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Address/Phone/Email 26300 La Alameda BOCC Ste.250 Mission Viejo,CA 92691 (909)545-8359 chad.diercks@jameshardie.corri Authorized Signature Chad Diercks chad.diercks@jameshardie.com Technical Representative Pingsheng Zhu Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave. Fontana,CA 92337 File C - (909)349-2927 pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Quality Assurance Representative Pingsheng Zhu Address/Phone/Email .10901 Elm Ave. Fontana,CA 92337 (909)349-2927 pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer IT Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Ronald I.Ogawa the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-24121 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc. -QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By John Southard,P.E. ® Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL13192 R5 COI RIO-Certificate of Indeoendence.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM C1186 2007 I' ASTM E330 "2002 I , Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect, FL13192 R5 EDuiv RIO-26928-17 ASTM C1186 eauivalencv.pdf Sections from the Code https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQ WtD gtsk%2bGnUu4.:. 3/27/2020 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/09/2017 . Date Validated 08/25/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/28/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 13192.1 Cemplank Lap Siding fiber-cement lap siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL13192 R5 II CemPlank-Installation.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Impact Resistant:N/A Frame.odf Design Pressure:N/A FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.odf Other:For use in HVHZ install in accordance with NOA 17- FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathinq.pdf 0406.06 FL13192 R5 II NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Fra me.o df FL13192 RS AE ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.pdf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing.odf FL13192 R5 AE NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 13192.2 HardiePlank Lap Siding fiber-cement lap siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal -• Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Frame.pdf Impact Resistant:N/A FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.pdf Design Pressure:N/A FL13192 RS II ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing.pdP Other:For use in HVHZ install in accordance with NOA 17- FL13192 R5 II HardiePlank-Installation.pdf 0406:06 FL13192 R5 II.NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Verified By: Ronald I.Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party:No Evaluation Reports FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.odf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.pdf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing.pdf FL13192 R5 AE NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 13192.3 HardieShingle Individual.Shingles fiber-cement individual cladding shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Frame.pdf Impact Resistant:N/A FL13192 R5 II HardieShingle-Installation.pdf Design Pressure:N/A Verified By: Ronald I.Ogawa 24121 Other: Created by Independent Third Party: No - Evaluation Reports FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Frame.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:.Yes 13192.4 rHardi.Shingle Panel fiber-cement notched shingle panels(straight edge, staggered edge,half round edge) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Frame.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.pdf Design,Pressure:N/A FL13192 RS II HardieShingle-Installation.odf Other: Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Frame.pdf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.gdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 13192.5 Prevail Lap Siding fiber-cement lap siding https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtsk%2bGnUu4... 3/27/2020 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Frame.Ddf Impact Resistant:N/A FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.Ddf Design Pressure:N/A FL13192 RS II ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing.pdf Other:For use in HVHZ install in accordance with NOA 17- FL13192 R5 II NOA 17-0406.06.pdf 0406.06 FL13192 R5 II Prevail-Lap-Sidinq--Installation.pdf Verified By: Ronald I.Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third.Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.pdf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.pdf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing.odf FL13192 R5 AE NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Back Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ®- Credit Cara Safe i I I https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtsk%2bGnUu4... 3/27/2020 i PROJECT RIO-2683-17 ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE®BRAND FIBER'-CEMENT PLANKS TO WOOD OR METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH V)WEl SA, TSE NNERRS FOR CODE COMPLUANCE JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC.ST, LUME COUNTY 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA,CA 92337 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTRACTOR Cody" PAGE COVER PAGE 1 EVALUATION SUBJECT 2 EVALUATION SCOPE 2 EVALUATION.PURPOSE 2 REFERENCE REPORTS 2 _ TEST RESULTS 3 TABLE 1A and1 B,RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING 3-4 SUMMARY OF FASENTER DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS 5-6 TABLE 2A THROUGH TABLE 20,ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH 7-11 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES 12 TABLE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p 12 TABLE 4,ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B 13 TABLE 5,ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C 13 . TABLE 6,ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 13 TABLE 7,ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED(MPH)FOR HARDIEPLANK SIDING 14-57 LIMITATIONS OF USE 57 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR,THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7-10,THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. PREPARED BY: RONALD I. OGAWA&ASSOCIATES,INC. �����iw��..,��� 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 'alis° ()GAVV,q HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 `et Q`',:.