HomeMy WebLinkAbout06100054 DATE FILED: : 4-. ~O ·(,J7 PLAN REVIEW FEE: ([ ('¡ , C7j CONCURRENCY FEE: RECEIPT NO.: 5 ~ fft-ft) RECEIPT NO.: (\G.'~ (C) · (L¥5 ú; PERMIT NUMBER: OUIO 'Ct:'tjLf CERT. CAP. NO.: :'jæ{t~1~; T_~:;)~~\}:tf¿)~ 1. 2. 3. 4. ALL INFO MUST BE COMPLEl'E & FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED , ..\E:::, 'f¿ St. Lucie County Building and Zoning 2300 Virginia Avenue . Ft. Pierce:þ FL 34982-5652 772-462-1553 I'=~ ~E COpy APPLICATION for BUILDING PERMIT CERTIFICATE of CAP A CITY ¡ZONING COMPLIANCE PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 5 :>-7 » J S t- Lv A Y J F Ìì P IE ~ F-L- S 9? f S- ../ ~ SID NAME: SITE PLAN NAME: . PROPERTY TAX ID #: c;? ~,J ' (PC) I · ()()t:S7Þ' · C'CC" 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attach extra sheets if necessary): 5. PLAT BOOK 6. PAGE NO. 7. BLOCK NO. 8. LOT NO. 9. PARCEL SIZE: ACRES/SQ Fr. LOT DIMENSIONS 10. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OR WORK ACTNITY: £XJ~~ $) ON C) ¡J )'1 1> Ii~ E f C-/J. ~ tr~ ] ). SETBACKS (AcruAL) FRONT: RIGHT: SIDE LEFr: SIDE BACK: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) (] NEW CONSTRUCfION X EXPANSION/ADDITION [] RESIDENTIAL [] COMMERCIAL [] OTHER (SPECIFY) 13. DESCRIPTIONOFPROPOSEDUSE: 7').¡-..5.. V)t-( gr .t'» y f>-!(t.r)AJV.£~) ~.!)..b~µCE. 12. [] INTERIOR RENOVATION [] INDUSTRIAL 14. 15. Sq. Ft. 1st FJoor: Sq. FtJCONSTRUCfION: 16. JF~.QOt9.()O ./ VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ The value of construction is used to determine the amount of permit fees to be assessed. St. Lucie County reserves the right to question and/or modify the indicated value of construction if it is demonstIated that the submitted" figures are not consistent with similar types of construction activities. If the value is $2500 or morc, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement must be submitted with this application. SLCCDV Form No.: 001-02 .-----=----.---~----- ~ i .~~ OWNE-RINFORMATION NAME:Tl9 ¡v') L . f/ J' 0 (tj) ADDRESS: 'ç ;}... '7 þv ..s..t:. W' ,4. y ,CITY: FJ~ P/~CC STATE:rL ZIP' 3~J~,Ç- PHONE (DAYTIME): ~ :J4C)· qyf(¿¡ emai1: IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (pROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERËNT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP PHONE (DAYTIME): L-) CONTRAC·TOR I·NFORMATION ST. o'fFL REGJCERT #: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY : PHONE (DAYTIME): (---1 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT #: STATE': FAX NO. ZIP email: ARCHITIENGINEER:' ßR~j)E~ 1" i./J.J}f)E.# ADDRESS: '1 " C O/'(Jµ~T 4-lJ£.. CITY: S.v ACt, STATE: PHONE (DAYTIME): (71;)) .1. ~7 -~~ ÇT? A. .I-., ~4 .J Pit ,4 . FL ZIP :57 C¡1 ¿ BONDING COMPANY: ADDRESS: CJTY : STATE: ZIP MORTGAGE LENDER: ADDRESS: CITY : STATE: ZIP IMPORTANT NOTICE: When a permit is issued and it is not picked up within 60 days after notification it will be voided and returned to you by mail. ' r -- ~----..- -- .-- . _ ~ , ·~C~~~-·.~~·_~"""-"",,-C' ~~ CERTIFICATION(~/) This application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations· as indicated, and to obtain a certificate of capacity, if applicable, for the permitted work. