HomeMy WebLinkAbout06060363 (2) 06/05/2007 08:56 56168~~~25 CONSTRUCTION TEAM PAGE 01/02 \-,.. "-.,,,- ~ct ~~ V~ lJ Ú2 - () ?J~ '5 August2212006 Hand Delivered St. Lucie County Public Works Departmenf Code Compliance Divísion 2300 Vìrginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 3498:;~-5652 Attn: Dennis M_ Grim, County Buìldin~~ Official Re: Kitterman Woods Dear Dennis, This correspondence is se:nt to ad"íSE:~ the Building Department that there has been a change of status relative to the participation of PreferÆd Air Conditioning and Mechanical, Inc. at the above referenCE~ Project. That is to say that this General Contractor has entered into a Subcontract Agreernlent with Û$;¡C8r and Son7s Air Conditioning, Inc. for the Project at large. ,Therefore would you p~ase be so kind as to make nun and void all of the Buildîng Permit Sub-Contractor Agreements that Preferred Air Conditioning and Mechanical Inc. filed with the Building and Zoning Departml'~nt on this Projects behalf and accept Oscar and Son'5 Air Conditioning as the new H\h\C Subcontractor. Attached to this correspondence we h~:lve lísted the BuildingsJ Addresses and Permit Numbers that we wourd Uk~! to effect this change of status on. Of COurse should you have any questions or concerns relative to this matter please feel free to contact the writer at your convenìence ~ As always, we remain... Very truly yours, r-trr1 Ken Taylor President THE CONSTRlICTION T11.AM Ai'l D D,EYELOp~rEì'\T Gr~opr CORPO'RArIO.:v 901 Northpoint ParltwaYJ Su ,te 108, ",reM, PnJm Bea.ch, P]orida 33407 ..- 06/01/2007 15:42 ...,.. ~~':', ....:. .,/J . ;.., , . ' 5616838325 CONSTRUCTION TEAM PAGE 01/01 ST. LUCIE CC~·(jNTY PUBLIC WORKS ' r ~ BtJII./DlNG c..flw:. :l()NING DEP AR.~rMENT C \d?~cDJe ~LC. O~OltJ ..~(p:" , '. BurLDING PERMI"r ST.ìB-CO,N1·RACT~~ AGREEMEN1" _,_._.. . .'. , . St. .Lucie County Contractor Certification NUf:11'er~ ~~ ~ ~ ______ State ofFJorida Certification Numher (lfa1'plic:~b1c): _~~~ V ~ ~.~~~_~___ have agl~ed to be the (Company Namc(lndivic1liaJ Name) , - ~ ~~C ." ~__.~ sub-contractor for~ ~ f~ ~~ (Type of Trade) . (Primary Co~tractOT) for the project Jocated at_.___ 3'tL'> - §O~Q5"" OCC/tS2- (Project Street Aqdrcss Of Property Tax ID #) It ís understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned proJect, r ,viI) imrnedrateJy advi.se the By.ilding a.ud Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally fHing a Change of Contractor notice. (Fonn: SLCCDV No. 004-00) ,BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individu:d ~hown on the Contractor's License:) ORIGlN~ SIGNATU~S AR1!: R.EQ~:.rRED sS~~ ~-~ -~~ A <kSa:t~ ~lr k~(l~1 \tg~S1 5~l\e. m\a.Q"\C ~~ Ft.. ::?~I~ ~-~ ~ ....~."b?l.s emaiJ; ÆÒT I?J 7}ehne-z PI< INl- NAME /" '6¡{/òtJ DATE Business Name: Address: CitylStarelZip: Phone: OFFICE USE ONLY: PER'MIT" -- ==:cI~~I'__ ISSUE DATE :::r~I\'Jf" .,.. _ . R e c e ¡ V e d Tim e J un. 1. 2 : 34 PM FROM :Construction Team D G FAX NO. :772 429 0742 15 2006 03:30PM P1 St. Lucie County Building & Zoning Department 2300 Virginia A venue Fori Pierce, FL 34982 772..462-2165 Fax 772·462-6443 Fl12C12/~f~~. NAY 1 5 . j þ 2001 8t l.Iblic: lA, · L.(¡Cie ""orlc . COCl & IJ f)', F:L, Property Address: LIlteD U~oo&D 7rJIa.rvi Cur.J..f- Request for 30·Day Temporary Power Release c.J.ubhcx:v~ Permit Number: S Lt!..... Qf.6(J(¿,.A 0.3-,,3. -= (::) ~ ---I ,...., c::P Date: THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICÁL POWER TO THE ABOVE 'DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE .OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA TION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release Is requested for the above stated porpo$e onl1. and there will be no oeeüpanc)' of any typet olber tban that permitted by construction durlnl thl, time period. 24 As wit..øs by our signatures, wc hereby .tree to abide by all terms and eondltloDS of this .¡reement, ineludlnø Building Diylslon Policy, "'bi~h Is InÅ“rporated beret. by reterenee. 3. All condition. ...d requirements li.led In the at.cbed document entitled "Requirements tor 30 Ds)' Power for Testing" have been tulftlJed .ad the premisë is ready lor c:o.plla.e inspection. 