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05/16/2007 16:17 FAX 2162615992
Jeffery C. Linker
Hutch nson Group, LLC
22 7 Edgecliff Drive
Clev land, Ohio 44123
16) 261-5991
ax 261-5992
je ink@adelphia.net
May 161 2007
Christopher Lestrang
Building Official & C Compliance Mgr.
St. Lucie County
2300 Virginia Ave.
Ft Pierce, FL 34982- 652
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¡:;.¿Þ1t1"\. /I / I.I:S /". Public Works
- ~' St. Lucie County, FL
1 and Condo #2
Sent via Facs/mlle & US Mail
MAY 1 6 2007
Re: Extension Requa - Trillium Condo
This letter is in refere to the "Trillium H tchinson Island Condominium" project, a 2-Building (6
units total) condomini m project on South Hutchinson Island. r have been communicating
regularly with Frank lliams, since we pu led the buiJding permits in June, 2006. The SLC Permit
Numbers, for referen ,are: #0501-1102 nd #0501-1107.
As you may already k ow, the history of t is project is long and eventful, and we have worked
hard to do everything' jght" with respect t the County. the State, and all other agencies and
entities. And like man other projects in t e area, we incurred significant setbacks from the 2004
Hurricanes, among ot er challenges.
In 2004, we obtained ur initial round of a provals from the County and the FL DEP, for a 3-
Building, 9-unit plan. e also secured 4 re-sales. with firm contracts. Subsequently, the
Hurricanes drastically Itered the shorelin ,and although not legally required to do so we decided
to modify our plan do to 6 units, losing 3% of our project. The revised 6-unit plan was simply
more "comfortable" on the site, relative to he dune and the ocean.
In doing so, we had to ncel our pre-sale ,and spend over a year revising the plans and alt the
applicable approvals d permits. Then j 2006, in order to avoid our building plan approvals
from expiring, we paid ver $98,000 in 1m act Fees and Building Permits fees to pull the two
permits on the two co 0 structures. Tho e were initially dated June 26. 2006.
Once we were finally Ie to market a fully permitted project. the market softened considerably
and seemed to get wo e each month. R alizing the need to keep our permits intact, r have been
working closely with F nk Williams to co municate in an up-front and forthright manner to
understand the best urse of action to ta e. In December, 2006 we installed and had inspected
two temporary toilets, xtending the parmi s until June 18, 2007.
Beginning in 2007, we gail:1 commenced fufl-fledged marketing effort to try and sell condos, to
obtain the pre-sales I'í uired by our const ction lender (National City Bank). We cannot break
ground until we have units (preferably 3) pre-sold, with binding sales contracts. We invested
heavily in new signs, b oChures, DVD's. a d are spending several thousand dollars each month
advertising the comm ity. Unfortunately, we have not yet secured any pre-sales as of this date.
With the new expiratio date approaching uickly, I am concerned about having the building
permits expire. To ha to revise the plan and re-submit them again for a full review and
permitting process wo Id be an enormous conomic burden on our project. We own the land,
have invested an eno ous amount of ca ital to create our approved project. and are working
hard to make it a reali _
Consequently, we res ctfully request an xtension on the start date for the Trillium buildings,
under the current pe its. If a 6-month 0 even 12-month extension could be granted, it would
provide us the time ne ded to hopefully ob ain our pre-sales, and break ground. r am hopeful that
you could make such decision, and/or m ke a recommendation to the appropriate County
decision-makers! gran ng us an extension
05~16/2007 16:17 FAX 2162615992
Jeffery C. Linker
IaJ 002
We will continue to w k diligently, and cl sety, with the County to keep everyone informed of our
progress and to keep ur project intact.
Once you have a cha to review this Ie er, and perhaps speak with Mr. Williams about me and
the project, I would ap reciate the opportu ity to speak with you on the phone. My number is
above. 'will also be i Florida next week: nd could stop in your offices to meet in person. 'have
open time available ei er Tuesday aftern on (May 22), or Wednesday afternoon.
Thank you for your tim and consideration
~ ~
By: EdgecJiff Manage
Its: Managing Mambe
By: Jeffery C. Linker
Jts: President