW4081 Florida Treasure Coast Central Flodd* panhaodpe
3341 5;1� SlaW S1 1166 Angle lid. 701) Avenue C 81: 442 IrAw suial Drn-a
$Wart, FL 34997 Fort Pim". fiL 34947
(561) 622 - 6343 (772)287-28?9 (963)T}3 -1 11F7 33S�U (850) p, - 451
{863j 845 - 312D {850) 225 = 5451
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Pr5dL4 Rsrufactvrw
411ithorlMo SyjMwtime
're-_-hi%WW Fteprp-Wtaive
Assminance Ftepmwntmw
iiijw, Newpr.�n venter t?i-ye
Dmrf,c,W ft*m't. Ft �IU42
(954) 131-1334 rxt 242
HaRy Aii-vft
Pm�0m,m0pukncm -con
Mimyy 4:1ppq
I I I I 10 - Pi&epod CerfLft iXve
OelerNM Beach. FL 33442
(91z; 429-0610
Me( temr>pr
t I I L.Y - Pfempg3n Zajitcr D.- vc
Geftf,3!131 EL-4C'%. R )3*4i
Evikomli Rejw*am 6 Fwhm R^g}Aizml ArOitee
Pride%lr,r%al ErH¢Jnmor
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7.- Arz:TjitMVt ft" 0 Srho Oti*bPed R* Rebett Mealmol
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FiLl 19 Mojtll�, Wtd%b*r &r NOR$&
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li*%Is at Use
Approw" tor W" In MVM' gv
Appo ov" for imLe *utsb" HVHX; YYN
FrHpack k3cm4lant; Nrik
J)"QA Prtoj:k3te. 4VAJ-622.5
other'. 1.% lcrg 4emw wv-qs� in rms
Twat" .a ow pbetna air
&mth,-riaVn%wvtAYGLeM �*VW -*bCT*to dAC4r� QW
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cXvo'� I;r,-its of use,
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JN& Fklrkm q-, wag ijc,qA' Y 'Ja'�A'kx Mx Aq%FX.-e W 1s � Not ,erg eeanvw
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Polygl s Usk Inc.
111: Wie51 Newpart anier Drive
Deerfield Ream, VL 33442
(9941233- 30
EMO I eft.
CeTfdGLM 43I-S5
353 Chcmtian Street, l.lnit 413
Oxford, CT 06478
(203) 262-92 45
Evaluation Report PIL2t .02.N-k24
F k5 25 4-R 2.$
Date of Issuance: 02/2412009
Revision 24, 01/24/ZM
7hir, Evaluation Report is i-ssued vnder Rule 6IG20-3 and tine aWk;WE roles and regotatiom governing the use of
fofistruction Ipiatefials in the $late cf Florida. The ckocIsmenta#iera 5ui;mftted has been reviewed hY Hobert Niefninen, P-t,
for use of the product under the Florida ESuiidiiig Grade and Florida Ruining Cody, Residenbai Volume- The prs�ducts
described herein have been evaluated for trorr'pj ance with the 6#h Edition (O171 Florida Building Cache sec#tuns noted
DFscgIpTtoN, PoiySEass Root Underiayments
taaFumi: Labeling shalt be i41 accordance witi) the req-u i rements the Rccm6 ted Quality Afsurance Agemy noted herein,
C014rfNUto CompuAma: This >=va¢uatfon Report i5 valid until such time a�, the named pr{lffti(;gg} chafkgcvs, the referenced
Quality Assurance d ocii ruontwirm changes, or provi!-, fns of the Code that retate to the PFt 60rt change, Acceptance of tt:is
Evaluation Report b' the named dipntt tor:stituces agfL-eMent to notify Robert Nieminen, P-F of anV Charges cO trle
paradUC#{s}r the Quality Assurance or the A uction facitity Iocation(s), Ni=l G[etr. requires a complete review of this
fva5uzban Report relative to updated Code requifements with each Code Cycle -
AIDVERTlsEMENT; The Evaluation Report number pFocoded by the words 14EMOletc. Evalua#ecr may be disAayed in
advertisisg li#eriiture. if any peroon of that Evs$jgatrao Report is drspiayed, theta it 5hA be done in its t:fttitety,
If+SpEcnow. U Ny, request, a copy of than 4nt,re 8valuation Report shall be provKW to tht= user by t'he manufacturer or its
distriba}tors and stwall be available for inspection at the job site at Che request of the BOW irq Off itiai.
This I<vakiat¢ofl Repo Ft consists of ages 1 t'hCOUP 14.
Pmpared by,
a "
4'ts7uci t J, M, R{ n9mm M, :S r=.;. 6�. per. i `±: :rat rac Yx^ik iCJ! d%yt; w0i.x izcd by q'J Rri hs inWMI.
vffiriffp Rt r5tmtiov7 No, 59766. kOncla DCIi riN,2983 E.cr. o�fa�rxai8. FhF.dcxx�wt s-E,wacan«e.ctrmnrtaIry
C#RTuFrr_AnNFN OF 440f N0lkCE-
1. NEmniil tr- 420Fc nvt have. "of t3ops it lr;terre to aCquiae or will tt atquire, a fin racial interest ire any company rnaatufacZVriisg ar
CSi'vr';llwing protkitts it C"luaW-5-
2, NF-MO i etc is not OWAed, operaitt!d or ronzrOfid Few Any tcx+lparsy rnanufatturing or 0F$[ribUlOg prod"ts A evaisWtei.
Robert Nlefrrinen, P-E- does nal ha6e oar :toil: ae-gLire- a €snanvW interest in any comp., + rrsof distribatirsg prgdurts for
which the e+ra#gyration Fed :rtS are brE ing issued
4. iiabert NiLp.mine.n. PI- does not have, nor will Atcluire. d fi-rinterest in F>mi other enLityr 3nW4:dVtd in the approrai grace35 of rhLe
5 TNs is i tmipEchng code tvalwt1cm- Nekher NEMO I etc. nor wtobsert Njenwnen, P -E. irer in any way. the Z)esigner ni Recoad Fot any
project on whicrh tN-5 Evaluation ReoorS, or pr'%v{ous versions ttsefeof, is/was t1wd for permitting or desago guidome u+!+us. rP:aine6
spPtlfiCdliy zo{ that oufpose.
pwrludCaWgwy: 11000ne
Sub-Cmtego - U{der* nest
campliame 5totement; fiaof Underlayments, as prodl:cpd En, flalyoass M% fnc., have demos strafed compliance with The
f0owmF% srp ions of the a Edition M17) #larida Sullding Code Tivaugh testing in accordance with the following 5tandwds,
Ca M134a nCe i5 strh*a to the instaftzhi�n §t(?PUiYPfprrltS ar)d I.irnit;m ions J Ci)nd Ittom of QSC set fuFth 11112MIn.
150A .� 1
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uk 11197
1547,2,3 ]5p7.1.1
PhVWAI Proommes
1SW -2 A 15137..i.1, 15U
Fh] Cat Proputiies
ASTY Di4742
?EmY caf prow* $
FA-WTikt W 12012
Arcele r mc%0 Wth2t+tvmg
.�. fXiFfREJ1lC€S:
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PRI t t5-r SCT j
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Ps;TtA 55 U 07.
PM (T5T Si3711l
P lvliczl ipmperties
PLSA-06i-02 i
IrRI #75T 5878i
Physical ProMrikrs
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47f2 12t}D9
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mom u'20n
4-k nate 2nkmily l~itstoned Un"rWY "tS:
4 1 I Elastobase rs. j �ibt.-f�jLassrelinfa ced, SBS mod1f;ed b+tumentlasl�street,
4.1.2 Fljs#aba se P u a potyestef-rr-In€vftod, S85 modi AM WIumen b0se Sheet
4 3 Wygias9 G2 $ase is a Fiborgiari rP0nfoeckc; aVb6k4C base sho-et.
4-1 4 Palygaass APP base is a fibar�laARP ma&fled nitumon bast Sheet,
— b,2 6�d{•�4dl��ri�� Lind�rfaymeflkS=
4,3.1 PCA"IICir Mn OT P'#iysticia rA S PLUS is a nominai 60-m)l zillcie rubberized 45p}1Rtt watorproof+ng rr.-PmbrA6e, gtass
fitter romforued, surfam-d Atth polWiefinic film surfacei meeI5 ffkSAfTR; April 2012.
Pply k k lit-ite ;s a s+aminAl CC-Mii thick rut6wi2ed asphalt wawrpv*OFfng nKertltki'dne, fsl�ss Giber reinforced, with �n
aggregate sw1we; meet s A S 4 V 1970.
4.2-9 Vo"tick TU Ilu%is a nominal 1 miltNck rUbbulzed asphalt waterproofing membrane, gims fiber it.:nfor:e4l,Wt-h 3
polyester fabFic wrfoce: meecs AST 1 1970 and FRSA/TF;j AXii 201
liWO rK, tLC. EtAAuotmv- RL�l PIZXa9fi;W"2A
cl,gi uoffsr✓,onraemrOP3,?M 6'ytukr;C;v 1017iFBC'*o*+4mzevmOAloom Rs2WN29
#'44nsm LlGO4on&TUvq&Ttj� M541 233-1230 ; eewl5 n 24-. O1,f241i013
page 3 ci 14
41.2.1 Palysikk TU P i5 a namiY)al 13 .mil [Nd rubberized a5philit yya# rproafirtig rTe niarar lass FrberJpaltresker
ri2gnIxce�d, with a granolar surfact, rf� ets FftS, tiR I .April 101 -
4-2-5 Po"ltk TU M2x -s a nominal 60-rtlit [trine ftibbera20�6 asphalt watt P-POf ng mefLlhQne with " 190 Rfrrt' polyester
t,5bri- ,urfa€2', rr-eirfir, ASTM Dig 70 and a KSt'4jTRI April 2017.
