HomeMy WebLinkAbout05110176 07/05/~_2Ð:38 7723348877 ~·""I~I' ""·""""'--"-"" '..~_....,.. le/28/2etStJ U';.:t~ I u...uW-·''''''·'-·'..'·· - !AYLOR PEST MANAGEMT PA(~E 01 .. . St L_de CountJ ~doIl5 J308 VIqIDia A'V.o. Ft PIerce, FL 34982 REc (Tn) 4Ø-U1J AUG 2 2 2006 · CERTIFICATE OF ultMlTE TREA nPI _ I cor-1STRvcnON son. TØATMINf A ~ PERMIT #__ 0 5/ 1- 01 7 b JOB ADOUSS BUILDER PEST CONTROL CONTRACI'O PEST CONTROL LICENSE .. ~ ~~T ;Cí3 ~~ 2.5, .... We. lbe 1U'Idtntped. henbl C.t1Ify tbat we "'va prelft8ted ChI aboYe-ðucrlbed coutrucUoa for ......"'..... termit. in luordaDte wMh the .taDdardI ~.... NatIOnal Put Control AModatton.. S&¡UNteet",...tnatfAl:'_Sqif- Q..........:7~'71/s~ Pee...tap or .olado.: 1 · 0 ~/7(;) Total pIJonI.ød: 6 D -, ~ (. -" - Date ., t.-tJÞIø*: Jd lD.... Z- 'f-O (, Time of T........t: 7:/ J.(' ,11~ rJ Footing · a lttT.,... '¿' CJ Ile-trat l3'Sløb ri lit TJeIIb'œnt o Itt-UUt a Driveway o l¡tT~ rJ a.tfta& a Pools a 1st TreI&mCDt LJ ltc-treat a Other o 111 TIa1mcnt CJ Jlew trelt CJ Perimeter for Final Inspection nafM.U. c.erra-II/""'''' j~ ~,.,/tÞI' ",.,... 0/ """./Ia, A""""""""" ~ "."., ..... ...." k ",.YitIøI 10 ~'" .",..,."....,~.,.... ~~ ~ ù ~ ,..._~ .. .,, ¡r...,.,......,.., " IøJAJ r." ' ....._ Cf1 I Þ .. ......, "."../fl.,. ",. r,."...., C.m/f,·"fI sllMll ,.......~....,. ~ tJ/dw ~~. ... -.. (11'M 'rwuDflW.'" ~ .,. ..-- ~ .,.c. '*"* ønu",røtiølt ..,....., fI/..,.,.... ....""",. d """'* ~ l1/ pnIt«li'" Þ ....A-~.t. 1/ tItc MIil ~ _""'" .."., /IN ".,.". ,,..,..IÌÞII Ù astd, ""., ..,. ,. ..... .. .. Q,..,lt#l"" ""'" .,,.., ....... ."røtIGl. . Þdt Ce8IIIJ I................ kif...... CO.. ........nt ........" ........ _ .. .l J7-t.1..... ... ........ ...... tile .~_..a.-..eI.,J·· ~,. 11 f ~ sap.aure 01 merndaator NOTE: 'fir.,.. ...." ... a e"""'þrM /er .. ~........., or"""""'''' .., lJa" /f1f'm .Jlst b. ." thej- ,Þ Ie II. ,.,., .,.,.. ~,. ....- ,,¡ -- ~ 0' tit. ,~1tdakd. ùtl""lI ... þillIItII . lit""""" r- ....... ~ "'3." ~j< a " " ..' :;- " ....-;. .,>i ..... .'.. '..< ,i . " .·:i>." .. ~,.....~> ·'~i· CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: 3uildingPermitNo. - 0511-0176 ParcellFolio Nbr: 1430-143-0001-000/1 Lot # Block: Subdivision: Occupancy: Factory Industrial- moderate hazard Building Address: 3150 AIRMANS DR Legal Description: 30 34 40 FROM SE COR SEC 30 RUN N 00 DEG 00 MIN 16 SEC W ALG E LI OF SE 1/4 2665.52 FT TO CIL INT OF RUNWAY 4 AND 14, TH S 45 DE GOO MIN 00 SEC W ALG CIL OF RUNWAY 4 464 FT, TH N 45 DEG 00 MIN 00 SEC W 589 FT TO POB, TH CONT N 45 DEG 00 MIN 00 SEC W 600 FT, TH S 45 DEG 00 MIN 00 SECW 800 FT, TH S 45 DEG 00 MIN 00 SEC E 600 FT, TH N 45 DEG 00 MIN 00 SEC E 800 FT TO POB-LESS R/W FOR CANAL #25- (11.02 AC) (AS PER HB 4029 EFF 10/1/98) Permit Job INTERIOR RENOVATION OF MANUFACTURING FACILITY Description Permit Finaled: 10/26/2006 Contractor MORRIS BARRY A 800 VIRGINIA AVE ST LUCIE STRUCTURES Ff PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 461-1775 ~~.... ..~_.. oom::'J" . ". ,.:';~~·.~::~"«#:m~;ß~l··.:··· '. .' . ......:. '::":U".r::~"T;:" . ......:.. ..·.~~.;.;...·.1~...·.··.··...·..~.:·: :'. .:...., '. .:..... ..:.. :.......~~:.~..<. ..<....... . .. .. Building Official Thursday, October 26, 2006 Date Printed DENNIS M. GRIM, CBO NOTE: This Certificate of Completion is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Completion. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE