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JOB ADDBBSS 'Ec~ J PEST CO~TROl. CONTRACTOB BUG MAN PEST MANAG~~NT, INC · CERTIFICA TE OF TERMITE TlŒA'rMENT CONSTRUCTION SOXL TRRA TMENT ~ ,. '8 os-,~ 7 ýJ C'I Úr] St Lude Count)' InspeetioL... RECel\l~D 2300 Virlinia Avenue &:.:: Ft Pierce~ FL 34982 MAY 2 1 7 :;/ ('1?Z) 461..2172' .-- - '- </--- s ~~ IIn~ J ~ '--~ PERMIT ,_ Q 50~ I , ~ 9 BtJILDER_..-HC{( þo; p;' vel" Dr: PES1~ (~ONTROL LJCENSB #. ~ 5694 TERMITE - DACS LICENSE# Squak~ t4!et C)f ~u_ trea~; ~ 50 ~ Ð. d-~ 0/0 V~te of t1'e~un.Dt:... s~ - '1- 0 7 Per~~ntage ot· solution: \\) e t tile undemgnM, hereby .certify ~t we have pretr_tod the abf)Ve-4eseribed constNetion .tor ~ub~~raßeal1 ferJn1tea in accorduce with the staudarde of the National P_t Control AssoeiaüolJ. ChfmielÙl used. ~()I) MAý- 95" o/~ I 0·' 4~ Æf'Il Total gallOQ5 aed: Tjm~ of Tr~atrocnt; o Footing a 1st Treatment o Re..ttt3t Q Slab a 1st TreAtment o Re.-uE-at a Driveway o 1st Tre:atment -Í 0 Re-trc:u ~ POOly i3 1 $1 Trca[n\ent Q Rç-ccetU o Othcr -_.--~ Q 1 $t TreaCOlent .'-- Q R~-fT~at o Perimeter for Final Inspection , ,. · røCl~.(i CertUitlltll ð/ ~ Tr.4tm.øal Jor pnWTltiOtJ.IJ/ ',nniWl. A. W80rh~7 resist"," j.,b!lÏlc poning bQard 3hatllH p'tYJvilkd to ru:~iw dHplÎCat~ Tr4llrolfnt c.rriftcal" 4U Mel, 1'êlfweå prpu.ciW# 1r«1tlr1m' is compúrtd. pT()VidÜJ II copy J&r flu: P#f$D1& ¡he pennil ¡, isswd lø UItfl 4IIotlM,. ~f)PY /Dr ;ht bulldÍ7JI þllmÚf ftl~s. The' ]\oearmenr C~Tt(fkQ~ .MRIi pyovkù Jhç protJucs u.t~ ùtellllly "I tJu: applicQlOr. t:im-e 4Nl d41~ ofrhl(. Ð"fUIflIWnr, "tie løcølù»IJ. area lr~ t:/¡""Ú:al fU~ plfTCmI CDnc~ntra!On Ø/ld numb_, of gallo"., 14.t~ to ur41!Jsh a wrifiabk ~C()rd øf prø"ctIw trea1ltU:tIf. /fth~ loil cJumic41 bRrri#,. m_tJwdfor ~rmÍle. p".'J#IliÌl>n Ú 11411", /ùuIl c.-cf.C'ritJr trultn¡ØaI Ju,1I he c"Jlapl~tceå prior JQ ftnal·þltJk:bn& apprOt.'al. 9e: LÞc.i«t COIUlt)' r.qu...... to.. t" Dna[ httpecti9u .tOt CO. " P~I Sddœr to be pLaced OB dM: ~tricâl.PAøeI 00:1 covG', UaJöae ..Ia I.be l trea.tßlÐaU 4Ðd à. of appJkatitul$. {VOTE: '. SlþtAWK'f of omrminator i'Jurll !#wt H Q. co,nplelll'¡ form fo, ~ck r_ uiHd. rh. jQ~ ,lie tfJ /Ie pk/c~d lip II;, 1Iw wpeCItJr ~ rim, ~~t 0,. re~lrttatnuJBt IUUl thh form 11111" IH: on ~ ~ 'J . «Ie n8þøefù}n 0,. tñe gch~duúd Inspeeticul. ",,11 lem.. "~.J.ø "ç J' øn.,. II r,e..In#Pít#.·/:iøl' ffl41 cluvge4. ~