4-2.6 pa oli x SAk Pniyflax 5" FR, 141til"i SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Efate SA-APP Cnp $Meet (FR) a, a pmyesisf
reinfomed, A-9 trmAffied bitumen caP 02eu- meet FRWTRl Aprii 20I2-
41.7 P01ystaCk I]ual Pro" is a mir3al EO'M 1 Chide dual -laver ra,bbsrizad aVFtaA watinprcotmg mernhrane, mi!Tgtass
reinfor€ed, with a po"tef f.&bv c 5urfice; meets ASTIM Ut97f)-
4,2,8 Pil)"ick Ttle Ncf v rs �3 Fxmrirtaf 6rJ-rnsi th" 1:!tU a -la -per rubberized as,pha # w,�terp olirrg mtimbfam% fiberglass
rAinfoe red, w,;f1 a p lyesker fabnr ar�rface; Fneets ASTM {)19'20 m FAS.tis'7'Rl , pyil 2452,
4.2-9 Po>aysti& MU-X is a mminai 54-rriPl tbkk dUal-12VT rubbeiired asphalt weteFPraafFra9 fHer+tksr ne fib rg d 5
reinforced, with a po{ypropylene firm SUffac,�; nTeets AC189 and physkal re*renwnts of A-WM D5 974 tSef Section
S-8 ]- —
d-3 hAf[ksani d3 �a5taned and jor Son l}hf etiaymsratx;
4 .1. asti30ex f TU is a Wyester reinforced, fnodif+ed bitumen the tsnderiayrner�k iomRa4td of a sand 5i�rf3ted Sg5
rn4difled b,turnen back -side *od AAP mcidlied bitumen top -side. Caslaflex G TU +s f0f use as are
alternate to "Vinerai Surfa€t Rcsli Ri601$rrg" (ASTM f]&W, Class M) In ffm "$5r a ply 4jysjeW frnrrl MWTi i Apra
2012 (04-A2� beneath methanitaaly fastened file roof system$ or Hot Asphalt apglir "Cap Sheri" ifl the 'Two Ply
Sw❑term" from FRSftMApril -.�D12 [± 4-12} trencath mechar)icaiiy lastened or adhered the roof system;;
4 '_ €l, taf x 56 +s a nd Ela5AZA x ss Q MR are poiyi�slev re;nforeded, Sit$ mod:6ed bitu.re: cap v3W.o j; meet ASTM 1)6� EA
0jist4of o S6 G and S3astctiem 5ia 6 FIR *re for uSe a$ an akerrtate Ca 'Miae'01 Surfs€e Roll RoOfimo (ASTM 06390,
C1��s MI ill the "SiftgW Fay System" ffem Pl45A/TRl April 2012 I04-12) heneath fnecioa-iicaNy #asteried :ile rc+vf systems,
Alma S5 G is for Liw. as an a4 rrate to "Ot Asphalt app$i-d ' Cap Sal t" in khL, "314rro Pl� System' From fa>SAj�aal
ape{a 20A-.? J04.12; beneath nwtlianIfAMY fastened of ddhared tilt TO -Of 5y5te,4rs, VA0Afl&x 96 G FR is far ❑se aS an
alter ilq- to Fiat ArVhal appriW "Caf3 SrW*V� in the "Iwo Ply System' from FfIWIRl April 2012 104-121 lw-neati+
mechanically fastened tibe rOCFSySteMFK
4 3-3 901yifem 5 y� and pwkrt jS FR are pry"ter reinfurcW. APP rnvd'fiied brtkIm9r4 tdp sheets; meet ASTM Dfi2, 2-
aPo"x 6 is far jse as, an aattri)ate to +1W. App9+ed Ca1a SaIeet" in tfite "Two Pap System" fTi3m F SA)TRI April 213S2
(04-12} 5rrye8#h r�rec.ha+x,ralty fastened 0x aC lei s 4 the i wf systefns. #zlyliex 6 fit is for Arse as an alternate to Neal
Applied '"Cap Sbeei' �n the "Two Ply SyStt-m" from FRSA,FTRI Aprd 243� �� :2� be�teat#y mKhaniealfy l�5terce4 Alit
tool systems.
5- U0011tTATION5:
=; i I'lfis a. a buiidin a glryakiorl. Nipither rgli=tooI!ft_ nor Robert NjeMinen• P.E arr2, in aA+ way, tlhe �esrgner Of
ttCrard For any pro}ert on Whidl #Eris Evaluation Report. or preriDus uers-forrs Cher , isjwas used ter peTm;itFng or
> rf gutdance unless rexained spec;fk4lty for tfsa# purpOse-
5-2 This Evalaatlott Report is IWt Of use in the XVMZ,
9.3 Ff. e Cla i#ica#ion is not part 4t #his tvatt2atlon Report; refer ;o current Appnwed Roofing Materials ),rectory #or ize.
ratangs of that product.
5.4 "gl ass Roof UnderaayrrLen is nzay »bed with any p ri'pared t real [aver where the product i5 5perifiG,l11y referenCBG
within FUC a roVad d0C1A C-n 5, if nut iistrd, a fequest may be made fa the Autrtority iiavlrrg Aiyf gdiftiDn 10f
aW&jal ltiased 4n Chis evakua#son €ombif'Od with suppor6fig ♦ ala for the piDlgfed ranf corering-
E-aj�.Ciom IW15a Gp, 424
hflh0 FT(. ftC fi5739-R2b
`:brtxk�A3MU rr' j1Si4k #2.0111 Fti�C. filOMi'rMrlkZ' E51ALk�tY9E7h1 24, 2402' 196
#b1yRl� R ti7r�raoh^n�: it 23�1 #23
gage 4 OC 14
r EmO I etc.
5.5 Ailow') Covers;
----... Wood Am sr».
4a iafn»t +�ap�x 1 5? gies eq-0n Tile #q.m On rie iAkm sil,
Yes '�2f Yes yes Y
ElAftbw* 41 w $ �. x4 avxr.l ii�r. • his n : �remnl
eiA w�6af"e fees 1rtS - Yes Yes Ygi Yfm
w.....-_--••_._ i9*n iFr.�iSr.2-0YiVYayr4�i-+,w.'axrr:t
---- k wee Vrts >#a ; prs pFo
i'O SS Tj &-% 40�sv: in2 k9 eYAe1C] hair Si-xN '•��O+i(+LA'�i_-
w, . Yes m 1ta No
pow%% lAPp TWAN 156x PYPr='A'srs4t 'F� _____ �__—
Pafysk lLiAIS ar K,t1-5 PILU5 Yes Ywa NO Yea Yes i r419
Fey 1A—xe ' Vra file R w Yfi3 ve
- -- - 1'C# kP5 j3ieS.5.11 flo fla �- �1C
+f2s Isee SS t Yr1
Rol4-s� �:♦r ; S1 �.�5 � YCi Yin YY.� --- ---" --
PQhct:A lVic _--..- rya we; r_J.,,.�.... res iS#rt 5.ri- 1 -fes
Flo- -fin wY�S
ft1V%f6T-4(POD "r6 ---- - Yes ;e}15Re5,5:� �YR4 ....- Vm -1 YeS
RnhFiliCF ktL�k Yes
_ ..... ........_�..
_fbAS[0 S6 G 1!S Fb
iSrx 5 k71
El�elox S(e G FR ---' wcs 1'ee HO
E ( 7?U Tts y4s Yes peS-3-L *s6 -
.-. .. .. '--------- _ -'
P#Fjl fi Yrr. C5 Yt5 iW. S.'S l� fi1G Ygi Yas
Falvoief G PR Ice YE4 No f1� +ems es
.. ---- --'-^
Po+aFarP 5nP_tir SAF #R � 'res Yin 1'Rs FSee 3.5,1) lqa yes CQi
fdu�e-hld�tS4d5F { STKC# i yt� ips Yes (S!k i,S 11 f4) 9, Yes
ae S+' APA (W SbEl" 1FR1 iT
xfoani--On TW is limited W US Df the Wiawsrirlg Apprcved the a-JhaSauIRs : urlderlaymrst: WMNnATi DPS
TjkbtE A 1A, tuoy AaLf 1 M 2 Aox *I E f UNIX ALAVWNNY 1tOMO+MA1KM4
a6dlre�r� Florida Product 1 Undwiffyments
Appr I ...�, ...-
—,.. ------- -. -- . r-..
DAP Foam Towcb `r- Seal 5Wrm-lEafid itoa' -, .� Po t4ck Tit Plus, rotrt&lia TV bAaa
7ale A k v
Dow FileBvra ri3 5:5 PO)MMk TU Pr PO'Ck TU pk"';k&'Y ex SAP ar TOL pro
P4� mt;ck TU P, Pzqiyyt0 ru VIUSr ft1yA iCk TV Mxk, o?wsk+ck Tilt Pro,
aC-P Adbes s PD-Wr' AH ieii �7astoflex 56 G, Pa" s. Aa1vf;eK SAP, AWALex f'A Cap FR,
Mule ide 5A•APPCap %ett oK itu12-flik14 SA- APP CAP Vhea: irRI----..--�
PloWxk TIJ P, Pofrgick IU Pkns Ppi1+5#i�k TU Mor, PchM;[;� -Ike Prr.,
ICP AAbesiws Palyrset* fRTA-3 FLE 76 €InWlex'S TU, Eka5W 56 Cl po"euC,r Poiyflet SAR, # ,em 5i1 tap FFfr
iw7xik-�Ik* SA-APP Lap She! - of IvIyIt- iidco SLA-ARP>t1ii#$abaft {FAQ
fo#firI}d n 7urQr�.xOwAohrx�. +►1�++uj fw:ask:�r�rtaPrMwxApwa%92Pf&rOvenUMMgMCMePt-3?e.astornLfPe"r UM&
ili�#iQ£�5.3]C fvp. Latio�n &-pan P�:15(,Q N MR• 4
C#�i, ooixaf#wihGruebrl ab'2 S air L411FfA 1�017) F9G!#ON-NVHZ EvALUATJON fi5'��1128
Pahria%& RDuf UwW*rWyments. (95{ -90}32]4 wn 24: pr P'w2Oi$
c-aW 5 of h4
5.6,1 i73rett-CondiaL is'
POh i* (Ail Vividtions), i)ual Pit}, rtlE Pro. paRyf3ex SAP'ir SAP FR, MWe-Hide SA-APF tdp 5kleet Qr $A�APP Cap Sheet
� Fftt 4f -adhef ed to:
New untreated plywood; AVM 043. prima €d new untfedi(_d plywood, "5;i-Ig piyw,)oi , }'$jM 041 vr;med exisimg
p4'iwvod; New or imst.ng_ unprimen 05P, ASTM D41 pnmect QSB; southern Yellow Pine: ASTM 0-41 4flrned
Southern 1(eilow Rine: A$>iM 041 primed strucrura3 concrete; HgAer Frjejneered V000d3 "7JP 5ys,emo Parcels
I.destgned arO InstaWId to M00.11Y±nd Wds 40f pfojerct)
#O,e: po"YPipS5 does 'Itu re' -ore priming aj new (i# exisring pty.vac`d of 05B sheathing- foe. V f,r Cxfsz;rtg pr}ruoad Or
CS6 shear�)jfjg sikoirjd be creuned of all dirt and debris pr Or to gppricction of Pu stick membrG,ies.
Elastoflex G M €92k3Io#fex S6 G or Ela5to&.Lx 56 G f#1 in hot aaphali 10:
ASThi 041 prim*d Stry tlwjd [ornate.
f,QWex G ar Frolyi3ex G FR tnecti-ao1]l'sed 16;
A$TM 041 primed structural contvtte.
5.6-2 lNng•to-ln Wl.atiQit;
pnty 6a fall-.aariatiaresl. PoNkf3 L-x SAP pr SAP FR, Mule-Mdv $A. AP? Car, 5#aeC# OF SA-APP CaP 5111Ce# VR) ielf-&6Qfed
ASTM C1299. Type 11, CI -ass i 0hHsCrcyar+Ufa#e or Type paly,soCYansIrarle cafnpU5lte �i�s�lalGon; r1w�s 3}er.x
4uraG+iard; Dens I]Mk pnm6; or 5ECUROCK Gyp m,Fiib+ef Ftnaf Board.
C1.3gl0a" 1a Sti, E3astia#Sex SE Cl nr Elint 012x 56 fa FR in itot aspbao to'
�. 4}Prra Decx Poore or S£CJFLOCK Gypsum -F- ber 900t Boafd-
pn]y#lex G or Polyffex G FA toy -applied tv'
{ ASTM D41 q(Imed -structural Concrete: Dens l]e€k PdMt nr SrCUFIOCKGypsum-Fiber Rajf Soard,
i Dr installdtitrrs iFnCrar rnec35an+cally jk iwh&d prephred IODf UgVerirrgs, 7n5ul13tran S 'y be att. Mrr,d der rltiir�iYrl>JI11
requirernenU of t7he P-Pparec rr01 covering manu#a•C[uroes 3Toduct ApprgvaI- Far irk;#aliations WOO( IDam-aA tine
wsteM6e , insukatian ;Attachrnent snarl be designed by a goalYrted design prDfos5jurdj and iPvalipd based on tesi3nif at
jhe insulationlondedayntEt USYStiM in acc&rdanc0 with T6C S tOn 1504-3.1-
5-6,3 Bond to Pheii+�CtL2� Attar#red � aer:
3}plystlCk (aji va�r`iations3, PefyRex SAP yr SoW FR, #�4tiie Hine $A-APP Cap 5lw-tq or 5%t,.JL,#'P Cap 5haet APR Dual Pro or
4-ad1ered to:
r ASIM 13225, Type I trr II fit; Elastobase; zaastobase P or Mu3e-+-ide NaP 13asr'.
