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FROM : PREFERRED/WEBER SIGNS, INC. FAX NO. : 954+923+3359 Feb. 08 2007 01:20PM P3 PilE FE RilED " ' \ \" 02/07/2007 St. Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL. 34982 RE: permit # 05-041782 5301 US 1 To Whom It May Concern: We at Preferred Signs are requesting a renewal for permit # 05-O41782@ 5301 US 1 , where as we are still in need of final inspection. Please caJl 954-922-0126 with any questions or comments. We are thanking you in advance for your cooperation. RECEIVED FEB 1 2 2007 co !'~Fì¡ViunNG .:Jt. l ',~ci~ ~ . ~ ·-re !.l!1t~ I f=L ~,,' ~ q) C, ~'d~ ¡i,1r,:.r ~,,// ~~~t: " ..'=/).'.','.-- r~ (-')), £::.1" ¿~ ) (./ j " ,..-- . Ci~ 1906 N. Dlxle Highway · HollyWOOd,FI'orl,d8 33020 922-0126 Apr 24 07 11 :49a ~ql¿j/~~~1 ~7:1B 77246~ '3 SlC INSPECTI~S p.6 PAGE ~l/el S1:"' /-Ñ-~_ Code ComplIance a".iOt1 2300 V;rginll Avenue F.. PI...., FL 34912 Phone: (772) 462-1.553 Fa.c: (772) 462-1148 http://sIIucfeço.gOV/ce JNSPECTION CARD Permit.: SLC- 0504-1782 Cent ~ eoa Type: Sign IssUed 08J08~005 Job Location 5301 US 1 City: ~r¡sdietron: St. Lucie CoUNy Lot: 51 Block: Parcel: 3403-502-0077-000n $ubdfv: White City SID Owner; Joseph J Koch (TR) Flaoct NJA 1!Jev: Job DescriJ)tiom INSTAlUNG A 61 X G'ILLUMINATED GROUND SrGN Doubre~ee~Ç E IVE D APR 2 4 2007 Public Works FI~~cie County, FL Contractor MARK WEBER 10957 NW 14 Sf III ~ ~~~:~- ~ :-:-:-=:-~.TInJ-- ~ jJ¿¡~: Property Owner Joseph J Koch (fR) 34230 Riviera Dr PREFERRED SIGNS INC HOLt. 'tWOOD, FL 33020 (954) 922-0' 26 .... r-..w =: -=--= -:.;~ 'f~~ fAl ~ ~ ~~ =: ~: -:-:::;W::;Utl T ~-: IIIIi1IiPt Ji =-:. ,:-: ( ) - Fraser, MJ 48026 ........ __. -L~ Setbacks Left: Right~ Front Rear: Inspection Notes: CONTRACTOR SENT LETTER BUT HASN'T PAID YET CPEl TON 2/1912007 ....09-22·06 RE-fSSUE EXPfRED PERMIT PER DENNfS GRIM 90 DAYS UNTIL 12-22-2006 WI FEE (FJW)··· 02/19/7 per Ray Wazny øermit re~eweà tor 90 days until 5119/07 wi1h $50 fee dpeJtof1 FINAL PENDING LANDSCAf'E APPROVAL - 08-~4-06 AMY MOIT DENIEO SUB-PERMITS Permit # 0504~1782-o1 Status PT 9!!l! ISS EP 17B42 DBA Owner I Build$r THOMAS E ~ICHMOND ElEC Jab DescriDlion INSPECTIoNs - Ftr AutomatecIlnspectians,. Call:: (772) 482-1261 For Questions, CaD: {772} 412-2172 Pennit" ~ I)escr¡Dlfon ~ Date Sched. Res .Qescriation IS}lDeclcr Date I~ 0504-1782 , 10 Foot9I1Foundation 08l2l12005 90 APPrcwd st,Ø1Jn Ulllgiln œ/22I2OD5 0604·1782 ,~ Consrruc~ian ROUgh Frami 2 1012012005 90 App rOVGd eillL~dan 10(20/2005 0504·1782 23B Elocr,ic RouGt1 2 1 Olë0l2005 90 Appro....d Ken AmQ'd 1Ð120J200s 0504-1782 200 ElCH:Ir~ AnaJ 2 1~Q05 00 A~ KIln Arnola tQ/2012QQ5 0604.1782 eoe Landscap'nglTrees 2 '~OO5 81 Di5.apptOVlXf Amy Mo" 121aSl2005 Ae.in$pect;o" 1 Schedu!e.1~ Thu "sc 1 09:28:53 EST 200S wit". vl!.ftle: Fri Dee 200:00:00 eST 20CJ5 05Q~'782 B08 LanclSCapfngiTrees 2 Q8i24'2C06 8.1 DlsapøoVlltl Amy Mott 08.'2412006 ~.f,,~ ::scticm 2 Q;~h. ! 7$2 SOB Land:ic:apíngITfB83 2 6 t Disapp.-oveo Amy Matt C.al24/.:zoo6 · :-.. ~.='~:~ . "':.'~"~~:. ''': ;~~":~;.;:?~.<:J ~~ ~;.8~J_'{:l_';;~£j_ ~~S _: ~. ~~~ ~~ 1::"!'J~~~~~JNG A~OUND ITS BASE.... THE SiGN MUST BE ..,þf A.rnSPrtctJCJn 3 1,"'0504--1782 BOB l8J1dscaptngrrr99s 3 0412012007 a P80dlng'&f- Pr-J.".!" P~';Ö'~'!'~ L.'^"Þ.!!:)SC/",PE A~p~ry-J.~~:" - oe-2.t-Ci8 .tI,r>l:Y !li~C!rr t'EN!ED {l9-'~-'Ptt2 .:tvt'l L~'\ds~':!pif'~,'Tt~~'9 1 ~ · 14 :]I'''(tp! 04~. d . - - , -.., - ,-.:...._ ~': ~\..: -~._ a_. _. ,': '. ~. .1¡;~ppUJ\I;:: 0504-1782 999 Friar Inspecticn f\~vx V Amy Matt 11/'~2005 3 11"~005 91 Partial Approvat Oll~ JehnsOl1 11/1012005 :~ .. ~, i UC,':\J(.C '1\ ) ~ ¡ '\J 6 Ihé ~ . ~ q '1 c1 S C.-, 'Ç) ;..~ 5'/ (. ~) ~J -(S;.-,~ 'j;""" ./2,1 I~"., ~f'Ôt:lÐJ j b C,5¿ () ·f I "~5/~~~ / t>¿ 0.;> - "--.. - .-..-- ._. ---