HomeMy WebLinkAbout05090579 (3) e5/~&J2807 ~ï:54 7724ó2G443 ~\..c 1..~~1::,'1.:\)"6 p.1 ~~ ..~<t¡-\. May 16 07 12:59p Cantral:tat Permit ~ SLC· 0509-0579 Coni' 450 'saued 03lQ1 f2006 'nsp Area Jab Loe.tior 5090 DUNN RD City FORT P\ERCE Jur~8dictlon: Sl LUc19 CClunly Lgt 101 Block ParceT~ 3403..502-(1194-000/3 Subdiv: White City SID Owner: Hospice Of The Treasure Coast Flood Project: Job Descrffrtlol1 CONSTAUCT10N OF A NEW 1& SEe FAEESTANDING fNPATIENT HOSPICE FAC'LITV. . REVISION PLUMBING eUILTTO GARR'SO~ eN~=NEERrNG 816/06 V.S. BRIT!" GREGORY BRrTT BRITT CONSTRUCTION INC (772) 2ß3..1599 3669 S.EÞ SALE~NO RD STUART. FL 34991 Hospice Of The Treasure Coast 1201 SE ~NOIAN ST Type~ Building Commercial Master Nbr.: VED MAY 1 6 2001 1--- - ~....-:- ./ ~ ~~.. '~4' ~. --"I ..... .,... .'.' , . · ." '. . · r:..~ rI - ..........--. Code compliance Dlv..Jon 2300 Virginta Avenua FL Pierce. FL 34182 Phane: (772) 482-t553 Fax: (772) .82..1141 httø ~J'~(ucÎ'~o. Gov/e,. INSPECTION CARD Elev: Double F"'~4b Works St. Lucie County, FL Flood Map: Property Owne STUART] FL 34982 (772) 465-0660 Setbacks Let! "Ighl Front Rear In5pecti~ Notes: NEED ENGINEERS lETTER FO~ FfLLEÐ BLOCK FOAM INSULATION PER GREG NEED ENGINEERS LETTER FOR DELETING FIREWAll AND ADOING SMOKE WALL...FJER GREG . . PRIOR TO CO - 6· SIDEWALK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG THE DUNN ROAD FRONTAGE. GREGORY BRrTTCElL #260-5242 THE UTILmeS (161) INSPECTION IS FOR PSL UTiliTIES TO OK BEFORe A CO IS ISSUED KAlIIII SUB-PERMFT! Permrt ~ Status .P1 ~ DBA OWner J BurJ.cte osaø.OS79-01 ISS ep 1028' ~ONARD BROTHEAS ELEC· 050g·0S7~02 ,SS pp '85S1 DAVE'S PLUMa'NG INC D509,0579-03 ISS WE 10383 NfSAIR AI~ OC)NDITIONING 0509-0519-04 tSS AP 9072 CARDINAL. AOOF'NG & SIOfN 0509-0579-05 lSS GP 22752 MARTtN COUNTY PAOP4NE Job DeserlatljU CHANGe OF CONTRACTOR FFlOM PACIFIC ROOFJNG TO CARDPNAL ROOFING INSPECTIONS.. For Requests, ClJ.ff: (772) .62.1~ Per~it t 8.@g D.IC~~ior Pr Dale Scþed Res Qe$cri~'iar 0509-QS1S 216' 3C Day EICplred ? 0&10412007 0 Flaradlng 412107 êwtened ths 30 da'J e)Cø!recr unt. 614107 øue to 1he size, 050g·QS79 601 Pa\ti.,,, end DraInage Cer1i1 7 05111512007 0 Perading nun SetJedulød: Tue Mav 15 16:00:32 EDT 2007 WIIh lIakae; Wed Ma.y Ie QO;OO;OD EDT 2007 D50t.Q579 8o.a PIIrtclngtHandicðp Sign & S 7 GS/1M007 0 Pel'1dlng nuH chltdultd: Tue May 1S 16;01:16 EDT 2001 wl1h value: Wed May '800;00:00 EDT 2007 9000579 e06 LandscløinglT'fia 7 OS/1 SJ2007 0 t'lmctJng nylJ Scheduled: rue May '5 16:01:56 EDT 2007 wifh value: Wed Mav 18 00."00:00 EDT 2001 OS08-OS7S 999 Final Inspection 7 OSI1SJ2007' 0 Pending nu" SCh*duled; Tue Nay 15 , 6:02'34 EDT 2001 wi,. vallie: Wed May 1600:<JO:OO Eor 2007' OSOg·om 180 Bulkflng Fhill 7 0510312001 Go Approved nult SchGdul9d: Wed May 2 10:27:'1 eDT 2007 with value: Thu Me)' 3 00:00:.00 EDT 2007 Resu~18d: Tnu May 3 10: 1 ~:5? ED,. 