HomeMy WebLinkAbout24113121 OFFICE USE ONLY: - I,,~ IA" 0' DATE FILED: L(I REVISION FEE: 50 -- RECEIPT NO.: ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO BUILDING & ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 ·462-15~3 . APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERlVIIT -RE\TIS PROJECT I~FO&'I.~TIO:'; 1. LOCA TIO~!SITE ..\DDRESS: 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTIO~S OF PROJECT RE\"ISIO~S: ~ - ~~ ~C!.)~ Ç-~\..~L~ c::::;.\/~^-- cr-r- ; ~-:- ~1 ~'Itò..~ ~~4Â ~~\R" A -\..-r- Q ~'\. ~ \..~ ---r¡:o-~ - ~.. ~ ~=- ~~ ~- ~- ~ 3. CO~TR.\CTOR I~FOR'I...\ TIO~: ST..OF FL REGJCERT# \ "'"2-ç 0 \.?44 . ST. LCCIE COl'~TY CERT.= BCSI~ESS ~...\.-'IE:$,,-, ~ \.-L ~ Qualifiers ~3me: ADDRESS: CIT)-: PHO~E (D.-\ YTI)IE): '17- - ~.6.cC\,- L.. Î ~l... .ARCHIT/EL\GI:'iEER: riA.'-IE: ADDRESS: CITY: PHO:'tE (D..\ YTI)IE): '- 4. STATE: F~X# ZIP: · 5?;.h~~\~~ Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2522 http://stl ucieco. gov Ice Building Receipt Date: 12 June 2007 Receipt #: 0000054893 Job Address: 4655 INDIAN RIVER DR 'ermit Number: SLC- 24113121 Received By: spellsv Amount: $50.00 Paid With: CK :redit Card Number: Check Number: 1185 Paid By: SUMMA COR LLC Sign: _:~ J M Metals 3~15901777 p.l FILE COpy M~~~:·~~;_II-::~)I~:~..~~~)(l::\~~~i\\'~I~~;~~~;~ Jul 14 04 12:34p . .. ..........-..~.. rt \ \ III () IN (; ("() 1) Ii: (-- 0 r\-11-. , I J\ N (1-: () 1'1") ( ·l: ~~~,~' rl~ (). J ) /\ J) F F L..\ ( ; I .I.:J{ 1 \ t H l .1) I t~ ( ~ í ,1 {} \ \/ \ .~ S~ r F 1 ~ ^ ( ~ 1. [ .J \, S - r 1 ~ 1 ... F -¡- \ ~ ( 111' r t (, () :) Iv11/\ rvl1. } ·'1 . \ 1 f~ fl } 1\ J.~ 13 o· J 5 (, ; (105) ,17"'1-2t}{t ( r/\ X (:\05) ~~ 75...2()í)S PRQ.I}U(~l~ (~()Nl'R()L N()T(CE OF ACC..~~I/\~Çf J . 1\ '1. }\.:ll' t ~, Is 15()5 (~() x J{ ():¡ (1 (.'{)('()~\ ,,1,'1 ¿ ..1292{} ("()I'rfl{#\.( ~'l()lt J ,)( 'r: N."IN<; Sl~( "1'1 (ìN (:ln~) 11<\..:2<\1.7 r;,\X ()05) JÎ5-15~:~ ( ~()f'frl~!\ (-'ro 1t I~N t:()I( ],,:l\ 11-]'1'1" 1\ [\' J:-\ 1 () N C.H)5) 115-2cìÚh I:AX (tot;) '~75-:HJO:': 1'lt<.I\t!C·l- (-()~·rlt()1. t)I\/ISJ()N (105) J 75-2'J()1 Fl\X (.,0'\) J 1:'.-('),1<' Your applicali\H1 for Notice of l\cccptam:c (1-.JOA) of: JivI "5V" Crimp Arc.hitcctur:ll ì\1ct~1 Roof System uo\.kr Chapler R n f the C()(!è üf f\..1iami-Dac.le County governing the use or ^ llcrnalc tv1alcrial$ and Type:> of' ( 'OnSlrllcti(ln, ~lI1d completely described herein. ha~ heen recommended for ~lcccpt:lnce Þy (he Miami-Dade (\\tlt1ly nl1ilding ('odc Con'lpli;.mcc OHìcc (I1CCO) undcr the cOJ1ditions specified herein. This NO,^- :-;11='111 not he valid after the expiration date s\alcJ helow. BeeO reserves lhe right tn secure this prod\lct or makrial at any lirnc from a joÞsitc or InanuI~Ic.turcr"s pbnt for quality control le.sling. I r this producl or material bib to perform in the appr0vcd manner) BCCO may revokc. n)odify. or suspend thc lIse l\r ~lIch product or ,.natcri~d ilnm~dialdy. BeeO n~~erve~ the righl to revoke this approv;11, if it i~ dclL"rminèd hy Be 'CO that (hi~.; product or m::ttcrial C:lils to n1cet the requirements of the South F10rid:¡ { \ \ 1 i ,( 1 j n g (~() II c_ fl )l~ c;\ r~ll~C ,,> r St,ch inCtlrrc(l b)f t})~ nl~Jnllr¡\(;ll1ft.:r. ~/I 'C r:I>'r...\NCF: NO.: () 1-()622.(t2 F,Xrrl{l~S: OX/I ()l2()(Þ(. f\.~,ull\.()(i,.ib\JC7. ('I\ief I)r{)(lllct CC'l\trol I)Ì\,isit.