HomeMy WebLinkAbout06070129 TERMITE PRETREAT SPECIALIS , ~D'()7 -0/2? a -,6·PRE· TREAT aOO-DIU FAX 800-837-8311 TermitePretreat.comMA Y State License JB94495' DILIGENT Environmental Services PEST PREVENTION I LAWN & ORNAMENTAL CARE I TERMITE SERVICE Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) SERVICE ORDER NUMBER OSQUITO ABATEMENT I RODENT & NUISANCE WilDLIFE EXCLUSION & REMOVAL TIME WEATHER CONDTIONS DEVELOPMENT NAME (PROJECT) CONTACT PERSON STRUCTURE ADDRESS (LOT/BLOCK) 73 ¿.. I CI~ STATE, ZIP CODE COUNTY TREATMENTTYP~AREA o FLOATING o CUTOUTS CJ MONOLITHIC CJ FOOTERS CJ PATIO CJ FRONT ENTRY CJ GARAGE CJ DRIVEWAY o STEM WALL o ADDITION CJ EXTERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAL 0 OTHER TREATMENT TYPE o TAMP & TREAT 0 TREAT ONLY ~FINAL o RETREAT CJ BORA CARE TREAMENT o BAIT STATION ~~~~~LD TC 0 DRAGNET A TIVE INGREDIENT CJ DEMON TC CJ TERMIDOR TC o BORACARE... ~ _Q OTHER ~NCENTRATlON 1.25% 0 .5% o .23% o OTHER_ GALLONS APPLIED '?ÍJ SQUARE FOOTAGE ,¡ ~i) LINEAR FOOTAGE ,º5D SQUARE FOOTAGE VERIFIED DYES CJ NO CJ MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS JOB READY CONDITIONS MET CJ YES DNO DETAILS SAFETY CONDITIONS As per 104.2.6 FBC - If soil chemical barrier method for termite p" ntion is used. Final e terior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: The building has received a com te treatment for the pre ention of subterranean tennites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture an Consumer Se · r the Florida Building Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this I {TERMITE MONITOR INSTALLED 0 YES 0 NO} FINAL STICKER o ELECTRICAL PANEL o WATER HEATER OTHER Payment Tenns: Customer's payment in f at time of initial service. Customer agrees that a finance charge in the amount of 18% per annum will be assessed on all unpaid balances th are not sa sfied by the due date. In the event a collection process becomes necessary to recover an unpaid balance t foil wing fees will be a essed i but not limited to: collection service fee, attorney's fee, finance charges and non-sufficient funds paymen ee. ustomer will be ponsible fo' yin all costs associated with any collection process. II a . ~ ~ - r.c.j)cm.q' BlJD~ .4sr.tn\~ fZil' "..-./ ~ NAHB fig BOO-DiliGENT 800Diligent.com Date ~ N~ ~ Customer (Property Owner or Agent) Corporate 3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. I Suite 106 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 I 800.487.8190 05/04/2007 07:56 5613935882 PAGE 02 --, ~ --, 0'0) TERMITE. PRETREAT SPECIALISTS Jt ~~()'7-.0IZ"1 (/ÍJILIG iNT~~) :-",~~nv;rCJnnlcNt"Jl S£'rl/Îces. ~,/ ----~~- S66-PRE- TREAT 'f!.~g~@~ . SUIte Lieense J89449!5 MAY Notice 0; Preventative Treatment for Termites (as requited by Florida Build.inø Code (FBC) 104..2.6 aDd Brøward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) ÞUT PREVENTION I LAWN' ORNAMENTAL CARE I TERMITE SERVlC!!S 1 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT J FlOOENT. NUISANCE wrLD SERVICE OACER NUMeER SERVICE DATE 5'. Z... 7; TIME ' WEATHER OONOrlONS DEVELOPMENT NAME (pROJEC1) COJ1TRl'GTOR'S NAME CÓf'Ý~O CONTACT PERSON CONTACT PHONE NUMBER crrv; STATE, ZIP CODE ~L, COUNr1 STRUC1\IRE ADDRESS (LOTJBLOOK) NOTES TR~TMENT~ C FLOATING - MONOLfn-IIC a CUTOUTS CJ FOC>TERS ~ a PATIO CJ FRONT ENTRY Q GARAGE CJ DRIVEWAY tJ STEM WALL tJ EXT1!FtIOR PSRIMETEA 'FOF( RENEWAl C OTHER C ADDmON ~gnø~NT TYPE ' , CI T~P & TAeAT ~ iREJI\r oNLY r:J t=INAL C RETREAT ~ BORA CARE TREAMENT ' C BAIT STATtON ¥==n.n TC ACT1VEINGREDIENT o DRAGNET ~ DEMON TO C TEAMrOOR TC tJ BORACARE tJ O-rnER trC~N 25" C .5C)fs tJ .29" (] cm-fER ~ GA~ONS AF'PL.fED šCJ ...