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and tbat all work wi}) be performed to meet the standards of all Jaws regulating construction in this jurisdiction.. I understand that separate permits may be required fQf ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELlS, POOlS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC., not otherwise included with this building permit application. The ofolfowing building permit applications are exempt ftom undergoing a full concürrency review: room additions, accessory structures (al) ·types), swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory u~es to another non- residential use. - - NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY - IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN AITORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: AS TIlE APPLICANT FOR TIllS BUILDING. PERMIT, IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT. ~E, AND INTEREST THAT IS .SUBJECT TO A IT ACHMENT; AS A CONDITION OF TInS PERMIT YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO .DELIVER A COPY OF THE A IT ACHED CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WH"OSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AITACHMENT. O'WNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that al) the foregoing information is accurate and that a]] work wi]) be done in com iance with all applicable Jaws regt;llating construction and zoning. ~ OWNER/CONTRA CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ST A TE OF FLORID~ " .. , COUNTY OF I. ~ W¡ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The fOregOin~g · , trument wAS acknowle~ed ffore me~· · d~y of Vf)yi 1 '. '1) 20 ~by b rn '. 'D ~ersonally I.g).Qwn to me or wh8h~ t 2{¡;'7 ð ( '1 · c{ '1'" I · entification. The foregoing instrum nt was -acknowledged· before me this _ y of , 20 _, by , who is personally known to me or ho has produced as identification. Signa e of Notary Commission No. ([;cJ-eA- otary , r PlTBLIC-ST.A.TE OF FLORIDA .\\111'1 D. . ...."~ ..A.//-'JI", óca.t~r]Z Goycochea ... ~ 4i"> ¡¡.." _ (Se~.'i.l :: r ''', r,.., 7""' : c. 0 I' ~ n ft r\ l, i.'8 9 t': 94 Of , .. ..: ,....I~./' :_~~L.Ü~:; \J 1 II U U:J 0 ~"I"n\'~" EXplJES: JULY 01, 2007 B!J.\D!:D THEL /ÙL:'4\TlC BO~DING CO'J I!\C. e or Print Name of Notary Commission No. (Sea]) NOTE: TWO (2) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED. IF APPLYING FOR THIS DUlLING PERMIT AS AN OWNERlBUILDER, TIlE OWNER MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR TO SIG~ THIS APPLICATION IN. THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THE APPLICATION. For specific instructions see appropriate permit checklist. " SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE MAP NO. ZONING LAND USE LOT CVG % TAZNO. FLOOD ZONE FIRM MAP # 1ST FLRELV MAX HGT CONST TYPE OCCUP TYPE MAX OCCUP # OF FLRS WATER SEWER SPRINKLERS STORMW A TER ADMINST . LmRARY PARKS PERMIT VARIANCE IMPACT FEE IMP ACT FEE FEE REPORT PUBLIC BLD HABITABLE . RADON 'FEE CODE IMPACT FEE AREA (RJµ)ON) SCHOOL GROSS ROAD CREDIT y N .- . ·:TOTAL ROAD .JMPACT FEE IMP ACT FEE IMP ACT FEE DU'E SCHOOL CREDIT y N TOTAL IMPACT FEE SCHOOL IMP ACT FEE POLICE FEE FIRE FEE MIse FEE TOTAL POLICElFlRE MIse FEES ADDITiONAL Y N SPECIFY . TOTAL PERMITS of ALL REQUIRED FEES .~E:~!J:tJ REVIEWS ZONING ZONING PLANS REVIEWED BY EXAMING MISC. VEGETATION SEA lURTLE MANGROVE DATE , COMPLETE INmALS Ol.Ð {O ooS~ 6--- 7'~-U 7 -+..:L.. 'dw.L~J±.'''d.25ì._....C~1¡::~·1-_"..~..º1~¿~. ..., .