\f1 J..!!!:iJS :DJE COVF:HSIIEET, SJi:F.. AOOI1"JON¡\L PAGJi:S FOR SPF:CfFIC ANn GF..NERAL (:()N1)1'1'1()NS nOILDING CODE ..f..t. f)nÛnOCT nF.VIE\V COMMfTTE.I~ rbi:-; ~1pplícation {()f Product Approval h::L~ heen rcviewed hy the BCCO and approved by the Buildi 116 ('ode :md Product Review Comtnittce to be used in Mian1i-Dauc C4)tmty. Florida under the conditions. set r(\rl11 ~\l)()\/c.. .1\ 1"1 t I{ () \l r~ I): _ {IX! I (./2()(11 I·'ra ncisc{) J. ()Ilt It ta na, R .1\. f ) i rt..:t:ll)r M i:lfl' i-I );,(J~ (~( H II II Y Building Codc Cumplí:II\Cè ( .,nice \\sO-1SóOO I \;><2000\\tc>n\pl:.(c~\(\..")u("<.: :\rc:cpr:\oc<! <~V(~ P~\~t=..lpt I n t c t'n ct 01 :li I ~tl.I...~",~: po~t III ~,~ tcr(l(~b\1iJt..I ingcctJconlinc.co m ~ II ()mcp"'~c: http://www.huilcli n~a,,1 crud i nc.,orll FILE COpy ¡¡¡,. BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE (BCCO) PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIAMlt FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) JM Metals 1505 Cox Road Cocoa, FL. 32926 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by the BCCO and accepted by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Division (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AID (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AID may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. BORA reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Division that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: JM "5V" Crimp Architectural Metal Roof System LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein, RENEW AL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINA TION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA consists of pages 1 through 7. The submitted documentation' was reviewed by Alex Tigera. NOA No.: 07-0606.03 Expiration Date: 06/08/12 Approval Date: 06/08/07 Page 1 of7 ROOFING SYSTEM ApPROVAL: FILE COpy Category: Sub-Cate2ory: Roofing Metal, Panels (Non-Structural) Steel Material: Deck Type: Wood Maximum Design Pressure -114.25 psf. TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY ApPLICANT: Product 5V Steel Roofing Panel Dimensions 1 = varies w = 26" h = Y2" Min. Thickness 0.019" Test Specifications T AS 110 Product Descriotion Metal Roof panel coated with Fluropon®. TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED ·BY OTHERS: Product Fasteners (Panel) DiDlensions #9-15 Iffi EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Aecncv Test Identifier The Valspar Corporation Lab Test Certification PRI Asphalt Technologies, Inc. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. JMM-OOI-01-01 01NK5594 Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC 0223-0517 -06 ~ra~'f CIJ,.t,?> ~,.... ~ =...~. L- '1-'-~ - (h'Pt\\1 Product DescriDtion Corrosion resistant, sharp point hex- head screws with ~" EPDM Bonded Steel sealing washer. Manufacturer generic Test NODleIReoort Date ASTM B-l1? ASTM 0-23 T AS 100 05/10/01 T AS 125 01/15/01 T AS 125 6/7/06 NOA No.: 07-0606.03 Expiration Date: 06/08/12 Approval Date: 06/08/07 Page 2 of7 FILE COpy ApPROVED SYSTEMS: SYSTEM: Deck Type: Deck Description: Slope Range: Maximum Uplift Pressure: 5V Steel Roofing Panel Wood, Non-insulated . New Construction or Re-roof 19hz" or greater plywood or wood plank. 2": 12" or greater See Panel Fastening Options Below Deck Attachment: UnderlaynIent: Valleys: Fire Barrier Board: &rI!