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07030232 (2)
May 30 07 12:31 p 85/30/2007 as:el 7724t '.43 SLC INSPECTIONS p.3 PAGE B1/~2 cs~~. ~~~~-- .....-;~ -;r-;;:: 1_ .....~ Code Campllance bivlslon 2300 V¡fglnla Avenue Ft. Piere.., FL 34982 Pha"~ (772) 452-1553 F8:C (772) 482·114' httD~J"'tlue¡oco.. aøv/Ct INSPECTION CARD ~\.\ Permit # SLC· 0703-0232 Conf # 194 Issued 03130/2007 InsØ Area Job Locat1of 7410 U S 1 (PROJECT) Jurisdiction: St. Lucie County Parcel: 3422-502-0000" 00010 Owner: 7410 LLC Type: Sign Master Nbr.~ City PORT ST LUCIE Lot Block Subdlv: Cent1Jf'l Professional Plaza Condominium Fload X ~lGv: Double Fee No Flood Map: 280F Praieçt: Job Description REPAIR EXISTING NON 1LLUM~NATEO SIGN FOR ADVERTISING ON PLAZA. DUE TO HURRICAN DAMAGE Contra~o. P AU LS EN KEITH 499 SW DAIRV RD 7410 LLC PO BOX 3329 PAU LSEN 8. SONS CONTRACTING (772) 879·2027 PORT ST LUC~E, FL 34953 (561 ) 718·449~ Prcperty Owne PALM BEACH. FL 33480 Front 10.96 Rear Setb.d($ Lef1 Inapecllon Nates: Afghl P.rm1t , ~ .e! Cert , SUB-PERMm OWner / Bullde Job DesClÎoliol QH INSPECTtONS - Far Requests, Call~ (772) 482-12 Permit I au DescrlD1io.r Pr DIIt. Sched Bu gA,crlDtior 0703~23~ 803 L.a"d$Ca~'~glTrøes 1 QSI3fJ12007 D PendJrtg ~~t . Scneduted: Tug May 29 O~14:34 eCT 2007 waI'I "elue~ WQd May 30 ()O:CO~OO EDT 2007 Ð1C3--0232 999 F=¡na~ 'nsþ9ction · 1 051:3012007 D Pending null Scheduled: Tue May 2909:'5: 18 ED1 2007 'lVn." vallJCI~ WQd May 30 OO:~O:OO EDT 2007 I"sa pølll InsD D~{'~~¡ 5/..?O/ð 7 )Jr/~ ~~ -¡::;Pøe.~¡~/ /~~rkCY/~:5 ) 61l5c. hits p~~ I~'~ r }~V\ kl a I"ð", 1'1 el f~ ul- ¡~ ~ tv ~ , Ie h '1 C lit¡ 5"5 I 5'1j h ,¡ ,~ e~ j/£. c,vae! (J l: ,~ CO~n 11 C 0 e!-t:.. f /1(; f ...-"", Ie b, f~M14/ f V1V4.J/Ve.- q /bw.-ec./ .---..---.