4. AU rcqu~U for an extension beyond 30 days mast be made In writJlII to tbe BufldfnJ Omdal staU". the reason for tilt req..~t. Power may be remov~ from die stte and/or a Stop Work Order issued If the Flnallnspectiod has not been approved "ithln 30 days. A fee of $100.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY. RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NA TURE WHICH MA Y ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUtURE OUT O~ TmS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAYBE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLA TION OF THIS AGREEMENT. . FROM :Construction Team D G FRX NO. :772 429 0742 I" 29 2006 08:22RM P4 St. Lucie County Building & Zoning Department , 2300 Virgiuia A venue R E eEl V E D Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2] 65 F.x 772-462-6443 MAY 2 9 2007 . Public Works Request for 30.Day Temporary Power Release St. Lucie County, FL l!1ùbho.v~ Date: ~ /2-.l'J /0 ;7 Permit Number: S <..c.... o (,lJ(¿;.. O>l.,~ f 7 Property Address: ~l.QO It:'~ :J:;Jlttnd CLf~-t.. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE ,OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. This temporary power release Is requested for fbe above stated purpose olllYt . and there will be no oeeupancy of any type, otber tban that permJlted by eonstrlJttion durlnl this time period. 2. AI wltnell by our sllnatuns, we hereby .gree to abide by all terms and conditions . of tbls 8lreement.lneludlnl BulldiuK Divlsiòa Poliry, wlllc:h Is tnc:orporated berein by .-erenDcel 3. All eondlttons and requirement. lilted in the at~c:bed document entitled a4RequJrements for 30 Day Power for Testlltl'· have been rulnlled aad the premise Is ready lor eompJI.nÅ“ InspectlC)n. 4. All reql1e5b tor øn e.tensJon beyond 30 days must be m.de in writing to Qle Building Omel.1 statt., the reason fOt the request. P01¥er may be removed from the site and/or a SlOp Work Order iSfJued if tbe Final Inspection has not been approved within 30 days.  fee of $100.00 will be required 10 lift die Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HÁRMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTy. AND . THEIR EMPLOYEES F~OM ALL -LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT O~ THIS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAYBE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN mE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 05/05/2007 08:55 5515r~q325 August 22, 2006 Mr. Dennis Grimm) County Building Official Change of Sub-Contra.ctor l.~ett~r Page 2 of2 Descri tîon. 13uiJdi1l() 1. Bl[ildi.n) 2 .EltJ.ildin . 3 Buildin' 4 ButIdi'n J' 5 BtJî.ldin. 6 Buil.din 7 BLlildin 8 Buildin . 9 .BuiJd-in 10 .Bu.i Idin. . .11 Bllildin 1.2 Blltld,ino ] 3 Buildin 14 Bu.ildiJ1· 15 Buildîl1l)" 1.6 BuiJd.ín. r j 7 C 11Jl,.11()LISe M'a i ntcnance/Cabana Mail Kiosk Gara 'e #2 Gara e #5 Gara e #9 Gara. e #12 (}arB. 1e #:14 Ga.ra e #16 Permir' N umbE~ r · .. SLC-0510M·(0313 :SLC-051 O-I~)314 · .. SLC-0510-()315 ISLC-OSIO-I")316 :SLC-0510-tr)317 · p. :SLC-0510-()318 - .. ~)L(:-051 O-~)319 ~~L(~-051 O-()320 · p. ~)U~-051 O-()32 J ~;L(~-051 O-(~1322 · p. ~tLC;-051 O-()'323 - .. SÞLC~-051 O~(1324 S~LC'"051 0-01326 SILCA-051 0-01:327 S:LC-0510-0.328 y-- ,- S.LC-051 0-0;329 L-- I. S LC-O 51 0-0.:·) 30 · p. S:LC·..060 l-Ûi!:)28 SJ-JC~060 1-O~~~.2 9 SJLC-060 1-01~~;3 2 · I· SI.JC··060 1-0(:;48 · p. S I~C-/060 I-Of; 5 0 S]~C-060 1-0(~15 3 · p. SI~CPft060 1. ~Ot¡ 54 - .. SI.~C~060 I-06i·45 SI.,C-060 1-06;·~2 · .. CONSTRUCTION TEAM Address 602-640 Marsh Isle Circle 650-696 Marsh Isle Circle 702-748 Marsh Isle Circle 6601-6639 Woods Island CircJe 664] ~6687 Woods Island Circle 6689-6735 Woods Island Circle 6737-6783 Woods Island CircJe 6785-6831. Woods Island Circle 6833-6871 Woods Is1and, Circle 6873-69]9 Woods Island Circle 6921..6967 Woods Island Circle 6969-7015 Woods Island. Circle 701 7 -7063 Woods Island Circle 7065-7111 Woods Islan.d Circ]e 7113-- 715 9 Woods Island C irele 7161-7207 Woods Island Circle 7209~ 7255 Woods Island Circle 6600 Woods Island Circ] e 7160 Woods Island Circle 7261 Woods Island Circle 650-696 Marsh Isle Circle 6641-6687 W ood.s Island Circle 6833~6871 Woods Island Circle 6969-7015 Woods Island. Circle 7065-7111 Woods Islan.d Circle 7161-7207 Woods Island Circle PAGE 02/02