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Farm Store 45389
PERMIT NO. . APPLICATION " JOB LOCATIO SC LEGAL DESCR ROAD IMPAC S/D LOT XPROPERTY TA LOT SET BACKS: SO FT ST, LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLICATION SITE' PAN r (CODE $ ) SEWAGE PERMIT NO. DISTRIC J ZONE FEE MAP $k FLOOD ZONE + ELEV�/ BLOCK UNIT SE�—�TWP 3 S R °f ID # 0 -Ga - Ooa ✓ _ ZONE '� GMPP��✓ iSIONs •,X 1 it�15x o �X 3l, ic ""'EFST CO TS` — DNT .�-3 !; REAR _J SIDE V SIDE ✓ — LIVING AREAS ACCESSORY ARC4ECTAME W lwAy `D14C4-X PHONE . 47r 64 DDRESS •� 'Qi"� 0 6 CITY ,:Ta — ST 164 ZIP -9-W �y COTATE1PWCERT $p X �— COUNTY CERT#, Tq - KAME / /Ed0 / IA;y/ %N ADDRESS ITY 1114L.&WO% STATE tek• ZIP PHONE ®Q�� OF FLC i Before bl ngj ADDRESS CITY W,440!Ml STATE COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE the undersigned authority, personally appeared _ deposes and says that the information 'Contained in t41— PHONE p ` ®* -"�— CU7 , who upon foregoing application is true and correct. Sworn jo and subscribed before me this day of 1L/Ldcr / C� Notary ublic, State of Florida 0 My Con mission expires:. SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes ❑ No Large , Amt. Pd PUIRM STATE OF F1.0RIDA — 'TR'ST4H"ExN nE( y ,ydg Date Pd Posted hS -nr. PLAN REVIEW NAM OF PROD CT: ��2 vs 45 DZ&.6' 1& ® 6 NERs CONTRACTOR: lEco /yI>.g,tei /,uG. OCCUPANCY CUSSIFICATION: FCQ elv .— TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: HEIGHT AND AJREA: OCCUPANCY RE;�UIREMENTS PER CHAPTER IV: CONSTRUCTION F.EQUIREVENTS: (A) FIRE PROTECTION: (8) EGRESS REQUIREMENTS: 4-Z?l OTHER REQUIRR NTS: (A) ELEVATO : IJI+ (3) SPRINKLEIS & STANDPIPES: 44- (C) COMUSTIELE MATERIALS - INTERIOR:cLt- (D) ROOF COVERINGS: (F) LIGHT - 1JENTILATION - SANITATION: At (F) HANDICAP EQUIREMENTS: At IL44tt9h Sl Ay"z". a BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LU IE COUNTY- FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 465-6655 County PLAN NUMBER #1600 DATE RECEIVED 1- --88 CONTRACTOR Piece Miami Inc. PHONE NUMBER: ARCHITECT: PHONE NUMBER: OWNER: FARM STORF. BUILDING LOCATION: 4171 Orange Avenue TYPE OF OCC PANCY: Mercantile TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: IV SIZE OF BUIL ING: 2,480 sq. ft. NUMBER OF FLOORS: 1 REQUIREMEN S: 1. Portable Eire extinguisher required: one (1) 2A-10BC every 75' of travel distance. Recommen two (2) in building.. 2. Additional emergency lighting may be needed. 3. Controls or pump islands shall comply with State Fire Marshal's Rules and REgulations for self se ce service stations. (4A-16) I I C EVIEWED BY: )NTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS 'Form N. 5 -12 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PERMIT NI/. 10/86 DRAINAGE CONNECTION PERMIT APPLICATION D 9't - To be com feted by DOT 204-g7 Drain ige Connection permit Application No. F. P. y � . � ��1 /-t Date 7- / S- �7 Recei ed B �� lye o h Maintenance Unit 1:T. State load No. Secti n No. Construction Project No. '�`� O o '� "----- Station hillep St — 9. Z 00 FROM - TO To be co m leted by Applicant Apph ant'sName: Farm Stores, Inc. Addr, S: 5800 N. W. 74th Avenue sTRE�7 305 5 2- t00 Miami, Florida 33166 TELEPHONE NO. CIT Dade Count Prole tName: Farm Store ConveniR44TStore STATE ZIP Local on. S/W/C Orange Avenue (S.R. 60) b Hartman Road srREET SR Ft . Pierce _ St. Lucie NO CO ec clry TY ST.S. 'OUncle 40E SECTION(S) TOWNSHIPj$) RANGES) Brief eserip!ionofActivity Proposed: Construct convenience store with self -serve 9 soline islands and free standing canODY. Briefibe Why This Activity Requires a Drainage Connection Permit: (Include Where the ill Discharge) Existing site sheet -flows to F.D.O.T. ditchline. Pro osed ill retain rainfall as required, and overflow F hapter 14-86.004 specifies the exact data requirementswhich constitute a complete is form must be submitted with all the required items in quadruplicate. These include: Affidavit of Ownership or ControlLocation Map Legal DescriptionGrading Plan Statement of Contiguous Interest Computations — Soil Borings Certi/ication Water Table/Percolation —X Photographs of Existing Conditions X— Permit Form 592-13 Please mark Items which have been submitted I HER BY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IN THIS APPLICATION IS COMPLETE, ACCI RATE, AND INDICATIVE. OF THE ACTIVITY AND OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED DRAT AGE/STO RR MANAGEMENT FEATURES AND PATTERNS. APPL CANT5. _ Paul D. Somers; Farm Stores, Inc.; (Sign) NAM 5800 N. W. 74th Avenue __ Miami, Florida 33166 (MAILING ADDR E SS) CIT STREET July 13, 1987 STATE DAT 305 592-3100 ZIP 1, this application is signed by a representative Of the applicant, a letter of authoriZationLfrom HNhe permi ee must be attached. STA. 