•• 714-292-2602 ' 714-847-4595 FAX 4�0 2RE 1 _ �; STAB J*- 4:8 fb �� lomAl. ea I � RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 ' HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714847-4686 FAX PROJECT;RIG-2553-16 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-88B-542-7343 lnfb@jameshordle.com EVALUATION SUBJECT HardlePlank®Lap Siding James Hardie Product Trade Names covered in this evaluation: HardiePlank®Lap Siding,CemPlank®Siding,Prevagw Lap Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7-10 2017 Florida Building Code 2016 International Building Code® EVALUATION PURPOSE: This analysis is to determine the matdmum design 3-second gust wind speed to be resisted by an assembly of HardfePlank(CemPlank,Prevail Lap)siding fastened to wood or metal framing with nails or screws. REFERENCE REPORTS: 1.Intertek Report 3067913(ASTM C1186)Material properties HardlePiank Siding S 2.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 10593-9511395(ASTM E330)Transverse load Test,5116'Thick by 7.6 Inch wide HardiePiank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 W-Prwood studs space at 16 Inches on center Wth a 0.093 Inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter by 2.5 inch tong galvarked siding na0 3.Ramtech Laboratories,Ino.Report 11:1034-88(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116'Ttddc by 9S inch VLdde HardlePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Hem+lrwood studs space arl6Inches on centerwfth a Number 11 gauge 1-W41nch long galvanized roofing nail 4.Ramtech Laboratories,Ina.Report IC-102088(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,6116'Thick by 9.5 Inch wide HardiePlanik Lap Siding Installed on 2X4 Hem-Firwood studs spam at i6 inches on center with a 6d common nail 6.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report2148.07--10(C)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,SHS'Thlck by 8.25 Inch vdde HardfePlank Lep Siding installed on 2X4 Doug•Fir-Lerch wood studs space at 16 inches on centerwtth an Bd ring shank box nal,0.113 inch shank by 0.260 inch head diameter by 2.376 inch long 8.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 2149-07-10(E)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116'Thick by 825 inch wide HardlePienk Lap Skiing instafled on 2Y.4 Doug-Fir-Larch wood studs space at 18 Inches on center With a 0,092 Inch shard:by 0.222 inch head dfameter by 2.5 Inch long galvanized siding nag 7.Ramtech Laboratories,Inn.Report 2341-08.06(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5/16'Thick by 826 Inch wide HardisPlank Lep Siding Installed on 2X4 Doug-FlnL arch wood studs space at 16 Inches on ranter wth a 0.092 Inch shank by 0.222 Inch head diameter by 2 Inch long galvanized siding pall S.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 2149.07-10(F)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116'Thick by 825 Inch wide HardiePlanik Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Spruce-Pine-Furwood studs apace at 16 Inches on center with a 0.092 inch shank by 0.222 Inch head diameter by 2.6 Inch long galvanized siding nag 9:Ramtech Laboratories,Inc,Report 1114911654(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test 51161 Thick by 8.26 Inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding Installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 24 Inches on canter Wth ET&F knurled pin fastener 10,Ramtech Laboratodes,Ina Report 11149/15548(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test 6116'Thick by 8.25 Inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 24 f 0#11 OGAN L � ,� 4 121 : pro O • • N �PO,c• 1"LOR���''•� sou ON A d �`��eo��iraoa 2 i RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16035 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTiNGTON BEACH,CA 82649 714.292-2602 714-847-4695 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 fnfb@jameshordle.com EVALUATION SUBJECT HardiePlank©Lap Siding James Hardie Product Trade Names covered in this evaluation: HardijePlank®Lap Skiing,CemPlankO Siding,Preval1 w Lap Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7-10 2017 Florida Building Code 2015 International Building CodeS EVALUATION PURPOSE: This analysts is to determine the maximum design 3-second gust wind speed to be resisted by an assembly of HardiePlank(CemPlank,Prevail Lap)siding fastened to wood or metal framing with nab or screws. REFERENCE REPORTS: 1.Intertek Report 3067913(ASTM C1186)Matadal properties HardlePlank Siding 2.Remtedh Laboratories,Inc.Report 10593-9511395(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116'Thiels by 7.6 Inch wide Hard~Lap Siding installed on 2X4 IAFFirwsod studs spare at 16 Inches an center with a 0.093 Inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter by 2.5 inch long galvanized siding nag &Ramtsch Laboratories,Inc.Report 110.1034-88(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116'TNdt by 9.6 inch wide HartOePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Hem-Prwood studs space ar19 inches on centerwith a Number 11 gauge 1,T4 Inch long gaivar&ed roofing mil 4.Ramterh Laboratories,Ina Report IC-102M-(AMM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116°Thick by 9.5 inch wide HardiePlanit Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Hem-Firwood studs space at 16 inches on center with a 6d common nall 6.