~: (~~ ~ ~ ="" ' ~ .::J -~. . r- r1-~~ - ( h,~p~\' In accordance with applicable building code, but in no case shall it be less than 8d ring shank nails spaced (I' o.c. In reroofing, where the deck is less than l'/3Z" thick (Minimum 15"31") The above attachment method must be in addition to existing attachment. Minimum underlayment shall be an ASTM D 226 Type IT installed with a minimum 4" side-lap and 6" end-laps. Underlayment shall be fastened with corrosion resistant tin-caps and 12 gauge 11,4" annular ring-shank nails, spaced 6" o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12" o.C. in the field of the roll. Valley construction shall be in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 133 and with JM Metals 5V Steel Roofing Panel' current published installation instructions. Any approved Fire Barrier with a current NOA, or for class A or B fire rating, install minimum 1,4" thick Georgia Pacific "Dens Deck" (with current NOA) or minimum 4mm thick of Tritex, RockRoof (with current NOA) or 5/8" water resistant type X gypsum sheathing with treated core and facer, or minimum one layer of Elk Versashield (with current NOA). NOA No.: 07-0606.03 Expiration Date: 06/08/12 Approval Date: 06/08/07 Page 3 of7 FILE COpy Metal Panels and Accessories: fustall the "5V Steel Roofmg Panel" and accessories in compliance with JM Metals' current published installation instructions and details. Flashing, penetrations, valley construction and other details shall be constructed in compliance with the minimum requirements provided in Roofing Application Standards RAS 133. 5V Roofing Panels shall be fastened with a minimum of #9-15 HH corrosion resistant fasteners with sealing washer. Fasteners shall of sufficient length to penetrate through the sheathing a minimum of 3/16" . Fasteners shall be place in accordance with fastener detail herein as follows: Fasteners shall be installed at a maximum of 12" O.c. at side laps perpendicular to roof slope and at a maximum of 12" o.c. in the center of the panel at the field perpendicular to roof slope. Field conditions: Fastener shall be placed at high points of panel ribs. See Detail B. Maximum Design Pressure: -85psf. (See General Limitation #1) PeriIneter and Corner Condition: Fastener shall be placed at low points of panel ribs. See Detail C. Maximum Design Pressure: -114.25psf. (See General Limitation #1) . \' T Co ~~.. .~. S" :2 ::~., ~ .;¡,~~ { ~-'p~~' NOA No.: 07-0606.03 Expiration Date: 06/08/12 Approval Date: 06/08/07 Page 4 of7 FILE COpy SYSTEM LIMITATIONS: 1. The maximum designed pressure listed herein shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (Le. field, perimeters, and comers). Neither rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (Le. perimeters, extended comers and comers). 2. All panels shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name or logo, and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved. 3. Panels shall be roll formed in continuous lengths from eave to ridge. Maximum lengths shall be as described in Miami-Dade County Roofing Application Protocol RAS 133. 4. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9B-72 of the Florida Administrative Code. PROFILE DRAWINGS DETAIL A 24" Coverage 31811 L~ . ~ ~ , J.M. METALS "5V" CRIMP ROOF PANEL ~ 'I!~'f co. ·/~ g~ ... ~ ::...~. . t- w.f~~~ - (~'p\,\.. NOA No.: 07..0606.03 Expiration Date: 06/08/12 Approval Date: 06/08/07 Page 5 of7 ,.,LE COpy DETAIL B (FIELD CONDITION) Mlnlmul1I #9-15 Hex Head Fastener w/EPDM Washer ¿"Minimum penetration through the deck ~ 12- ~ 12- ~ Overlap ~~~T C(~/:A ~... ~ ==~... ~ r?;,~~ {·('Ep~~· NOA No.: 07-0606.03 Expiration Date: 06/08/12 Approval Date: 06/08/07 Page 6 of7 fiLE COpy DETAIL C (pERIMETER AND CORNER CONDITION) Minimum #9-15 Hex Head Fastener w/EPDM Washer 1~"Minimum penetration through the deck ~ 12" ~ 12" ~ . Overlap END OF TillS ACCEPTANCE ~re\.'f f'~/?'