HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectrical, drawing, JB_349181_00 CD (E) 200 Main Service Panel (E) 200 Main Breaker (N) Bryant 125A Load Center (N) 60A Breaker - AWG #6, THWN-2 Red, Black, and White (1) Tesla Wall Connector Cutler Hammer 60A Breaker (1) AWG # 6 THWN-2, Black (1) AWG # 6 THWN-2, Red (1) AWG # 8 THWN-2, Green,EGC (1) 1" EMT Conduit Kit Wall Connector Setting:9 (0) 15A/1P Breaker(s) - AWG #14, THWN-2, Black, Red (8) 20A/1P Breaker(s) - AWG #12, THWN-2, Black, Red JB-349181-00 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Residence at 4950 Southwind TR, Fort Pierce, FL 34951, US One Line Diagram 3/24/2020 Install Wall Connector 45"-48" off the ground unless customer requests otherwise Legend JB-349181-00 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Residence at 4950 Southwind TR, Fort Pierce, FL 34951, US Site Plan 3/24/2020 Driveway EV Charging Station SAFETY PLAN Electric Vehicle Charging Station Safety Plan Ladder Access ·Ladders must be non-conductive, inspected before each use. ·Extension ladders must be set up on a firm and level surface at a 4-to-1 rise-to-run angle (or 75 degrees) and the top must be secured to the structure. Extension style ladders placed on uneven, lose or slippery surfaces must additionally have the base firmly anchored or lashed so the base will not slip out. ·Extension ladders must be used with walk-through devices or the ladder must extend 36” above the stepping off point. ·A-frame ladders must only be climbed with the ladder spreader bars locked in the open position; A-frame ladders shall not be climbed while in the closed position (ex, closed and used while leaned against a structure). ·Additional Notes: Mobile Equipment ·Only Qualified operators will operate equipment; operators must maintain a certification on their person for the equipment being operated. ·Type(s) of mobile equipment (type/make/model): ·Qualified operator(s): Material Handling and Storage ·Materials will be staged/stored in a way that does not present a hazard to client, personnel or public. Materials stored on the roof will be physically protected from falling or sliding off. Fall Protection ·A Site-specific plan for fall prevention and protection is required prior to starting work and must remain onsite at all times until work is complete; a fall rescue plan must be outlined and discussed among the crew prior to work start. ·The Competent Person is required to be onsite at all times while work at heights is ongoing. ·First-Person-Up (FPU) must install their anchor and connect before any other task, including installing other anchors. The Last-Person-Down (LPD) must be the only person on a roof uninstalling fall protection. ·FPCP (name and title): ·FPU and LPD (name and title): Electrical Safety ·The Electrical Qualified Person (EQP) is required onsite to perform electrical work. ·All electrical work will be performed with equipment in an electrically safe condition (de-energized) unless approval has been granted prior to work start. ·Service drops and overhead electrical hazards will be identified and protected from contact, as necessary. ·EQP (name and title): JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Public Protection ·The safety of the Client and the Public must be maintained at all times. ·The Client and the Public shall be prevented from entering the work zone through the use of barriers and/or signage, as required. ·Company, Client and Public property shall be protected from falling objects. ·Pets (including dogs) shall be secured by their owners prior to work start. ·The client should not leave pets, family members, or others in charge or care of Employees, Contractors, or Temporary Workers. ·Crew leader responsible for communication with the client: ·Pets barricaded away from work areas (N/A, Yes, No): ·Client and public is excluded from work area by barricades (N/A, Yes, No): Training And Pre-Job Safety Briefing ·All employees onsite shall be made aware of the specific hazards of this project and review this JHA during a pre-job briefing, and their signature indicates awareness of site conditions and the plan to eliminate any hazards identified prior to and during the project. ·Crew Leader (name/title): ·Crew Member (name/title): ·Crew Member (name/title): ·Crew Member (name/title): ·Crew Member (name/title): ·Crew Member (name/title): Airborne Contaminants: ·Asbestos-containing (Transite) piping (ACP) - Do not disturb (move, drill, cut, fracture, etc.) ·Asbestos-containing exterior building siding (ACS) - Only Asbestos Class III trained personnel can drill or cut into ACS material, and only for purposes of mounting BOS equipment; a completed Asbestos Work Permit is required onsite at all times prior to working with ACS. ·Asbestos-containing thermal insulation (ACI) and Asbestos-containing duct wrapping (ACW) - do not disturb; no attic or crawlspace access is allowed if work to be performed could cause exposure to personnel, client or public. ·Is work around ABC or ABC containing materials being conducted (N/A, Yes, No): ·If yes, list specific tasks and protection in place: Weather and Environment ·The site supervisor shall forecast the weather conditions at the job site, prior to crew arrival, in order to mitigate any hazards associated with inclement weather (heat, cold, wind, rain, etc.). ·The site supervisor will utilize a portable wind meter (anemometer) to verify actual onsite wind conditions, by checking speed at the ground and on any elevated work surface (ex, rooftop) prior to work start, at midday and prior to solar panel staging on a roof. ·Elevated work involving the moving or maneuvering of solar panels shall cease at 25mph (sustained wind), until wind subsides. ·Forecasted weather maximum temp (degrees F): ·Measured wind speed (MPH ground): ·Measured wind speed (MPH roof): Heat Related Illness Prevention ·Employees shall have access to potable drinking water that is fresh, pure, and suitably cool. The water shall be located as close as practicable to the areas where employees are working. Water shall be supplied in sufficient quantity at the beginning of the work shift to provide at least one quart per employee per hour for drinking for the entire shift. Employees may begin the shift with smaller quantities of water if they identify the location and have effective means for replenishment during the shift to allow employees to drink one quart or more per hour. The frequent drinking of water shall be encouraged. ·Shade shall be present when temperature exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When the outdoor temperature in the work exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit, employees shall have and maintain one or more areas with shade at all times. ·New employees must be acclimatized. New employees will be monitored by their Crew Leader (site supervisor) for the first two (2) weeks of employment or longer when necessary. ·Employees will be allowed and encouraged to implement scheduled breaks during each shift. Employees must take cool-down breaks in the shade any time they feel the need to do so to protect them from overheating. Supervisors are REQUIRED to allow employees any break period they need during high heat conditions. ·Cool Vests are encouraged for all employees at all times during periods of high heat. ·Identify the location of the closest Occupational/Industrial Clinic or Hospital in case a crew member becomes ill. What is the specific plan to provide and replenish sufficient water for all employees onsite? ·If offsite replenish is necessary, where will you go to replenish water (location/address): ·Who will replenish the drinking water (name): Restroom Facilities ·Employees shall have access to restroom facilities with hand-washing stations. Use of onsite restroom is at the client's discretion (location is noted below). If client does not give permission, location of suitable restroom facilities with hand-washing stations at an offsite will be provided. The onsite supervisor will identify location and make arrangements to ensure all employees have access at any point. ·Restroom facilities will be (circle one): Onsite - Offsite ·If offsite, add location name and address: Incident Reporting Procedure ü Contact your Site Supervisor o Name: o Phone: ü Contact your Manger o Name: o Phone: ü Contact the Incident Hotline o (650) 963-5678 - Follow the voice prompts and provide us with: Your full name, phone number, office location, brief description of what happened and when. NOTE ADDITIONAL HAZARDS NOT ADDRESSED ABOVE (add as many as necessray by using additional sheets): Define the hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident: Define the hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident: Crew leader to fill out all sections below, hold a pre-job safety meeting with all personnel, and upload this completed document and the Safety Plan to the JCO. Electric Vehicle Charging Station JHA Sheet