Eia5.tDgQx Ci xo, [laslal3ex 56 G or Vastoftex S6 G FFl it hot asphorlt to:
ASTM D226, T*pe 3 4or 11 rekt; E3astobase; E3astobase 3P, Mule -Side r+ al Base or ' oh.oas& .� 3�ase.
?i3lyl]ex G nr Polynex G FR torclrappHed to'
� Elaftobaw-r Fii�stDba56P, M uWHide Nail Base-, Paly&55 62 Base or Paiygl4ss APP Bm..e
For isnt3er mecrianicapy attarhed prapared Fmf Covorings, bas4 sayer hail #ie attached per n?inifnurr+
toadied re�quirerfii-imf, For iY-%t4:IWtl0r1S un&-r roam -on We V;r ACi195. b%'L! toyer mall 17P aEtaChe$ Per rn n7 'U i'
requ, refnerrts of f RSAMI ARtil 2012 [04-12?, Appendix A, -fable 1, or a; listed an SPCtion 5-6.4 hereir4 or as ies€ed ;zi
woo EEC. W_'
„fffjr wa!a�%enwt� ZW43M
:rdkJ�7l+d+1 xrlh4�t �3iVr�].o2.09 p2a
r. " it�nTkOn1[fitll-6f 4OW-WhIZ WALUATM)" ##5264428
ralyoaa R1301 Ur4rAovpepe1 , {9s4}-23MMO kF++i . ,011NIMIR
paw 6 Df 14
NNEMO I et .
5.64 Wind R 5j j { menF .5]l5teipi_+n_ rtl n Tr#e TitlrrS: fitWI'RI Apr;I 2012 (04-12) dotes rot
addfoti Wuld uplift reist* va f
se of al# unde.,14merft systems be"Wli WM-4111 tik systems- Wr%fie the L:ruiet#a','Anent
forM5 part of the load•Pat3)- the fohinwiog wand uplift limitar+ons apply to WsdffL0ym2nt systerrts that are riot
add[ .rues# id FRS Ri Aprit 2012 {04-121 arLd 4ire used in foam•rxt t6- appkationi- Maxjn7 uAl Design Pre3sure l5 tl+e
rorsul# of testing for wind edit re�ktarrte W. r p.d cm aiiowablp wine loads, and 4reflects :he Wtirnate Fa$009 Pxv nsure
&sided by 2 (Ibe 2 to 1 margin V. s 1yper PM 15 1,9 has already been ap0A). Refer to I:RtAP,Aj April 2032 109,
E2), Apporkdk A, Table iA or FRC 1,604 fm .'[e urination Of c�il!sigri +Kurd l€;•ads,
# k MdxFntcim i x =�9Q #1st;
'�d-k: Mrro.:S{�3� i�rci2 wlywoad tc+ meet IxvjEti �puir�:+aerrts w satisfa:�rrrks txf Atrtlwritw Ala}irpg lvrjsdirtlars
rk*IPr- !:rrue
8Die illy: lOplicrnd#f pg+y e# M. 15 or Poly%iack WITS PLUS 3eif-adimr4!0-
i.;!r rk yfr r5t: PORxs[xk TU P, r'oiy5tkk 7ii #N4+a. pOl4'stlCk #U May, p#I A SAP, ppiyfipx 5A& FIB, Lb:.lfi-hvoe 3A-AF}5 Cap $tract arod
i4 tsFe iRdE! SA,APP Cap 5hr (Fit}* seNAO Tehd
s12 LA-Xirr,' s p2sign Pie 97.E ri -
oe-k. Miri. 15f3�-inc}t �i1� Dat; fiio *Fret P*oje€: re4IAfP!f'W 6 W$21hia€trOn of .4.€t4rOrrtV Narrrrg unsi rtit,or,.
p-;T.r,r. KC 00orA57Mo41
6AW Ply_ jC)Ot grail vu yplICA M3-Sor idly A WfS PL435, Seif•adhered-
undeAaymerq: P 0;v-bCk P, MtYstkk TV P'Us, Ppfyftirk Tti Rlm4 pi+ 5AP, PvhA;j6n SAP Fit, MUlm-WKI0 SA #IPP S �� ` . 6r7{i
Mul"ide 5A-A4'ri C40' tw*Vt lFRL seM-Ad ter&d Nod Gac#,ndiWd Wftin the 1,5de saps usIr g :7 93. s
114' rig shank nails L�rraugt: 37 96., 2-S/3- diametar tin t;Hm spiced 12•in[tL'JAi
a73 Maxirxr m l}p5fRr1 prgt m� -I" psi;
DO-[* MKT, IVaPYWODU n rr-W- Qf4,Y[t 3atl##[EW' 6F Ati'thn��ly Fiaxin� ; urisdictSc.�
Prienur: W6-5000
Rii& Ilrv. iW;Cnal) 00iyst;Ck ilWf5 or Pniyst" MT f'L^ seK•adhofe'd.
Uriderlavrxrept; itCHVVa -k Tir Pr P010tirk 7U Pam, PpdygtkC TU KUK, Pot�flx S fk 416WIet W FR, fNi>i!!P-�Iidle $A-MF Cap Soh a nd
WIrdie•Hide SA-ARR C&r Silent ifR", Mir-Rchered and b6xK-rwiied wrthk-L :he selwe€!g ed c side laps using 22 fa- N
14" fiog sfiaAk nag lfrthroLLSh 32 igio 1 rJlt" dier*.i°teF tGa C2Ps I;J Ct'd 13-;Kh 4.C-
{t 5hll'1"Ff si +TPre _-35 p6f'
CAWk. mkrr-15} 2-lruC i PffWDaa to t oro t to SA:sarr+on of As,tltar+ty RI)Ysrrg ii+risdktson.
P-in.ev: #oat;i3s4AUl00arASTM❑41
"K PLV: 3(3t
Pignpl) Pp"irk PAT5 Qf pri.Nst+ck MTSAN
iliS, 6o-id3)v6d-
Io'rlt5 M:n- 4-Ihi'n w-13e 5{rigm rif flastoRex 5SA-i1 av& Ql} iJxyWMC-d !07115.
iJ{Ffb2riayrzfe�4: Poly5t'Ck YU P, RaIvIt 7lj P^ P�0rf%tWk TU V,)W, P4tOITe $Or PWIti W Fit. Mule, HiOe Sri kfP CaP Sheet oral
Mule +i t SA -APO f a❑ Shcdt JPRI, Setf-a:iwe red.
#S fAklPumuM 2gjwzrPr ssure =
EWk: 5xrktturK�i vwe-ekz 't, meet projei# rgquhremwnis to il. lsfactb" of Au:tt+erdry HavJng JarsajcrraP...
a, irnri : F0109 or AliW D41
9-as[ MY: {optional} PONSELCk W-5 OF Pd; ySI €It MT5 PLk % self-adhefed.
U41d6diay"ru= P&OIlex N P. Aa3;+ Ta Tt, 'DWIL. Poiwstitrx tU iNax. ,d* 9m. Pnlyflly SAR, OWIVX W FR, Mule-Hde $A -APB iap
Sheet and MUle-" AP SA APP P * VC jffL" Wlr arptram,
ifb h�ta6irtruiri �i� Pr�+ss+�te = �'
f]+ict Stnxitirai :'f]ncete to mr`et pfajrct'Mu4refrL,'M Li to sd*-s+a rijor. I Au!#m�rkty Hav1tlg Jw sdict;an.
Primer: PGji37 or AST►++ D41
BJi+dCflaVmerrt: DasmfkBx G #U *r tUst4fW_rr % fa. appl L*r± fro- fU:r r4lWo +S or ha! a&0I%lr Or r a 111 @X G, tCrch -;�itpsted.
417 ttiiax;mum E?@51Rft.? ' Ure = -30.0 oaf!;
dea: "61. 55,+12-intt, i ' to *rLmt Proy$tt K*qui^2mer+#s to 5XIAKOW of Autharrty HrtngJw 6dbeuor-
B.—k- Riept. E:rSb4 5e Pi MU4e-Hide WH Ai." ti3dl1r-p'tM tV Wffafp)
17051vttes}; I Ra, x 1.25ync-'r " x i-vwh hrtad T,ametaf Found metal Cdir ;a0s
Spa&iv: 6-:r h a.e - a# [tire 3•.n[lw Ytllde *ride la Ps art. 4 6-wt? u-C- ;)t two �2) equ4iv ppaced Staggt'xed can*pr r pvn
ame Gp innali sloiptkk A4rSor fta y'stmk MtS lrl..i�S, wHif a #rest)
UP.Rr;aYMLmt: Polystick rL) t', pCP','t1€k TO F*S, P`"t itk TU max, :jpx 5✓{;)- Pntylka Sulfa FA, !,line -}ssde Sib, APP Cap - Met 3414
While-Hrde SA-AFP CA p Sheet (FAt mFF%odher ed.
1 ?. J #[, LL - E',x'y{im Rpprx# D]7;itd.�2.Li4 P !
Ce" r+*er,aKnuricnucwE34i�i5 6 €dUtQft4 2UI)?IF c:ff0N-KV+si:EVALVAT4i N €L5 59-R28
fto W JM R* f ifAderFar.T6ee1S; i9S4? 233-t230 P[A*M i}li2#f3VtR
PoRe ; oakit
J48 fJiaxamurr. Ol<xikrl irresstt[� = -��:
Beck: hr in. 7! f 31-.nct+ ;�Fi'Ar4od to rneet proAct requrrence M to satisfaction of Ae Rho"y Kim it g iurisdir#ion.
Szse Siet- F bstv6aseur it-HWe Atg# 9ase (po4Y-film to# wr:ane)
f dSt~Ff: 13 ga- x 1-25-In&L IoN x 1-ieO head d�amrter tourkd mete cap TW!s
Spacnig: 6-4rx#t *,t..at the 3•inch wig! i Sys and 6-inch o :. at two 91 rquailp sgacr.o saaWred : Ker ryws.
