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RECE\VED MA't 0 1 2001 PERM,,,.ING st. Lucie County, FL Gilbert L. Beeney, InCa 1076 Sadie Lane Winter Garden, Þ"L 34787 Phone (407) 832-4421 Fax (407) 656-5506 l~ax Cover Sheet To: ~ aA~ From: ~../ ~ Re: ()~ ?~ ( Date: ~--? ~ð 7 # of Pages Includes Cover Sheet 9 Fax#: 71Â .~/¡'~;¿ --~:l~ '1 Message: (?~ t/J fß'-tf¿/~ ~ ðSó':L - 176 b ó S (5 J.., ". "t!.(j g C;j-ó4 -tJ9/7 /1,;)6.2.. - CJ if I' óS- ð;¿ - (j/S'"J Should you have any questions regarding this fax, please call (407)832-4421. Thank you. ~~. ~., ~ \ eo. CømplIanoe DNtelon 2300 \IJrgJnM Avenw FL PIIroI, FL SGI2 Phone: (772) ....1153 FD: (772) Outstanding Permits by Contract( NBme BEENEY GrLBERT ConhCtor Number ~1&M Dalll PrtnMd: Mlr 07, 2OØ7 PInnJt , Permit TypQ Application Typ. Sbrtut Addrese , ser.t Name Untte Oð02-o1 ð 1 ./ Gommerolll Aanowrar MaI;tw POrmit wI8uÞIa E.1Ipired 3880 A1A 06Q2~18 V' luNdln; (Mttc~ BuMafng Pwmlt w/o 8t ExpIred 3.2OS ~AKEVIEW 201 k 0802.0417 ./" Bolding ~Ia"eol Masklr Pénnlt wit. ~ttCI 3210 LAKEVIEW 208 \.,.ùr.\ 0502-Q418 I/'" SuNdIn; (MJeoeUaneol Building Ptm1Jt wIo at. ~rtd 3209 LAKEVIe'N 208 0502-1700 ~ Bufkßng (Mite_Mot. Maater ~mlit w/eubt bpI~ 320g A1A ---- 0611..0147 -" '''' 0Vef ~, Oor.!ntef P.n ~r_ 6811 K'lARNev (r: ,~"' 0" 'r ') $ 5~ ßtU~ p~ ¡/J?~ CJSIJ1. "illS' O~- 0'2. '. ()If'' ) oS'o~ '* ¿)t.{J7 ) O.S-- ".l .., () '" i e " O:S'tJ;J. .. / ;7ð'O R~ - /Y'O ~ rm~ of 7-'1I/J~-d!u.. A~;: 03~_k. ~+j ß.u~ ~~, - ~.f,::~,. ·f:;::ii¡ ill;~;~~'~;;;:~f~: Ø5~Ø5-2ØØ7 22:42 GIL8~RT BEENEY 40765655B6 £3Ðt::;d PAGE3 90SS9S9L0b A3N338 1~38l1Ð L£:20 L002-90-S0 AUTBORIZATI0N FORM CREDIT CARD PA 'YMENT s-r LUCIE COUNTY 2300 VIRGINIA A VENU:E FORT PIERCE~ :t?LORIDA 34982 PHONE#772-462~lS53 FAXi#'S 772~:Z..6454 AdmiDlstJtatjoQ "2-462...5261 Perndttlne 'V --> Ax. n 772...462-~148 Contractor Llcen$lul 772-462-6443 InspecUons 772-4&2-J578 PSL .Impact Fee TO: St Lucie County ¡)~?~ .~ Re: PerndtN ð -S-t1 P- ~ .O~il ø ,~ m r CredIt Card U'ers: 4 % Surcharp added ,per tranla~tloQ $500.00 Limit on Cr~dit Card transaetJoDS fDCludiul the 4% Surcharge per day Payments must b~ r"eived in the Department by 4~OO P.M. for t~Dlatt1bn to be proc:essed that day, if not jt wiD b. protetscd the toUDWin: lJusJuest day. VI SA_ - , ...MASTERCARD Ll L ---q Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: AmoaDt: --;-- Zip Cod" ~ J dJgit Security Code ~ +4% Snreharge Business Name: Authorized Signature: PrJDt Name: Pbont#: FaxN: COMMENTS: ./Vð -~ L ~- '}y;~ -. . - -, - ~ 05-05-2007 22:42 GILBERT 8EENEY 4Ø76565SØ6 PAGE2 ¿391:td 90SS9S9¿0b A3N338 1~38l19 8£:20 ¿002-90-S0