'E OP FLORIDA = D@ .FARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES ONS TE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION PERMIT Authority: Chapter 381, FS Chapter 10D-6, FAC Applicant _ Permit Number -------- PA I T I - SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL -------_—_—. Treatment Tank Minimum Draintrench OR Minimum Absorption Size Bed Size Septic tank or Grease aerobic unit ga ons interceptor __ gallons Square Feet Square Fe Septic tank or aerobic unit gal ons Dosing tank _ gallons Square Feet Square Fee Graywater tank ga ons Square Feet r Square Fee Laundry waste tank gal ons Square Feet Square Fee Other Requirements: (a) Installation must b (b) A system construc (c) Final installation in (d) Invert of stub -out I Invert of stub -out 1 Invert of stub -out 1. Invert of stub -out t (e) Fill quality and quo (f) Other: System design and Construction autho Note: Co: =pleted c, AUDIT C]NTROL in accord with requirements of chapter 10D-6, FAC. )n permit is valid for a period of one calendar year from date of issue. section and approval is required before the system is covered. to be _ to be to be to be s. ity: 039 by: County Public Health Unit Title of this form will be provided to the applicant, installer and the building department. Ab HRS-H Form 40%Feb 85 (Obsol (Stack Numbec5b444)01- 015-0) editions which may not be used) 99 YS"37PI[COMIAMI INC. 4 8105 WEST 20T" AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 4566 HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33014 PIECO ORLANDO INC. 5131 ANNO AVE. OFFICE POST OFFICE BOX 13 ® ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3282809 PETROLEUM'& I DUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (305) 859-1520 REPLY TO: Miami December 29,11987 St. Lucie Co my Contractors ertification & Licensing Division 2300 Virgini Ave. Room 201 Ft. Pierce, 71 34982 Attn: Grace it Room 201 Re: Pieco Plami, Inc. Contractor Licensing Farm S re Self Serve & Convenience Store Orange ve. & Hartman Rd.. St. Lu a County, Fla Dear Grace: Please find Priclosed with this letter copy of Pollutant Storage Systems Specialty Contractor rnporary certificate # PTC-000158, building contractor temporary certificati #CB-00040625, construction industry licensing board certified building co ractor license CB=CB00570. James A. Wy a holder of our license #CB-CB0057O passed away on November 20, 1987. 1 am in the rocess of having'my inactive license activated to cover licensing as a certifi d building contractor in the State of Florida. You will note that I have recel ed certification and a temporary license with expiration date of February 14 1988 for use until my license can be processed as an active license. If you have ny questions regarding this please either call myself or Milton Rhuben, Bus ness Manager at the Construction Industry Licensing Board for further clarificati n. Under separ to cover you will be receiving copies of our current insurance certificat6i from our insurance carriers. If you have any further questions regarding m certification or this building permit please feel free to call at any time. Truly,turs, Will! Iiam F. Inne CC: Bert Saymon President Job File WFW/ams File Y 1' Nam Add Oat Roa The the eff ST LUCIE COUNTY -ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM of Feepayye/r ,ess..lt_wu=�.�1- —r---- f t Permit 0 Bene Collecticn Zone 0 -- - .....�_------- - - - - -- impact fee calculated herein has been determined based on fee schedule adopted in St. Lucie County Ordinance 85-10, ctive February 1, 1986. 0 U I as 0 P 0 IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS ................ TS....... FT (1000)........... KING SPACES ........ .......y.,..... vK T. II?I as FEE PER TOTAL UNIT IMPACT FEE �r Ty a.; U.) a.) e.) G P H WIEW NG�- cSI wi j e t N d ns e---- LL' — hQ A---- e of use as Jetinrd by Zoning Ordinance,. Parking: Ratio__-__ Number Required —L-L Number Provideo--L 3— Handicapped Required 1 Handicapped Provided i i,04'fstreet Loading Area? Y:A N: Landscape: Approval V (dare P Disapproval Signs: Indicated �( Not Indicated Note: Separate Permit Required Setbacks: Approval X— Disapproval Base Building Line Compliance Y: X N:: Building Spacing Formula Used Y: N: Driveway Compliance -• Refer Ordinance 87-0 Approval Disapproval Note: Driveway Permit Required f y{ U,Tipact fee Y: X_ _ _ Nt--- - , T n.) Comme ts: i� c�Ca M� gSaeAe_ -�- - -- -- ------ - ------------- --------- Date-pn. ---- t �Cl ti Date Out: U `k Revie er; 4 it I � + I i , II- r "--A COPY 0 THIS PERMIT AND PLANS F0ftK1b9KiO THE JOTS T,('A"F1'1-iF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION at`I MES DU NG THE CONSTRUCTION CONNECTION PERMIT PERMIT Nu. OF THIS F ILIfY. Permit Cla} T� 1 _ Fart Stores, Inc.; Paul D (Name f Applicant) I. Flor (City) M X r 204-87 Permit No, 5800 N. W. 74th Avenue (Mailing Address) (State) 17-�yZ-jt OU (Telephone No.) hereinafterltermed the applicant requests permission for the construction of a connection(s) on Department of Transportation right-of-way at the location: State Road Mill! Post Section No./ Z_O%p (aunty St. Lucie Const. Job No. Sta. No. Geograph cal Description S/W/C Orange Avenue- (S R 60) b Hartman Road in the follov ing manner. i f'Permittee is uiioned tha�ujiliteStrh40 asphalt approach on Orange Avenue (S.R. 60). ay be located with n the construction area• or as shownn the attached sketch and in accordance with special provisions on reverse side. The Conn tion(s) will be constructed in accordance with regulations adopted by the Department of Transportation and covered nits "Policy and Guidelines for Vehicular Connections to Roads on the State Highway System". The applic nt,for himself, his heirs, his assigns and successors ininterest, binds and obligates himself tosavtandhold the State of orida,itsagenciesandsubdivisionsharmlessfromanyandalldamages,claimsorinjuriescausedinwhole or in part by pplicant that may occur by reason of this construction, said facility design, construction, maintenance le continuing a istence of the connection facility. The applic nt binds and obligates himself to conform to the above description and attached sketch and to abide by the connection r gulations stated above. If legal action is required because of noncompliance with provisions specified, the applicant will be responsible for all costa of legal action, i.e., court costs, attorney fees, etc. This pertr If this app be attached. WITNESSE Piec (Mailing Ads Hial (city) The above sPProved. %te of Appn QO,mpletion D {{ TEA 0119in41"A, 1. ow,ict E SH AR is hereby accepted a101 its provision agreed to this day of ation is signed b represents BY (Signature) Wi 1 1 li D Miami, Inc.; P. 0. Box ass) h, Florida 33014 (State) the applicant, then a letter of authorization from the applicant must Signed - Z � , _ (Applicant) Paul D. Somers Farm Stores Inc.; 5800 N. W. 74th Ave. (Mailing Address) Miami, Florida 33166 (ZIP) (City) (State) (zip) sted has been revi' wed and has been found to meet the regulations as prescribed and is here )y Department of Tr tat' n $�Yc TITLE: -� Q ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLICATION PERMIT No. "J�_ �: 3 g ( CODE $___) SEWAGE PERMIT NO. �S — APPLICATI N FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT >IJOB LOCA ION/ADDRESS: ��'�'�� ,Qy6®/LJ-/✓1'6.) Rai"� h� k LEGAL DE CRIPTION UIRF /T ROAD IMI ACT: DISTRICT ZONE FEE tb�f S%D _ MAP $ �7r FLOOD ZONE — ELEV LOT BLOCK UNIT SEC _L-- TWP— RGE 0 XPROPERT TAX ID ZONE -- --"— GMPP ----- 2/ LOT SIZE IMENSIONS ��� , N /ter-/ x:z-- -- EST COST SET BAC : FRONT //S REARS SIDE ___— "__— ._ SIDE SQ FT BU LDNG: LIVING AREA '"� 2S=o°0 ACCESSORY -- — GV/LL/oW J/(/ACFY PHONE ARCHITE : NAME — d ADDRESS ' `Q g CITY _Ae_AA"— ST ZIP •��l ® s. CONTRA(TOR: STATE REG/CERT # — COUNTY CERT iO 1\� NAME P%mo */'f V/ //& ADDRESS CITY M141'OW04 STATE Al. ZIP j / PHONE Z094440 OWNER F NAME I -IF i PROPE TY: ADDRESS �ff� �� PHONE QM 30400 CITY"' STATE F� ZIP STATE O FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE fyore me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared who upon being d sworn, deposes and says that the information 2o ained in tlPe foregoing a piication is true and correct. G6 •- Co ¢oers to and subscribed before me this day of SCHOOL IMPACT FEES J Public, State of Florida at Commission expires: - Required [-]Yes ❑ No Amt. Pd E c ' 9R 0A Date Pd Posted — na ,. 