~-·.4.. ..... ~.ENJ: ..... .. _4.0 .....,.4.~.. .. · -~-.. 0 .. v~.:. .-1;'. ... · " 4 ...~ .. : .. 0 ..... ~ ~ · · EA· \~. ,'V¡ :" .. *' ~. .. j ~ ~ .~.6 'f:.e ~ : .ii\.." ~ .--. ..~. .. t?e> ',~ 0 R \ ""., .W.I .' ... ..... ..... ... ..... -tt. ... ,a·.It....~.·· SQUARE ~o~ >~-c5D LIN~ft ~E ~QUARE mOTAGE: VERIFIED tJ yeS 0 NO L) ~UR£O OR VERIRED PiR PLANS ',,:~~ JOB REAqx çðNDmONS MET CYES [JNO DETAILS ~A~ CONnITIONfi ' Afj þer 104,2,8 FeC · rf toil chemlcaf blniør method for te.",lte pt'8Vêntlon Is used,. Flnalexterfor tre8bnent shin be completed prior to 11".1 buUClMg apprDVslR Certlftcøtø of Compliance: The burldlng has received a compt8t8 tr8a1ment for the prevention of aùbtB~ne." termites. 1rMtrnent 1s In aeeordance with rules and laws esœbnshed ~'tne Ronda Deøartment of Agricuttu", ."d Consumer SBrv~."" (per tho Flortda Bulldlrtg COde.) ,,~~/'ri If ttll$ notice Is fOr the fInIIllI!(tel'lClr treatment. initial Met date1:~1B line {TEAMITE MONITOFllNStALLED IJ ves CJ NO} ~ 1=INt~ m1ek';~ CJ ELeCTRICAL PANEL. C WATER HEATER ' OTHeR I " :""..., ;"1. ai' 'I p.....' Tenn.: Custom"'" P'eymenl_~uI=at time of tnftløl ~lNVtoe. Customer agrees iIIat. ftn8nce charge In the 8111ðQ"t of 11~ per annum wIll Þe ~,....d on III unpaid bø.nc.Mftifare not sftecI by the due datB.. .n the event I colloctlol't proce.. becomes necê8a8tYm rlBcover'lIft unpaid bal.nee the fðqowlng fees wiD '~!I!le!llled 1no1u<l ta t limited to: co'~ectlon aervlell feet attorney.. te8, finance charge, (and non-&umclenl funds ~M'lt _. ~";r win reapðMlble 10 51 aI _ 8aoclatød wtIh any collection ørocøü. ' . -;<h.. ' , ' ~ I I ~œtDr (DI . rorm.nbII ~ InC.), ' _-.~__ @ .2- Corporate 3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. I Suite 106 I Boca ~ton, Florida 33431 r 800,487.8190 ' ? _!'1~ II a eJ -L .. 800-DI'-IGENT , SOODiligent.cOm Dllte Custðmer (Pro1*1\t Owner ar Agent) ,::; .:: '*\, ,,",'.:.'-:.: '-:.. . , .' .....,. ..:...'.,.....¿-'"""'¡(~~~--.., CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the tiß1e of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: I Building Permit No. - 0607-0129 ParcellFolio Nbr: 1335-801-0028-000/3 Lot # 1 Block: Subdivision: Kings Highway Industrial Park Unit 1 Occupancy: Storage - moderate hazard Building Address: 7321 COMMERCIAL CIR Legal Description: KINGS HIGHWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT ONE BLK CLOT 1 Permit Job CONSTRUCT NEW BUILDING, WITH MEZZANINE AND ADJACENT Description PARKING AND SIDEWALKS Permit Finaled: 05/18/2007 Contractor JACQUIN MICHAEL E POBOX 4343 PAUL JACQUIN & SONS INC Ff PIERCE, FL 34948 (561) 465-2475 ~.... r·'·r~ r'" .. . '~., ..... °0 . .. "0" . . ·····~~.w....~..'