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 2149-07-10(C)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116'Thick by 925 Inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Doug-F[M ardr wood shhds space at 16 inches on centerwtth an 8d ring shank boo nag,0.113 inch shank by 0.260 inch head donator by 2.376 inch long 6.Ramtech laboratories,Inc.Report 2149-07-10(E)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116'Thiel;by S.25 inch wide HardleP",Lap Siding installed an 24X4 Doug-Fir-Lerch wood studs space at 16 Inches on carder with a 0.092 Inch she*by 0.222 Inch heed diameter by LS Inch long galvanized sift na0 T.Ramtech Labondades.Inc.Report 2341-08-06(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5H8'Thick by 8.26 Inch wide HardiePlenk Lep Siding Installed on 2X4 Doug-Flr-Lereh wood studs space at 16 inches on carder with a 0.092 Inch shank by 0.222 Inch head diameter by 2 inch long ghdvar&ed aiding nag &Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 214947-10(F)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Tact,6116'Thick by 828 inch wine HerdiePlan k Lap Siding Installed on 2X4 Spruce-Pine-Ftuwood studs apace at 16 inches on center with a 0.092 inch shank by 0.222 Inch heed diameter by 2.5 Inch long galvanized siding nail 9:Ramtech Laboratories,Inc,Report 1114911664(ASTM E330)Trensversa Load Test 5H8'Thick by 6.25 Inch wide HerdieP(ank Lap Siding Installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 18 and 24 Inches on canterwith ET&F kr s(ed pin fastener' 10.Ramtech Laboratories,Ina.Report 11149116548(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test 5116'Thick by 825 Inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 24 fjOP///II16i�o�� • off� -OGAW4 = - 0 m 0 ; ted . 0 0 a�'� STA �F •���� n bac• FLO R��A''•� 4e4 IONA o . 2 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. . 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 0443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT'RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 irifo@jameshardie.com TEST RESULTS: Table IA.Results of Tiransveras Load Testing for Configurations with Stoat Framing Report Number 11149 11149 11149 11149 11149 11149 IC-1035.88 11554 11554 /1654B. HS549 I1554A 11564A TWAgency Ram" Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ratntech Ramtech Thickness(in.) 0.3125 0.3126 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3126 • 0.3125 Width(in.) 615 6.26 025 6.26 12 12 • 9.5 20 go.steel 20 gmge. 20 steel 20 go. ga. 20 go. Frame Type 20 studs steel studs steel studs studs sSled steel tuds sleds 20 studs sled Frame Spacing(n.) 16 24 16 24 16 24 16 ET&F ET&F ET&F ET&F ET&F ET&F No.8 X 1- 0.100' 0.100° 0. 0.100° 100° 0.100° 0.101" Ile long X knurled knuded knurled knurled knurled knurled 0.375' Fastener Type shank shank shank shank shank shank heed diameter diameterx diameter dlameterx diameter diameter diameter x0313' x0.250' xD250' ribbed 0.250"HD 0250°HD HDx15' 0.313-HD HDx1.6• HDx1Ji waterhead x1.5-long x1.5-iop xWlong long long long screw Fastening Method. Face nag Face nap Blind nab Bfutd nag Face nag Face nail Blind nail Ultimate Load(pst) 317 173 64 60 151 81 10.2 Design Load(psQ 105.7 67.T 21.3 16.7 60.3 2T.0 66.4 Effective Tributary Area(sgft) 0.556 0J333 0.778 1.167 1.194 1.792 0.917 Fastener Load,as tested (0r1festener) 68.7 4&1 '16.6 19.4 60.1 46.4 51.7 1.Allowable Design Load is the Ultimate Load divided by a Factor of safetyat 3. 2.HardleShingle Siding complies with ASTM C1188.Standard SpedBcaBon for Grade 11,Type A Aron-ashaslos Aber-Cement Rat Sheets. �10#' pGAW,q IN FLOIR sS10Nof 0R 3 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16836 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714.847-4595 FAX PROJECT'RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 Info@jameshardie.com TEST RESULTS: Table IA.Results of Transverse Load Testing for Configurations with Steel Framing Report Number 11149 11149 11149 11149 11149 11149 11095 88 /1554 /1654 /1554B. /1554B /iW4A /1554A Test Agency Remtech Ramlech Ramtech Ramtech Rain" Ramtech Ramtech Thickness(In.) 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 • 0.3125 Width(in.) 6.26 &25 8.25 8.25 12 12 • 9.5 Frame Type 20 go.steel 20 q& 20 ga. 20 ga. 20 ga. studs steel muds steel 20 ga. sleet steel 20 go.steel studs studs steal studs studs studs studs Frame Spacing(In.) 16 24 18 24 16 24 16 ET&F ET&F ET&FET&F ET&F ET&F No.8 X 1- 0,100' 0,100° 0.1000100° ' 0.100` 0.100" 1W long X knurled knuded knurled knurled knurled Imurted 0.37.7 Fastener Typo shank shank shank shank shank shank head diameter diameterx diameter dismaterx diameter diameter diameter 0.250'HO 0.250'HD x 0313' 0.313'HD x 0.250' x 0.250` ribbed x1.6'long x1XIIam HD x1.5' x1.5'long HDx1.6• HDx10 waferhead - long long long screw Fastening Method. Face nail Face nag Bgnd nag Blind nag Facenail Face nail Blind neo Ultimate Load(psf) 317 173 64 1 60 151 al 1692 Design Load(psQ 10&7 67.T 21.3 16.7 50.3 27.0 %4 Effadva TributaryArea(sg1Q 0.556 D.933 0.778 1.167 1.194 1.792 0.917 Fastener Load,as tested (Ib/fasterter) 58.7 48.1 16.6 19A 60.1 411.4 51.7 1.ftowable Design Load is the Ultimate Load added by a Factor of safety of 3. 2.HardleShIngle Siding complies wHh ASTM C1186,Standard Speclfrcatlon far Grade Il,Type A Nowsbastos Rber-Cement Flat Sheets. pGAW,q S-�A•(E OF � C +o` 3 r RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. • 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET0443 HUidTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2802 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT.RiO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 Infb@Jameshardle.com ..t Table IS.Results of Transverse Load Testing for Configurations with Wood Framing Report Number 10593- 101034.88 10-1020- 2149.117- 2149.07- 2341-08. 2149.07-10 9611395 Be 1D C) 10 06 Test Agency Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Reattech Remfech Reattach Thickness n,) 0.3125 03125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3126. 0.3125 0.3125 Width On.) 7.5 9.6 9.5 8.25 8.25 8.26 0?a Frame Type 2X4wood 2X4wood 2X4wood 2X4wood 2X4wood 2X4wsod 2X4wood Hem+lr• Hem-Fir• Hem-Fir• DFL DFL I DFL SPF Frame Spacing(in,) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8d ring Bd siding fid siding ed siding 1 3i4" 8d siding Fastener Type nag, No.11 OIL 6d shank box na0. nag,c mtm rag 0,113"0092"X- 0.092'X •0'092" X 0.222W'X X Roofing cm mon X 0.200"X 0.222"X 0.222'X X 0.222°X 2.6" nag 2.375" W 2` 26" Fastener Length(in.) 2.5 1.75 2 2.376 2.6 2 2.5 Fastening Method Blind nail Blind nail Face nag Face nail Face nag Face nag Fete nag Ultimate Load(psf) 92 146.6 199 2913 253 165 168 Design Load(psf) 30.7 48.9 65.3 88.7 84.3 65.0 56.0 _ Effective TributaryArea(sglt) 0.694 0.917 •0917 0.778 0.778 0.778 0.778 Fastener Load,as tested (Ib/fastener) 21.3 44.8 60.8 76.7 eILS 428 43.8 Adjusted withdrawaldesign load CaladetedtestmwvdihdmWload is=Mwedva7hOretestresort (Ib/(astener),W 51.1 43.5 39.2 84.0 67,0 49.1 43.0 and the niamtorsevativearm wig beused. Net Fastener Penenallon(in),P 2.186 1 iA38 1.375 1.750 1,875 1,376 1.875 Mad Specific Graft,G 0.42• OA2• 0.42• 0.69 0M 0.50 0.42 Nag Shank Diameter(in.),D 0.083 0.120 0.113 0.113 0.092 0.092 0.092 Withdrawal design value per NDS 2015 or ESR-1539(IbAn.penetration), 14.6 18.9 17.8 30.0 223 223 14.3 W •The assigned epecifla gravity of Hem F-11 1-N0fi 2D151s 043 however 0,421s used in this analysis in artier to match the specific gravity of SPF lumber,%Nch Is more popular. 