Base Ply_ (cpric lal3 paliquick MTS Of Poiystitk #ae'!'S PLUS, W. If -adhered,
Und+erlay[ne t; PVys*kTV P. d a"tick'FU Pkjs, 12c" ck TiF Max, Poiyl;Fx W, Pooes. SAP FA, AAA-H�de SA-APP €.af± $hee; and
Mule •tilde SA -ARP Gap She#t tr4i. SO-adhefsrd.
i19 i.twtxir;ssrrn Re i lx FP = -
i?IeCk? Wn. 1413i-iTs OyaoLl; to mW ProjeLt requi1TmePlS to"Iisfartlpn �if Authorrt) rla" JOrgSckt6pn.
f}aw Shaer= Qdw 11) o+ Iwo f2 � UvJ?fS, TM 0226, Tydie if klt
f336r•--WVV- 11 ga: R 1.25 inch 34 x :- fvh bled dLan* of voLwd rr*tM rap naAs
Sp ping: 64 w23 p.c. at thv 34rch wl dd side .4pti ar+d 12,kvh o.r.. aS tiro (21 r qu 3liy SIM10 stawaa feC C W MW s
fif+;3Er1"gpm: flastofiexC TU ar ctas#;1Ftex %G, 3WOd in %11 mpo--ng a# hot a� 11"a1t-
fyr�3ximL Cri r 4 A5 5p:
Deck: Min. I�1�2•ir�cK pAwwomd t6 rrFe?# prnfec? r"lw►pn%ernts to satisfaction of Atrtfsorrf-p Nevin[ J u r 7T.
awm Sheet- arm 11) 3aw AST M 0m, Type R %kT
Fas"Oees- X1 gia. x 1.25-11c11 x 318*+ch #�&d 4iarnew arnui.ar ring stsarpk roalir-S nal& at I-5l&+n6 daememr Sin taps
5# ^$ 4-inch inx, it tree -14rxh wide side lags Mild 4-i me i o,u, at two 12) eq-Ait? SP3 ed "grrod tse r
ease PW. (Og0cna1, fnf uae wiTth U4-.gdirer-rW 3JfmSCrfbyYf1k11t cmlyj F`ohmc k UTS cr PaFy Urk MT5 PLUS. w !'alihkitd.
Lk dgrlgyrrlent= "ystxk Tt3 P, Pvhmtkk Tt= Pkea, "St;tX TL: Mdxr Jrx1iy"m SAP. Poly, t W F% MuPe-lime WARP Cap Shea# and
Nifu P" ide A-APP tap Shut ; gyp ). %If-adhefed or fIas#u�Fe 13 Ili. applied ia'u61 i*+opL�s16 of f+ot aiy�ia Z
JfI1 xirnt�m d ai�igil;feSSf#C=-45I1`W—:
t7rk: bAin I W31 Lech plywood to rnee1 pxnject mgc+iremeiTts to sdttsfwj�" of Ake# I+grlty IrlavhV JUMOII414rT•
Ba se 5111W: Two 12)1a r5 A.STM D27k Type 11 fO
i"asterte+s- 11 Sa x 1.2549111 bng ,t ll�JS-`r+c#r tlr+id cst@AMK*r annular r1rrg shank rdOf Irt -1054 at 1-V8 "iRCh diameter UT1 caps
Spxming; 5-Ind7 a-c. at the ;-wkth M62 side IMPS arrd 44� o c. at two (?k OtWAdy WcLd ltaWfdpdCgnt#v raws-
8aw Ply: IGPtjcj%a6; fnr °J$e w9th w*-adhering sFrrdf+itly+siic,Tl o r?y} ?oYys#ick MTS tFr Falyat" M'r5 P LUi, u4-adhered.
r r ri yrr# r5k: "StW;I( TU P Polysta TU Pqus, PUly9tW4L TU Lha %, PotyfbeK SAP. P42Wk°x SAP Ot, tL fe-"Za 5)4-APP CAP Shee anti
Mul4-Okla SA. APP Cap She[# (FRL sekf dlrered or ESastcd,gr G TV oa Elasitaftex 56 fz. 2pplip41n Fall rrnWpkr%g of ha:
4-12 M ,r� gal
Deck: Mip. s5f � 4nU'., pjrM Od sc rarest Phloft oft Fegrlreenerits to ,pin acting of AuthorKyr h2airsig xUciydi tiiu t.
Base 5fyaet- Ftastomase js-:�rrdetl tt)p surface W itot•aspfnal#43r turc�n-apowd cap or pely-film surface fox tvrth-applied GOO
Fasteners: Simp;ex MAXX Cap Fastrr"m
54mrgrog, !?-tn€7ra,c. atJ�te 1•irscft w-.de €ICle tips PA6 3&6.•1€:T O.c. at r%NO #2) tr 1'sPaced stRggered t"EP' caws.
UitS¢riaWywnt! FAwaoflex 6 TU or CtaSWflex 56 6, aPpirrd in Fun rnopp;Tag 01 hot 3sphak er Pzplyflclr 0, tomil-000406,
Mmjmyrn 1 P_.i7Qn_13F2551 r£' N -SI-5 P%f-
Cw k: Min, 15,jj ,- Tc?r pdVwpc ". xo mbar project rf.Woec .'rt:s to sar;sfartic., of AUU10f 1ty tiaryifS i urJsdlcttan.
twe Wet: €iastobaw (sarnfed cap.turfa€! +of Trot-gsptTeit tar : rrrc>7-w#p led uap of 21o1Y-film w4aca For hu ch-aPplced C40
laser-e!rs SimpexM"x[avF3stentrs
SpaCu7g_ 940e n G.C. Mat Me' finch vride Nck~ 1dO atf(i 13-;rc'h ox. ,ar -wo t�.] censor rows.
#jrT�Paixy*'�34nt: E6astoftex 6 7U &f &OstoftcX S6 G, applied it %11 n1o}tpgq 7f 1jut aspha+l or J31D;V lex C,, uwch-app4ed,
*114 iljmr [ []esigaPrRUure=-SZ.5Jpst
Ded: OA4h, I S/324pctL0ywoodra�,.retprcjertreT ieeffwj-#S#oSathfo j4noFAuMaftt1'Fiaringh0sdimM- On.
Base meat: l tato4M or "uh@-RId4 hair Base jpoP(-f11rr ,ou surface)
FastwWR :
Sage Pry:
£FC, VX-
GW"1-0*ejA.OMWXo 3X4PS5
5i1r xOrogiatC7PFaaiK
%.nch 4.4- wt the 3-iric' wioc- 54e iapl and E,lmh a.r- at 1&ur (41 ey,raiiv spar# staggve9 cen'.e> roes.
(c4?wr,xl) Pniystick MT5 r r Re"ick WITS Pu rk self-aahcred.
Fo"O TU P, voiyatx(* 7U Plus, dapigitlr k 311 PAm PA y6" SAP, Fodyfkj, $AV �-R. Mu IL- i10* yA-nPr Cap r a rl
kAcj�e-ljide SA-APP Cap Sheet,PR�, self-edhelCd.
b 4 Ev'ffK 15 12411t {AC i+04- WH2 rVALO&TI0N
Rv1yg1"i;Ru,QrL1MLLr4wfmwns:i° tl2JG:F1f30
E,4i aj�ion Report #U'GW.02-U9.104
gt%4 SW ?A. OV 26y:41R
Pa}e 9 11 14
$is Maximum L SAFI Pressijfe = 5x.s t l
park- MM- t5/32-i+1c;b plywood Eo rFmW. pfcj&A rrgVr r1!Frs*hts %' 5at6f&9Ei0n of AWfx:Yi'.y 31AVv-Lg hdtkS6tci3�n
Base sncet- EW_Kb� ysai7dled tort surfm for SA-as,piwak nt k(irc4-,aW rL-d cap or »ahr-F,rr� sL r4nf.L� for torch-appWLd rail
Fasteners: Simplex F}rfi na; CeP Nadi
$p2 LiAg. tiia[#s p,C- at the 3 4nr.h wade SiO2 Iapf and 6-i.IC6 o.t, at form 141 iegrMrily WRQed stag8f red cznier NOW5,
L:ndefiaympnt: E+astollex G TU zf vas:ofi'ex S6 G, apol sd in fxA MDppkN Of hL>t bjq,�,alt or PoMk2i C3, to; tlrappoed,
JYi6 M,mi kim Dnv! Pri 4svre n psf;
ok.Lk' Mix]. 191�1_2INh to meet prat rewdneRa Mtx to sabOaClip)l of ALa0swity 42vingJ13f.vbctran.
tim Sheet: Ekwabme (saruied tnp sarlate for NA- sPI&OKOr UfO-dapked raAar pay film surface 1orWnA-F-awned cap)
Fa -MP is i] &a, x 1.25-inc}s }plsg x W-km kr � ad dia"ter a[trsvkar ring shank rah#ids :sa+ks a 1-514-17xA �d lam er tart :..cps
SPa i;}g; 8-Inch D-C-i# the A-i#th yvWie S+� talus and �F-mch o.c. a# three 13� aquairy space4staggered tedmr rows.
U sdrr �yraFeslz Era1Nftx 65 TV or Elastp*x $6 *' agpNed in foil mopping trf #Wl d6l3balk or pul•rhx G, Itucl; a faplied.
417 MMimuin f Le gn F. 3 re = -6Q go:
Deck: NIM. 5,9f32-.n{^ olywuad TO rraOt project requ-remen[sty €attxlaction of lu ihrwty k1,Qy'+Ylq Jrlrls¨'
Elase 5i,eet: lYk9 se I w rw ed tap wrf" for hqt-isuhatL or torch -applied t-sj) or nosy-+ifm sufte for tbr&-appl§W cat)
�5t$rlpr5:OWFG #12 itan4ark itDoVip rifth GUG Pa; R4ttom Meut NoLif;
406n45- 12 ,c, at thig 4-incit wide side iapT} end 12-:rxfi G.C. as two Ul a 21zyr soarQv it-ggered cer[er rows.
Undu; dymerst: RasbAex 6'TU ew €�a%w ex 56 C. appllett it hall moppingol hat mphail or PNyfkex t;, kar€a-apOGed.
bKk- Mfi. 35/32-hXl3 p:yw44C'G itee! prc�&ct YvgvSrfys BrrtS f4 W,,is°action sf A2 bei'lty Raving luPhdimion.
R,}sT$h-W . P"N. ss G2 AosQ or PodffjmS AP-1 Sam! ifegwrr# :,.Fs q tmo. -&PNedr UAdar+a ttj
fasc el3axs: 12 ga. ar .t.25 -Imh iorig x %S-xw�s head d:&ffW x msli4ulaf rir 7,fra r+ r aofirtg rrails A 1-51PA{sth tN4ifrcter v n calls
Spacing S-inch o t_ at the 441-- s w,de slde lapsasd $-int ox. at 1*vr'f4) agoa4y iarP,4� 5TOW(ed(_'OptCs rows%
UrdexaYment FiastoQeiL U TU or Elast&t2W S>; G. A Mel$ Jn fins MOWrL* at h,,t dl -04lt or txsTY3-a d or pDh-RY 6, tOfC2l-
OVLn, 15/37-If'ki'a pfrA. 2ud W r1'.12p[;jV*cx requrremerYU i6 SeNsfec#bn 4V.L ALrChGr2Ly H2v?ftg 6usisdictiam
$2Sr 51-e�et
Polyglass Q 1 23e or Pgw!a.ss A PIP Erase IffgWkel tge of M-eck, apo?;Pd UedeftoymerrO
Jekfast C4 w',ii1 Do_ld t iiex platas, Owj. 1r 4 Y'Q w;6 OlWi 3" FiaiVaiume St".1 Pate% 4MG Roo#grip *14 Lwth
OMC tl6t tiattoxm Piatet lAtt'tjraarj, T•ulast lib with Tr.ifas[ 3•Lrkh 142S-ularrif;es Raltrs or Rmpk?x MAXX Cap
='aSWe Pry
lE} ia5[h o r- at fltt +i•Itsch M111 5 2iF fi r Ski] IT Iftch O.C. a= t3 area 13) equally Spac P j 31agge red cemtti POWs.