.... ~ ...... .O^'. . ~. . .. Christopher Lestrange Building Official Friday, May 18, 2007 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME NAME FAX TEL SER.# 05/18/2007 09:24 SLC INSPECTIONS 7724626443 7724622165 BROE5J278862 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 05/18 09:23 94662806 00:00:25 01 OK STANDARD ECM ~' " . :.: . .' ''''I)~~ IIII'~~ I L I)p IO~~(r-('~ II'" .. I I ' ~_ .,'1: .. ......~~.\.:~I.~~I~~. ~ ".!""~ ~.n~::11 .~~~~: ... '.r-~ I::: ~J.-r CERTIFICATE 'OF OCCUPANCY This Certifica.te is issued. pu.rsuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance th.is stnIcture was in ~ompJian,ce w;'tb the various ordinances of St. Lu.cie County reguJating building construction or use. For the following: I Building Permit No. - 06?_?_:~~~?"." ParceJlFoJio Nbr: 1335-801-0028-000/3 Lot # 1. Block: Subdivision: Kings :Highway Industrial Park Unit 1 Occupancy: Storage - moderate hazard Building Address: 7321 COM1\1ERCIAL CIR Legsl Description: KINGS HJGHW A Y INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT ONE ELK C LOT I Permit .Job CONSTRUCT NEW BUILDING, WITH l\J1EZZANINE AND ADJACENT Descdption PARKING AND SIDEWALKS Permit Finaled: 05/18/2007 Con tra.c r:ot JACQUIN MICHAEL E PAUL JACQUIN & SONS INC (561) 465~2475 POBOX 4343 Fr PIERCE, FL 34948 :L~~ïld.: :i~.:~~~ I"~~~===:::""'"ñi.~L/-=· ~JJ~ -~= .: =- i::~-",-i ~ [~~;l ~l lJ, _ ;n~~~':;~J ~.=~~==:==-~~: Christoph.er Lestrange ---'··1···...-- Building Offi c; al Friday, May 18,2007 Date Printed F p CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: I Building Permit No. - 0607-0129 ParcellFolio Nbr: 1335-801-0028-000/3 Lot # 1 Block: Subdivision: Kings Highway Industrial Park Unit 1 Occupancy: Storage - moderate hazard Building Address: 7321 COMMERCIAL CIR Legal Description: KINGS HIGHW A Y INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT ONE BLK CLOT 1 Permit Job CONSTRUCT NEW BUILDING, WITH MEZZANINE AND ADJACENT Description PARKING AND SIDEWALKS Permit Finaled: 05/18/2007 Contractor JACQUIN MICHAEL E POBOX 4343 PAUL JACQUIN & SONS INC Ff PIERCE, FL 34948 (561) 465-2475 .. .......~~..: Christopher Lestrange Building Official Friday, May 18, 2007 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE May 07 07 01 :17p 05/ß7/2007 07:87 772, J443 SLC INSPECTIO~ p.1 PAGE al/01 /' t 'I) ~ J~ ~ ~~' ~ J~' ~ ~~I~t:~,~~ .. I ~~ COde Com planoe Oivfsloft _0 VIrgiN. AvenutI f:t. P'erce~ Fl 34912 P~one: (772) 482-1553 Fa.: (T/2.) 46'.1148 httD~/l.~tluoleCð~ DØN/c INSPECTION CA D I Ponnit #I SLG- 0607.0129 ConI II 6:30 Js.tIed 1 Q/0912006 Insp Area Job Locatlar 7321 COMMERCIAL C R Jurisdiction: 81. Llfcie COunty Parcel: 1335-80 '-0028.000/3 Owner: UNIFIRST CORPORATJON Project Job Description CONSTRUCT NEW BUflOrNG. WITH MEZZANINE AND ADJACENT PA KING AND SIDEWALKS · JACQUIN MICHAEl ë · PAUL JACQUIN & SONS rNC I (561) 465..2475 i~ POBOX 4343 FT PIERCE FL 34948 I, . . s:: UNIFIRSf CORPORATJON I (978) 658-8888 II Þ 68JONSP'N ROAD WILM'NGTON MA. 01B87 L-< Setback. l~ 95.50 Right 16.00 FrOn1 90.00 I RNr 23.20 II :: ~:~~!! 'nspøction Notes: .--- PlAN REVISION: NEEC MANUFACTURES TRUSS DRAWINGS M1UST BE REVIEWED ../1 ~ <'Ìi AND APPROVED BY DESIGN PERSON .......