1998 t FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUKJMG CONSTRUCTION SECTION 5 • BUILDING ipESKiN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE AppROACN *FOR 6009 aotlelrtaaeo ar yNe DVWMM y OF CONWAM ANIawe -- COMPONENT S Concrete Structure (CBS) - 3 Wood e f r- 2 Y Oltw CBS - 3 Omer ce s - s QUn�de�r An u Sagb As Omer —. Total Coi Concrete Wood a Slab on C. Clear Sin Clear Do Tird Sing) Tint Dout C-mm Wood Metal tr,sta Omer ,e5.5/o e-/-7 tinned Floor Area war Unconditioned Space Unconditioned Space Gim l Glaze Total LigMi Wattage ..................................... Taal Cond' Floor Ana (aq. ) . . Uwwng Maximum U•YALUE U-_ ep 2©O U-!�2• 27,0-' U-Q, Z 79 U- o U. X2.03lp U= U=_O. /e 9 U-66 NET AREA 3f5 �1. O 337.21r Waftsq. R AIR CONDITIONEF EFFICIENCY (EER (SEER _ ) c, (Cpp ) HEATING SYSTEM rypE STRIP (HEAT PUMP GAS O ❑ OIL ❑ SOLAR ❑ HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COP or EFFICIENCY % (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTI Uo M TYPE ELECTRIC MEAT RECOVERY O GAS [j OIL O SOLAR wall Allowable roVcmlitg Uo waB Actual under Poie S. 52.,o UorooHCeip� AAtbp mertbiredoUo cow alow entire e a in his section. Uo p0or Actual �oUUo UoeepeApoaa d�L2/OTTVwa7-,7 UcO(WelopeActual OTTV rouoeg ,l Orn wall Actual Orn w0V0w6ng Actual Z •moo '� h aleobwloa we natlwa Comb Ims F�•. I hweW mat tM dan ar d Rhiaw of tl+a pane and we In umpar �pacaleWana cogrW by eaa ealpdggn hAcaU oom• with sr Florida th ft _ tcnrrgy Coda. lalae = oorweuceon b =nplO j. eas �4 De hapax � aornpaanoa h a000Wwm Mel SIXWI 569.e08 Fes, S PERMIT NO. -__.__— CHECKED by _-- SECTION 5 MRKSHEET FOR ENERGY CALCULATIONS BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM 50046 State of Florida Energy Cade 1, GROSS WALL `.A) WALL TYPE:. 8) WALL TYPE: C) WALL TYPE' D) WALL TYPE. 2. GLASS AREA GLASS TYPE OR CL ( AREAS C .f -- 2... — - — (Includes areas of windows, sliding glass doors, glass entrance doors) NO AREA BY ORIENTATION SINGLE p AR $.) TINT ( . ft.) SHADING 'OEFFICIENT CLEAR (sq. ft.) N NE E BE S SW w r/ 5 NW TOTAL I 1 11 2.47.5 9103 liq rt: - — = 9,67' sq. ft. Sq. I 4-14 sq, A. TOTAL GROSS WALL AREA = Sq. ft. TINT SHADING � ei rnccnnrc TOTAL GLASS 1 DOORS (EXCLI DING GLASS DOORS) Door area in exil lnor building envelope ........1I. ........... Interior door are separating Afrom non fronon A/apades ..... .. ....... ....... .... ... _ _ _ sq. 1L TOTAL OPAQUE DOOR AREA = _ Z— 2 --74r- sq, ry. t. NET OPAQUE I ALL AREAS WALI TYPE GROSS WALL I GLASS AREA I DOOR AREA NET OPAQUE (sq. fl',.) (sq. ft.) A oBs-i i23 Z977.5 �� B. 3 -Z — C. -3 3 p aZ.7 38 D. /J ect name: rncs Dates Sht.1 set Architects -U type: —C-tzg"- / Engineer: n_ o Ca7ca3+tiCM ofl:'�atatieeim 9alntt (B_V&,ces) for WX=3. t;X f Z I 22MNMM ipaalat Z '4n1Li.alimr • itsnitaay 3-.t�.n. 3wal>y It NMAU _2._0_.-__— A a W � � rtng eaan emu®.. 171 ~,3� R act Name: Date: ShtJ sat L/ Lrohiteett for wall type: I Engineer: 11(1i1,11AW .�:� wau . I .. .. . . R-Mlas x NnALW— - avaltam —3-"Ius X—ftlus 2 N-gp-uw - w "? OV f .. 'ect Ram DaM ail AaatypesCart Claw . "_'•� of 4na,,.l -- �+rsm talar t� opyo� Mot/ � G711eY Q Tlaet ++��7.�0. --- r i 17,9P.4 or, Z�w L,ot4 S ctice rw— - au — Stag or a+tt, no 172 0• 0.90 o.0 j j ►OR CROUP R 6 I. TWISK Xmiss aR LRss) - - (HEATING FOE Airy OIs DUILDINO - CUMRIRCIA4) MAIJ.9 R00►/(xILINq A 9 U s ( OM OIIOdDITIONID► s/) I 16 UNS MA1.1. /88 / A ■ U I7 (ASS _2SOOMSILI 2462 RUOss FLOOD y/q 9Z 5 0. G 205.28 sRTLI(ITs ID axiRS z2, � N o.6 l 1.1 11'„RI r _O-2 85./o Rooif- — 2 ctZ o.o�l0 89,35 Li. ur2 387 o p 2--_Q�._Aq.��.� now 1 f17iA1. OW I.IWS 11 TIIROU(1 2 ►1Oan (( �f20.¢5 TOTAL Q LINE9 17 t/1re�A i2 89.35 TOTAL or LIMB7 TRltgi(( 22 I'm I) I.INR 16 0.383 ACTUAL Uo . — I'm 16 4.03(c ACTUL Us 3 Frvm Slate of L1NE 16 N�4 Yl?!— d4 for vaU.+', �h� "ALiQMABLIS� Code, �nnn argil o Ilo • O.J9 (m4cm. 3 stories leas) COM►. or ENVSLO►E VALUES Uo - 0.110 ("Idga. 4 storlee r tee) 1,0UR - ALL URAE E Uo VALUE ACTUAL U VALUE NUII.DINC ARRA p VALUE e� o I.ONI'01RiN! 9t1, R. ANLE A ■ Uo RUILDINC ANRA 25 5"'2 ANT $9. rT. .,ma A V A • Uo CROSS MALL /S8/ 1,�t�y Roor m 3S 7/d. 78 CRoss WALL /BB/ 26 L'E11.INC f Z 0,10 m.3o3 720.¢2 27 CROSS FLOOR 25 .2 (ZILINC Z� 2 ,I�,a ----- 0.03� B9'35 0.38 (toss re 28 Ti<•TAI. LI ..S y�Q 7$42 +27 5 9�2,97 25426421 79 14-OWARIA Uo TOTAL(A R U) -----_ ¢3b3 " TOTAL AREA O Z%f� ACTUAL Uo . TOTAL (A a U ) TOTAL AREA /d 1* W w' L L S Sheet 1 ¢ F CALC'JLt rOM OF 07ERALI T?-YA-L MkISi�_SSICP1 7ALUES FCR *,iXLI.S (C7T9W) - COt MCTAL BL7t;S. L BCkCUIMINI COOLING WALL CONDUCTION HEAT GAIN ■ (u AW 1T1__) + (Ug Ag Ot) N E AM in eq.ft. U-7ALUE �Lt or MEQ HEAT GAIN BZ -Wsq�,,wt,) CONDUCTION 1 GRl15S 2 GLASS 29%6 d.(a`j 130 of 2G6-B.51 3 DOGES OR , CD ) 22.-14C 0.55 44 55©.3/ It P�"ITI 5 oP44UE ' ii 6 OPAQUE N2 38% o.27�Y ¢p 42¢/, 52 7 OPAQUE ' # 3 3 3 7.21G m. 2y9 0 3 7103. 82 529 ¢p bG?b, f/G 9 TOTAL T GAIN EY CONDUCTI021 (ADD 1= 1 TFsROUGH 8) 23 32A. 98 RADIATIC I HEAT GAIN THROUGH GLASS - USL*IG ORIENTATION SOLAR FACTOR - (Ag a/OSF = SC) MASS TIT : P�o.VZE THIC83V15S: /¢ " SAADING CCEFF: O.'/O SINGLE ✓ T�OUffi.E CRTENTA. OF GIAS 0RI3ITATION SOUR -- OH GLASS A�.A FACTOR (CSF) SWING RADL11'ION HEAT (Ag) sq. ft. TABLE 5-2A of COEMCLz:NP GAIN State of Florida (SC) Yodel Energy Code 10 JCRTq 2 %O.O Ll NORTH AS 83 i O' y0 9/9 12 WT 23 SCUTREAS 155 SOUTH 137 15 soUTB -Z—S. 155 26 WEST 27 5 17 NCRi S T? O.70 ZB/D. 5 883 18 19 20 TOTAL RADIATION BUT GAIN ( ADD LINES 10 THROUGH 19) OTf7.� A /o g37 5 TUAL LIM 9 + I'Iua 20 - 23 324.9E + Lam 1 OTf7W +TABLE (FROH TABLE 5-2 OF STATE CF FLORIDA ENE= CODE) 29.7 • • Sheet • y .lit, � a .. t , i• .trc •.n" / w ' :1� r JOB r5.1Z A>vIG WM. M. MEYERS, P.E. SHEET NO. Consulting Engineer 9 01 Northeast 6th Avenue C-3OO CALCULATED BY _ IAMI SHORES, FLORIDA 33138 CHECKED Sr (305) 758-3117 SCALE J. If William 9301 Pd. Custome Date. M. M0`r-rs P.E. #16755 6th Avenue C-300 ORANGE STATE — '24X54 — 7-11 — 120MPH 6/22/e5 W LS L L3 W—Unit oac 196.00 lb=/ft. Span-L1 5.00 ft. Span-L2 37.00 ft. Span-L3 10.00 ft. Miami Shorese Florida 33136 Reaction at support-1 Reaction at support Moment at support-1 Moment at support-2 i Beam da a for deflection analysis: I —Us ed or deflection analysis 96.3000 in4 E—for b-am material 2.9000E+07 lbs/in2 Defler ions and moment in span Li Deflec ions from moment 2450 ft—lbs X 5.00 Moment (X) Deflection(x) -------------------- 0.00 0.009 L/delta 6333 Deflect ons and moments Deflect ons from moment in span L' n_ 9800 ft—lbs. X _ M"ent_,(X) --------------- ----- _ L./delta 0.00 9800.00------- ---- 5.00 6873.24 0.0000 0. 889 r,� 4407.35 lbs. 57B4.65 lbs. —2450.00 ft—lbs. —9B00.00 ft—lbs. 77MI 0 18646.50 1.678 265 s. on 25519.70 2.184 203 ., 20.00 27493.00 2.302 193 25.00 24566.20 2.002 222, 30.00 16739.50 1.327 335. 535.00 - 4012.70 � 0.400 1110 Maximum ma ent in span--L.2 occurs at x= 20.00 ft. and is' 27493.00, ft—lbs.-' Minimum LJ elta in span 12 occurs at ,= 0.00 ft..and is. A........:: . .... __..0 Deflection and moment in span A Deflection from moment 9800 ft--lbs �X Moment (X) Defle;tioTk(x1' --- - ---- ------------tr- — --- — —-- — — — -- ^0.152 10.00 0.00 792 I w nzi r µ P; T C YJ :i :i •3. i1'i M. Meyers .. P. E. it 1 C'7S5 .. N.O. '�,i ¢'1 :: _.'-- _ ..i_fl 7 �� �` ;.')�� h, Miami Tt � �,� q ` _, l.. „M1 d -r uY�mwaawaniv muw.m, 'mu.,wumdem'a�awn -=- �aummaww �- mumxu�me�wxmi .••_ — :: J > Fonting ralculations for � , A"I - BIA 2AM5i 7— 1�:111 tr ;,, 1' H CC- B Force e::erted (lbs) 1468.0000 Moment ,t base (tt lb) 230 0000 C3 e INlnas 6.7317 I e s ,:.... ✓ Sign fowling via: =.. . -- -- — Soil t•; ------------------------------------ ',e Sand & Rock oo_in9 wzdtr, (tt) 4 Lateral lnearine Pressure _ (Psf) ... tJn, ont aired 'depth Y.¢ (f}) 4 5 : Con=_.tra ned footing W r,- �.r� •. ;! VVI ITT R NIr d air fo tin9 18553.00 1 t s. i ' LAW ,t ._fps 3.00 ft Q 17475.00 l �s I f ' . I. .. -f,r SP'c CXts PGSt Prc .dire lifsc i 30•, o. Soy+L� P'�, er m 6 o rl cQ� ia�iSle� 45 h Ala 7 Zr -e. oo o L. cyiic/6' ice•. S�'�. �- 3S-Ao. bT wciE C. a f e 1.54 Actti��fi 0 (4)2-000,2-000/14) a' Ait 0002- 25.b 330' ay 4 a 330' 13 75. Lz 9E.1.4• N_ O �41%_0003-000/a) .} i !4 ih• hm�' T 39.311 ? Z /41' d I.Qb AG - i 3 0 j 60' N ry "� n 3 o. 10 Q --- o 0 0 l a m t 4 p o 9 a r 129 Lac. ,2S' ,24.,, j lad• (411-0004-000/5) —.- 90, 11' - 059' di 330' P a !m � ICE N.N 5 v0 Z fi g I ° rz 09,i ra r d T� °+o e" I.S2 Ac NI T m (411 0005-000/2) f q - — — -- - VICINITY F:311weWl C/ A- 1�Td �,a L U, f,5v =--o—T- try, i9: �. 7 SITE: PLAN. SITE DATA 1. Project Name: Farm Stores Convenience Store 2. Type of Project: Retail convenience store sales, with self - serve gasoline islands. 3. Parcel Size : 53,399 S.F. ® 1.226 acres 4. Project 'Iize: 2,480 SF masonry building 5. Land Use, Commercial 6. Impereable Surface Area: 20,732 SF = 0,476 acres 7. Open Spa,e (Pervious Area): 32,667 SF = 0.750 acres 8. Parking Required: 2,480(5/1,000) = 12.4 spaces Parking Provided: 13 spaces 9. Development Schedule: Single Phase Construction 10. Utilities: Project will use an on -site septic system for sewage disposal and a well for water usage, as public utilities are not available at this site. 11. Storm Drainage: Storm water drainage will be retained on site with catch basins leading to an on -site re- tention pond, overflowing into the F.D.O.T. ditchline along Orange Avenue. This design has been approved by F.D,O.T. 12. Owner of Project: Farm Stores, Inc. 5800 N. W. 74th Avenue Miami, Florida 33166 Tel. 305-592-3100 13. Project Fngineer: William Duffey, P. E. Pieco Miami, Inc. P. o. llox 4566 Hialeah, Florida 33014 Tel. 305-558-0440 >_NER& NOTES, 1. The contractor comylette dpnr,lit= r, and site clearing as required to perrr,rr, the new construction. Re,:K,ve all vetie't4fi0t, and deleterious ,material fr:;m are,_, rrz fie covered by bu i i d i ng or paving and "' iseyond. 2. Earth fill or bar«fiil ,hall be clear, earth compacted to 954 of maxia,:ro dry density by power equipment. Pitch all grades from building and allow no water in trenches or pits, 3. Poison soil for subterranean termites prior to pouring concrete. Provide 5 year written guarantee with renewable options against infestation. 4. The contractor shall provide any shorinq, bracing, or underpinning, either of the temporary or permanent nature which is ne- cessary to execute the work in a safe ana IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS satisfactory manner. PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL REST`iIC- 5. Excavation shall be made to tiw j-A, TIONS APPLInIBLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT required with proper allowance for floor MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF slabs, trenches, footing and paving base. THIS COUNTY. Excavation shall be made to the original earth or deeper if required by local _----........ ��Y codes, or to obtain proper bearing: k 6. Remove or tap all existing utilities or conduits encountered as directed by , these plans and specs. Notify owner rep. plr ;t of any active or inactive utilities encountered. UICE k FK wTM DY LT. R.Gi1 FIR CODE CIMUM P€1 a91- 65-11M DATE: - //_1 It TAr ATI .` N SHALL U INSTALLED 1N EUCIE COUNTY- FT. PIERCE C PI' "XE WITH N F P A. - WiE "REIIENTIO B SUREAtki 3 1r +yAt9 A , t f �R �>vOE COMPLIANCE ! Interior Finish ,. PH'all E, 435-6655 DATE: SUBJECT TO rz'-n- Spread Rating 1ST, LL'CI€ C®.-F6., PIERCE Flgf 6woa y l 7 yr a Y& C.IdnSS ...''° IItll�dLt 1 ?! NF.Psk tPl SA,FM COIX-9111 ( 'rl eaiS I 3SS y 3 STA E F= MAA&SHAVS R & R • • •r._.., Mlnnnum 4.; R M J \v x O V :, �} a w -_+ i 1 5 e sue- b ca_ 0. w wmn- A 0 WPM A O J U. 0 U Z r ur t.1.1 0 Z ram. .... X � {J ■ a . r c+1: of 7 4 w 0 z a O � a T at c v a v u i file number drawing 1 I i of m As The iristesf, ,?.St stores i*n town. 0 8% a ST, LUCIE COUNTY HEALTH AFP� P. 0. BOX 580,714 AVF4 FORT PIERCE, F1: m 0 a 2 h i J W 0 a LL W J Z 0 m z 0 m Q m X q J LL W_ U 3 J F- N , 0 , 7•0 NEW ELEVATION EXISTING ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOURS NEW CONTOURS TESTING BORING ---� - - MATCH LINE ---- LEVEL LINE L, REVISION O WINDOW TYPE e REFERENCE DWG. BUILDING SECTION Q WALL SECTION NORTH POINT -- CENTER LINE --- — BOUNDARY LINE; ------ HIDDEN - FUTURE - EXISTING. BREAK LINE FLUORESENT FIXTURE - SINGLE RECEP. 15 A 126 V GROUNDED O DUPLEX RECEP 1 6 A 126Y GROUNDED SINGLE RECEP. 260Y 20A GROUNDED 0 CLOCK RECEPT SINGLE POLE WALL SWITCH SWITCH IN WEATHER PROOF COVER DISCONNECT SWITCH OR SAFETY O JUNCTION BOX ® WALL M T D TEL. OUTLET PANELSOARD RACEWAY EXPOSED RACEWAY CONCEALED UNDER FLOOR RACEWAY CONCEALED IN CEILING OR WALL :--�1}---j HOME RUN TO PANEL Q FLOOR M T D SINGLE RECEPTACLE WF;l WEATHERPROOF 1 DATE NAME, SHEET_ #: LAST REV S U R V E Y 8/11/87 SITE PLAN 1 V IC I NIT Y PLAN GRADING PLAN FLOOR PLAN A-1 FOUNDATION PLAN A- 2 - ROOF PLAN A• 3 EXTERIOR EL-EVATIONS A-4 SECTIONS & DETAILS A-.6 MANSARD FRAMING 8 DETAILS N/A A''r INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SECTIONS 3 DETAILS A-7 A-8 Av�9 Ea I SITE DETAIL EQUIPMENT LAYOUT - SITE ELECTRICAL E-1 ELECTRICAL PLAN' E-2 REFLECTED CEILING ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULES ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM E-3 E-4_ E=.6' ',LEAS ELEC. - RISER 8 PANEL SCHEDULE E-8 MECHANICAL PLAN M-1- MECHANICAL PLAN M--!2 . PLUMBING PLAN, P,,.1 