2OD7 050900579 165 Han::licap FI""ooms 04!1912007 90 Approved SS! Sch8duled 'ÑÌt!'I Greg' / /I Aesurt.aod: Thu Apr t 9 1Q:4e:4t EDT 2007 ~ ~ f/ Appr. ~7__,,~. " 5 /1' , 7 ß,-I.", l!!M Date 1"112 3D 05103(2007 0411912007 ..- --. .-'-.- - - ._- ..---.- BRITT-BRITT CONSTRUCTORS ~C. 3669 S.E. Salerno Road STUART, FLORIDA 34997 CLŒuuŒŒ3 cr- rs uœ&~@~Duu&[1 (772) 283-1599 · FAX (772) 283-1613 TO ~ /à. RE: 5-\- ~ ~~ ~ Dð?r WE ARE SENDING YOU > ¿hed D Under separate cover via the following items: D Samples 0 Specifications 0e:1'r 1~~ ~ [J Shop drawings D Prints [J Copy of letter 0 Change order COPIES DATE NO. o Plans D~~ DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For proval D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Resubmit copies for approval D Submit copies for distribution D Return corrected prints > D As requested D Returned for corrections D For review and comment D D FOR BIDS DUE D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ~~ SIGNED: COpy TO If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. PURPOSE: ~ ROUTINE r::::J CONSTRUCT. c:J COMPLAINT c:J QA SURVEY OTHER c:J REINSPECTION c:J CHANGE OF OWNER 'c::J CONSULTATION c:::J OTHER FøODS~I:.mS ,',' J. L::] 1. Sources, etc. ¡v fA c:¡:] T4~ Sneeze: guards c:i:J 27., Design:,ahd'.fabndaÙ()D c::J 15. Transportation of food CJ 28. Installation and'locat~ c::J 16. PoisonousIToxic materials r:=J 29. Cleanlil1ess of,equipm~ PERSONNEL c:J 30. Methods'öfwashirtlf-- c::J 17. Exclusion of personnel SANITARY 'FACILITIES c:J 18. Cleanliness AND CONTROLS .. c:J 19. Tobacco use CJ 31. Water'suppl~l-V c::J 20. Handwashing c::J 32. IceA, S'rA!f1l.)~ c::J 21. Handling of dish 'r:=J 33. Sewage PSt-V EQUIPMENTIUTENSILS c:::J 34.Pluinbing· vf-:- r::::J 22. Refrigeration facilitieslfhe~ers c::J 35. ,Toilet faciliti~ c:.:J 23. Sirik6?-- \J1, c:J 36. 'Handwashing faci~ c:J 24. Ice storage/Counter-pr£Teliõr . CJ 37. Garbagè\dispos~ E:::J 25. VentilationlStorage/suffià..~tequipment c:::J 38. Vermin contr~ ,~=l 26. Dishwashing facilities ~ ' " FOOD PROTECTION [:=J 2. Stored t , perature c:::J 3. No r cookingIRapid cooling [:=J 6. Pork ing I " CJ 7. Poultry oqJ CJ 8. Other an mal c:oking c::::J 9. Least co tactlReheating c::J 10. Food co iner ITEM NUMBERS COMMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS (continue on attached sheet) V\ b J SH/1\J'rCt.f.-1 Aif: I ~ 'fo{L ?j\..f'.Il TI~ I (V (,- 0 N L.. - Ù ¡VI {i:. 0 u (L I tv ~ Q::».Js'"T"(l. u Ci1 0 rJ " I ~ , f ,S COpy OF REPORT RECEIVED BY· HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTO . ~ 1-1.1. OH Form 4023 I 1/05 (Obso'etes Previous ESTABLISHMENT /FACI LITY ,·.