- L ~ ~I : SUB-PE~MIT! J If ~I ~rmil , Stslm fI Cera, DBA Owner ~ Build... Job D 8crlDtio, L__,.~ Oß07-Ð129-01 ISS EÞ 42'61 JOE'S ELECTRIC OF Sf LUCI I 0607.0129-02 ISS ÞP 1S1SO UNDQUfST PU"IM8ING & SlJ~ 0507-0129003 ISS ME ~26 G~IMes HEATfNO & AICITHFf '0I?11.2096 c~"ge ðf Ç()n'~r . rlQm 828310 ...2tj S9 I I'n~ Oe07'..01S 380 Mechanical Fnal nUl Sehøduled: Thu May 3 17:17:15 EOT2-007 wllh"8IUB~ I1\.IU SchedI.A/eCf; Tl1u May 3 17:17':56 EDT 2007 whh VDluø: null 0607'.(]129 996 Final Tormíte Trearme-nt 1 0510412001 OS07-Q12!1 280 electric Fll\al 2 osro~, n:J 'I ~esul!ed: Frj May 4 08:25:22 EOT 2007 Rg~ltød: Fri MIY 4 08:25;38 EDT 2007 AeeultBd; Frl Me)' 4 08:2B~02 EDT 2Of11 OB07·C12S 480 Plumbing Final Canlt.cto. Properly OWne permfU B!g Ðøscrlat¡or 0807-0129 261 30 Day e-~'et1 0607-0129 165 Handicap ~estrootns 607-0'2& 808 land.9caprngfrrøes 0607·0129 115 S.~ab R.-in~p8C~jon 4 080"·0129 121 Termrte Spray ~..r"SJ)eC!ian .. a807-o1~ 121 TetmitB SøtllV rSSINQ TERMITE TREATMENT FOR I.OA \ .4¡O~ÎOV~ -.-..- Type: Building Comm$f'~ial Master Nbr.: City FORT pr~RCe Lot 1 810ek Subdiv~ KJngs Highwa~ Industriar Park Unit 1 Flood X B.v~ Doubte Fee No Flood Map: 115F tNSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (772) 462.1:1! I!r Cite Sc~ed J3g Descriøti.Q[ 7 05124/2007 0 Pending 7 0510712007 0 Pending r" . ........."'... -.I ... ' t;/ . . Date IVR ~ '-" -t r-PI c::I 7 0510712007 {)5JO 41200 7 0 ParufJng go ApProved r 05/0412007 90 Ap~roved 27 05/04;2007 90 A~ø I 19 05l0dl2C07 2 2 0.510412001 90 90 Approvsd Approvgd 27 0510412007 ~7 05lO~OO7 ~ 0412412007 ~. 0/7 2 05Ir)412007 3 05/0412007 go AøÞfO\I8d 3 04/2AJ200," 81 Cisapprov~' QOOCKAR~S. / --r /} 4,__" .-:? Y' '1" - ~ (~ ..... SrI ~/l / ,," ~~ ?< ----"'--- ---. - . A. M. ENGINEERIN& L_~ffi TESTING, INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33RD STREET FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 461-7508 FAX: (772) 461-8880 DENSITY OF SOIL IN PLACE ] Client: Contractor: Site: Paul Jacquin & Sons, Inc. Client U nifirst Stripped Surface ~- . - _.~.-:-- ---, ¡ }tl~CEl\i~l~t) I I 0 C T I 0 2006 I lB~~ Report Date: Technician: Permit No.: 10/10/06 J. Ashburn , '···~f ~. . ~~; ".,.... " . >'" . ," '1' ~. ,}.,,'.¡¡¡:¡~.':)< :·''''·..·i~.· ~.....:..';. ~i?'.r: ":,;0 . ~'. ~ . . .~, c Field Test Results Proctor Compaction Eleva- Max Test Date tion Dry Probe Dry In Min Pass/ No. Tested Location (ft) HCP H2O Density Depth Density Place Req'd Fail °ÆÞ (pet) (in) (pet) (%) (%) 592 10/5/06 Map Location 1 o - 1 7.7 117.3 12 122.0 96.1 95 P 593 " 1 - 2 45 12 122.0 95+ 95 P 594 Map Location 2 o - 1 8.2 118.0 12 122.0 96.7 95 P 595 " 1-2 50 12 122.0 95+ 95 p 596 Map Location 3 0-1 7.1 117.5 12 122.0 96.3 95 P 597 " 1-2 35 12 122.0 95+ 95 P 598 1 0/6/06 Map Location 4 o - 1 7.8 118.4 12 122.0 97.0 95 P 599 " 1-2 35 12 122.0 95+ 95 P 600 Map Location 5 0-1 8.0 118. 