1.Allowable Design Load Is the Ultimate Load divided bye Factor of sefety of 3. 2.MardieShingle Siding compiles with ASTM C1186,Standard SpeaftiYon farQrade Il,7jgre A Non-asbestos Aber-Cement Rat Sheets. 3.Calculated fastener Wthdrawall load is compared with the test result and the more conservative one wig be used. For all cases in the table,the adjusted withdrawal design value,W,Is calculated as W=CD*W•P Where, CD=load duration factor per NDS-2015 Table 2.32 for wind/eanhqueke load=1.6 W-withdrawrti design value,calculated per NDS-2D75 or ESR--639,whidtever applicable P a fastener embadmerd depth,In, When nag shank,D,x 0.099 inch buts 0.375 inch for smooth shank nails,NDS4015 equallan(112-3)is used to calculate v0drawal design value W=1390'G(5/Z)•D • Where, G=woad spachic graft per Table 11.3.3A D=nag shank diameter,in. When nag shank,D.is less than 0.098 inch,or in the case of ring shank trails,the vAhdmwst design values were obtained from ICOES ESR-1539 Table', 11�,00��•OGAiNq - • 9 � � o 42 STATE D ? 0FLORIOQ'• •k'g t�� s14 �L� s I 4 RONALD 1.OGAUdAASSOCIATES,INC. 16835ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 , HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 82649 .714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT;RIO-2563-15 1 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. .•� 1-888-542-7343 lnfb@jameshardle.com huQjam hardie.com Summary based on Resorti"03"B iNo.11aa 1.75"Iona room nail blind Palledimowoad studs): The adjusted fastener withdrawal design value,W,is calculated per NDS-2016- Specific gravity,G=0A2(use the specific gravity of SPF lumber instead or OA3 for Hem Fu); Nail shank diameter,D=0.1201; Nail penetration depth for 1,75'nall tristailed ort 5/16"fiber cement plank,P--1.438-, Calculated wlthdrawel design value,W=1380`G(5/2)•D-1380•(0.42)A2.6'0.120=18.9 Orrin penetration; Adjusted withdrawal design value,W=CD•W•P=1.6`18.9'1.438-43.5 lb. The tested design fastener load with a factor of safety3 applied is 44.8 pounds perfastmer,which is larger than the NDS adjusted fastenerwithdrawal design mam Hence for calculation of allowable basic wind speed,tasted fastener toed of 43.5 pounds for a No.11 gauge 135 inch long roofing nail will be used. In Table 2G below,the fastener load Is held constard at 43.61hslfastenerfor each plank wfdffi,the allowable siding design load is back calculated from the tested fad Siding design load Is squad to fastener design load divided by fastener tributary. Resift InTabler 2G are used to calculate allowable basic wind speed for the Nta s. ; T='iz-, long roofing nail E Calculation for No.11 go.1215"long roofing nail bfmd nailed Into wood studs: Report IG7034-88(1.75"long 11go.roofing nag)yielded a tested fastener bad of 44,79Ildfastener with the failure mode being fastener head pup through the fiber-tet ''ss ova know that the fiber-cement fastened blind nailed with a roofing nag is purled to 44.79lbRastener.Using the same timber as specified In Report 10.1034.613;bui e=a:;J6li length to a 125 inches long yields an adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 28A pounds per fastener. �. Calculated willhdrawal design value,W-18.9Itift penetration; Nag penetration depth for 125"nail Installed over 61`16"fiber cement plank,P=0.938'; Adjusted vAthdrawal design value,W a CD•W•P=1.6.1 ELM936-29A Ihifestener. In this case,the adjusted withdrawal design value is the central factor,since its less than ft tested design fastener load.Sift design load is equal to fasterierdestgf bx , Wastener divided byfastenertdhutwy.See Table,2H below,forthe calculated siding design loads for each plank width.Restdts in Table 2H are used to calc�rlate i t for the Number 11 gauge 1.25Inch long roofing nail used in a blind nail application. Summary based on Report 1020.88(Od common nail face nailed Into wood studsl• , The adjusted fastener withdrawal design value based on NDS•20151939.2 pounds perfasterer.The tested design fostenerfoad with a factor of safety 3 spoiled is60.8 P-= fastener.The NDS adjusted fastener withdrawal design value 01`39.2 pounds Is more conservative when compared agalast the tested fastener load. Hence torte cf. basic wind speed,the siding design load for a 6d common nag face nailed vAl be calculated based on the NM2015 adjusted fastener vAthdtavrai design value 3921tis"3s�ae Table 21 belowfor the calculated siding design loads for each plank width using a 6d common.Results In Table 21 are used to calculate allowable basic wuld speed for d 6u mail face nailed •i Calculation for Bd common nail face nailed into wood studs ;. We would like to use the ultimate test values obtained In report 1020-88,to do this we propose substituting an 8d common nap for the tested 6d common na i-01 ft' ft¢s-� r^^ resolves the disparity between the NDS and tested values an fasteners.Below are the rationale for substituting the 8d common for the 6d common nal used In testing rrpa achieve the stated ultimate test load of 188 psi,a design load of 66,3 pd. 1)Use the same timber as In the report,but change the non to a larger Rd common nal(2.5 tang x 0.131"shank diameter x 0.281'head diameter); 2)The 8d common yields an NDS adjusted fastener m Illidrawal design value of 65.8 pounds perfastener Specific gravity,G=OA2;Shenk diameter,D xA31';Net Penetration for a 2,6"nag trough tvm layers of 6116'fiber cement=1.875"; Withdrewal design value,W=1380'G(6/2)`D-20.671bfm penetration•, Adjusted withdrawal design value,W-CD`W'P= lb. 3)The made of fellure forthe 6d common nal(report 1020.88)is festenervA7hdrawal from limber. Since the tad common nab has a larger bearing area Lauder the fastens ha33 tit. the 6d common,we can anticipate