~.~;~'tjsf~cto ry ,t::? ~"n~olDplete ~, p,:Yö-~,~~sfactory Corrè~t:,Violations by Çi'\~e,xt Ins¡>ection :,ç;J.;',8,;OOAM"o~: OTHER:F~~ÏuRæs""""':"7'- AND'P¡'Ê~tIONS r:=J 39. Qther, facilities and operations TEMPORARY FOOD SERVICE EVENTS CJ '40. Te~p<>rary food'service eventtJ /1\. VENDING MACHINES" - P 41. Vending machines MANAGER:'CERTIFICATION CJ 42. Mana'geréeriificâ.tioI(J'~ ~-S CERTIFICATES AND FEES r:=l43. Cèrtific'atësarid fees INSp·ECTIONIENFORCEMENT c:::J ' 44. InspectiorilEnfórcèment $ f¡r£.$~.rfJ) PHONE: g-1 'Z, .. £..t'1 ~ , tf(ZY ( 01 DATE: ;¡Æ~ 8t Lucie County InspectioBECEIVED 2300 Virginia Avenue MAY n 3 2oo7/;1t.. Ft Pierce, FL 349~2 (772) 462-2172 Public Works St. Lucie County, FL 0/. CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREA TMENT PERMIT # 6d1 ~ (~5 '7 c¡ JOB ADDRESS BIDLDER Dú(^"r r£Yj , PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR tJ '\ \ \ S e;J\ ENV \,(2.0;0 Me;-=;\fV'\ ~eß-V I eLf ~~- 9Yl\QS 5090 ~ÇJÝÌn cd PEST CONTROL LICENSE # We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above~described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: \ +- ''l) Percentage of solution: ". Z C Date of treatment: <' ~ è ....1- Chemicals used: ~.IO· (h ~I \ 00 ~ Total gallons used: ,~f)~ L.ç;' Time of Treatment:~ ç>ù 7 f;V1!J o Footing r:I 1st Treatment o Re~ treat o Slab , 0 1 st Treatment [J Re-treat o Driveway o 1st Treatment ORe-treat o Pools o 1st Treatment . .//0 Re-treat~i ' !!rOther :fL"~' ,V~l¿¿~?<t~~ o 1st Treatment I:J Re-treat Perimeter for Final Inspectîon FBCI04.2.6 Certificâtl, (If Prot«ctive Treatment for preJlel'l1i.on of termites. A weather resistant jobsitt! postin,g board shall be provided to receive duplicàte Treatment Certijicate.ì tJ.$ each required protective treatment is completed., providing a copy for tile person the permit is issl~~d to and another copy for tl1e building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the prodllct u.sed, identity a/the applica'tor~ time and date oftlt~ treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used. pðrce11f concen.trarion and number of gallons used, to establish Q verifiable r(!cord of protective treatml!ttt. if the soil cht!mical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment ,.r¡ltall be. completed prior to filial building approval. St Lt1~ie County requires for the tinal inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the e]ectrical panel box cover, listing ~ll the treatments and dates of applications.. NOTE: Therè must be a cQmpleted form for each required treatmen.t or re-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or thë scheduled inspection will fail and a re.il1.~pection "fee charged. Rt1'ls!:ø 6/13102 dmg