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~OTICE OF COMMENCEMENT . . - .. .. ])crnlit No. SLC - Ð102..- tJ4{)1S "'. Property Tax IDNo~ l3ÐCD f SD-\ ~ U 30- 000"1. State of Florida County of ~',~;L.LL.Q-e" ',' . The Undersigned hereby gives notice that impro,'ement wUl be Jnade to certain I"~al property, 2Dd in accordance "",itb Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Corïlnlencement. Lcg:.&l Descripti~Ð ofpropt.rty ¡lnd address if availab}e····~:1''ò''\>,:·PUtL-c:··~1\~~··P--l¢rœ..,. Ft- '~~~ ~ f. ~·.~Sh~ñ.~.:~=·.- ~l:,;:·.::l,:...·,:~:.~~:~~~~~~.~t~~:a~;:: ~tnel.aldtStnPtJ~n orJm~~()V~Rleflts...~c/ff!..~,,:,~~\.~,t'l~·,,~~:·'."'" .<" ',' '..'....' 'u ~ tOIø~ .' - I.~· ~', '. \.~ a :.1" ~ , . '. . -' . . . - .- . ,..- - Address "',, .:,... . :;.... :'. >.\ ':,,:, ..... .: :~" .<:;':. ::(,:i:..· " :~,":';::.):'::'! "',, ,,', : ' Surety ~'" , " ' , , '.. )'.').i " ':.' '~':"':':. ., >.: ""...., . ;~. 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Pnsons within the State of Florida designated by Owncr \lpon whom noticc:s or Dtber documcDts may be sen'ed as provided by Section 713.13 (~) 7., Florid a Statu t$: .' . , . ':~' .~.:.:.'.'.~~::. ~~,~.:.;.,~. ......-::.:'-:.:~.: :~....::.~.";. :~:, .:~. .. ..~...:~.~.::'"~~.::~...~:. .r··: ..>..: ....: .:. '.~: .' '. . Phone #I . : ..,;. .. ..... . N3me -.... ... Address .. ~ '" " ,;:. ' ::~'; :;::- ~;' /;,: (" ". :;".~~ '-':\':~,"';: .. ::'::, >:'{:::' , Fax N . . . ;'" ~ - .; ~ :. ~ I . . ~ _ . .,", '.. . . 'f . . . : -. . 4. _:. e' . . .. . . . . . . ta receive a r:opy of (he Lienor"s Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), FJorid2 Statutes. Expirathm dat~ or nDtice of tommenr.ement is on~ year from the date Df recDrdiog unless a different date' is specified. ~qbt~* 'Owner Signature æ., K. t m L.oß.k:e. Y'\ (S~al) Title: Notarv Public Commission Number Db 055QZl3 EDWIN M. FRY~ Jr., CLERK OF THE CiRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY F1lE '# 30'14977 0.2/22/2007 at 03:31 Pf\,1 OR OOCt( 2766 Pr~~'3E 12~1 - 12:3-1 Doc Type': i\IC RECORDtNG~ $10,00 _~LßUJj1JI -..-lItllDtO · I I ~, FIortdII NalllyAssn~. InC : Þ¡ ..1iI1 ._. :II............................ ....~,." - . - ... .. - - - 4Co1- '5 ¿u¡1 WdlS:E ¿002 21 ~d~ ------^-. -.--.- 1 · d L{fR~- ~ /1Q5 RECEIVED APR 1 2 2007 PERMITTING St Lucie Coutlty. FL NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT .. ..."- }) crm it No. S L.C - () 702..- tJLI 05 _. Property T axlDN o. l3 D (D ¿: 5().\ ~ H3D ~ 000-7. State ofFJorida County of .,"~~'LL:Lqe., ...'. ,.' The Undersigned hereby gives notice that impro\'ement will be Inade to ~erta¡n r~al property, and in acconl2ncc wit)) Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of CODlnlencemcl1t. I..egal Dtscription, of property and aùdres¡ jf available ", tç'-i':s ,\~i)U~L-t:..,:P·..