Und fiaymel
; kzasroflex G Ti! or t=lbstalta). $6 G, d¢piiecr in first frl;fpL: rsg tvl l7€r> as-ahaft w tart#I-applied o{ iYpY:gar (j, twel]-
sign ,fir s�stlf
#yttir„ S 9rf.324ncfi plywroDC to fvK et pro; 9Ct rsD4vl rarngm'Zs W sit i5 Qk:tigrt d AuffiWil ' 442rsrrrig J t3rk4QKtt4n-
$a5P $heCt�
€iDllfSbam JSMOed to surtxe f�f hot-asg7 ijit or TDr'_h-applied Cap aF poNl fl mSLRmgd a for torch-appliedamp)
5ar"11 MAXX CAp FastenM
5,l 1i ax-4k the 2-&Krh w+de We daps and 647Ws r o-c, art two l2i a-zlOaRy Spaced �&gWedcenter rcvws.
Undert:ay!nMrt. fk kOflexC, TU or ziastu4 ex 56 4 +, OPOPWd is lip moppinis of i,= asphAftof PoPytims G, ioxch•aPp}+ed.
_MPximum Design fafmq_im -ft PA:
Min. 1.%W-,TKc l ;rN..raad to vneot pcgjert rxgsa;revnentS tQ T'M1S Knoe Of Jluthotity Havinglurr6diCti _
Ela w $h"t,
EIAStt34& lfr • VUP pi rf&M Etu h0t-11s�t± of t(krEPV-13 i� ud Cap or PUlY��+n Shirf&M for tgr h-dppl ad tbv)
i MG #22 Uandard Roca grip of om6 #14 Atavy DLty with oW 3, RjUuf4j h+le#ai pkj-jp§ or OMG FIdl BWOM W..t#4
&4FXh U.C. it that 4 in€rt wide side i&M Arltl 6-inch v c, at t`nre4;3} ejp. dmWspmed staggaLttLtl re"_, rows.
t P§L4Ek7mWrra", Umbaflex G TiJ ar ari#stt)' x 56 C. applk*d uriu23 map¢lal of hot asphprkssr pofokK G, torch apvH4d.
I P SU --
M.n- plywood to mtc-et prk3*1 rtgvh-eanen"'m.. 3Atjbffir'tlDr� of Authppfity 8aryMg Jarisdir:Iafs-
B35e Sheet'
ZUM43 ase (sanded tap Suffacei
f WF&t #12 UP ce ? r w Fast 014 MD w-.#iINfe3t3-Wt-21Igsul3tiWhPidtt3
SPaCi rtg:
6, -Ic� O t, at ?he S-icin wi"F iWe I$P5 and 6.lact, O.C. bt ehrex { 1) egLcaily s$mLeS stagge rP.d C#-nteT fpws.
U*dPfiaymefrt- FtWoftex;5 TV of £lasl;3 x y6 C,r applied "l full rnpWs'g of I .Dt 2iplsaik,
E , AQL*h itcpvri P1,ZM-1. 2 R24
4:&r��: mm rlAe.ULPnra.Lvi44337N,9
Etiitrppa;♦MT. Fdr ra5N,k"A EVAL"10A7 fL9i!SSAJ11
P41YC" Roof itnaeflsymews, (955} 213-lt30 Row-Liae N:01? WV i8
]erg€= Min. 15132inch +Ot woPU to m"t pro� jAmt rurtniem s ka 5alWarctlgn a+Atahofity l pWng Jiadj54[ti4fl,
9454 P lyglass G2 Easp Or Palygiast APP Base fregyxr "use of twrh-avaied wirdWay"Rtj
F flamers_ peVast p ; 4 w.0 DEVart iiea motes, 0MG 914 HU with OMG Jr 656911 ha"e Steel Prates, 0 a "Op 014 will►
4Y,AG Fox# 4amom Ffa;d; ii x+arrat). TrIAfxst HD yodh Trulast 3-�n&k Lttwlatinn Pla#aa or sknpdrx MAxx Cap
�. $�Yt#h v A;. at t ne 4-mcb Wlie ails laps artd 941i a-t, at }Our f4} aqu414 speapd staff Ned deter rows,
tkVftWbrWr1, Eia G T J ar Eiastadfex 56 G, appked 0 fuld rropp mg of Nat aspfia k or tmh—QppUd ur Pmorx G, tmch•
#24 fN87t�rrh;.Jitl gpri ttkk5urg= "97..ns.i:
Deck: ML n. plywood to meet prge-el requi tmen4s w satisfaction of Aut" 1+tvtr,K }Orisdktion-
Bate Shut; Elaswi nose Of M4J$L- the a Na 9est COON-iitm iu9 surface)
Fa refs, i i am- x I ZS Xh x vl8�indh head dumom Af l dar ring $Nrkk rpt)Fmf ?Mi& at J_MS-11xh d ismet@ f U+r c aps
r4v: 34nCi4 P.C. at t d%+WJ1 Woe st3¢ laps anj i Cla O,s, at four {4� tgb&IN spaced 5ta2g*rldcezgw taws,
Rm #k9: j0ptionzil Pfhgaick Wn or P tW, xx MTS PLUSS, sedf.ad%vvred
un5detlaymomt: fDlvst1lk 71, P, "stw* TU Pos, Powtk3K f t} helix, POMy44U fiAF', ;;Opolex SAW FFL, Muir •Hkm SA-012 Cap SPmt and
M 6-HisSA•AFPCApSheetffAj.sE'1adhpreel,
rQ35 mkiAf+' 'm OeAm pi m.- -105 osf;
Dec<: Mp ry. 25!.42-ktiCh PNVMOCJ .0 Rioeet Pfo�ea Ftq&ernpnt5 to WiVactior, of A4tJ arty Nx0r4g Jur#dk0ort-
E aAw 5h$dt_ €totgbm fgamded Wp suilaco for Mt-a%Aalt or torch -applied cap or p3N.1Jirn s:v.#sce fapr torth,appk-d rapt
Fastan*rs' SJmplrxb0i);xCap Faster+ers
SrmnV,-. 6-kKh v.c. at Clm 2•imchwide srde Laps and Gulch o.c, 31 xiuee 19; tWB11V 50aczd 5tzg$e?Vcl t-er!lrer rows,
+jFKkr!aVmem: Elastaflax G TIJ of FWvb flex -% G, appl ad 1# fuit Wm3p 5in1 of hot;SOak or Pamlex G,161ch-apglied-
026 Wkwrri Design Prtj sui<e = •112LS P!t#:
L71Clr' Rain- 191R2 jrKjl PhAWxW1 to mec! pni "t requKer nts4a satlsiact.c 0 AuVt wity HavingJurisidktvoh,
913e S-^eet: Esasta#wrsr or Nwle-hide Kkii B i,* 1 pol y ram+ top surface}
Faaene•s: i1 p. x 31&irth heA6 d%M@Lter anpuEar rahg shark rpolbr4 fWK at 1-Wg4r5rh diW7*tex ttn raps
Spacrrg, S-IrKh odc, at ttre A-idch WWjP side laps a-Pd 5-if ch a.c- is IfAff f4 i aquoJ�f Spk* i stagger+id aster +atirs-
Primer: P6100 of ASTM 1 Arirmr dS 40 ttn-caps
Base P v: AO7yAickMT5 or Pgty5kitii W--;; PUJS• se#- emd
tl eerJ lr nt; fth tick 7i3 P, r'o ti6 c tt1 Pks, Pe4nTick 71•d MRx, F40"X S&P,1PofyiM-A 3A? ;lt• Mule -Hide Sr APP Cap 5rseet and
MUk-Hid9 SA-ACjop.Sh"t fFRJ, sLd,edh"d.
#F27 l,aCaximum Doom Pressure - -W 09-
fleck- Mi%n, 15132dneh plyw W t4 nxwt Prof repolcomeAts to S"54Cti4 n of Amtf O(V HaL f% dvri&dklien.
a•ase sbeel= i1a5tQbmSe iSp!1`46" WP wrface for hot-aspnaator iLmi[h-applied cap nr a*-111m s,,rface for tareh"ppd;ed rap}
F23m,ti , O?AG i112 Sta mdard ikQ0fgfip 4r QfLd1f $114 heavy fSilip wn[ i OMG 3" Ribvrid *caul flags Gr OMG Flat Rangm kle:ad
spae,rig. ii-ir�cli O.( at the 4 trsdl w;,& sine Qps and 64nchta.c. At i'ma 15) equaaiy wa staggered tinter mWs-
Ufiderlayrr nt fs Wf ear b -rU Of E�astefsex Sh G, appbied in " mop;tingof hot afphaJt of Polyl e)i G, wre3r-aj poied.
#23 Mdximmin siRfa,Pfg ux i -Uo p3 ,
ockrc. MI. -IL 15,92-rncf+ Plywood oo meet pfojetL rtg, Pfemeritx to satrsfattion of Mjt; grit} r♦i2" jUAW41:ld?h•
tease St-erc t�4-Acjbcse { soixi4d tDp s.U46- ei
Fasteners: 1rutest1412 iDPor4ilLdaar+lA RD WktO TrLiidit 3 Met ; msLriation Places
5Oaysng- 5-41th ciz. 3t the A-UKh wide srde fats and 6.Inch o.t at fire (5}*qually spaced 51ag$"d terrier rows,
Ljn¢211`l2Vfrsan1- IEtasroRn G 7lr or l stnxlex 56 6: applied in t-ilk PmWjAng rsF?lot asphalt.
5-6 4.1 Ail onset direct• ct Adhered P01'VVJass un er3ayment systems beneath fo8m kite systems carry a lxsaximum
E1Q-5{g15 Preswre of -45 Psf.
tiE1kOfmUL ilk# iomltmPrt X29d -0 $9Rt#
frY%fM r [i :r.ILN4ss 'S:" POOs0*+ii6:7i rsx NUN-eVMZ VVAtLOA-ION Ft52544 22
ftkn�, u Ra24 Uftd"ttyme+5 ; J4>Wl 123-3130 Amehhm 24: OV2417919
S."-Z Fw rne0anicaliv attached Base 5hPet, the maximssrn design pressure for tf,e selected aFLsemn4y snail meet or exceed
#Fri( regti " under I'MAfMi AprP 2012 J04-14. AWrrdlx Ar Tritrle 1A-
AlternatiWy. the maxiMurn designs pressure for Ehe 5e4ected Kwmbly shati mmi or exceed tree a<Onw,- i design
pFnWte detertssined in aoc rdarsce with F78C Imo. in tisis case. tares 2 and 3 ;hall emPbY art dniLchmPrrt dol5itb
desyne k by a qualified design professional W FeSi5# the elevateb pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are
NSil$M wiD1, f4V Loss Pcevr iVvn Data Sheet I-29 and Rotd-Ing AppkWiDn Siansdacd RAS III, Assemblies marked
► qh art asterisk" carry the lkrnOdons set rvrth #n 5et w,. 2.2.10.i of FM Loss Preverffion Data Stwet 1-29 0uary
20W foF Zorn 213 MWACeRlents.
Blamtobise, €tastohase p, Puiyglass � Base or PoWass APP Base sh2jk not he left exposed for kNVer than 3Q-days
aftier installation.
"Ss lick Eli-xe or golystkk mU4 sha4 fio[ be Jett exposeai #x longer tharF 90-4ay5 after installation.