at least the somefastaner pup through capa*from an lid common nap: ed common head bearing area(head diameter-D.265 inches,shank dfameter0.113 inches)=0.13955 sq Inches; `fid common head bearing area(head diameter=0281 inches,shank diameter 0.131 Inches)=0.0486 sq incises; 4)The NDS adjusted festenerwkhdrawat design value for this 8d common Is 62.0 Ihffestener,this exceeds the tested fastener design load of 609lbaftatener(for a fid cwzn=Is report 102088),therefore we can use the ultimate failure pressure of 199 psf to tabulate a design pressure 66,3 psf with an Od common nal(60.81bsRestener),this will be Led t cahsddle udnd design, For the 4 reasons above,the fid common can be dlrec ly substituted for the fid common used in report 1020.88.See Table 2J for the calculated sidkhg design loads for each plank Results in Table 2J are used to calculate allowable basic wind speed far the fid common crag face nailed Into wood studs. Summary based on Report 214947-10(C)(8d ring shank box nail face nailed into woad studs): Nag withdrawal design load was determined to be 30 @fru.penetration,based on ESR-1639 Table$for 0.113"deformed shank nalwOh 0.50 wood specific gravely. Nag penetration depth for 2.376"long mag through two layers of 5716"fiber cement planks,P=1.75; `�„l�J ) The adjustedfastenervAthdrsraidesign value W=Co`W'P=1.6`30'136-84.01b. I�11810 �i��� pGAtiyq.LLLL The tested design fastener load with a factor of safety 3 applied is 76.7 potrnds parfestaner;vfiich Is less than the adjustedfestener whlhdrawat design value Of*# Hh , calculation of allowable basic wind speed,tested fastener load of 76.7 pounds vAi be used. In Table 2K below,the fastener load is held constant at 763 lbslfastener for each plank width,the allowable siding design load Is back calculated from the tested to .k Siding design load is equal to fastener design load divided by fastener tributary. Results in Table 2K are used to cakudate allowable basic wind speed for81{coli ,J At nailed into wood studs. v' s E-Ltl �- RONALD L OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16836 ALGONQUIN STKET 0443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA'92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4695 FAX PROJECT'RIO-2653-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-642-7343 Info@Jameshardle-com Table 2G.Allowable Design Leads Based on Constant Fastener Load,No.11ga,Roofing nail J-Wr L,SPF Studs,fasteners concealed(bIlind nall) Check for resulla using 9.5 Inch plank values from Report Number IC-1034-88. Design(cad=ultimate failure load/FOS is-148.6psf13=48.9 psi 0.9167 sqft. EffecHvetfibutaty-((plaf*Wdthexposed toweidtterXstud spacing)1144)2((8-25-1- X16)144=1 Fastener toad=desilm load X tributary area=.48.9 X.9167=-44.79 pounds,which will be used for the calculation Adjusted fastarterwithdrawal load from MS-2015=43.5 Whstener,in this case It's more consamthm and wit be used for the calculatlan Calculated allowable destgn load-fastener load tested condition thudded bv area trOrut for the condition to be calculated m 9 V =0 2 a CL HardlePlank Width is taw (Inches) 4's A]a I R3 525 16 0,4444 -97*80 -43.60 24 0.6667 -6525 6.25 16 U656 .7830--Z.-60 24 CAM .5220 725 t6 1 0.6667 W.W- 24 1.0000 1 43L50 7.5 16 1 0.6944 -62.64 43.50 24 1.0417 1 .41.76 a 16 1 0.751313 -Z8-A 43.50 2-4 1.1250• 1 -38.67 8.25 16 1 0.7778 -55.93 •UM 1.1617 -3729 9.25 12 28 .48.94 43.61) 14 M3 -32A3 0.6 -14-6-6 160--918617-1 ­4-77"r--M-D 24 1.3750 -31.64 -17 16 1.1944 r-36 4-2 -74T6-0 2-4 1.7917 .24.28 Table 2N,Allowable Design Lands Based on Constant Fastener Load,No.11gii.Roofing nail 144 1,SPF Studs,Isolations concealed(blind nail) The design load In this case is lunited by both test result of report IC-1034-83 and Adjusted wiltuftswa)load from NDS-2015 SidInn dust load in Wfts case Is equal to the adjusted foatenartftdrod d toad(30.1 idHastener)divided bytestemirtilbutary area. p Ag HardlePlank Width ouchesLu 526 16 CA444 -S&BD -MA 24 0.66W _Q60, 1 5 N 24 6.25 1 16 0.6656 .51.12 A 24 0.6W3 -34.08 25 t0 0.6667 -42.60 1 24 . 1.0000 -!SA-O -2&4 Is OM" 40.91) 42A 24 1 1.0417 -U.26 -% 0.7600, 77-.87 42.4 24 1.1260 :HN-, 8.25 16 0.7778 --T-T6,:gr .28.4 24 1.16U -4r34- 9.25 16 0.8N9 -31.96 -28.4 24 1.3= 1.30 9.5 16 0.9167 -30M -21L4 1.3760 7 12 16 -T-19-44 .-.23.78 -2&4 2 iY917 1 -16.86 Table 21,Allowable Design Leads Based an Constant Fastener Load.Oil common nail r I,SPF Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) Check for results UsIM 9.6 Inch plank values from Report Number IC-1020.8B. Design load-ultimale,figure load/FOS z:494st/3=-683 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spaft)11")=((9.5.1 A X 16YI44 m 0.9167 sq.ft. Fastener food=design load X tributary area=-68.33 X 0.9167=-60.81 pounds Adjusted fastener withdrawal load from NDS-2016=39.2 Itillasterier.In this ewe irs more conservative and vA be used for the calculetlan Calculated allowable deet n load=adjusted fastener vAltdrawal load divlosd by area b[Indary for the condition to be calvaleleti C CL 2Lg Hardleplank Width m W U '01 1 61;5 X...RL 23 ear s am e� 5.25 16 0.4444 -88.20 Mro 24 9A667 -68.80 - -- - -47.04 625 is 0.5556 -709.28-393o 24 725 18 1 0.6687 -58.80 -39.20 24 1.0111111 �-319.�20 7.6 16 0.6944 -WA-S -7W.2-0 -Z4 --TT-0-41T - 16 MINGO -52.27 -39.2D 24 IJ250 -34.84 of 00f 8.25 16 -TM-8 -TU-0 --W.2-D 71­6w-67 1-3.0 -9.088-9 --Z�10 '393 -7- 9.25 16 24 .3M --gA0 9.5 --:ISO- 1-6 -53-167 --&7-6 24 -T.-3750 -2841 -19.20 --0-90 1 12 16 1.19" U82 24 -21.88 . 24 2 TPIF-Of k Poo 9 RONALD L OGAWA ASSOCIATES,IWC.