POODUCT LAYOUT 30'X48' CANOPY •W/ 4'X27' ISLANDS lG'1 G.3 3-10M FIBERGLASS TANK DETAILS G-5 CANOPY PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 c r r c v ... o u v v u file number drawing of I `_6T ST BOX 1 I � i 1 u LLl I CL 3 t 4 1 ^I 1 I 0 Q O/y cc I Z cQ G 1 < PO.1 I ' j 4 ag e /FND BOA BM ? t / SPIKE I I D EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SEC 7-34-40 PO.C. e r ORANGE PHASE A A port the East 314 of the Northeast J of the Southeast J of tion 7. Township 35 South, 'range 40 East, St. Luc County, Florida, being more particularly descr' as follows: BEGINNING at the N'o st corner of Lot 11, Block A,_--rSANDALW= ESTATES SUBDIV'ISI(lh"', as rec `vied in Plat Book 20. Page 5, of th blic records of St„-LLcie County, Florida, run South along the East line of said Lot 11, a distance of 11.0 et to a plaint; thence run North 89056'30" East, a distance `>f 80.00 feet to a point; thence run North a once of 221.00 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of State Road 68 (Orange Avenue); thence run th 89056'30" Wiest, along said right-oj-way, a distance of 277.45 feet to u Point oj.1 Curvature; thence run a �the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 25.00 feet and a,.eentrol angle of 8914413T , distance of 39.16 feet to a Point of Tangency on the East right-of-wgy line of Sandalwood Drive; then run South 00011152" West dlonq said right-of-way, a distgrtee of 163.66 feet to a Point of Curvature; run along the are of a curve concave to the Noctfieast, having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle 8°52']3", a distance of 25.69 feet to-d�point of the. Northwest carrier of Lot 11, Block B, "SMIDALWOOD ESTATES thence run North 89°56'30",.East, along the North line of Lot 11, a distance of 210.99 feet to POIN7 OF BEGINNING. TOGETHFdi WITH: PHASE B The West 250.00 feet of the East 275.00 feet of the Northeast J of the Southeast J of Section 7, Township 35 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, LESS the South 1064.30 feet and also LESS the right-of-way for Orange Avenue, and all being more particularly described as follows: 1 P.O.B. N E COR. LOT 11 BLOCK B c-ANDALw00D ESTATES SJBD E 5w C • ',RAPE F� -RE F � 18 PENCE � h' N.,N � 16 20'c 5 i r ♦ 0 ul r ` SEE 1 � oETal: P` z 4♦ AVENUE wv_�_ A'st eL, J` PARCEL A �y40P..e'• P . FND CONC MON `SE- `I E r , .'D1 Z4 SA'IN'. EW%��.�r ESTATES SIGN FN, NC W_ -q'N E a, CH h, i° CHORD t E=.,SING N 0O �O J IA � eoo 7 FND CONC MON 65N 165'E BM 1' D INJ 131 e ll �0 I 0 m G r m � I Zz poi m 4 z h Y� INV 13.61 � 0 NOTE DESCRIPTION. �tE'hC1Nl: at the East J corner of Section 7, T'ownshlp J South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie. uh� ty, Florida; The East Ilne of the Southeast J of Section 7 is assumed to bear South 00000'56" We.;t, from which all thenc South 89057'15" West, along the centerline of State Road No. 68 (Orunge Avenu d the North line bearings are referenced. parallel with of the S heast J of said Section 7, a distance of 25.0 feet; thence South 00°0 6" ►k�tt, Pu Renchrrnrk il: Set 60 penny nail in power pole, elev. 18.75 NGVD 1929. Power pole is 40 foot South of C the East H of the Southeast J of said Section 7, a stance of 71.97 fed to the West right-of-way of centerline of Orange Avenue and 90 feet East of the centerline of Sandalwood Drive. D E T A I L Hartman Road and., the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence car tinuing South 6`60156" West, along the West _ a n Rood, a distance of 189.45 fee to the Nor line right-of-way of Hof the South 1064.30 feet of Benchmark 12: Found boat spike, elev. 18.93 NGVD 1929 at centerline intersection or Hartman Road and the Northeast J of the theast J of said Section 7; th cc Sout� 9°58'00" West, along the North line of Orange Avenue. ;I \ the South 1064.30 feet of Northeast J of the Southe t JET said Section 7, a distance of 250.00 feet RFYTRE7JCE - B-356 NGS Brass Disc - elev. 19.07 NGVD 1929, Southeast corner of 33rd Street and Okeechobee to the West line of the East '� \75.00 feet of the South J of said Section 7; thence North 00°00'56" i East, along the West line of the ids4 275.00 feet of t� outheast J of said Section 7, a distance of 0.37 Road. feet; thence South 89057115" West, a distonce o /19.74 feet to the East I ine of Lot 11 Block B of the Subdivision entitled, "SANDALk00D ESTA SU VISION" according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Official