&r ~ S,j 1> -t"DMJ'~~~ _._1_rJY-...ß1-:Ld..._..lir2~d_~d..£~£f1~-à{el'-! ,ç' ¿)y~ Tf:J..-vL ìï- 0..-\/. j "]lS.~£..¡.~.~..¿~k_..._-£_~_f~ß-~ -:1..2., ,J2~,.... ",ÆtP~<ù- Þ ,~( o~, ~C ." _ ¡Sv...t.., C:è!~.T:!:'::!!:~'~&~. ' ,. :L2H::'r" . A.it. §;I+ ~ _. ..+.'J7Hy ~~'d~d"-' b.. .....£..?, ..d....~. ~-~ ., ..j_L.&zd^<·.T/!~df:d~~ ",'d" ",.,'. .,. ,'" tJ'A/ ~ tp l.,b f ~~. l '- l?Y ~ O~£'A/;A~ ~ _._ ,~ - .. ....._.......,.. _..0 _...._. -..... ,- __ '" ." .._..,_. ..' .__._._._...._.._~l.~~ç-~ ___ ~---....__.lt::-1-~l:_--"d:rA--~~..yI" to ~¿~ ..Æ-3 It ,0 Lv' A/<;.rz.j /St/, L1> €:'?..- .~ IdH-\J)f.._~.,>",.þ,..·~...fe-v?i.µ/JL ..£.y ·:s.~(l-V~LL G;<-I'~~ ~ i .L~D j?? ¡/~-Þ .>r,v~ð.(:'-=FÞ·rÆßL--~" : Af:-' \' " J ,',' ._.,T!F~"dC,()-,~:LllÇ~7J~. ç ~,-,-~~/LV./L·Tc~ þj) ¡UcFf-t/\ ~"./c.- . ------------ _LAd/!1V:Ctt-...,g~>L}-~.. f('--..r2P¢?~f!LJ ..I ¡J.j~v<L- -/)$; (A b~ 1> )-0 ... L . Jl-.5=-. d' ·~Æ~./'? )( A f r'Z..- C " ;,<,þ I ì' () ,VI ,v[' -ç- v..£. L '" .....¡-11~(Q¡t.. · ; P l. '~ð s....z c.u-J..N~ Q~ ~ P£;~VI "r ~ ~ ,,(~v¿L ~~\/, L-~~ I~L~ .,..'. ..__........___ ,.,'__......-~-P?Æ-('*f~,. ., _..~?.@-'IJ(~- IE ~.p~fZ:;-5. · IJJ-~' d".J -", . ,..' ,'þ, X QJ/7 --.. ~ - -. ". ~..~._..- -"~ c 'TV~ ¿". F -.:r r2 rt- j) v~ (0 ,. DO I)l./ ST. LUCJE CQUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT . - BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT State of Florida Certification Number (lfapp1icabJe): Ct<-J \, S Wul ~L~ ~ (Company NamelIndividual Name) -2,011 tf \<A ßo b'72 &:, l St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: have agreed to b·e the ~\J i\c. (Type of Trade) sub-contractor for 50 ¡"1 L . . F ..:5 0 fL.-Ì) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at 5~ 7 ]),,;.5> Lv'~ (Project Street Address It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the B1}ilding and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice, (Form: SLCCDV N"o. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) OIUGINAL SIGNA TOURES ARE lŒQUI"RE"D Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: .:] ~ ~ CAu~1 pRINT NAM C£ùtf S~2Û(ies. ~'- E~~ · \3'~1 :s~~,~ '~ '. , CQ -\- +1:e:ec-~ F\O~iJ 4-- ,'3ttqqq , 11 ¿ - 3·7 O'~77t¡.7 emai1: -1 etf 4ft) ì \ ~ ~( A-)r,l\J~r ifL~JO( DA E I 0·" OFFICE USE O"NLY: PERMIT # ISSUE DATE EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., ("~ l OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COT'I1\TTY FILE # 3065644 OR ~ 2830 PAGE 1783, Recorded 06/07/20' 11:40 PM OLe to· ooS y.. Pren.red bv and Return to: Joseph D. Grosso, Jr., PA Joseph D. Grosso, Jr., Esquire 614 SE Central Parkway Stuart, Florida 34994 NOTICE OF RE-COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real property and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following infonnation is provided in this Notice of Commencement, as follows: 1. Descrintion and Address of Pronertv: Improvements will be made on the following described real property located in St. Lucie County, Florida: The West half of Lots 57, 58 and 59 and all of Lot 56, Block A, TROPICAL ACRES, according to the map 'or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page(s) 20, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Aorida. Address: 527 Dusk Way, Fort Pierce, Florida 2. General Description of Imnrovements: Addition and garage 3. Owner lnfonnation: The name(s) and address(es) of the Owner(s) of said property who have contracted for said iDßprovernentsis(are): Tom L. Fjord 527 Dusk Way Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 Said Owner's interest in the site of the said improvements is the owner of the fee simple title. 