?.*stick MTS, H(TS PLUS, TU P, TU P'kksi, TU Max ps�ai RFC, Tife R[C� or �Edstbflex j3 Ytf flhal{ iso# be left vVused (m
IDMeF #lFsliti 1 ias+x �rter irist3l+anon,
pi),Vflex 5Ap or SAp pR, of K4uik—Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sh? t (FRI 60ksnot have an a oszsn3
limitation, untess tht- prepared NO covering iS to be $drs"ve.sit rite, in vwhF cease se iht- maximm exPosur� is 30
F.FastDfiex Sri G or Ll35tahex 56 G M or P&yflex G or ?aly#lex G FR does riot haie an exposure frnstatkw%, urFiess OW
prepared roof tawering is to be adhe%ive-set the Elasta#iem 56 G ar pvlyfle)k G OfatA in which case t?%e mamimarr
exposure is in days
PoNialck M'U-x has been focmd tfrraugh comparati+� #pst;Flg to rid'iP d #essFar cnrFfitle»t ixf #rYtion than 1#57 +9 b
roo'ling Felt in a dry conditmn, 1425xed at sranaard 30o�rattrry cooidktiwrs. Air&eMeAT between purrhaser Ond Seller: As
Set forth in SttcUon 4.3, NCO 1 oFAgTM 1�1370-I5, shmild big tsta :l;shed as to she nesistanct.
5,`� TiteStipAaRaiali'+�3�1+4 [F�t5+�1'�i Aiaril �4�� i[.-��}i
When tv,otlirtg coat tiles err The underlayrmrn in direct -deck ;Ile dsFemhli05, the nop;lmum roof slope s1'iail be Rs
to4iows. Thm slope A m ita ti a nt tar. only be exteed€d bY us44 ba'ttanr- du" Ft diitig of the raaf 1; les,
UnderUyMent TI$£ '1 (tfFi$ ST Irtg fV14bhOd
w._. _,31 -10 stack
ElastafkX GTIJ ..
t;:gged T Rile a'tack rti p,tr 21
- ---�-
ElasradON 5$ f� cr Sir [: ` W Flat a- d d G-tile Stack j4 naer 21
Flat 5'tile Sid k (R OvQr R)
f�Iy�,T1Ci<MT5prr.A;-t.:S' *-- --------- ....-.- { _..r-
LiiS6-vle Stark 14 amw 21
jlySpcicFile Pro �� n f+atar EuAed 6-t It stask(4 o Zi .._.
- F:A 6-t5le stock 14 over -2; or IC)ule star'is
. ............ lewd 6 �iFe Stack {�4 owx 2
:ugjw TO tihg OAC&
Pal + 6-15le stack #4 over 7�
Potystick TU P -
s tirgguac !,r#ale .tick {� v*�br_21
------.......... _-...-.
- : r ligged _J"Ir stack _
Ppiyf G or U �R s � 5. [tlee SL" (A F 2)
h5hrfln SAP rn SA P fft r. -' ' �`---- fi-tile I'K* (4OWF Zj
M.0)dr+xucrI Slop(
u 4;12
fiiemo ETC. U.C. fcvalua:iv.` A.no 12i�t8,t �q9 R2a
tvFwh q(�s7j i$t IN7l NtW..IVAIA arsON FLSi39-nit
"iris hoof ww"LK-emom; eml 1e32 s*mi un 24- U ti24i 31 S
ayR. 11 6t 1'L
6. 46 rAtLATION,
n.: Prolyglass Poaf Unijerlavments ;hall be iR6T2#led ire aEC danCi@ with goW.-ds pub36hiM knstallaftn repwirf`ments
Subject to the Lnnitatians set forth in seetlori 5 herein and the SPKIfl�-S sa#ed tNRIOW-
F(Q-J:a5'pn ;qny 300SP CieCl ir�g PATIOS, ana -check for prottud;ng 4a;l NeoO5. Saeey the strbgeste #hOraughiy i D fem
any dust and debrE5 prior to ;ppiiradc6n, .and i3nine the &ubrwate (if appl!cable;,
6.3 ELwstoba5er fUrAUbF of Mirlf;-#1 Edo Mali Sage:
ts.3.'+ l+gt�n,�3�e il�Gli[ata�ns, ��
ShA be irItWIE4� in cotmplranix with the coddi2ti I@QWFRMVPtS to, ASTM 021is, t};)e ll Lndedzym—er; in fz� Table
154T.1.1 fors oe type of pr epared roof CmMrim to bt irrs+alked
Elasto3sast, Jl3St P or 3+ U1 e•Hlde Nail gaw may cuverpd with a'rayer of iao3ystiok: laolyflrx SAP, ? ,�iiex 5A
P FA, Muie-�+ide SA-AP3P Ca# Sheet Of SA,APP Cap Sheet (FR), seli-Od3leredr l~3a#tofiex fs TU, 1<lastofieit Tab G or
NNIAoilex S6 G FR lf� but asphik 4i polyflex G Or 3Pohdkex Ca FFk, torch apokis}d. Roof cover 1:mirations are avow acre
t hose a�sac Weci ws th Flee top-Jayer u no. rJ;)ymr nt, as set forth. Err T& e 1
.4, 1
Elast0base, €ias3o6gse F or Mute -Woe Bell Base aro lir sRed to sssk, as a Mi?C +an;ctEly attaE'�ed bes� s#eee4 4n the --Two
Ply Sys*em" `room 1~RSAMJ Apra# 2012 (i�4-171. RdefeMe is made tc Table i dtLd Sel&i S-GA heMin, LOUP W with
FRSAf 7fik A01-kI 2012 (04-12) Instailat;rxr9 341ar T"
P4ly3ii[ii MT5, SITS pLlES. aR-Xe, i-rS fir TU F4u.S, TV Mar, OtW RFC, TAie PtD oS fA4LJ-X of laoayl K SAP, Polyfilx W 1 A,
Nhaie-lode 5A•APP C" sheet to Mule-lii" rxA-APP trap Shams IFFkj:
shall be mstei'e^ i --QM ia'nzLf. Y. xn tt� cotiil ed requirements f4m ASTU 0Ig74 tr.KtPJt gatystitic a tJ v3 vn(iefiaymerz
ii! F BK Table JLS07,I,1 "rid- M6 4 e of JxePafed rOOl wv4Ning Q be is]stplio
2r�act�tn AtitEt3��lrr�n� tiialEY € reed lay{ Ggrs:
All Srgt adbcvn r materie-l�. x;th t3Le eXCWt%-0n Uf PO11r kk IV Pius, polyfleK SAP Dr SAP #R and Mute Halt SA -ASP
Cap 5hmn car SA-APP Cap Sheet OR) shoukd be ba&-sralletl in �PIvage edge 5Ram ito acturdasrce w;th 1�0,yglsss j Mule-
Hi6e beCk nar Ejn;g g;jldr~liiCS. N14MIS 1halE be Cvrrusr " re3i51;3M' 11 gauge. ri -Shonk type wrxls a mintmufn 1-4Kh
ti;arnety nmtai disk or *Slm;Aox-type metal cap roil, at a rninirnum rate of 12` oA- PolystickTU plus should he back -
in uSEng the abow noteG fasteners and span;ng, ;rt area iriar3Red "nail area, area plea cl3xaY" On the face of
rp.embrane. The Eteod lap ,t ambrane is t4 raver the area being 4ads-094d-
N1 sPa3lap seams Jseii+W saps) must be
firmly roily with a minimurn 28 lb. h0nd
roller o ensure fuii contact and adhesive*,
For Dual Pre And Tilt fea. al)gn Oe edge of
the top sheet to the e0d of tfk@ glue pattera
lthe 1;hPP1 will overlap [ip fabric).
kN ^tier fabfaC and over-granLle eMt-;ape }hail ltiewe a.5 inc'h wide, uniform layer of Ppiyplus 50 PreMiUm rlrod;iled
Wet1Ory Ce r nt & Po %dts PGsw modified czamnt applied in twt en the apphutjcm 4f she iap.
Prxiystkc TU Plux, Dual Pro and Tile pro may not be used ;a ar5y exposed a0piitat+oa such as cnckets, exposed val;ei i;
c c exoosetl rtsof IQ wall det44
;4&513 E1L ¢A
iiC, s'l2hl�f�oo RrNon P1 Jb�. -'#-flu
emr--gfAUP)c-+,.i,#J2M # f;H#iiiNr281T�F {!WDFo-�lYiitEi'k4UhT10li E452x
"lavs ila& Undeflaymeml,1tSA12-4�-ss as fixwtwrs 7K 43WV20111
pale U of 14
Repaif of Ftrl u ck mefrebran,xs :s to acconepltsho dy app#Yrhg Poiypl" S4 Prt&miurrr Moctifiod We.t j Dry Current or
Polyglass PG5A0 t4tzd flied Cement to i#1a yea ire need of repair, #ol;awEd by a enrglifrum 5 x 15 lncti ;xatch of rhq,
P0,05tirk maternal of like 1604, set and hwW rotes In place over the r air area. Patti laps, if weeder#, slWl be
in stakA in a water shedding rmAner.
All Poigm&k rm- nbranes shall be InAtal4ed to emijr@ NO contact with approved saabstrates. P*Wass re"Iffs 3
minimmvm of A04b we4bted-miler or, on steep Anp4 K uw o1 a sliif broom with ap#Hroxknatelp 404bs Of load applied
For the field membrane, Fla tad rollers are -Drceptade for roiling of patties, laps ImIn- 28lib roller) or small areas of The
roof are not awcessible ' 0 t iarga rotler or broom.
6.4.3 Tali} Appkwt ions 1 rTtyo114� A filth Dupf PrA, itiCk M r
Pie recce I� Rude to FF15A{`fRl AP9 2012 (04-12) In€#jAlia#iar+ M.RnUal and TAW ] herein, u3irlg the. instructiarb
nu-iA aboW iiS �t guidNwe
For mechanlaaily fasted [ill 100fing over �-ply Aystem, consisting of Use ShLmn and Sk.lf'adhrring top ShMt(sl, $ase
sheet fastening shal3 be not less ttaah F SAM ApAl 20 (04-12hTaw 1.
€ot W apvl"iom, refer tv section "A hwekrt-
b.k. Two ?2) !P?V.Vnt#efR_ymPr# ,y'st"L
♦I►olyW& Mn of MTS PLUS followed by Fgty#t;& fM, MTS nUS, TU P, TU Pius. TU MAX, Tide f1br #ALL`- i r polgf let
SAID i$ aIfawabte for use under merha n;41y-qqgpgg prepared roof gnterrl5. Limits of ust are those associated with
ihC6 top4aVeT n1 IgA&t Th4 iS riot a rp�uirenvnt, but is a3towable if 3 2-ply underlayrnmt SY3tefxr i5 desifed.
pnlWltir ?gm or fi n PLUS iuliowed by Poky kk TU P. TU PIUS, TI! Max. Tie lain OF PDgrkx W is b9owable for use
tinder foam -on rile systems- ilnuts Df use are Those astoLlatt�d with the top -layer Tnaterivl. Fh+s is not a r'equirera%Perat,
hrel 3S ailvwable of a 7.p4v eandrrlayrn�r# system i5 [les;r ri. N R^
U,5 € sto}lex 'l sta#1ex SS i or EElas'tahex SS G FR,
,.:-1 flas#vFl�x G TU, Flast6f$ex % Gof WOURex SS G FR s#rdi3 be rnstailed in pra1¢I>$nce with current PalafgtaSs pitsti 1si1+°G
lrlstoftatian reQuifernertrs. Far use its the app;ffa#iorti3_
V tiant0dlarx G TU }5 NF use as an OtOmati! to "Mineml Surface R04 Roafinl'(ASTia1 MUD, Class L41 in the "Satagit+
Ply syst,6tm" frame FRSWFtj April 200 104-11) beneath mechankai3y fatten-d kikL rout SVsiems or the Hot Asphalt
appiaed'Csp Sheet" its 13ie "T., Ply Sy'sterrr" from FFL5AfMl April 1012 (#74-12j beneath mechanically %5tenO of
adhered the roof SY5remT -
ElAstofiex Sb G d s for uw as ars altematr to 'Mineral 5urNce Roll Roof' ng" (ASTM 06W, Class FA) ir, IN, ""le P I v
System" from fR515/T14J Aprb 2912 (04-121 beneath rnechi}e+rcaily fast(}ned tide roof .$ptem5 or t#ie 14Dt Asphalt
aIiplied 'Cap Sfseet- in cite -Two Ply SYMW fries FRSAtM April 21112 (04-M beneath mei hanicalty fastened or
adher ed ,tiie roDf systems.