~ ~... ~ ::~~....... t= ,;¿..~~ ( {'J~P\\~' NOA No.: 07-0606.03 Expiration Date: 06/08/12 Approval Date:. 06/08/07 Page 7 of7 FIL= COpy ROOFING APPLICATION STANDARD (RAS) No. 133 STANDARD PROCEDURE FOR INSTAllATION OF METAL ROOF SYSTEMS II 1.2 This application standard determines the options for specific flashing conditions and provides guidelines for application in compliance with Product Approval. 5. 4.2 Roof System Assemblies utilizing con- cealed clips shall be installed with clips of the size, material, gage and markings specified in the metal roofing Product Ap- II proval. No substitutions shall be allowed. 4.3 Sealants, closure strip and accessory components shall be as specified in the II metal roofing Product Approval. Design Considerations 5.1 Metal panel continuous lengths shall not exceed 45 feet for steel and stainless steel and 32 feet for aluminum, copper and monel. 5.2 Clips, cleats and/or fastening points shall be as detailed in the metal roofing Product II Approval. All field fabricated cleats shall have two approved nails or fasteners in each, protected by a foldover tab (see Fig- ure 1, below). Cleats shall be fabricated from materials listed in the metal roofing II Product Approval. 1. Scope 1.1 This application standard has been devel- oped to provide consistent information for the installation and uses of metal roof systems. 1.3 This application standard describes vari- ous flashing methods that can be used to terminate metal roof assemblies. 2. Definitions 2.1 For definitions of terms used in this appli- cation standard, refer to ASTM D 1079; and the Florida Building Code, Building. 3. General Requirements 3.1 All perimeter flashings shall meet the ma- terial sizing and attachment requirements set forth RAS 111. 3.2 Underlayment shall be in accordance with Chapter 15 (High-Velocity Hurricane Zones) of the Florida Building Code, Building. /// //// ,--, \...._"J 4. Specific Metal Roof System Assembly Types and Related Requirements TWO FASTENERS UNDER FOLD- OVER TAB 4.1 Metal roofing panels shall comply with the minimum test requirements set forth below: FIGURE 1 EXAMPLE OF PANEL CLEAT Accelerated Testing of Coating Salt Spray Testing of Coating ASTM G 23 (2000 hours) ASTM B 117 (1000 hours) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ (RAS) 133.1 (RAS) No. 133 5.3 All components shall be of compatible material. II 5.4 Maximum design pressures listed in the metal roofing Product Approval shall meet or exceed design pressures for the field area of the roof determined in com- pliance with the Florida Building Code, Building. Design pressures for perimeter and corner areas may be increased through data extrapolation. 5.4.1 All extrapolation of data shall be signed and sealed by a registered architect or a professional engi- neer must be submitted with the uniform roofing permit applica- ti 0 n. II 5.5 Woodblocking 5.5.1 All woodblocking installed to secure or support metal roofing panels shall be in compliance with the American Wood Pre- servers Association salt pressure treating specification C-2 or C-9. 5.5.2 All woodblocking shall be se- cured to the substrate in compli- ance with RAS 111. 