4. Contractor Infonnation: The name and address of the contractor who has contracted with said Owner for said improvements is: Tom L. Fjord (OWNER/BUILDER) OR BOOK 2830 PAGE g4 527 Dusk .Way Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 5. Suretv Infonnation: Nt A 6. Lender Infonnation: The name and address of the Lender who is hereby designated as the person, in addition to said Owner, to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Chapter 713.06, Florida Statutes, is: Nt A 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by the Owner upon whom Notices or other docwnents may be served as provided in Section 713.13(1)(a), Florida Statutes, is: N/A 8. In addition to Owner and the Lender designated in 6. above, Owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes: N/A 9. The expiration date of this Notice of Commencement is one year trom the date of its recording unless a different date is specified herein. ~~=#~ Tom L. Fjord STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MARTIN acknowledged before me this £ day of June, 2007, e or has produced as identification. My commissio Commission number: Notary Seal: . .'""....",'.. Joseph D. Grouo, Jr. t.~ MYCOMMISSIONI 00215805 EXPIRES :: ~ : ¡ Julv 30, 2007 '« .. BONDED 1HIU TROY FAIN ~ INC. ,Rt.. 2 St 1 .ucie Count)' B, .. ~ing loning Department .2300 Virginia A venue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 (772) 462-1553 O\\'NER1BUILDER AFFIDA "IT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT F.S. 489.103 (7) EXEMPTIONS State law requires construction to be done by licensed contractors. Yau have applied for a permit under an exemption to that 1a\\!. The exemption allows you, as the owner of your property, to act as your own contractor even though you do not have a license. You must provide direct. on-site supervision of the construction yourself. You may build or improve farm outbuildings, a one-family or two-family residence or a commercial buildiri·g at a cost of under $25,QOO.OO. The building or residence must be for your o\\/n occupancy. It may not be built or substantiaIJ)' .improved for sa1e or lease. If you sell or lease a building you have built or substantially improved your self within one year Jfter the construction is complete, the law ~'il] presume that you built or substantia]]y imprO\led it for sale or lease, \\'hich is a violation of this exemption. Yau may not hire an unlicensed person to act as your contractor or to supervise people working on your building; it is your responsibility to make sure that people employed by you have licenses required by state law and by county or municipaJ licensing ordinances. Yau may not delegate the responsibiJity for supervising work to a licensed contractor who is not licensed to perform the work being done. Any person working on your building ~'ho is not Jicensed must work under your direct supervision and must be employed by you, which means that you must deduct F.I.C.A. and withholding tax and provide workers' compensation for that employee. all as prescribed by law. Your construction must comply with all ap~aws. ordinances. building codes. and zoning regulations. Initia "..