El s4 flertSeG G TRis far use a5 an altern 10'Mu ne'rai sLjrfarxRol t Roe ing" 1,ASTM TON, Class M) in dw'Single
PiY System" Ffum t*WTRt April 2032 (04-12) beneath rneChaniea3Jy fastened the roof systerrrs or the Hot Asphalt
app lW 'Cap Sheet" rn the `Two Ply Systern' front FRWT1t1 April 2012 (a -U) berteat#t wkec oanically fastefre4 tile
mf sy;tem�-
Hof taut-aso@ t-appftrations, €#asiollex G TU, Eluartnytv7 56 G uI B&"ei Sri G FR Strall De fully asoaA-applied to the
5UWrates Mated in Settiou 5.6. Side taps shai3 be minimxura 3-inch and end•taps n*- num S-irmb wl-de, ofl-set
mlrHmtam f0r't corn ctrursa: io Course. Side and emt laps sha{l b� fully adhered Ina Lvmplet72 mopping of taut uspl'aair
with asphalt exielnding approxin a[PiY 3/8-inch btyond tht lap edge.
8.6 myf]ex G of Patvfwx G Fit:
6,6- t F,pt f m G Of Fxolyl le)t G FA shad ba in5taaled in coasao4nce with wrrent Polygl Sc4 PdWist4ed In!rtalta#ton regUffe aers[S-
for .ise in t;le agpiicatcan,,:
V PolVA@x G is for 1J Stf a5 in akrrnate to the }teat Applied 'Cass SN"t- in lb-0, "#via Ply 5y3kemr frOm MiAti'itl APT"
2012 (04-121 benezO meCho nlaiy fastened or ;rdbt ed #YGe rwf SVftj2ms base Shut Lknded per 5-6.31-
P#lyRex G FR is for -.ase w an aft -hate to the Mee[ +4ppCied „dap Sheets sn tite "Two Ply system" fi•vm FR54P71Ul
April 2012104-12) beneath mechanita fastened We foof sy3,t3ems 36ase Sheet t_irf ;lS per 5.6.4
rxMMO Li�- Evgk*iQn FLepo'Z P130CQ.WJDJ -n4l
e.g7npprgfA�4r na+lk}SCS 6"' EDUWIN f201-A FK artOtaimR *VALUAT M MIMA US
fahlim FAEFF V99hRrkvv+*P&4 )Z33.22N Rm1wun14.03114i2wlb
rb$�e %- ed 14
NEMo I etc,
6.62 Palyfiax G or Poty A is FR shaii be 104 torch -applied xa the substrat.ps not +n Section S.5_ Side laps shy 4 be
rnilPlltlum 3-001 arid end4ps fq}i1iMum 5--nch wide, of -set minimum S feet From Cotjr&@ to course, si* aad Qrigl
I:]ps shall be fuPY heat -welded smell intpert'd to srrsure Minimum 318-0ch flow of modified compound heyond the lop
LIT rk-simkL
6.7.1 Tile shall bo leaded and staged in a marker that prewenis t+ie s14-,PMO anO4r d*mw io the widedaymef%t. Refer to
TaNa 2 herein, and iP+ Iglass Pubfished " lrem eqts for #lie sugog.
6-7-2 Battens andlor Cvur[W-batte,)s, as, eoqL&eti by the tine rmnutacturer and iPRSAIM A;rN UiI W must toe used
on all roof sic;es greater than 7::2. Prer.RutkHr,s should ire takea as needed, such as the use: of baths or nai-
Wards, to prewni the slfdiAg ants/or damagetv�N! underlaym€m: duringihe ID&hr4 praeCKi-
i3_'.3 Palyglass s ifies Um mirnitnt,sn ckure time alter lns4a11atson of setf-adlaedN membranes ar)d before I.wding of
Fwfiqg tiFe3 is forty-e:*t J48) haurs,
SUMMS l7fRM$T RmuomNbEjM s
A4 , r, # iced by the Building tXfidal Qr Authorty Ha%+ng J4riSd9CWn in Orde; to prV94y evaiuRte the of t4is prW u[i.
Cor3tatt The noted QA agency for #r.♦4armmuori on product lotxtt;.pns cowpred for f.A.iC, 61020-3 13A .egU4emerrts, The fOkw104
giants eve quallfied prod uct€ ajnder their ro5pectwe. Phy&icaj properties s#se�if}ra#ions-
FgrniF.y, KV, FiaTAT%fv,, PA ftavw. ?7i ASSM D1970
Ha241Crn. S'A d M 1? 0004
FksrM aL7C
Siuu Frtork PA & Winter FPaven, f# As Y+d i] 1970 & FPSAfL-M6ep2*12
wv„ �zi-M'6-1970 & WE 2412
PpWick MU-x
Eliirt Nm G Td
Poblws kk hR-XL%
Pa"ick --kJ PLvs o-
PoFgstkck T s AM1ax
Poi lass G2 Bast ........
tusc�#oosa_ Al
A$TM b46R71, Ty ! al
I W2Wer ?iayen, Fi-
astth z s4ph r�c.isi
ASTIM 06-"
i�astowse. Mormaw P
Fol lass APrP Silse
FPtS1 rAl r{d i0I! _
poi Elk ih�J35 :�o�k >!Ar'S nu3 -
FflSA/-MI s.7012
i#L$pfEA$ i 2012
P8i k SAP, P #ex $F €A
Aqi .%fo[k CIWI ➢; j
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aS � 1�s i�s� 6a
s iassaf}e, 5�, E;esto�ie�s S6 f, fli
9. Qu AaLmv AssoAm E#f7 m-.
W, ELC-(d,U19625,1314# 578-34", k_rhanCella1Cf-LI5.UI Xnm
NEW) FTC Lwi. 141uauun Report P22C60LO2 09� M74
!' f{,861�}j4!?. 173Y" 9124�15 fi:'MItifM IM73 f$C #i0W+iW"Z PYAWATON F13ZS"71
P*tpgjm Roof UYgdt'I MMft%tW4) I311-1230 R&AWPM 2A: 41F24/243R
P"it 14 Or i4
414rA 19 Florida Buildi rig Cude Online
MCIS Hmv- : tz to I User Ftegistrabon I Hot TOPICS Su"t Sur&00.Qe . Sta# Fens I PublicabonS COntacL U5 � KCE Site Map
r {i Pewroduct Approval
111111 G,nGugLAQnrOval Meng } vieauC ❑r ke011ta7On Seam r ArxSlitatlon 4st r Appl icatlan patal�
FL * II'L10674-R13
p,ppilration Type ReV15 crt
Code Version 2017
Appliptlon Status Approved
Ardh ived
Product ManArturer Owens Coming
Addressi Phone/Ernai I pneOwens Corning Parkway
Toledo, OH 43659
greg, keeEftr@owenscQrn ing, C6rn
Authorized Signature Greg Keeler
greg- keeler0owenscornl n9-can,
TechnIcaI Representative Mel San€rant
Add rftWPhone/Email 1 dwen5 Coming PKWY
Toled4r aH 43659
(419) 376-83,60
mel-9anrrant@ovrenscornl9, corn
Quality ASSUranC' Representative
Category Rooflng
Subcategary Asphalt Shingles
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Arrhitect or a Licensed Florida
Pmfmgional Engineer
Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Archltecr Name who developed the RUhert J-M- Nieminen
Evaluation Report
Floridio License PE-59156
Quality As5uranve Entity UL LLC
Quality A55uranc± Contract Expiration Date 05/16/2020
Validated 6y John W- Knezevlcn, PE
r Validation Checklist - Haraupy Received
Certificate of Independence
ReferemLd Standard and Year (of Standard)
Equivalence of Product Standard5
Certified By
Sections frorn the Code
R1 min
stanclar Year
ASTM D3161 2016
ASTM o3462 2010
ASTM D7158 2011
htipx:#ftaridabuilding-Ofg? Nor-DPP-Jd.usp ?pararnr-w6j:-V7iQ+ LDrtRNhl:Y5V%2boQT%2h(xv7ahReglCQl3ucR6ixE8FJfs7tsJg2nw%34%, d U2
�V4JZ0 I '9
R43ri do Building Code Online
Product Approwai Mf thod
Date Submitted
Date Validated
Qate Pending FRS Approval
hate Approved
$urnmaly of Products
1 -------------- ..... -
Method 1 OpbiPn D
Model, Number or Nomm ■escriptiun
Owens Cornirtg Asphalt Roofing 3-tiab, 4-tabr 5-tab, laminated, starter and hip & ridge shingles
Shlnyle5mid Starters
Limitsaf Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHI: Yes
Impact Resistant: N}A
Design Pressure: NIA
Other: Refer to ERr Section 5.
Instillation Lnshrucdons
FtIQg Qiff
Verlfled 5V: Robert I M, Nienninen PE - 59166
Created by independent Third Party' Yes
Evaivation Repprts
HL 1 {I574- E
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
eaaq Next
Contn±Lki :: 7501 Blair StonatSmd. Tallahassee FL 32IEe asn.a9�-1B
The Slate of FlOrida IS an WEEO errIMI& Of. -: BdZaC 2WtU= -" :: P.�eit�M Stitxxment
under Fleeltla taw, email aIddresses are putl[r rowrds. If you do not warrt ygura-mail address niftwed in resporree to a public-remrcls request, uo- natservo electnxii;
mail to this enW. InetEmd, contact the orl10a by phone oe 13ytraditionall nvik. Ir you'have any quextioae, please WnL7:L LSO-487A395. *P4imuant to Sec[lon 455.37$(1),
Fkeda S=Ubes, � CCWber 1, Ml ;?r 1144"rsee5 lk*n5ed ender Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the PePartrn4rrt kvith 8e e" &Wrw% iF IhCI have one. TTW •rnmlf
provldkd may be Lead ftr orricial [omrnUnwo ion with the licensee- 4war email adpres� art pudic rexrd. If you do naL 5VtM to 9ryp v a personal eiWr s, pledge
proYlde t" nspartrnehl with an email oddrem which can be rnwln a HAablB t4 the pkilllr.. ra de[ermine if yqe are a ikerrsea uWer Chapter 455, F,S,r pleas'= click DgLe_
Prodat��k APPrpva I ACCEpti:
Z 9r] " "Q ■
t R caid
https!flflrnidabuildi[tgrOrgiprfpl-apP-sW-itxpx?paraln=wtiFVX tWBNbEY-iV%2b0QTrk2b4-7ahRtcgICQ&xRNYLFHRs7( J9-cw5F3d%3d 212
Owens Corning
One Owens Corning parkway
Toledo, OH 43659
Cpefifrcote ofAutW0zdboA A5503
(203) 262-9245
Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R8
f L10674- Rl3
Date of issuance: 0210612012
Revision 8. 10/09/2017
This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,
P.E_ for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The
products described herein have been evaluated for oompliance with the 6fh Edition (2017) Flodda Building Code
sections noted herein_
DBMPTIOH: Owens Carping Asphalt Roof Shingles
LASEuNG: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agcncy noted
herein and FBC Lc- / RWS.2.6.1.