- 16836 NC.16836 ALGONQUIN STKET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA'92649, 714292-2602 714-847-4595 PAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-1188-5424343 lnfo@jameshsr(fle.com Table 21%Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,No.figs.Roofing nail 1-SW L,SPF Studs,festanars concealed(blind hall) Check for results using 9.6 Inch plank values from Report Number IC-1034-88. Design load=ultimate fatkire toad/FOS--148.6ps!13=48.9 pal Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spadng)1144)=((8.25-1.25)X 16)1144=0.9167 sgAL Fastener load=design toad Xtr'hulary was=-48.9 X.9167=-44.79 pounds,which will he used for the calculation Adjusted fastener withdrawal load from NOS-2015=43.5 thlfalstener.In this case fibs more conservative and will be used for the calculation Calculated al awabfe ilei:"n toad=fastener toad tested condition dr dad hv area uwv for the condi0on to be calculated mQ CL i7 a oR u •o m �.C G,may 3 ,m�L"M. 2 c E Hordleplank'Widttt ; Q w m o e {inches >- us W o Q. LL 1 2- t f o 5.25 16 0,4444 -97.88 43.50 2~ 0.66W -65.25 6.25 16 0.6656 -8.30 43.50 24 0.8333 -52.20 7.25 18 1 0.6667 .65.26 43.50 24 1.0000 0 7.5 16 1 0.6944 -62.54 43.50 24 1.0417 41.8 8 18 0.7500 -59.00 43 5 2 1.1250• -39.67 8.25 18 1 0.7778 -55.93 -93.50 24 1.1667 725 9.2516 0.8889 8.94 43.60 24 1.3333 -32.85 9,6 440.8 16 0.0167 -47.45 45.50 2 1.3750 -31.64 12 15 1.1944 -36.42 50 24 1.7917 24.28 Table 2H,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,No.1119a.Roofing nail 1414"L,SPF Studs,fasteners concealed(blind hall) The design load In this case Is limited by both test result of report IC-1034-88 and Adjusted wlthdtawal loadfrom NDS 2015 Skiing dast nloadIwo0ftcaseIs equalto the adjusted fastenerv.90idraws)destan lead 130.19rlfasterier iftil dbytastarrertdbdtaryMae. tg m a e e m Fm HardlePlank m m _ "Is W u, 5.26 16 0. -6S 90 -26.4 24 0.6 60 8.25 16 USES -51.12 -28A 24 0.6333 -34.08 7.25 16 0.6667 -4260 Z&4 24 1.6000 -28.40 7,6 16 0.6944 -40.9D -WA 1 24 1.0417 -27.26 8 16 0.7500 -37.87 -28.4 24 1.1250 -26.24 8.25 16 0.778 -36.51 -28.4 1.1 .34 9.26 16 09889 31.95 4@ 24 1.3333 -21.30 9.5 18 0.$167 30.98 28.4 ORD 2 12 16 1.1944 -23.78 28.4 24 1.7917 -15.85 Table 21,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,8d common nail r L,SPF Studs,fasteners exposed(face nal:) Check for results wing 9.5 incl:plank values from Report Number IC-1020.88. Design food-ultimate failure load/FOS--199ps113=-66.3 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather Xstud spaCtmg)1144)=((9.5-1.25)X 16)1144=0.9167 SOL Fastener load-design load X tributary was--66.'33 X 0.9167--60.61 pounds Adjusted fastener wi0tdrawai load from NDS-2016=39.2 thif stener,in Ods case its more conservative and will be used for the calculation Calculated allowable d 'n load=edlusted fastener wNWrawel load d Mad byarea tribe for the condition to be calculated Wig$ o., m $ir ��. HardlePiank Width 8 ? t Cr m '�'rp nChes v� w �+ U3 ° LLJ N i6 0.2444 8820 3920 W 2 0.6667 -58.80 6.25 18 0.6558 T0.56 39.20 08333 -4.04 725 1 t6 0.6687 -68 80 F 3930 24 S.gum 3820 7.6 16 G -%A5 I -M-20-1 241.0417 -3.63 as 16 0.7778 -50.20 31 0 P 24 1.:687 43930 l 9.26 16 09899 .10 9.20 24 1. 29A0 11611 9.6 199 i6 0. er 42.76 49920 24 13 50 -28.51 1t 12 16 1.1944 -32.82 •39.2(1 24 1.7817 -21.88 O,i' a . 24 �} . \ i. $TOE Of e s RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT.RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888.542-7343 info@jameshardle.com rrcmvd�rruw i Ann Fiber-cement siding transverse load cepa ft(wind load capacity)is determined via compliance testing to transverse toad national test standards.Via the transverse load testing an allowable design load b determined based on a factor of safety of 3 applied to the ullmrate ted load. Since the allumble design toad is based on factor of safety of 3,allowable design loads on fiber-cement siting correlate directly to required design pressures for Allowable Stress Design,and therefore should be used with combination loading equations farAOowable Stress Design(ASD). By using the combination loading equations for Allowable Stress Design(ASD),the tested allowable design loads for fiber-cement siding are aligned Win the wind speed requirements In ASCE 7-10 Figure 26.5-1A,Figure 26.5.1 B.and Figure 26.5-1C. For this analysis,to calculate the pressures In Tables 4,S.and 6,the load combination will be in accordance wah ASCE 7-10 Section 2.4 combining nominal loads using allowable stress design,load combination 7. Load combination 7 uses a toad factor of 0.6 applied to the wind vela ft pressure. Equation 1, q.-0.00258'K* Kd•\/2 (ref ASCE 7-10 equation 30.3-1) rk,velocity pressure at height z Ka,velocity pressure exposure eoef dentevoluated at height z KA,topographlcfactor Kd.wind dreCtianftfactor V,basic wind speed(3- Equation 2, VWdl (ref.2015 IBC&2017 FBC Section 1602.1 definUonaj Via,uldmate design wind speeds(3-second gust MPH)determined from 12015ISC,2017 FBC)Figures 1609.3(1).1609.3(2),or 1809.3(3); ASCE 7-10 Figures 26.5.1A,a,or C Equation 3, p-q•(GCd•GC O (ref.ASCE 7-10 equation 30.6-1) GCp.product of external pressure coefficient and gusWiled factor GC,g,product of bdemal pressure coeffldem and gust-effectfatxor p,design pressure(PSF)forsiding(allowable design load for sidling) To detemune design pressure,subsUA&qz into Equation 4 Equation 4, p-DAo258•K=Kj'&*Vas•(GCp Gc0 Allowable Stress Design,ASCE 7-10 Section 2 4.7,load combination 7, Equation 6, 0.6D+0.6W (ref.ASCE 7-10 section 241,load combination 7) D,dead load W,Ond load(load due to wind pressure) To delemNne the Allowable Stress Design Pmssum,apply the load factor for (wind)from Equouon 4 to p(design pn3ssum)determined from equation 4 Equation 6, Pim a D-VI Equation 7, pad a 0.6'(0.OD258%M(a*&'V,.2'(GCp-GC0j Equaffm 7 is used to populate Table 4,6,and 6. To determine the allowable ulffmate basic wind speed for Hardie Siding/n Table 7,Solve Equation 7 for V,p, Equation 8, V,a-(p„d/600.I)M68 %*Kd•(GC�-GCW)os Applicable to methods spoaad in Exceptions 1 through 3 of 12015 iBC,2017 FBCj Section 1608.1.1.,todatemtine the allowable nominal design wind speed(Vasd)for Hardie Siding in Table 7,apply the corm&rsion formula below, Equation 9, Vad=V,c•(0.6)u (def.2015 IBC&2017 FBC```SSfffe�'''"f,4O rt_��•s�I V..,Nominal design wind speed(3-second gust mph) (ref.2015ISC&2017 FBsgaecupn Table 3,Coefficients and Constants used in Determining V and p, `t� IG a, K. WaOZans \\� •• v Height(ft) Exp 9 Exp C Exp D Kn t(d G GC 0-15 0.7 0.85 1-03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 0.7 0-9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25. 