7 12 122.0 97.3 95 P 601 " 1-2 35 12 122.0 95+ 95 P 602 Map Location 6 0-1 7.9 116.9 12 122.0 95.8 95 P 603 " 1-2 35 12 122.0 95+ 95 P Remarks: All elevations are below stripped surface. The field density tests were perfonned in general compliance with ASTM D 2922, Density of Soil in Place by Nuclear Methods. The Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) test, in conjunction with infonnation about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of the subsurface soils. The laboratory Proctor maximum dry density was detennined in accordance with ASTM D 1557. Distribution: Client - 2 Reviewed by: A. M. E GINEERING AND TESTING, INC. ~, to}t/06 Paul C. Martin, P.E. Florida Registration No. 65051 I \Server-ameIcompanylFort Pierce OfficeINetAppslAM DATAIPaul Jacquin and Sons I Unifirst1592-603 Density A. Mil ENGIXEERI~G A~D TESTI~"G, INC. 3504 I..'lJL-STRlAL 33~ STREET FOR r PIERCE~ FLORm_~ 3"9~6 , (772) '..161-7508 OFFICE - (ill) ..,61-8880 F.-\..\: 1 )~ ILeo:<s T C) Æ ~ - I Qù \ ¡.JQC~v,,, _ s-+f;p~d Su4'oc . -4- .J- o 2 e 5. 9 3 - ". DATE FILED: '0 II t tOLD RE"-ISION FEE: 50· , '-. ' , ". '.' . . - ," ,. , " .. ". '. , ", . ,,' - " ....*,,}. PEn~ ·IT #. '., , , '. " , '."'... L '" ." '.\., ",.", ~~~: 4lß,5'~ . ' ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMŒNTOFCO~TYDE~~LOPMŒNT BUILDING & ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA A VENUE FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34982-5652 772-462-1553 APPLICA TION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCA TION/SITE ADDRESS: 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF PROJECT Sü ' REVISIONS: r \-tAM.bE \ Ll t\0AL PcC)~T~: DsrA 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ST. OF FL REG/CERT ,: e 0 0 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT #= BUSINESS NAME: -\ SC"'-\S - -.- 'QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: , i 'f"C..G_STATE Ç~ZIP: ,-~1-'ò-ß~3 PHONE (DA YTIME): . :1J~-+taS- ~±"JS _FAX' 77ó1- ~- 4tß~ 4. A RCHITfENGI1'ŒER: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DA YTlME): 12/19/02 J!;'. ST. LUCIE CO:UNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: '-{ L..J L b State of Florida Certification Number (Ifapplicable): 'K fi - 0 CJ I alOI (~f' " me..s H-eQJ.l ~ i, c> Il, r- ~ð nc\ . k ~ 0 .1, V1 'j (Company NamelInd·vidual Name) have agreed to be the HVAL (Type of Trade) sub-contractor for F2\ ~L\ --:];(~~I n >7-,SnrJ"'\ (Primary Co ctor) for the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Byilding and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) UI'RED , ',~(\. '(1\~_S F (~r ~ rn e S PRINT NAME 10- 16- 0(-, DATE City/State/Zip: Phone: (7(' I (1)e. 3 ~~QJ,; ~3 rJ A Ie /~o-s4 N l~ S J F + PiËr~( ~ FL, 772- - y~ ).- ð~--7 I J Business Name: Address: email: G,. 'j' fn ~s c'- ~ (~ 0...0 \ · Q C)ry) \ OFFICE USE ONLY: I PERMIT # I ISSUE DATE _.5£':-- /:tu:~è ¿:;'~t?~~".~,". Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2522 http://stlucieco.gov/ce Building Recei pt Date: 11 October 2006 Receipt #: 0000046159 Job Address: 7321 COMMERCIAL CIR 'ermit Number: SLC- 0607-0129 Received By: bushs Amount: $50.00 --_._--~-~_._--- Paid With: CK =redit Card Number: Check Number: 18836 Paid By: PAlJL JACQlJIN AND SONS Sign: St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue F~ Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF ,TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREA Tl\1ENT PERMIT # D~o 7... is 1.2~ JOB ADDRESS "73Z/ (' o·'-'~e.-L" .''''1 I e. '-'r BUILDER ~O,?