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Lucie County Building Department Dennis M.Grim, Building Official Building and Zoning Department 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, FL 34982 POSTED --~~=5\) ílZÏ;:'(~:I~lVEl \ \ . wP 2006,J \ 12Y~~=::::::::..:::=_:.::::;:.:::.:.:::~:::.:.: ::..--- ,,-' Project: Hutchinson Island Beach Club Condominium Association, Inc. 9800 South Ocean Blvd Jenson Beach, Florida 34957 r- {)JjL Re: Repair of Interior Shuckers Restaurant This is to certify that our office has performed inspections relative to repairs of the interior of Shuckers Restaurant due to hurricane Wilma for the above referenced address and permit number in accordance with specifications previously provided. I hereby certify that the work was performed in compliance with filed specifications, scope of work to be performed, and within the guidelines the Florida Building Code 2001, to the best of my knowledge. arl F. Salvo, BN 4706 Building Inspector Approved By: V-J/ ,/ David T. Coiston, P .E. FL # 55501 751 Northlake Blvd, Suite 2C North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 844-4060; Fax: (561) 844-100] Broward/Dade (954) 923-7244 www.struc-engineers.com Structural Engineering Associates, Inc. Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants 751 Northlake Blvd., Suite 2C, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Phone (561) 844-4060 Fax (561) 844-1001 WEEKL y OBSERVATION REPORT January 3, 2006 PROJECT: Island Beach Club Condominium Association 9800 S. Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 PERMIT #: SLC-0507-0381 DA TE: 1-3-06 Observations: Site Status Inspection (Shuckers Restaurant Interior) January 3: Inspection of electrical boxes in the kitchen area of the restaurant revealed that wires have been pulled through to the boxes and that the boxes are secure. Wires were also observed to have been pulled through to the lavatories at the northeast lavatories at the Northeast comer of the restaurant building. Recommendations: Continue oject as per specifications and as directed by Engineer. Notify gine inspect each phase of work prior to continuing to the next phase. r . Salvo, BN 4706 uilding Inspector A ved By: David T. Cclston, Reg. # 55501 Page 1 of 1 Structural Engineering Associates, Inc. Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants 751 Northlake Blvd., Suite 2C, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Phone (561) 844-4060 Fax (561) 844-1001 WEEKL y OBSERVATION REPORT January 3, 2006 PROJECT: Island Beach Club Condominium Association 9800 S. Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 PERMIT #: SLC-0507-0381 DA TE: 1-3-06 Observations: Site Status Inspection (Shuckers Restaurant Interior) January 3: Inspection of electrical boxes in the kitchen area of the restaurant revealed that wires have been pulled through to the boxes and that the boxes are secure. Wires were also observed to have been pulled through to the lavatories at the northeast lavatories at the Northeast comer of the restaurant building. Recommendations: Continue ~ ect as per specifications and as directed by Engineer. Notify ine inspect each phase of work prior to continuing to the next phase. Carl F. alvo, BN 4706 Building Inspector , A ved By: D . Colston, .E. Iteg.# 55591 Page 1 of 1 Structural Engineering Associates, Inc. Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants 751 Northlake Blvd., Suite 2C, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Phone (561) 844-4060 Fax (561) 844-1001 WEEKLY OBSERVATION REPORT January 19, 2006 PROJECT: Island Beach Club Condominium Association 9800 S. Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 PERMIT #: SLC-0507-0381 DA TE: 1-19-06 Observations: Site Status Inspection (Shuckers Restaurant Interior) January 19: Ceiling grid has been installed throughout the restaurant area. Plumbing is being installed at deck behind restaurant. Recomme tions: rojec er specifications and as directed by Engineer. David T. Colston, P .E. Reg.·# 55501 Page 1 of 1 Structural Engineering Associates, Inc. Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants 751 Northlake Blvd., Suite 2C, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Phone (561) 844-4060 Fax (561) 844-1001 WEEKL Y OBSERVATION REPORT January 19, 2006 PROJECT: Island Beach Club Condominium Association 9800 S. Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 PERMIT #: SLC-0507-0381 DATE: 1-19-06 Observations: Site Status Inspection (Shuckers Restaurant Interior) January 19: Ceiling grid has been installed throughout the restaurant area. Plumbing is being installed at deck behind restaurant. Da~Tid T. Colston, P.E. Reg. # 55501 Page 1 of 1 /RRC;F:TVED I ~ . I f S E P 1 8 2006 I ¡ /1.__ I - I i_BY:J~jlL~ J Structural Engineering Associates, Inc. Civil & Struotural Engineering Co/'Uultants 1 lL - 751 N~thlalÅ“ Blvd., Suile 2C, North Palm Beach. F/(J~tdQ 3~408 -- Phone (56J) 844·4060 Fc:x (S61) 844-1001 "VVEEKLY OD5ERVA~"ION' REPORT January 19,200.6 PROJECT: Island Beach Club Condominiu:m. AssociatioD 9800 S. Ocean D¡-. JeDsen Beach, FL 34957 PERMIT #: SLC-0507-0381 DA TE: lw19-06 Observations: Site Status Inspection (Shuckers Restaurant Interior) January 19: Ceiling grid has been installed throughout the restaurant area. Plumbing is being installed at deck behind resta\mmt. s: s per specifications and as directed by Engineer. f tel ìò f/ M~~ r, ¡'a(). (.I c...r.-, ~ t5)~/ / J ,. ".JJ!!i(t~i~"l;OIstOD, P .E. :." .~ J_J.... R(; ~w#.s5501 . - , , ~ .,. , - I.....J;' I ." 'fJ':·':~~~J/~~~: _~~~:'~:."','~ : ~:.. . -.~;_:./.'~"" ~ '.. \¥;:,.. .;:, . J' .""...,J ... J .'.., ./ ' -.. ..' . j.) ~ ,,' I "1- :c ~ ="\~ ra8'~ 1 of 1 90 39'\id N~33NI9N3 l'\i~nlJn~lS 1001ÞÞ8199 Þ0:60 900G/81/60 Structural Engineering Associates, Inc. Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants 751 Northlake Blvd., Suite 2C, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Phone (561) 844-4060 Fax (561) 844-1001 WEEKLY OBSERVATION REPORT October 14, 2005 Date: Oct. 10, 2005 to Oct 14, 2005 ¡--r~~I~~:(--~R T '~7~ T~I51 , I OCT 0 6 2006 i \ V... L fl·. n ~ i II3Y : t.(M!Al\:\Q~ . j --~------~t------'-" Project: Island Beach Club Condominium Association 9800 S. Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Permit #: .~:0381 Observations: Site Status Inspection (Shuckers Restaurant Interior) October 10 Workers observed installing electrical conduit in main dining room and the lobby area. Workers observed installing metal framing for soffit at the ceiling along East and South perimeter walls of the main dinning area. Pressurized plumbing in restaurant lavatories do not appear to be leaking. Recommendations: Continue · rior project as per specifications and engineers direction. ar F. Salvo Building Inspector BN 4 706 David T. Colston, P.E. Reg. # 55501 Page 1 of 1