HomeMy WebLinkAbout05120227 /- (/DIlIGEiVT fjD S~ O){ 2- -0' . 7 866.PRE· TREAT ()aa1 aOO-DILIGENT FAX 800-837-8311 TermltePretre8t.com State License JB94495 TERMITE PRETREAT SPECIAL~ -J is E'r1 v f r C) f.., I r., ( -. '1 t ¡ I S I ~ r v J (~ ( ') ~:; Notice of Preventative Treatment lor Termites (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) PEST PReVENTION I LAWN & ORNAMENTAL CARE I TERMITE SERVICES 1 M08QU1TO ABATEMENT I RODENT & NUISANCE WILDLIFE EXCLUSION & REMOVAL SERVICE ORDER NUMBER SERVICE DATE /'/ - ¿ 7~ð¿' TIME ~_~=~ ,. 30 WEATHER CONDTIONS COW-ACT PERSON DEVElOPMENT NAME (PROJECT) D,· STRUCTURE ADDRESS (LOT /BLOCK) 5..3oc i)L CONTACT PHONE NUMBER NOTES ~ .1'. l (.di CITY, STATE, ZtPCODE F1. COUNTY r !' L- ¡ TlmATIIENT TYPEIAAEA a FLOATING a CUTOUTS a MONOUTHIC a FOOTERS (J PATIO a FRONT ENTRY CJ GARAGE a DRIVEWAY (J STE~ aOT~~C o EXTERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAl TREATMENT TYPE o TAMP & TREAT a TREAT ONlY ~NAL a RETREAT U BORA CARE TREAMENT JAN 0 4 2007 a BAn' STAllOtþubl· W IC arks St. Lucie County, FL %:oTC ACTIVE INGREDIENT a DRAGNET tJ DEMON TC a TERMIDOR TC o BORACARE Q OT~ER ~11ON .25% (J .5" Q .23% a OTHER- GAlLONS APPLIED I ~/ ~?ð ~FOOTAGE /£,"',30ð LINEAR FOOTABE Z FOOIAßE VERIFIED ES aNO a MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PlANS ~ eoNDITION8 MET ES a NO DETAIlS SAFETY eoNDITION8 As per 104.2.6 FBC - If soil chemicaf barrier method for termite prevention is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. c.tIftc8te of Compliance: The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws estabtished by the Aorida Oepat1ment of Agricutture and Consumer Services. (per the Aorida Building Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line FINAL STICKER a ELECTRICAL PANEl {TERMITE MONiTOR !NSTALLED:.J YES UNO} a WATER HEATER OTHER Papnent Terma: Customers payment In fuil is due at time of initial service. Customer agrees that a finance charge in the amount of 180/0 per annum wiU be assessed on all unpaid balances that .... not satisfied by the due date.. In the event a collection process becomes necessary to recoYW an unpaid balance the following fees wiD be .......d including but not limited to: collection service fee, attomey's fee, finance charges and non-sufficient funds payment f~ Customer will be respot*ble for paying all costs 8S8OCiated with any collection process. ¡ /. 1'1_A¿' Ph: II Date EnvIronmeI.... Services, Inc.) J -7?-~ Date II/ !"~J;'.~ RMnilinønt ~nrn , , .!I fa - Owner or Agent) ~ - '~~jIþI IIJ--~ ~~ '.._~ ~ NAIll lIB BOO-DILIGENT "'~ AHRENS COMPANIES November 14,2006 Building Official St. Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Project: Southern Eagle Warehouse Addition - Pre-Eng Metal Building Building Permit: SLC-0512-0227 Certificatio11 This correspondence addresses the certification of the n1etal building construction of the Southern Eagle Warehouse Addition. I have personally inspected pre-engineered metal building according to construction and permit plans provided by United Structures of America (USA Job # 32005), Sheet Ll, Fl, F2, E 1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9 and E10 signed and sealed on Novell1ber 16,2005. I find that all aspects of this system conform to the Approved Plans and the standards of tl1e industry. Any questions in this matter please call me at 561-863-9004. Thank you Ahrens Companies Xua11 Che11, P .E. FL R,egistration #58578 1461 Kinetic Road, Lake Park, FL 33403-1911 Office (561 ) 863-9004 Fax (561) 863-9007 Contractor License # CBC00651 5 Architect License # AA26000694 c " If 4/ 0 b AHRENS COMPANIES r--- : 1~, 1--'~J:' ~ ;!"'. / "" };- ....-" NOV 1 5 ¿006 Novel11ber 14, 2006 Building Official St. Lllcie County Building Departl11ent 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 fGs:rm Project: Southern Eagle Warehouse Addition - Pre-Eng Metal Building Building Pennit: SLC-0512-0227 Certification This correspondence addresses the certification of the metal building construction of the Southern Eagle Warehouse Addition. I have personally inspected pre-engineered metal building according to construction and pern1Ìt plans provided by United Structures of America (USA Job # 32005), Sheet L1, F1, F2, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9 and E10 signed and sealed on November 16,2005. I find that all aspects of this system conform to the Approved Plans and the standards of the industry. Any questions in this matter please call me at 561-863-9004. Thanl( you Ahrens Companies Xllan Chen, P .E. FL Registration #58578 1461 Kinetic Road, Lake Park, FL 33403-1911 Office (561) 863-9004 Fax (561) 863-9007 Contractor License # CBC00651 5 Architect License # AA26000694