6. Sealants and Closure Strips 6.1 Closure strip shall be cut or fabricated to snugly fit the metal profile creating an ef- ficient seal. Closure strip shall be bonded in place with a continuous bead of ap- proved sealant, top and bottom, to elimi- nate movement or the potential of dislodging. Joints in the closure strip shall be tight. 7. Perimeters 7.1 Eaves may be terminated with a drip edge flashing (see Figure 4) or a gutter at the transition with a side wall. Refer to mate- rial and application methods for fabrica- tion, attachment, and sizing set forth in RAS 111. 7.2 Metal profiles shall be closed at eave con- ditions with closure strip, sealant or metal caps to create a watertight closure. RIBBED PANEL APPLY SEALANT TO -, TOP AND BOTTOM OF .. FOAM CLOSURE EAVE FLASHING -- ----~--FASTENERS SHALL BE INSTAllED BEHIND THE CLOSURE FIGURE 2 TYPICAL EAVE TERMINATION DETAIL WITH CLOSURE STRIP 7 .3 Rake and Rake Wall 7.3.1 Rake wall flashings are base flashings where a metal Roof System Assembly abuts a verti- cal wall at a slope condition (see Figure 3). The flashing shall provide a waterproofing bridge between the metal Roof System Assembly and the vertical wall. 7.3.1(a) Rake wall flashings shall terminate at the high point of the panel or a transition j oint shall be formed to avoid waterflow at the metal transition. (RAS) 133.2 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ (RAS) No. 133 FILE COpy FLASHING FLASHING FLASHING FIGURE 3 TYPICAL PROFILES OF RAKE WALL FLASHINGS 7.3.2 Rake flashings are perimeter flashings at the sloping edge of the metal Roof System Assem- bly, usually terminated with a drip edge or gravel stop flashing (see Figure 4, below). Rake flashings shall be fabricated from materials, sized and at- tached in compliance with RAS 111. 7.3.2(a) Rake flashings shall terminate at the high point of the panel as detailed in 7.3.1(a). 7.4 Ridge, hip and headwall flashings shall be formed of metal in combination with woodblocking, metal or closure strip ma- terial and fastening devices. FIGURE 4 TYPICAL RAKE PROFILES FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ (RAS) 133.3 (RAS) No. 133 7.4.1 All panels shall be turned up at terminations to create a water stop. If the metal profile is too rigid or the vertical metal will not allow for a bend, the pans shall be notched and turned up with sealant applied at all cuts and openings. 7.4.2 All end panels shall be closed with a metal roof pan closure strip or a closure strip bonded into place. (see Section 8.9, herein). 7.4.3 End and ridge closures shall be designed to resist water blow back as well as vermin and insect entry. 8. Penetrations 8.1 All metal overlaps shall be formed to shed water. Laps of rectangular shaped pene- tration flashings over panels (for lower el- evations) or under panels (for higher elevations) shall be a minimum of 12 in. A t L_ METAL OR NONMETAL CURB and shall have a continuous double row of approved sealant applied. 8.1.1 Side laps at the edge of base pan- els shall occur on ribs or seams and shall be sealed with a contin- uous double row of approved sealant. 8.1.2 Drainage clearance troughs shall be provided between a rectangu- lar penetration flashing and the ends of interrupted ribs at the high side of the flashing. When the width of the rectangular flashing exceeds 18", or is greater than one pan width of the roof panel, a cricket shall be in- stalled to direct water flow away from the penetration. (See Fig- ure 6, below.) 