0.7 094 1.12 t 0.85 -1A 0.18 0 30 0.7 0.98 1.16 t 0.85 4.4 0.180 �-rA'� Of J 36 0.73 1.01 1.10 1 0.65 -11A GAS T � tf't � tip 40 1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 npt�C 46 D.785 1.065 1.245 1 065 -14 0.186�4�1•��-L,S�. ` 60 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 085 -1.4 0.18 65 0.83 1.11 1.20 1 0.85 1 -1.4 1 0.18 �B t7 rt6 I ��`aao6ldd/ark' 12 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET V443 HUNTINGTON BEAN,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4996 FAX PROJECT.RIG-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-880-642-7343 so 0.85 1.13 1 1.31:1 1 1 1 0.65 1 -1.4 1 0.18 0.99 1.25 1 1.43 1 h>6U I 1 1 0.85 1 -1.0 1 0.18q Table 4.Allowable Sftn Design-Component and Cladding tG901 Pressures(PSF)to be Fesisted i Varimts Wind Speeds-Wind Exposure Category 8, Wind Speed(3- second oust) Ion 105 116 ils 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 180 IUD 200 210 Height 00 .8 B, -B -FS -B 8 8 B S (1-15 -14.4 ASA A7.5 W97 k-408 -24A -28.3- -3L5 --W.-0 -":TI-7 k-46.8 -W- -57.8 -63.7 .8 20 -14.4 .15.9 -173 -7f9-.1 -20.8 -244 -211-3 .0 -41.7 -46-B "t&l -57.8 -63.7 25 ---�-14-4 -15.9 -IT.5 -19.1 -20.8 -:97- .28.3 -37.0 -41.7 .8 -63.7 0 fL8 -717-5 -719-1 -20.8 --24.4 -29.3 5 30 14.4 -15.9 -7 -37.0 - fL8 40 8 .0.7 35 -15.1 -15.6 -182 -19.9 -21.7 -25W -29.5 -W.9 8.6 43-5 -4.8 -54.4 40.2 -66.4 49 A5.7 -17.3 --:-I86 -770-7 -27-6 -26.6 -3g.7 --Wa- M --MY---50.8 --E 9 6--:W7--6-9T. 45 -7-0 -71-79 -M-6 -7 1=4 -71-3 -27.4 --ZI-7 -am -411.5 --Z�8 _Z2-5 .68 -64,8 "TI-4 fro -16.7 -184 -202 21 -24.1 8.2 -617---=6 -42.8 -48.3 -M-I -6D.3 -66.8 -73.7 65 171 aq -20T- 04 --24-.-7 -2&S -33. -40- -43.5 -49.5 -55.6-656 -618 -W 7=5 60 -17.5 211 29.11 ' :44.9 --TO'F--Mr - --ff.3 IUD 26.0 282 -'TI-0 '=8 3119 -W-2 - 7=6 -W--5 -924 -102A 742-9 Table S,Allowable Stress Design-Component and Cladding(C&C)Pressures(PSF)to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds-vand Exposure CaI0901Y C. Wind Speed(3- second gust) IUD 105 110 1 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 i8l) 190 1 2W 210 H2X(it) E; C C C, c -C C C C C C -1715 5 --79-6 .34. �Wa -44.9 0=7 -5&8 -63.3 -70.1 --T7.3 U-15 19.3 .21.2 -232 J-25.2 -----= _2 7 35 WO- -7-43 'T1 T 21) -I&S -20.6 22.6 46 -26.7 -31A -35.4 -41.8 -4L5 Z-7 .2 a 8.0 -T&­U--M-710-0 -7-7.6 -115.6 25 -19.4 -21A -23.5 6 -V.9 -U8 -311.0 -aS -49.6 .39 h4 -A2 _67.5 _752 -M3 1.9 30 -72-D.-2 -":2-2,3- -24.6 .29.1 -342 -a!)6 -!Z5-5 -51.8 --SA----60-':W 4W -M2 35 .20.8 -23.0 -2&2 -27.6 -30.0 -252 40.8 -461 -53.3 40 -21.6 -23.7 20.0 -26.4 -30.9 38.3 U -W -SC9 -62.0 -Mli -77.41 -05.8 94.6 W .22.0 -24.2 , W.-I � --31.6 -31.1 Z.-I- -49.4 50.2 -63.5-63.5 --R-2 79.3 _W9--:99- 50 =2-2.6 ---2-4_8 -91.2 -7=7 -:W4- :38.0 -44.1 50.15 -57.6 -Z-59 -72.9 -81.2 -89-9 -99.2 ---7---7- --no _W7 -58.6 -W.2 -742 'W" ME -M-0, 55 Mg 23.2 27.7 -44.9 -51.5 ---To-a 49A -o 7 -5 --WT--'0T 7W -71-- -­ - 1--MOTT 717-6 730-3 743-6 too -=.6 19. 1 46.9 -650 -63.8 1-73.3 Table 6,Allowable Sh'ass,Design-Component and Cladding(C11C)pressures(pSF)to be Raststed at Various Wind Speeds-Wind Exposure Category D, Wind Speed(3- second oust) 100 IDS 110 Its 120 130 140 1 160 160 170 180 190 200 210 HWt(ft) D 0 D 1) D 0 D D 0 D D 0 D D -- 0-16 -zlz 7 23.4 .25.7 -28.1 -30.6 41511 -41.6--17.-8 -54-4 -7.4 -68.8 76.7 85A 937 20 ---72-2-3 24.6 -27.0 -29.5 1341 -37.7 -1417 50.1 -67.0 54. 72 2 80.4 =-89 -TS-2 -2&0 26 -23.1 .30.6 -39.3 39,0 -52 0 59.1 -W-B--14-9 --64--412-4 "TO-1-9 30 --72-39---726-4 29:6 --jj-S -34.5 404 46.9 63.8 -612 -69.2 .77.6 -86.4 .95.7 -iou 35 -24.6 27.1 29 7 -W -X1 -41.6 4&11 -552 -M -70.9 -79.6 -982 -1 3. 40 -:2-5.2 ----27.T :50 -33Z -36.2 -=---49-a --ZW.-6 -=.-4 -723 -81.5 -W.9 -100.7 411.0 45 ;M7 -:r1.1 -34.0 -37.0 -43A -57.8 -0.7 -14.2 -U2 -9W -IOL7 -113.3 3 J3 7-0 50 -26.2 •ZD 9 1 -W6- -37 -4T3--TI-3 --S.-9 -1 757 7W.-8 -a T-104-8 55 -2ru -0.3 -32.2 -35.2 -5.3 -Wo- -623 --W-9- -03 7-W-9 -882 •98.i -i064 7io-u 717-4 -27.0 -29.11 -327- -M7-� _3 -W.0 --Ws -Wy- 48.1 ZM -IW-O -WT=.19.2 100 -37.0 -W.8---4-V--7W- 2 -7=--M-3---Z2- 419.8 433.4 -147:96=3 0 Tables 4,5,and 6 are based an ASCE 7-10 and consistent will;lize 2015 ISC.2015 IRC and the 2017 Florida Buffftg Code. of ';(7AWA FLO 113 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835ALGOMQLXN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEAN,CA 92649 714-292-2802 714-847-4596 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2653-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-730 Irdb(Marneshardiecom II 60 0.85 1 1.13 1 1.31 1 1 0.65 1 -1.4 1 0.18 1 100 1 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 1 h>E0 I 1 1 0.85 1 -1.8 1 0.18 Table 4,Allowable Stress Design-Component and Cladding(C&C)pressures(PSF)to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds-Wind Exposure Category B. Wind Speed(3- secondgust} 100 1D5 110 115 1 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 1 ISO I ISO 200 210 Heig B 8 6 a 8 a B B a 8 8 a B B I 0_15 -14.4 -16.9 -17.6 .1 -20.8. TV _:E73- 32.5 -37.0 -41.7 -40 -52.1 -57M. -631 20 -14T_ -282 32.6 37.0 -0.7 -45.3 57-1 -57.8 63.7 26 -14.4 -15.9 -175 -19.1 RS-72T4- -28.3 --32 5- -3T_0 -41.7 -.9.8 _52.I- -Z.7- 30 A44 -16.9 -17.5 _19A -20.8 -24.4 48.3 W5 7.0 • -417 AfEr W -57.8 -83.7 36 -15.1 -16.6 -182 -19.9 -21.7 -26A -29.6 -M.9 -38.6 4" 48.8 497---aT 7-6-67 40 %_157 .1-72 -14.0- -20.7 -224 �26-6 -ZO-7-_-M- T1)_t -70-9 _-66-:-M7 -691 _-7-16_2 -7?_9 -ig.8 -5-87 -64,8 -71,4 -21.4 -23.3 -27.4 45 !Ile -31.7 -36.4 _41.5 -40.3 -525 !li� 2 SD 16.7 18.4 202 �Lj -Mi -28.2 -W,7 -37.6 -12A 48.3 1 -54.1 -603 -US =-3. !I 22.6 .7 -2819 -33.6 _3U S -618 685 -75a" 65 -17.1 18,9 -20.7 .6 - -17.5 ---Ts-.3 =21 - .2 - -29.6 -34A -TS-.6 7 100 26.6 r_-2a2 -33.8 -6.9 Table 6,Allowable Stress Design-Componentand Cladding(C&C)Pressures(PSF)to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds Wind Exposure Category C, Wind Speed(3- second Aus1) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 1 150 160 170 180 191) 1 200 210 --c C -C -Z' C C 0 C C C C C C 7N.- 39 19.3 -21.2 2 .26.9 =6 -34.4 -39.5 k.44.9 -503 -56.8 4M3 -70.1 .777 7 - 2-67 --SI-4- 4&4' -":rl_8 -474 .6&7 -450--ff.-0 74-3 -:91-9 20 I&S 206 U 4& -M.6 25 197- jI_4 -25.6 - -_9 -:M--=8A -W-6- -4&6 -S&C -8 '70-0 -77-6 ao -20.2 W.3-_-7-2-4.5 -26.7 -29.1 --92-- -39.6 _:X_5 .51.8 -WA -65S ':F3_0 7:6T -M.2 5 35 .20.8 -23.0 -25.2 -27A -30.0 -36.2 40A -48.9 .3 -60:2 -67.5 76.2 -MB -91.9 - -- 40 _27i; -23.7 233 28.4 333 36.3 -423 48.-3 -:gU--:905 -69.5 777A -we -94.6 45 -=() -24.2 -26.6 29.1 -37_6 37.1_ -43.1 :49_4_ 56.2 -71-2 _WT_-F9_-r&9- 50 -22.5 -24.8 -21.2 _M37- 32.4 38.0 -44.1 .50.6 -WS .72S -81.2 -89.9 *79-2 as 22J 20- _071 _3003 330 -a?