~C> - ß.t ..JA L &. vi AJ PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR DILIGENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # JB 9 449 5 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control AS$ociation. Square feet of area treated: 7/0ð CheinicaIs used: ad~·t-r.,' I~ ~ Percentage of solution: ~ 2 Õ ~~ Total gallons used: ?/ð Date of treatment: /I~ - :J ~. ð¿: Time of Treatment: 7~4Òð . ...~",:,~-----...... ~oti~ GI" 1 st Treatment o Re..;treat ~._. --- - ," . "-, " . - . Lð Slab .. ~ Treatment ORe-treat o Driveway ; 0 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Pools D 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Other o 1 sf Treatment ORe-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection FBCI04.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatmentfor prevention of termites. A weather resistant jobsžte posting board shall be provided to recežve .. duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective. treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for-the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the appUèator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record ofprotective treatment. ]f the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. . NOTE: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this fonn must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-inspection fee charged. Signature of extermin~tor Revised 6/13/02 dmg A P r 1 3 200 7 1 0 : 5 7 A M _. I-f P , ~ A S E R JET F A X PERMIT NlJMB£8.: SLt- aC9ð'J - ðlé~.L 7?2-~S6-2806 p.2 . ' ~S_ EL~c.~IS JJf §hÇ...,. ~ ....~~GJ ß2 o ~». 4;:;f? i' ;.tt>~ REQUEST FOR. :10 DAY T!MPOIlARY POWER RÊL' ¿OO?! DATE: L.j _ J ).. -CJI'1 n. WOE: COUNTY BLDG. . ZO / I - -r 2301 VIRGINIA. AVE ~ II: PORT PIERCE. FL Mt52~f6U ft. (561) 4Ðo-l1Ø 1 FAX. (561) .t6Z-11a 01 #6 04/06/2007 14:03 PROPERTY ADDRESS: . . 13a\ c,W\ÞV\~~l~_ C~'çlt I rv.t B~ct) FL. TIlE UNDDSlGNFJ) ~IlaY UQUEST ItEI..EAIE OF ELICI1UCAL POWEIt TO TIlE ABOVEDDCIUBI:D PROPDn'Yt FOR A. PDUOD NOT TO EX.CUJ) TIIIIlTY (38) DAys' lOa TIIB .VItPOU OF TIS11NG SYSTEMs AND EQIlIPMENT IN PlŒPABATIOH lOR PINAL INSPEcnON. IN CONSmERAnON OJ' APPROV ÄL OJ' TIlE IŒQIŒ8T WE Aq1r9Y ACKN'OWLIDC& AND ~q AS JOLLO\VS: ¡ j ~ I 1 ¡ I i I ~ - I. TWe...,....".,......,... ÏII NIII...... ,... tile..........,.. .,1 em" .... ...... ... ... - .......,. ., MY type.. .... ... ... ......... .,. -----...... dill __ pIIIWNI. 2.. Âa........,........... we ........, ... .. ..... ., all ..... ... ......... ., ... -'PM' - w.. ......... ........ ....... hIieJ" .... is 1M.......... ..... II; Itllln.. 1. A8.................................... ............-1 ........ .....'*" ...... .. .,. ..... fer T..... .... .... fII~ ... .... ........ It ...., liar .....pÆ~t~ ~ · . ! t WE BERDY RÞ ~üE AND 4GRD TO BOLD JIUUf as. STir LOCU COUNI"Y. AND .IJIQK DIPIDYII:S nOM ALL LIAIII.I.nII:s AND aAJMS OF ANY nPE OP NATUItB WBlar MAY AlUSE NOW OR IN ra J1TroItE our 011' nus ft.&NSA~IMCUJDING ANY D.AMAGIS WlDCB M,t.y 81, DICUBIIED DtŒ TO 11IE M OBD..EC.TRICAL JIOWl'JtINTllEÞDrr œ'VIOI..ATIONOI' A ÃiE.. ~c o ~ '~7;;jù~ GEJU.IIAL IIGNATIDtB- :T"ù ·El~7J rtSf.~ ~ £;:::: V COMTltACrOR 8IGN4nJb ~ · . . 1,Jo--, . .'. '.