~~~.:-J·rR-·"~P-tc r~&\: ~ ~ S~lSh' Lð'·~.:,R.C(';~ß:·-~.:hOjd ~~~, t~ 2-'30iO'" Iq~ Thø.A-- ~+ p.f. S:x. .tÆ.SS~ In~~....ø.1:_t~l~..·. '. ~~.t,..Q.r.tø."'~ÞdL~~,(.~U~. "'f3Þ·L,ol'S,>t.ða.Uqq, 'Ceneral d~scr,ptl~n Orlmp~()Vemcnt5~nv~>·\;:J~\;:\.O-~~"'< '. ' ,.' ....:. '" \ ¡O'"S Owner cStc riG · +' ~TG h·G' .,,'þ ;-\,;l\X:(!i~~~L'<>c; . :'.',: ":, ~.~: , ..'. ' F t e S im pic Tít Ie h Did t r (i r o. h tr (h a 11 0 W n er ):\: ,;.:ë,{::,:'.':-::';:;,:';: :i::.:·- ; :i~; ';) . " <." "', I & - ~ 10"'- ... ( . - .. . - .: -, _I ~ .: ~ .~ .' . _ '. .... . \ .. ,".- Address ;, ,.. .,;~,... .- :.\'," ;:' ,,~',.. (~~~:". ,.. . Contr~ctor_~ d.":.' ,'f,Vf1~.unð~'t:'i':t·~l~Ð.:·:'.' Phone # '·n7?_.~~'1: 3~ :::~;s~.., '·N ~::~~':~~r;]~~:;·!:~.§'!.~~~"ß;:~#.'7~-/'337 :3L7- =s - . . .. (.. ~I ~-.;.1 7'""- - ~ ...:' < ... -: ;, . ..:¡;... i~' ,~.;, : . ~ . , , · . , ..:; -:". :..../~..:,' ~~; ')i"lf: r·;t¿ "<~ iF~[¿~~ ;(5t;;,:::~·;,,~ ; Fax # ~ ;..( { ~: : . . ~ . '~";:;:.r'¡ :.:~, .: ' ~ "'- . .. - ,. AdcJress . , ., Arnaunt of Dond :>." Lender Æ~: '. , . .' . - . .:- .' . v -,' :. 'I~ ~:::-:_, -':" :: '.'-::".-. :~ ~ .: -~. ~- --(:1' . . ',::~ . <::;::. :~~.: ,:.~.: ..:~. '::. '.~i::~~::("· ~.: I r '. L -... ~ p" .. ::.... _ ( . .. ,: ':... ;::,h:·' ..," ;;~~, '>, ':': · " .. ."; :.::~. '::. .:;~~:: ;:', ..: : 0: ,: . Phone #;~~.~·\:..,··'~'::(:~~:~,:>::,:;~.~~J~:~":.;:":i~:~..... :'.'-.:';.:I~ .'.':". .':~ . Fax # :>.;:::: ....., ,. '¿' .,:.::;. ¡;,. )'::.," ~.:: \' ,'~¡: ,~>, ,:'>. .~..:': ,'. Address .' "~:".'..., . .. ;. .. -- .. .", ,:,',:..~.: :~,'~ .:.. H: .;.:",', ::;I:í·:3!~{~~::~ :.'~ '; . ~.::¡.: '~;;~!~~~:<:~:\~i:_:::'~~'¿.::'::: ::~~ .:,¡':~;.::: t:~~:~ :~~;;;: Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 71.3.13 (~) 7., Florida Stattles: . . N~me . . .:. -~-".<":.~.:.' .';~~ ...... - ..~: ". . I ~ .. .. :-.. ~ .. _ .. It -;.... Phone N ' Fax# ....:'::....,.. . :;., :...' , .~~.~:~··:~,,:1.:~·.':'(~~'.u..'~:.- '; :".:,~_\: .~~ .' ,..~ .: "~'~~!'..:' . . . ",,- Address .. ,,' ,'. .. .. ,". b . ~d i t~ o~ t ~ h i mseJr~ own~ r d ~s i~,~ a t.e s, ' . ',:,:' :~: ·'-;>:'~:;:h:~: :.~';..:'~",:::.::."~.."r:. .,.:(:)";..,;: :," . . . , .: .:.::,U.. ~'-.:. .. ":<:. .'. ~u:..'..::'.:'.(" .:..' .:..........' ", '>'.'; or ~ .:. ~ . Fax Nt.··.····.':. .:~ '.. to receive a t.opy of the Lienor's N otic~ as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration daft of notice of CDmmencement is Ðne year from the date ofrecbrdiDg unless a different date'js specified. ~51<~f~ -Owner Signature ~ K-I m. Lo..s.kil n (Seal) OD 055Q 213 l'itle: Notarv Public Commission Number EDWIN 1\1. fRY, JT_' CLERK OF THE CIRCUjT COURT SAiNT Lucte COUNTY FiLE # 30'!49'17' 02/22/2007 d! 03~J1 R\¡1 OR 8()()K 2766 :PAGE 1231 - 1231 Doc Type: NC RECORDiNG: $10,00 . ....1 1J h:1. · ___IftI2OtO : : ~_ '1artd8 ~MM.., Ina ! '" .. ~..... .... ........ .... ........ ..~. .......41 . 1 · d WdES:~ ¿OO~ ~1 ~d~