- -449 5-15 -58.8 -682 74.2 -82.7 -TI T10=0 60 -23.3 -257 -30.8 -7M-.U- M5 -52A -76A _Wr -932 109 --vo _MT� A 9 -73Z -WA--Irl-_-W 1t ,8730.-3 743-6 Table 6,Allowable Stress Design-Component and Cladding(C&C)Pressures(PSF)to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds-Wind Exposure Category D. V%find Speed second aust) 100 105 110 116 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 1 200 210 HVh(it) D D D D D 0 D 0 D D D 0 D 1, 0-15 -21.2 -23A .26.7 -21.1 40.6 -36S -TIA 47.8 54.4 .4 53 21) - 37_W0__75 3S_-=1 - T b7.0__W_4 -7U--40-4 -79-1 _1r2_ 22.3 246 26 23.1 265 280 M.-6 33.3_ 4.0 -:45.3-_52,0_ -30 -66.8 -74-0 MOST_42Ar_1079 30 --72-3.9 -_26A 29.0 -31.8 -6L3 -69.2 77.6 -86.4-_XT.10-5.6 35 _24.6 -27.1 -29.7 326 353 -415 48.1 5512 _623 70.9 79.6 -68.6 -02 -110IL3, 40 -25.2 27-7 -30.5 -33.3 -nZ 42.6 -49.3 4%A _WA :72_7 _-8I.S -WS -100.7 �I 3, -31.1-750 -37.0 -434 _5V.3 -57.5 -142 --dU_ .1323 107-7 ME--:12 8 50 -26.2 -28.9 R-7 _M_ -31.7 44.3 51.3_ -6" -67.1 -75.7 70_93 "7:WS _2" _29.3 -n2 -35.2 4 55 R -60 -2 7.U _-W8_ 5=. ;X7 :3&9 Z�0.7 -.007 W[T_--'W.2- _-X1 -W.Tr 9.2 ;;9.7 -W.2--:Mr--:T2-.6 :9S =-19.8 76-34 -147.9( -63.0 Tables 4,5,and 6 are based an ASCE 7-10 and consistent vA the 2015 IBC,2015IRC and the 2017 Florida Builft Code. f;11 C AWA 13 RONALD 1.OGAVVA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 6443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714.947.4595 FAX PROJECT.RIO-2683-47 tt000l DGA.ky,N, % JAMES HMOlE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. • 1-888-6427343 % infb@lameshardle.com X 12 % -Rm-mble,Ultimate Allwab2015(BC,2017 FB 201 i&.. .1 OF Design Wind,Speed, Design Wnd,Speed, vla� V.J6, (3,secand oust mph) 43-second Oust mph) APPUmbletmethoft --o. apecTimd in Exceplions I 2011T F8 on evough30112DISIM 1609.1.1.as ned 2017FRC}Section Flgpwmw I). 18891.1. 1SM3(2), 1OD9.3(3)] Coefficiante used in Table 6 cmlculaftns fm Vft Product Stud SWiding low expowure caftm Wnd ammure catem Siding ro I - '!Me Spa Width Fastener Fastener Frame C ,B :C1 Product ThIdmess (Inches) Type Spacing Toe cing Heighp 8 D Toad in (inches) (Inches) (feet) (PSF) Expelevc Expol, Ke rm G ec, 0.15 213 193 176 165 1 149 136 -653 -0.7 I 485 1.03 ti--W 110.851-1.410.10 20 213 188 171 165 1 145 133 -0.7 0.9 1.08 110.85 1 AA 10.18 2 M S 213 164 168 165 142 130 XA3 0-7 0-94 1-12 1 0.851-1.410.18. No.11 Ga. 3D 213 180 165 1 165 139 128 -6S,3 0.7 0.98 1.16 --1A-6:1-8 I 1-31,r 2X4 35 208 177 163 1 161 137 126 -SSZ CL73 IM 1.19 1 QSS 4A LiS Sff HarcRePlank fille 725, long Blind nag Wood Is 40 204 174 161 1 158 135 125 -65.3 0.75 IM '122 1 (LOS -1A- MiS Roorfng SPF F46 201 JW- 159 1 156 t34 124 M3 RM 1.055 1.246 1 0.85 -1.4 410 SO -U 71- nal 60 1198 170 158 f 153 32 122 -65.3 OAi 1.03 1.27 1 07 .4 8 5 56 6 995 169 151 161 1311 1 121 -65.3 0.83 JAI '129 1 0.86 -1A We 'a 60 1,93 167 iSS -1:19,1 IM •120 I -M3 OAS 11-13 1-3`1 1 M -1.4 0.18 too 160 142 133 124'' 410 103 1 4W OM 4281 IAS 1peD 110.851-1.010-18 (ijS 208 Jag 172 161 1 146 133 1 -67-6 0.7 OAS 1 1.03 11980 1101861-1AWS -I-- I 10.05 1-1A I OAS 20 GO 104 Jeff 161 142 130 -62-6 M7 0.9 1.08 25 209 Igg 165_ 161 139 128 Oma 0.7 024 IA21 I QSS -1A 0.18 it go. 30 208 176 162 161 135 12.5 -aze W MOB 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18, 73 160 -r5-8 -1$-4 124 va EF 1.01 =19 I IL85 -14 MIS, X 1-314" 2X4 36 =04 77-3 HardlePlank We 7.6* long Blind nail Wood Is 40 200 171 158 155 132 1122, -62-6 (L76 1.04 1.22 1 CLOS -1A 0.15 Roofing SPF 8 4-5 197 169 156 M 131 1 1121 -616 O.M 1.055 1-245 1 M85 AA MS W-W 155 iSO 129 120 .61-6 0.81 IJM 1.27 1 486 -1A 0.18 nag 59 84 55 19-I -f6-5 _r53- 148 1 128 Its -Me Mae 1.11 1" 1 0.65 -1.4 OAS 60 =89 76-4 152 146 127 JJS -P-fi Mae 1.13 1.31 1 US!A.41 0.18 too 156 139 So 121 107 101 1 -626 M99 1.28 US tPW I OAS AA 10.18 "S 200 182 165 155 141 128 -S&O 0.7 RAS 1.03 h�%W I US -1A 10.18 20 200 177 161 1 155 137 126 -S&O 0.7 0.9 1.00 1 0.65 -IA I MIS- 26 -0- 73 159 165-134 123 -68.0 iA2 11015 -94 10.181 NO.11 ga. 30 200 169 156 155 131 121 -:KF- W MOO 1.16 1 0.65 -IA I MASI X 11-3/4' 2X4 36 =96 1 154 .152 i129 110 459.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 US -1A 0.181 Hardieplank 5116 a long Blind nall Wood IS 40 =92 164 152 149 127 118 -M 0.76 1.04- 122 1 015 -1A 0.18, Rourmu SPF 4r. iag Irm 00- J47 128 116 -rALD 0.705.1.065 1.246 4 OAS -1A 0.10 Rau SO 186 161 149 144 124 1 116 5 -w I Im 127 1 [Los -11A 0.18 as 184 ISO 146 143 123 1 114 1 -582 M83 1 1.11 1291 1 Mas -14 0.18 60 192 158 147 141 122 1 113 1 -S&O 0.051 1.13 1.311 1 i 0.65 -1A 0.18 108 161 1 133 125 117 103 97 -W.G OM 1 11.26 1A3 jh>60 It Ras-4.8 0.18 0-16 197 179 162 52 139 126 -Me OL7 1 025 1.03 Ihs60 I 10.861 AA 0,18 20 197 174 158 152 1134 123 - -0 Ms ims I I MOSI AA MIS I 25 -19-7--170 166 162 132 12 1va9 M7 0.94 1.12 11 MOSI-1.4 RIO I No.It ga. 30 =97 -166 153 152 129_ 1`18 -S&B &T 493 1.18, 1 0161 A.4 0.19 X 1.314F 2X4 511 =93 -Wei W i4q 127 117 -65.9 M73 Im 1.1911 1 M851-1A MIS Hadeptank Slis 1125 long Blind nail Wood Is 40 =89 167 149149 1 126 115 -as CL78 1.04 122 1 1A' Is Roofing SPF 8 45 186 talk J49 -144 124 F 114 -55.9 8705 1.085 1246I I CLSS -1.4 MIS nall -50 183 169 148 142 122 1 113 1 -Me Mal 1.19 127 1 0.65 -1.4 0.18 as 1 181 156 145 40 121 1 112 1 -SSL9 OM 4.11 129 1 OAS 7-ul am 60 179 156 144 138 120 1 111 1 -55.9 (Los 1.13 1.31 1 MSS -1.410-18 Ica 148 131 123 114 101 1 95 1 -65-0 0.01 126 iA3 11-60 110-851-"10.18 15 184 167 152 W 29 1 its 1 4"- M? 1 0.85 1.03 hM I 485 -1A 0.16 184 162 148 143 126 1 115 1 48.9 0.7 M9 US I I MOS 1-1.410.181 je4 169 145 1 W 123 1 113 1 48.9 M7 0.94 1 1.12 1 0.85 4.4 0.18 1 52 1 73 P23 7 V16 167 110 0 11S JG2 IS .1 169 a 168 04 16 0-7 2 a7 M7 Mj M7, 1 0 152 149 ,146 144 eff 142 14G 1 38 t144 IS 21 1) - 26 30 120 No.11 GO. 30 7-8-4 -ISO 143 1 143 _ 111 1 4&9 0.7 Meg 1.16 -1 MOSI-14 I MIB X 1-34V ZX4 -3s -T8-5 -im 141 1 140 119 109 48.9 FF 1-01 1.19 1 MOS -1.4 0.18 HardlePlank 5416 9.25 long Blind n2H Wood Is 40 177 161 139 137 1 117 1 -48.9 &76 1.04 1.22 1 OAS -1A MIS Roofing SPF 174 145 138 135 Its 1107 -448.9 A785 UBS 4245 1 M -1.4 LIS 47 73-7- 133 114 106 4&0 0.81 1-09 127 AA nail 6-0 171 1 1 019- MI& :X:: ISO US 138 131 713 105 48A 12me 1 &as AA 0.18 I I I --Tu-fi�183 *rsl- ---- so 167 104 900 138 . 1146 115 129 112 Off 23 115 111017 95 69 n