HomeMy WebLinkAbout06070499 St Lucie COUBt)' lnspt'/" "'-\ODS 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 3498.Z (771.) 462-2172 -----~ _-.,----·--:::::-~.-T ~ ., r:;:::--T7" (-' F '1\1 E \ ,F..J--'./ _.-/' ,~,___,A ~ \ \ ..., è , l^ f\ R f) ~ ' G . - --- - ::::::- \ PF;RIVIIT #_ ~ 7 ..-ðtf?' JOB ADDRESS BtflLDER . (roSS,öQd /6#ZLS' CER1'IFICA TE OF TERMITE TREA'rMENT' _../.:,-- CONSTRUCTION SOIl.. TREA TMRN'l' ,.'-/ ~ 94>/S: 4b//h <¡C/'é'/I/9 C/c PEST COSTROI.. CONTRACTOR. BUG MAN PEST MANA~!!:~~NT!J INC · PEST CONTROL LICENS:e ~_ . 5694 TERMITE - DACS LICENSE# Squal"~ t~~t of ~u'ea treatt!d: ~ <:)"Oo/7Q Per~ntage or solution: Ð I ~~ o/ö U~d.e of tl'eaUDMt: Y- d ,r 0 '1 'oq>' ------ \\1 e. tbe unde.rs1gned, hereby .eertity ~t we have prefreated the abo'Ve-4çaeribed c:oß:rtru.ctron Jor tSubt«raneao ferJn1tea in accordance wltb the l&.audardt 01 the Natio~ud Pest Control AS$o~iatJon. Chfmiçal# qaed¡ ~OI) MA.Y ~ ~~~~ Total gallollß aed.: TJwt: of Tr~atmcnt; uFooting o 1st T~.a.ment o .Re...treat o Slab a 1S1 Treatment o Re--U'tt.\r CJ Driveway o 1st Trealment o R~-t('c:u CJ Pools o 1 Sl Treatn\ent Q RC~(reLU o Othcr -----~ Q_,lst 1'reatrnent ---- A R~·l1~at ~crime-t~r for Final Inspection ~VOT£: '. SlpåtuX'f of exterroi.o.awr Thttrt/ rll-ust bø a eø,,,plellt'¡ form for ~J¡ r_ IIbwl rh. jf)~ ,ÍIø f.() /Ie pielc~d lip by lIIe lmIpet$)r:' rim ~IZ~~~" re~treft1lm'nt mul thb form 1#_# bt: on ~.~y d, # QJ . .ac HJd H1etWn.,. the ~ch4!duhd /nspeeticÞ'1. will 1C,,",fUI tVIJ.w IIMç J- an II re"lR#p81,;tiøl' ffJ4/ C!J.a,get/. \ " . f .. · nCl~.(i Ce,.qJkatll ð/ ~ TtwItm.al!ør PRWIltÍf)IJ.O/ "rmik,.  W64rh~T res¡.rt( 1Jl j-obzit~ poJting b<1ard .rhøll /HI P'lY)v;'¡_ It} re.Cf&wtJ dHplit:ar~ TT"tnunt c.rrUlctl/-., a.t ",Cl, nfl14iTed pT(Þuciw# IrllQ.f/r'enl ir CD",pÚt~d. Prø'f.1diR.8 II COPY jbr1h,. pe"$D1I 1M pennil i~ isswd 10 U1IIi ClliotMf' C()py for rh~ Þu.Ud17Jg pømm jfJ~ . The TNafJlI4IJf C~Tti/ka/~ shall Pl'qVkU 1M prøáUCf .Usted. idetU''Y "ltIu: øpplicøor. ~ tmil daTI ofrhl/. tr~~nl, "tre løt:CIJ.ïÞTt area 'r~ c-hMJwøl fUeå, þerc6nJ C01lCbltral!CJn fJIId numbør ,?f gaUQ#U kled, to Ult;;þtJlh a wrifiable ,"ord olproUCflW lr~allfW"", Jj th~ KJil cJr..mic41 bturür mødwd for tefmile pl'~'l.fIuion ;., ",.d. fìIUIl e.ttn1"r trultn¡em xhall he cO)l1pl~t~ prior 10 ftnnl'þUildlng apprOtli:ll. Sf Luc.Lt C..ty requlfts to.. t~ final ~uCor CO, . P'enrtaJJOÐI SUdcet {O be placed OD the .J~trkal'p.fMI bex cova', ~ Jd. the l tRatßlf>h1l aIM1 ùtf$ of appJj~t(f)œ. tf