¿- 1 understand that the buiJding official and inspectors are not there to design or give advice on how to meet the minimum code. " . ' Initial ~~ I understand that as an owner-builder that any contract disputes with sub-contractors and I must be handled in a civil court with the advice of an attorney. This department wiU not mitigate any contract disputes. ...::5? Initial , ~ I understand that if I compensate any person or company for work performed they are required to be licensed in this jurisdiction. If for some reason they do not possess a license, I may be responsible and liable for the cost of the license. Initial ~J~ I understand that if any person that is unlicensed and uninsured gets injured on my construction project- they may be entitled to workmen's compensation. I could be held liable for all doctor, lawyer and related medical cost. which could include loss of wages duringrecovery from their injury. . Initial 02¿/9-- To qualify for this exemption under this subsection. an owner must personally appear and sign the buiJdJl1g permit application and initial the above. J hereby ackno\\·'ledge that I have read and understand the above disc10sure statement and that I further und~rstand that any violation of the terms of the ownerlbuilder exemption shall be reported by the Building and Zoning Department tC) the Florida State Department of Professional Regulation. Signed and ackno\\'ledged on this -3Q!:: day of 4 f¥l-)L of 20 .f22.. ~~~ET~FO~_ORIDA 5;~ > lL-lw was acknowledged before me this O{) day of lJr'¡?; 1 Vt'ho is personally kno~'n to me or who as identific~tion. 'ß¿at-t I '2.;-(::Sv 1 (,ccp'£4- . '2rf57. by has produced Type or Prinll\ame of NOlary Commission Number (Seal) Dr ~T Tc $7' · .:: J.~., ,;.. . li\TE OF FLORIDA ~ . :"'~ 'J t G ^:;i'';a ,112 oycocbea CClllmission # DDS89694 --.' ' _ JLTLY ?007 1dHL AI L-\..\d: 30:--;01.\G CQ, rsc. EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE CC''' --rry FILE # 3047976 0D BOOT ~08 PAGE 735, Recorded 04/30/?~~7 a~ ~:03 PM - -~_._.'-- ..-----.---- '~ NOTICE OF CO~mNCEMENT I Tax.ID# d.3Ö~ ",.Ðt 6(1;'''J - t..J{?[),-G Coùnty Of ~ T" Lu...L Tq·~ mñt No. ate Of C,fJ ~ :IE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvenïent win be made to certain real property. aDd in accordance with Chapter .3, Florida Statutes, the fo11owing infonnation is provided in this Notice of Commencement. ~gal Description of property and street address. if available \~J~tf.A\ A-cg.1::..-<::') l?L\,é:kL \f~ \--o~ ~ -:.:1; I ·0 \ ''Ü C1 j\.L £) (:. ~ ~'J -- l),','..l ~ - II)~£{'" l <i) ~ ~ eneral d~cription of ~rovements b..:.{,) hI.· ¡: 1. ç, 1'\ <~ " Co (\- <t...-:¡... f: I::- >wner ~ n~ t-~~ ,ddress c:~ I;:)., C. __ 0Pr-~ \-1.- r'~U'- twners interest in site of improvement · ~)0S) y,-~~ "":C. , 8 ee Simple TitJe holder (if other than owner) ~ddress ~:::o~~~ ~l;'~_ ~;\ ' T~:,}.~. ~~~\-.~t.: S~,-(4r ~ ~7 :J)J.11c. wA-, ~ F". ~ I ~~,~ Þl ~ Y7 V~ :Urety ~-). À-. A.ddress Amount of Bond $ Phone # Fax # .Jender \ddress ~.(~ Phone # Fax # )ersons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by ;ection1.13.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: 'fame /<'-1/<:; ¡'OJ ~J1_þ\AC']..:r Phone #1'?:::j -Lll'1-lOS-S- \ddress ì..:J.? 6 (. t=: £T, t... !š/ .l T ro:..