HomeMy WebLinkAbout05100313 (2) FROM :Construction Team D G FAX NO. :772 429 0742 Ma~. 15 2006 03:31PM P3 \...: St. Lucie County , Building & ZonIng Department 2300 Virginia  venue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 Fax 772·462-6443 Ii~C~ -.;:Iv~ AlAr ~() þ 15;011 &" (¡Ô/· ~ · l.. 'e 'AI.. I.iCie " VCr 1._ Co "'.. (¡~t . ~ 1''"1.. Request for 30-Day Temporary Power Release Ø\~\ Pennit Number: Sc..c.. ð.5" 10· Oa1.3--cJ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~J~ ~;; rn or Jh ~.rk Clæle Date: Property Address: ~ O~.. (.p "'t 0 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRtY (30) DAYS. FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA TJON FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONsrDERA nON OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: J. Th'8 tempon¡ry power nlease fs m¡uested for the above ,tated parpose only. and then ril be PO oc:capaney of any type, other than that permined by C!Onsb'ucdoJl durinl (bls time period. 2. As "ita_ b" our signatures, we hereby aaree to abide by aU tetmJ and coaadidoas of this agreement, 'ndudfn. BøJJdina Df\Úfon Policy, whkh 15 Intorponted herd.. by .-e'en.ce. 3. AU eónditfohS and reqalnmeøu listed In the attached dOalmeat eaalftled 4'Requlremt.CS for 30 Day Pcnftr tor Test''''' ha\'e .... fulftlled aad tile ,ttmite Is ready for compJla1K'e 'nspec:tiOh4 4. An reqUe$f$ tor an e*feasJo. beyond 3G days muse be "'de 'n wrftml Ie the BuUdin¡ OIncIar stadn¡ the reøon lor tbe ~est. Po,,'er may be removed from the "te and/or .. Stop Wort OnIèt Issued .r the f1nallnspection has not been approved within 30 days. A fee of $100.00 wm be l'èqulred to an ØIe Stop Work Ords-. WE BEREBV RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HÁRMLESS, ST. LUCIE coUNTY. AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NA TVRE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FVTVR~ OUT 0' THIS TRANSACDON, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAYBE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLA TION OF THIS AGREEMENT. FROM :Con~truction Team D G FAX NO. :772 429 0742 M2 29 2006 08:22AM P3 ~' St. Lucie County RECEIVED Building & Zoning Department MAY 2 9 2007 2300 Virginia A vepuc Fort Pierce~ FL 34981 Public Works, 772-462-2165 St. Lucie County, FL Fax 772-46246443 Request for 30..Day Temporary Power Release I , _ J ~ )' ¡Je:&.J {l,dd t-è$> 0\d.c::t \ i , Date: (..\/ Z 7,. tJ '7 (poo /' Permit Number: SL~ 05/0.. DaO PropertyAddress:~~þj -{ø~9 ~ rnOJ:~ :rJ"~ ~,~(.e THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURpOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CO NSIDERA TION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: J. This temporary power releasè Is requested fo" the above stated pU....ðSe only. and there will be no oeeup.nc)' of any type. otber than tbat perntted by Å“nstnJet:Jon durlnø this time ¡ærlod. 1. AI ,,'lInas by our signatureS, we ~b.)' agree to abide by all ktØIS and (Gadldoas of this .Feement, I~lud"" Bulldtnl Dlvlilan PoUt)'. wllit:b Is laa)rpon ted herd.. by refereaee. 3. All conditiotas and requln..-tslisted I. tile attached dot:ument entitled t1teq-'remeaU lor 30 Day po.er for TestIna" have been lulßPed a.d .' prendse Is ready for co......ø l.-speetlon.. 4. All requests for an extenslon,be)'ond 30 days must lit D18de In "..Itla, þ) the BuOdlnl 0ßIdI1 $tadDI the rdSOlI for the nquest. Power may be removed from the site _dlor . Stop Wørt Order Issued If the f1u1I...pectton hRs not been .pproved wlthID 30 days. A fee of $100.00 will be required to 6ft the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HÁRMLESS, ST. LUCIE couNTY, AND' THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NA TVRE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT 0' THIS TRANSACI10N, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLA. TlON OF THIS AGREEMENT. \