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05011672 (2)
1..·~·P'·~m::m::r.'. "ÌII. ,:~.:' .'. -r..'IJ·. ..', . ...' -: r---.....-,...,...~~'________, '" "___ '...'....____...__.,."_. .;(¡':;..~.ri~_,.,,<fì!I1......~ . -¡ f~;¿:" ''it '~1 f;?rcj'·:· ;':':,<: "'". ': I Resi den tialR 00 f Dry-In .Affi da vi t ! · I St Lucie County; ~bHç ~or~s D.e~~meJ1t I Cooe COrnphaqce DI\I}040n , ' --- l~ 7 Z---'-···--·-···,---.~.;-~-::----____ Permit #~l-=-~ MAY'j /L;ul "J)£Lilfl£d..L-!-..J)f!.6..!¿'.l ".," "-" ---.----.-~1;;.~ºM--..-___~~:J, OWner) s Addrt'ss_~CG__"_~~Q~~~,_____ .._'.__..., _..__.....___. ~(}-6. Còr)\r¡r·L.,.,..,____._,__.__."" __________..,,___ C'onh;.t<.:tor's Address "=no \ -c~tt(:(ß._ipl...JJbJQ_. ,.. .-, "j ; Ell () \\; ~ 1 t~ r ~ T(; r3'~ L¡j~:' 1~:- C:[f F~A(;E 05 I certify that; I'he required Lapping and I;'astent1rs of the underlayment (roof felt): hot mop, if required and f1ashing have been installed in accordan('e with (~hapterJ 5 of the Florida Building Code and CIJapter 9 of the f~lorid.a Building (~ode'l Residential \Vitll appro\:'ed re"isioQs and (neet 'be requirements of the product approval. ._--....~'~---~""_.",.,_...,-'----.,'" . -"_.,~.~. ------..- J understand tbat by executing tbisAffidavjt 1 hereby relieve St t,ucie C'ouotJ' of any liability \vith respect to tb(~ iostallation of theSt' materials. f.'. -'I. ,.1.. ".1. "I. ~... .(·11·~~·..F.,I. r}~,) '.fl, A . ,} .I, '" A.' -,.'- "J cou~rrY()F_ ,--~t:¿_ Th,l~ fore. gOtr1..g in~t.,. rumen,.r ~~~'~I_, 5 a. ~}.. rn. o.w. ..1e.~.. ...~c. ~d bef{ìH,; me ,Allis;6, day of ~. ¥-\-' .W. D.',.t. b, Y .Jaki1"Q!.J1.. VU'Y\'H' .' \\1 no i,~ per~on;) 1/ y knCHvn :0 me u; who has produced .-.-.- '. "'-. ..'.-----.-- '. as tdcnt i f1(;<lflort --. ..<J·Á:!uJ_. '''_.__.._ ~~~.'~Kã;:~. bN ~~ T ypf.' ¡j . / '. I L./ / \ -:d..::L7<ti(,...Z:~_¡{:.'~í'.... ",L HO!'vftO\VNFR ';'; SIGN/\11IRE (·,.T.,. ·"..1'·"!':.:' f.~)'t~'tJ.·. T!I .O..~. D f'..''\~',..' <\ .'J¡ r\, J:~ ,If r,,,,, ~ ,.... . COliNTYOF ,.' .. -~t., :..rn~ foregoing. i. n. ~..r¡J. rn,~,..ent~'Nfts., tl.',c.,...~n,. 0,", \\i.. ',~,e..dg. ~e.(.,',', ~::~r~(t:~, }ctore.~. r~).t.,.:,' :,~. _~.._~~V!)f .:~\ 2VJ hy ~~- . ---' wh_ ~s per50naJry kno~\J~ to me or '.'.'hn has groduced . ~"..::\.\.~ ~ ~ r~~" 1· If....n..: f: ~.'J t'" J')~ ~.~'\.. "', ,~.. .__"d..:- ......,'<1,,;1.'" H...'. ~, ~ -.....~'~-----,,,..,.....~.,. ~y~:):1:::~:~~____ CommissIon No\:)~~!i15rSeaj) rr Vi ;:r d in 7 ,r" H~ 1') nal.lVolarized COP)' wi/I bl! acCepted. t't: \'t ~Ç(t i / t il2, k1...·