8.2 Penetration flashings shall be designed to move with the metal roof panels during periods of expansion and contraction. The metal roofing system, in conjunction with the penetration flashings, must move without causing failure of the transition joints. (see Figures 7 and 8, below). FL END CLOSURES METAL OR NONMETAl ~ ~ //s:~\. ) ~ ....~ ........................ .................... ~STRUCTURALSUPPORTS (;........>...... ...................... ARE PROVIDED AT OR ~~~................... ~~~: ~~~E'::TIONS ROOF DESIGN LOAD END CLOSURES METAL AND NONMETAL FIGURE 6 TYPICAL CURB FLASHING (RAS) 133.4 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ SEALANT f DRAWBAND UMBRELLA FIGURE 7A PENETRATION FLASHING DOUBLE ROW OF SEAlANT AT EDGE LAPS NEOPRENE WASHER AT FASTENER SEALED WATERTIGHT FIGURE 78 PENETRATION FLASHING 9. Transitions 9.1 Valley Flashings 9 .1.1 Valley flashings shall be fabri- cated from materials that are the same or are compatible with the roof panel system, and not less than the gage of the metal panel. Valleys must be supported by underlying decking (for nOll- structural systems) or by struc- tural members running the length of the valley (for struc- tural systems). FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ (RAS) No. 133 FILE COpy FIGURE 8 ELASTOMERIC FLASHING 9.1.2 Panels shall be secured at the valley by: 9.1.2(a) a hold down cleat at the transition with the valley (see Fig- ure 9, above); or 9 .1.2(b) fasteners penetrat- ing through the panel to the struc- tural members or sheeting below; or 9.1.2(c) other method de- Ii fined in the Product Approval for the metal Roof System Assembly. 9.1.3 Cleated panels are required for concealed fastener systems such as standing seam. 9.1.3(a) The cleats shall be set in a bead of seal- ant and fastened 6 in. o.c. with a pan head screw on prefinished metals. Alternatively, cleats may be soldered in place when using corrosion resistant metals. (RAS) 133.5 (RAS) No. 133 HOOK PANEL ONTO CLEATS FASTENED 6" o.c. CLEATS SET IN APPROVED SEALANT OR PREFINISHED METAL OR SOLDER TO NON-FERROUS METALS FIGURE 9 RECOMMENDED STANDING SEAM VALLEY 9.1.4 Mechanically fastened panels shall be secured at the valley transition (see Figure 10.) 9.1.5 Panels shall lap a minimum of 3 in. over the valley while main- taining a minimum 6 in. drain- age channel. 9.1.6 All valley flashing endlaps shall be a minimum of 6 in. and shall be mechanically fastened and sealed. 9.2 Details shown in the Architectural Sheet .Metal Manual, as published by SMACNA, as adopted by the Florida Building Code, Building are acceptable. (RAS) 133.6 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ (RAS) No. 133 FILE COpy RIBBED METAL PANELS PANEL CLOSURE EXPOSED FASTENERS TERMINATE INTO STRUCTURAL MEMBER OF DECKING FIGURE 10 RIBBED PANEL VALLEY TWO OFFSET ROWS OF RIVETS 1" o.c. TWO BEADS OF APPROVED SEALANT " " " " " " " / , " / , " / , "" /// ", ", / , ',// ,~ " / , ","'~ FIGURE 11 SEALED LOW SLOPE VALLEY LAP FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ (RAS) 133.7 (RAS) No. 133 SEAL MITERED KNEE CAP NOTCHED AND FOLDED CORNER BArrEN CAP OR SNAP-ON CAP ROOF PANEL FLANGE FIGURE 12 TRANSITION WITH KNEE BENDS MITERED END PANEL SQUARED END PANEL WALL PANEL LEADER ROOF PAN CLOSURE METAL NON METAL CLOSURE FIGURE 13 TRANSITION FLASHINGS AT HEADWALL CONDITION (RAS) 133.8 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - TEST PROTOCOLS HVHZ