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~ep 08 2006 8~41AM HP . S E R .J Ë ~:, J ~ ~ )( p.2 'Jun-1A~2002 Dt:05pl Fro.-SAVAHNA CLUe "5& 11185~!~& j·~61 P.D01/001 F-1 Q 1 ~1 St Lucie County Inspt~CtiODS . __ 2300 V~g1n1a Avelluf: RECEI' r~~~: D Ft Pierce, FL 3498~~;. SEP 0 8 7006 (712) 4&2--2112 ~ ATE OF CON IONSOILTlŒATMENT OBADDRESS 71.1/9 j/Q{ned J..a.rK 6reJr.': BDILDE '.., on, . b , . PES! C«?NTRQL eoNTÏtACTOIl RJ~rl(JK E'il- er(n I: J?aI-¡ iYì TIJC ~ PEST CONTROL UCENSE #. fl81d{ ~. ,-:.~ We,. the UDdeniped. Jaenby eel'tÜ7 that ..Iø:woe precreated the d~lt~bed. ClJllStJUcdGD tor 5Ub~ fcnJútes iD ~:a.DCð with the ~tandarQ or the NatJonJd Pest Cœ1røl ~1Jon. Sq~ feet ot art2 treated:P~ih~ler Chenûcats used~ ~atJ tv; / d "-K!. p~entagIH~f .oluUOÞ: _~7:"5 Dj D Total galloDS used: _. ~ Datè Dr treatment: 'ì-¡'-{) & Time of Treatrnëut.:_. .{) Fft1 (J Footing- o 1st 1ieatmcnt (J Re-treØI Q Slab o ] st Tre8tInaJt Q R.&-tteac Q Driveway o l~t Trca,tmcnt tJ ~tretLt t) Pools o l$t~nt o ,Re..tteâ.[ o Other a 1st Treann~Ì1t CJ Re-treat Perimeter for Final Inspection FBC104.2.' CertljIcatl ~f Prt:Mt'¡rÇ fntltJ1rClJt IÞrpnJl,IfliIJn olt~mriln.  "".ø;:J,,,r rB¡~UJntjdbJ;r1 pØllÞts' blNJrd Jlulll bf: p1'CJvûJNlID'n.è~¡W '¡1l¡Jlicdl~ Tt'uuknFJl C4rt#fi¡:Gtu ä.S c=:h ~qrdreJ pTQf«tfye tT~àJmøl U c.amplL:tcd; p01lit!11l.Z II Ct¥JlllJr th~ p~l'#Ø?I ,lit' P~'I'aÏ' ir ~Iud rt) l:1fd ~ 4fJI~'hllr r;øpy /~r Ib~ D.UdJng p~rit.118 fi,t~.t- 'Th~ ~.!'ølmC11r CU1lftt:r:ztè Jhttll ,r.QylJ!, 1M ,foilllt. uBi!, IUntjry .:ifrlt I! appl~tltQ" r~ øtå d4te. of th~ treQf11II:nl. ntc lðèØriDn, lt7~iJ. .r~IJlI~~ è~].e~l WId, p~rÇem ~)tce1l7ratt0/1 aM IUImbe,. of ItlUøru lat!d; '0 mtbl~r ~ d vt!ri~bù rtc-ørtl. øf prtJrttai'vr- tr~nr..u". l/rht JOil ehmi.icAJ 1NJr7Íù ~flCihD4lør l~~·t~ pTrH1Jtfòn ø IteJ, fi,nal c%t~rlDr '''Ulmum mall œ èC1I1qJletul prlDr tð /JItrJ bufldfn,r øpp7fJVaL St Lada CajpQr nqù1ns far die bal ~...flil' co,.-. Sti~_.. ~ FIåœd GO ..I6ctr!CIJ pmJdbOSCDWr. ~ à1l ~lIe ermfl:lLWllS &ad 4a~ ð( appUcati:olZS" ~~t.t:)c: ~¿¿ :)jgJ~laturð of exterIniD.fitor NO E: Thf:Te IIJJllt /J~ a ~ønz~t_ fonn for each TefuÎTed WtItm~7'l1 tJll' TC·~ ~uztm~nr. tu1ø th.it form must ¡'ø (lh tht,Jol1 &iJ. tD bø pü::k,tl up 117 t1r4: ÛJsp~&Ior 1ft tiJ#e of øat:h ,tnqøcti on 0., th~ schøduled wpedion will ¡aU ønil it re.JruplJctùJnJ'. C1Jir:rg~! 4. Je.~UI~dirll ZOO~ WilNIWillV Vld H~ilOS ÞL0199ÞZLL XVd L£:LO 900Z/90/60