HomeMy WebLinkAbout05091108 ~"" a' . . , ," .' , '. . '. ~.' ..,i' " "." .It "",,: ' 'i'. . '. . . , ,," .'... " .. . '.,,". ,'''' , ,'," ".."""""':::""",.,.'",,.":..".,..,"~,',',.,"..,.,',:,::,:.::,':.,:.':":,',:.:,:":,':':',:"".".',,.,',""'""'.,:,,,',',.,,,:,..:,',',,','., "",'"'",,.. " , """'.','"".,.,.."""'",,,,'.,:,.,'::,.".'.,',',:',,:'.:':~:..',:':':,::,::,:':,'::,,":,':':,':::':,:.::":" . . . . ',. . '0. .. ._ ..... . ",' . .;. ,. ,'" . " . , ,'.'.. ;. .....:.,.,. ,... ..',';.' ,",. .;;~~ :.:,::-~. .::: - '-. ..-:~:>:' ..'::' ,.: ..,:::,:' -'. ....', ,':, ~ . ."' -~::':::>'. ::.'./:::::.:::. .:-::>.:::. ," ',........ ......,..' ,..".-............, _.,,'c.,· '.'" ,'_',. " " ............'.....',-,'....'."..'.....,-....,....-,..." ."-"" ,.. . ,,-'. . , ..,'.................. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: I Building Pennit No. - 0509-1108 ParcellFolio Nbr: 3322-507-0006-000/6 Lot # 1 Block: Subdivision: Occupancy: Residential - 1 & 2 family dwellings Building Address: 9424 SCARBOROUGH CT Legal Description: PODS 12 AND 13 PUD 1 AT THE RESERVE SCARBOROUGH ESTATES (PB 45-13) LOT 1 Permit Job CONSTRUCT NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - 4/4.5 Description Perntit Finaled: 03/23/2007 Contractor :~=~~~'==,~,'~, '--~'~, ~:~' T JONES JR RICHARD S RICHARD JONES CONSTRUCTION CO 190 CONGRESS PARK DR ST 180 DELRA Y BEACH, FL 33445 (561) 274-4210 .... .""'......;-" ".". ". .. , ,. 1 ·"'~~~¡t:~x"»:,*;',";:"~~"'n';~~~~~~~~l~:~::::~::::~~::::~::lli~~~:::m~:$;w~::m~~:æ¡*::::.~~-:.~::¡::m:æ:~~~x':~'w",~ ;~'»'~'~::m:.~~:~;$~::'~~::: " , "':' ',' :"'~;"'~w,>·":,, '>", :.' ,> ~ '>' ;'::-~::::.w~~~":;';:>:"W¡~¡?::w~::m::~w.:::;¡..~Wm.::::;$¡:,::::*:::M::::::::::::m*~::::::::@;$:~@;$:¡:$.:::¡:~::::;:.¡::::@::::*:~::¡:::~;:.¡:*~$è::::$::æ¡:::¡:~:::~@*@:@:.:æ¡~:::::::~:m~~*:::::¡:¡::::%.'@:~::: Raymond Wazny Building Official Friday, March 23, 2007 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT ~l~~ : 03/23/2007 14·23 FAX: SLC INSPECTIONS TEL: 7724626443 : 7724622165 SER.# : BROE5J278862 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 03/23 14:23 94666572 00:00:26 01 OK STANDARD ECM This Certificate is issu,ed pursu.ant to the requirem,ents of tbe Florida Buildln,g Code certifying that at tbe time of issua.nce this structure was in. compliance with the varlous ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating buildin.g construction or use. For the following: CERTIFICATE OF ,OCCUPANCY [_.-'-'~-'--'---"-'--'---'----1 Building Permit No. - 0509~1108 J ......---.'--,,----'-'-'- _.'~--'- -,,-"-' parcellFoUo Nbr: 3322-507-0006..000/6 ).,Jot # 1 Block: Subdivision: Occupan.cy: Residential- 1 & 2 family dwe11ings Build;ng Address: 9424 SCARBOROUGH CT Legal, Descri.ptlon: PODS 12 AND 13 PUD 1. AT THE RESERVE SCARBOROUGIl ESTATES (PB 45-13) LOT 1. Permit Job CONSTRUCT NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - 4/4.5 Description Permit 'Finaled: 03/23/2007 Contractor JONES JRRICHARD S RICHARD JONES CONSTRUCTION CO (561) 274-4210 190 CONGRESS P,AR1{ DR ST 180 PELRA Y BEACH, FL 33445 ~....:L= . ~ ~~::-:: -LJ, ~ ~ I ..A-.J, [~~~ --'____1 ~ U _"h).L~:::'=- : ~ ~ :-.'-Aì:: .rJ~-=:'::'~ ~~~~:"'-=-.1c ':~r: Raymond Waz.ny -,._,--_.,--,_._'_...----.- Friday, March 23, 2007 --,---- T'" _.. .;. __ n.....;...... '.. f.:\. A