CON-FI VI o COMPUANCF: This Evaluation Report is valid urrtii such time as the named product(s) changesr the
referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change_
Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the roamed client Constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E_ if the
product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, TrinityIERD requires a complete
review of this Evaluation Reportt relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
ADVERMSEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TrinityIERD Evaluated" may In displayed in
advertising literature_ If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be bone in its entirety.
INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or
its distributors and shall be availahle for inspection at the job site at the request cf the Building Off, cial.
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 8.
Prepared by:
pLrgry -
Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E.
Florida RegtstrPtmn No_ s9166, floOdv DCA AOVE1983
+�••r ,,,++'
The fA sonde Seal appearing was authonrcc by Robert
Nlemiwm. P_E_on 1Of09f2017. This noes not scmc as a
Nectranicall4 signrtl tlacurnent
1. TrinitylERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire ar will it acquire, a financial interest in arty company manufacturing or
distributing products it evaluates_
2. Trinity I ERD i a not owned, operated or controlled by a ny cornpa ny m a nufacturing or distributing products it ewa I u ates,
3_ Robert NiernMen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial inteff}st in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
whlth the evaluation reports are being issued,
4_ Robert Nieminenr P.E. does not have, nor will acqul re, a financial interest in any outer entity involved in the approval process of the
s. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, In any way, the Designer 4f Record far an
project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained
specifically for that purpose.
Product Category; Roofing,
Sub-Categcwy: AsphaI = Shingles
Compliance Statement; Owens Carning Asphalt Roof Shingles, as produced by Owens Comil ngr have demonstrated
con•D'once with the fallowing sections of the a Edition (2017) Florlda Building Code and Florida Building Code,
Residentlal Volume throagh testing in actordanoe with the followin& Standards. Compliance is subject to the
Installation Rec uirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein-
1547.2.5, R905.2.4
Physical Properties
ASTM D3462
1507-2.7-1. R905.2.6.1
Wind Resistance
AS.TM D3161
1507-2-7-1, R905.2.6.1
Wind Resistance
ASTM D7158
UL LLC (CER9625)
Physicals & Wind Resistance
File R2453, Vol.3
UL LLC (CER9625)
Physicals & Wind Resistance
UL LLC (TST9528)
Physical Properties
UL LLC (TST9629)
Wind Resistance
Physl€als & Wind Re5i5tanre
UL LLC (T$T9628)
Wind Resistance
UL LLC (TST9628)
PN&leal Properties
Class1fl atian letter
Physical Properties
Cl assif ication letter
Miarnl-Dade (CER1592)
F8C HVHZ Compliance
Various NOAs
UL LLC (QUA96251
quality Control
Service Cod irmatlon
Exp. QS f 16/2020
4.1 AsphattShir a-yi
4.1.1 Classics and Supreme' are fiberglass reinforced, 3-tab asphalt roof shingles
4.L2 Berkshire' are fiberglass reinforced, 4-tab asphalt roof shingles.
Devonshire' are fiberglass reinforced, 54ab asphalt roof shingles.
4,1.4 Duration, TruDefinitioni Duration*, Duration' Premium Cool, TruDefinition' Duration+ Designer Color
Collection, TfuDefinition'0akridge% Oakridge' and WeatherGuard; HP are fiberglass reinforred, laminated
asphalt roof shingles.
4.2 H iu & Ridge Shingles:
4-2-1 BErkshire; Hip & Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, WeatherCuard' HP Hip & Ridge Shingles, ProEdge Hip & Ridge
Shingles and DuraRidge' H I p & Ridge Shingles are fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt roof shingles,
4.3 Accessary Starter Strius:
4-3-1 Starter Strip Shingle, Starter Strip PI us and Starter Shingle Roll are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles.
5.1 This is a building Lode evaIuation. Neither Trinity IERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, In any way, the
Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versiariis thereof, is/was used
for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically far that purpose.
5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurisdlctions-
5.3 FireCla5siffcatian is not part of this Evaluation Report-, refer to cu rrent A p provea Roofing Materials Directory
for fire ratings of this product-
E xterior Reseaxch and De sign, iLC. f aaluptlon Repo rt 037940.02.13-Ft8
OeFtlficpM of Author4abft;t #M3 5':' F WTFON (2017} V8C NON-WH2 E VA MTION F LiOGTI-R13
Owe ns Corning As phaFt Rao# SRInglen Revision S; 10}0912017
Page Z of E
5,4 Wind Classification:
5.4.1 All Owens Corning asphalt shingles noted herein are Classified 0r accordance with FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1
and R905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, Class f and/or ASTM D7158, Class H'. indicating the shingles are acceptable
for use in all wind zones up to V„d = 150 mph (VA, = 194 rrph}- Refer to Section 6 for installation
requirements to meet this wind rating.
5.4.2 All Owens Corning hip & ridge shlhrglesr Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus noted herein are
Classified in accordance with FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and 11905.2.6.1 to ASTM 03161, Class F, indicating the
shingles are acceptable for use in all wind zones up to V�d = 150 mph (Vl;T m 194 mph). Refer to Section 6 for
Installation requirements to meet this wind rating,
5.4.3 Classification by ASTM 1137158 appiies to exposure category a or Cr as defined in FBC 1609.4.3, and a mean
roof height of 60 feet or less, Calculations by a qualified design professional are required far oonditions
outside these limitations. Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific to each shingle.
5.4.4 Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations_
5.5 All products in the roof assernbiy shall have quality �s!�uranee audit in accordance with F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3.
Q Undedawnent:
6.1.1 Underlayrnent shall be acceptable to Owens Corning and shall hold current Florida Statewide Product
Approval, or be Locally Approved per Rule 61620-3, per FBC 1507.2.3, 2507.2.4 or R90S.2.3.
6.2 Asphalt Shinptles:
Ei.2.1 Installatlon of asphalt shingles shall comply with the Owens Corning current published instructions, using
minimum four (4) nails per shingle in accordance with FBC 1507.2.7 or R90S.2.6, with the following
Berkshire; shingles require minimum five;5) nails per shingle.
> WeatherGuardo HP shingles require minlmufn six (6) nails per shingle.
> Oevonshirdm shingles require rninimurn six �6) nails per shingle_
> Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus require minimum five (5) nails per strip.
Refer to Chwens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations,
6.2.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than FBC
i507.2.6 or 1190.2.5. Staples are not permitted_
6.2.4 Where the roof slope exceeds 21 units vertical in 17 units hur3zontal, special methods of fastening are
required. See figures below far details.
6.2.5 MInlmurn Nailing — Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus:
f�f#tlnJxteM 6ncY
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In. -A l 9reaY 8vp PW}
WW6,Mfty-w ---- AIM
stw SW Ma &mub qm M1! and 4W-V4'
Lrterigr Research and Design, LLC. EvaluaUork Report 4373W.02,12-14$
cerokateotAutbarsatW v " 6" Eoi Ti Opi 1201FJ FBC NON-KVH2fVALUA;{tM FU0674-91-1
Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revlslon 9! 10109f201?
Page 3 of a
6-2-8 Minimum Nailing — bevonshireTW.
. I ----
71 all 81 R-1 rah----'
�5,�' Exposure Seebrlt Ir.
fxpciski6n do 5 5.'6
Standard 6-Nail Fastening Pattern
Mansard or Steep Slope Fastening Pattern
6.2.9 )Minimum ' Nailing — Duration", TruDi2finitionO Duration, DvratioO Premium Cool & TruDefiniltion'
Duration Designer Color Collection:
4-Na-1 Fzs'.QnAq F=Arn
"t; -A ard Fastening Pattern
64ftl "Wning Pm%&M
Mansard or Steep Slope Fastening Pattern
6-1Y it PMten i n� Pattern
Evericir Research and Design, LLC— Eva luatiGn Repo rt 037940.02.12-FCB
C&rbfewe qAuthunroopn AtRW F QITI DN (2017) f BC N ON-HVH Z EVAWATI ON RL 10674 - R 13
Dwerks Corning Aspha It Roof Shingles 11cwhion 8. 1010912017
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6.3 Hip & Ridge Shingles:
6.3.1 Installation of Berkshlre' Hip and lodge Shingles, High Ridge, WeatherGuard HP Hip and Ridge Shingles
and ProEdge Hip & Ridge Shingles shall comply with the Owens Corning current published instructions,
using four �4) nalls per shingle. Installation of lDuraRldge7m Hip & Ridge Shingles shall cornply with the
Owens Corning current published instructions, using two (2) naii5 per shingle. Refer to Owens Corning
published information on wind resistance and installation limitations, including the use of hand -sealing for
wink warranties.
6,12 Fasteners shall be In accordance with the manufacturerrs publIshed requirements, but not less than FBC
1507.2.6 or R905.2.5- Staples are not permitted.
6.3.3 Minimum Nailing R Berkshire* Hip &, Ridge and High Ridge,
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6,3A MInimurn Nailing — We atherGua rd " HP Hip and Ridge:
Fig. 0 Hip &4lidgaShingleFastaning
Meld M2'c
Exteriur Rese.arch and Design, il-C. EValtiation Report 037UC-102.12-118
CertrkatE ofAuchwiza dfi Mi23 b:-EOI TLON L21)17} FBC NON-H4H2 FVAILIATION FLiOEPA-R13
Owens CDming Asphalt RaoF Shingles Revislpn a! 009f2017
Rage 7 of a
6-a-5 M;r7irrium Nailing - PraEdge Hip & Ridge Shingle$;
PfVVMi Fng
Wind Otreetton Scent Si+Yp ..
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t� � �IrWrart
6.3.6 Minimum Nailing — Duralkidge" Hip & midge Shingles-.
Note: The drawings below pertain to minimum, as -tested attachment requirements. Refer to Owe riS Corning
published installation instructions for their minimum requirements.
biew�te dor r: A: wne
r..aad.! wr,w p�+dernwrr.
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7.1 Labeling shall he in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted
7-2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate oompliancE with one of the required classifications detailed in FDC
Table 1507.2.7.1 f R905.2.&I.
As required by the Building Official or Authorky Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the lnstallatio,n of
Ws product_
Contact the named QA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 9N-3 QA
UL LLC— QUA9625 ; 1631) 546-2458, Kanchi.AgrawaIa-aakan�a@u1.corn
Lawlor Research and Design, LU, Evaluation Report 03794U.02.12-RO
Catfwapro7AuthoFrot�PM#SW3 Ei' EDITION {2.017} P8C NON-NVMZ EVAWA-PON FL10674. R13
Owens Corri ft Asphalt Roof Shlnon RCwlsiorl 8; ID/0912017
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