HomeMy WebLinkAbout05090597 ~.',rj" ¿i""" ',', ,,',,-", ' :t ," " ~",'" :, ..#A~~.d"":.,','",,',',,,"',',,·,·.':,.',';",.,",:::'.,"" ',: ",.:;,.~,:,.,..,.:.:,,:.,.,',,:',~,.':' :-';~~, ':'::::::':''':V''~'~::. =, ':','::":;:C~:,:"..'" . ','c. ',,',' '. . '...,...,.,..,.,'..,.......,'_.,.,'_. _, _, ..'_...,..'._,.....,.._,..'.,_.'_,,'...,. , . .. .. _, ............ ~4:~~~ This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: I Building Permit No. - 0509-0597 Parcel/Folio Nbr: 3522-231-0001-000/9 Lot # Block: Subdivision: Occupancy: Residential - > 2 dwelling units - permanent Building Address: 118-122 OCEAN BAY DR BLD 23 Legal Description: 22 36 41 FROM INT EL Y RIW LI SR AlA AND A LI L YG 7295.02 FT N OF S LI OF SEC 27-36-41 RUN N 24-07-34......................... Permit Job -BUILDING #23 CONSTRUCTION OF A THREE UNIT CONDOMINIUM Description CONSISTING OF THREE TOWNHOUSE UNITS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Finaled: 02/07/2007 Contractor JEFFERY PELTON 1801 SE ELKHART TER ALLCOUNTYB~DERSINC PORT ST LDCffi, FL 34952 (772) 631-1840 Kenneth Arnold Building Official Wednesday, February 07,2007 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 02/07/2007 15:45 NAME SLC INSPECTIONS FAX 7724626443 TEL 7724622165 SER.# BROE5J278862 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 02/07 16:45 815618637682 00:00:25 01 OK STANDARD ECM .' ' ~ J, + /7', ' ,,'..- ': ~'-i"~~ff:;;, 'l/i!!:, This Certifi,cate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying tha.t at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ord.inances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction 0.. use. For the following: I 'Building Pe.~.it ,~_? - 0509-0597 '--'.--.., om. ..'....---·-l ,ParcellFo.lio Nbr: 3522-23.1. -000 J. -000/9 Lot # Bloc,k: Subdivision.: Occupancy: Residential - > 2 dwening units - permanent Bu.ilding Address: 118-122 OCEAN BAY DR ,BL.D 23 Legal Description: 22 36 41 FROM !NT EL Y R/W L.I SR AlA AND A LI L YO 7295.02 Ff N OF S LI OF SEe 27-36-41 RUN N 24-07-34......................... Permit Job -BUILDING #23 CONSTRUCTION OF A 1HREE UNIT CONDO:MINIUM Description CONSISTING OF THREE TOWNHOUSE UNITS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Finaled: 02/07/2007 Contractor .TEFFER Y PEL TON ALL COUNTY .8 tTllDERS' INC (772) 631- t 840 1801 SE,EL.KJiART TER PORT ST ,LUCIE, FiT... 34952 =I~" --: ~ ~~~ :~ :,:-~,=..4.._ ::: , ~ .. ~~_~~~~ ~ : ...~'-=-:=----=: _: ~ ~.J~~""';'::::::=~,:: : ~ ::~:: ~ i.::: :.::~:;i:(M:_:.~Üt~~ï::.L~=-.~ _~_~~.:::::.:::::: Kenneth Arnold B lIT lcIi.n ~ Offi ci a 1 Wednèsday~ February 07~ 2007 Date Pri11ted · TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME NAME FAX TEL SER.# 02/07/2007 16:50 SLC INSPECTIONS 7724626443 7724622165 BROE5J278862 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 02/07 16:49 817722296339 00:00:26 01 OK STANDARD ECM · -/' ~ /7 ' ~ h~, U1!J,: .'I ,: ,," , ',,' , """,: ....: H,', ,0(': ..' , ' II . \ \ h: 'I In" II : ,,' I, h, ',~ I'"~ ' .. ~ i : ' ',: ¡ , , . CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the (·èquire,ments of the F]orida Building Code certifying that at the tbne of .issuance this structure was in co,m,pliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the fOllowing: -Buildi~g Permit f'{?,,~ -" 0509-0597 ParcellFolio Nbr: 3522-231-0001-000/9 Lot # Block: Subdiv.ision: Occupancy: Residential - > 2 dwelling uuits - permanent Building Add..-ess: 118-122 OCEAN BAY DR BLD 23 Legal Description: 22 36 41 FROM INT EL Y RfW LI SR A lA AND .A LI L YO 7295.02 Ff N OF S LI OF SEC 27,36-41 RUN N 24-07~34......._..""........... Permit Job -BUILDING #23 CONSTRUCTION OF A TIIREE UNIT CONDOMINIUM Description CONSISTING OF TfIREE TOWNlTOUSE UNITS Permit FinaJed: 02/07/2007 Contractor .ŒF.f.ERY PELTON ALL COUNTY Blm~r)ERS INC (772) 631-1.840 1801 SE ELKHART TER PORT ST LUCrn, ,fìL 34952 :,I~!III~:-:--:-: .: ::~ -=:.::;;-~~~_~~ ~U~ ~ =:ï.íi ÎÏ:-:--_.:~~~~~~- ~:~ ::=~~~=~ '=~::=.::=';=:_=::::::-~~~==-...,;;;;:_~: ~:=::...:=:: : = :.:::::=::~:'_I>... ~~~:::;':'::: Kenneth Arnold ---........ Wednesday, February 07,2007 Date Printed Bllildillg Official