¡ ~.......... <;: :":\'0 Q.. '1,\ i r-( ? IJ.... q q t. Fax # «"j '£ (.J - ~ \ 4 - (oC ì t." Y ~ addition 10 himself) owner designates n~ et.ll \JÄ':t of .C¿~C;... L ~~c.. -.. (phone # <:;I\:-\~ ~ax # ) to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713..13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of connnencement is one year from the date of recording wùess a different date is specified. (Date) ~. '--1 ~ .r/" £..;~ t-7'~~~ ' !Jim," OWNERS SIGN~· STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTíOF f1j,' '~ 77'" Acknowledged before me this ,,"";-day of .' JV.1ri 20 ~by /;"11 L. lJ',) rd . who is personally known to me or who bas produced ~ as identification. 1/'. ,4 j. ~ )s1~i{~:~¿· .' TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY (seal) Ñ{Ti'ARY µC~':! !(;ST/~lT" OF FLORIDA ~ .If I .,- · I, ki ~~ ~', r~ . \, ., ::1,ne, I-:..~e ~~s £:~~ ~ .. J' . 'I f i.fd4¿,~464 ~l L..~ ¡). ~~'. 20, 2009 Hon(1('d 1/:'11 /'\:., ~. ¡',.)!.(Î;¡tg Co., lor.. NOTARY PUBLIC TITLE bJ)1/ ~1./(, t COMMISSION NUMBER t ~~-~CO(L~'¡v'~ '¡-9 (} -~6£ '~lH"t · G(J.fVJ~A'-ron-·' -,..0 Ie 0 wµi.rLj ktJ)L~~rI EDWlP,I M. Fr,y, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT '~UCIE COUNTY FILE' 293828& 10103/2006 at 02:43 PM OR BoþK 2610 PAGE 84 - 84 Doc Type: NC RECO!~DING: $1fJ.OO ¡ 5Ç ~~ ~:l~~ Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 http://stl ucieco. gov / ce BUILDING PERMIT Page Issued: 11/20/2006 Job Location: 527 DUSK WAY Cont #: 775 Permit #: SLC- 061 0-0054 City: FORT PIERCE Permit Type: Building (Miscellaneous) Job Description: ADDITION OF BEDROOM AND SAFE ROOM - REVISION - ADDED 794 sa FT PATIO (12/5/06) Subdiv: Tropical Acres Lot: 56 Block: Parcel: 2308-601-0056-000/3 Property Owner TOM L FORD 527 DUSK WAY (772) 465-3083 FORT PIERCE, FL Setbacks Left: 0.00 Number ot Units: 1.00 Minimum Floor Elevation: Right: 60.10 Floors: 1 Front: 97.00 Buildings: Rear: 188.70 Zoning: AG-2.5 Square Footage: 703.00 Flood Zone: X Elev: Flood Map: 175F Job Value: $ 71,212.73 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that separate permits must be obtained as required by the Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further, he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the 2004 Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this County, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10), F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s.713.135, F.S. Ray Wazny Building Official Date For Automated Inspections, Call (772) 462-1261 For Questions, Call (772) 462-2172 St. Lucie County Land Development Code Section 11.05.01 (A) (2) states; Building Permits shall expire and become null and void if work authorized by such Building Permit is not commenced, having called for and received a satisfactory inspection, within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work is not completed within 18 months (permit by contractor) or 24 months (permit by owner) from the date of issuance of the Building Permit. ()(p I (). 0 é~9-I --\//) . - \ .. -, ) r. -'-7 G-U {é" C/( j~ lt~ _____+ .u_lj_::3C2~-_Q-7--~--~-------_..~_.._-_..--,--~·_--_· ---- - ...-,--..'."- ,..'- ,.., 1 --..--- "'--"'~"--- ----.-_.._.._-----_.~.._--_._---_._._._---_..._._--_.~._~~----_._.__.---~._--~.._...__. _.__.~._.._.__......__..--_._..-._-_..-_.. .. 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