Records of St. Lucie County, Flori n Plat k 20, Page 5; thence North 00000'45" East, along the East line of said Lot 11. a dista a of 11. fee to the Northeast corner of said Lot ]l; thence South 89057'15" West, along the h line of sal t 11, a distance of 210.99 feet to the East y right-of-way of Sandalwood Drive a point on a curve[ng a radius of 25.00 feet and a chord of 24.56 feet vAIrich bears North 29°13' " West; thence northwestong said curve, continuing along the East right-of-way of Sandalwo Drive, concave to the Nortt an rc distance of 25.68 feet, through a____centre[ angle of 58° 58", to a Point of Tangencyhence No 00°1!1'59" East, along the East CERTIFICATION 737iright-of way of Sa Iwood Drive, a distance of 163.66 to a Paint Curvature of a curve having a 1 hereby certify that this map of the hereon described property is true and correct to the best of my eo' oo'�--- - --i t_OT n, BLCCK 9 radius of 25.OG eel and a churYi ul" 2u'.13 fee( which ears North 23°56'33' ast; thence nur•thel.ste, y knowledge and belief as surveyed in the field under my direction on _. _ - arni this survey meets SaooLEwooD along said c e, Can along the East right-of-way f Sandalwood Drive, conc to the Southeast and the minirrtrn technical standards set forth in rule 21MI-6 adopted by the Florida Hoard of Land Surveyors, \ ESTATES I arc dist e of 20.72 feet through a central angle of 47029109", to a point on a and the South pursuant to Florida Statute 472.027. There are no encroachments other than those shown hereon. su8oIv1S1oN i right- -way of Orange Avenue; thence North 89057'I5" Ea along the South right -of way of a Avenue, 1987 a d lance of 526.01 feet; thence South 35°17'03" East, long the Southwest right-of-way of Oran venue Dated this day of L_' Hartman Road, a distance of 31.18 feet to the POINT C ' BEGIMJING. f SUBJECT TO easement to Florida Power and Light Corrpany -ecorded in O.R. Book 234. page 670 of the Public •* P rd S Lu C t F1 id G. ALBR1 ON, P.L.S. Reco s of t. cte oun y, or a• Florida Registration No. 2791 WEATHERINGTON LAND SURVEYORS 4075 VIRGINIA AVENUE FT PIERCE FL 1.SOD1 461 . 6OP4 1 505# 676 - 6376 1 Al * I $K� k- lk � - ,, I " i4J ;14 e,, f &� i, -, , - ��FM - I�M� , 'I, � � , v I I �i�, ., —, . , qc "T W�z % vv6i n A #3 �,ir+� 5.'c Fs' x , ,(. u ' k {" '.4 ppf' I ski Ix s_. d.l 13..,. i}^ Y r e ' e h ± ' y"' 7. .. ",i M y� 3 ^r ,w'�t i 't•Hw '# r K'4[ r^c £ to `. £ f e r' ' aN;g m w s ,xr } .', ' x r x x " .r x s w „� ww t i £ a' 'Y rR "k z n ' u'd' . asni " w x `w"' wa a 'iris 1+ ' ,£ tw hj 3 r" kt ` , f , �.,FrSd s chV', c ,.tl v 4 t r. lfl ""I! i' "'�i4 ' ," 4 rd" f � d � Y, lr f a - .. r el - , u x. + k k >ri" . , . {LA ,. ,. . x _„ .. "n - b, ,. k , rW .1@. ewe. . ,.:< e , v, ,. a «. , .�vamsyseeemaxa a _- _- a F, $ �k a n 3 ,�„.e 5 S 91`) t ,},� "a td A n h �, �" 11,1.. k Y &i s J^ w 9' ,Yi'. I " F, t, I d-r' M' v`rIII a c r 6 ''� ^ ay�'C iF�Ri1 g V; - j� +r i' x l rr �ya { Q x, s d-r 11 (%+' ,' �iN T` , g' er# # yt h m,: � ,s r�3 x. 06 !It �, .. r I f r,Vty d. - P ..1n , «g2 +3 {x Yv � ,# ,-Me 11 , ..� + nolt NF'a i r v .. r ,. 'A sA t. ri _. .r�. q ."i; -� ------ . _ . — . aar. .," r , ,r a� w �t, , f Ea'+ xI I I 4 ,iiV r ��r aJ,rC.t ik� 5I +" e d v yC& 4" �, ky 11 "aI It ex i s a r �+3w''�d s§ r££';f N xY it prN aipr p # 3u."a� , z exw+yk a xw Yt, x ?' x 5,,a iu• a' T n ,.� Y i; d .y. T An M*a y- ,7., r x "y1Y 1 P j N? n k I"Is` . + .F p,: '" k '+ "� c 1. s"',iV�t,«ts�. dr'C 11 ,'+� v a ",',oi�g '''�k t»',F�" 4Fyt t a,t: �i „�+-q�r l "A rc x.,:,. Mr p,'r F ;6 r r'N' + t'�,."'Y r 1'`i ° "Sh rat 'fi v '+S.'' �. k' < +PY 'S"1�t i {S =4 , 'li ^x . ` a e# y ' ri�k�„ , ''rt, i y � ylFw rx* r �`» i , N f� R 4C " s rid . + e"` dt' ii,"fd %9 4 i Y9 i> �, ~r �;..rv;'m �*#�fX j 'x, f, ,"a 4`+ .'* au +a d t .� f'1.: / > x v'I y - ��ks' k bpi - r y,,�d 6 ♦♦ r ,�„+ 'A'i.�+°�:n ��} +yY'f`. �x r3 ', '.'2?'rs a u: sG'` �4U! k tse "a9i �.': v' ry -s, "§.a. X.T K T JA:' +;" ;; ,€+. . Y b VV,A'4"y��� .�. ;t ro 1'Mt - a "i3ti L;rSt iu�i' , MY 4 # O 4_ j',,jj ", I - ,,t it s 4s$F '1 iir ,?"I £ . I3'''w � r a $ s � �w $ TYt FI, I ," a r, a Srx ?L 7's zt� a " �h +ti' ' ras r'" v.. `r" s °' ° `� t.� " u r O, i ' { , 9"%.r ,r£, s'vmk'<i 'i , x a3 {� u�' rs "7i ++x r I r S ,"r"i�w '� v dt'.s iz .x n�y y`fi*` r r kr a ^4 �+ ,,., l Yt lu—,s,1} a V s sr '. r ;t u'" rx� a, rM es Y'�iY` �r e4r A �"` '" . " arwI'll "' 'wyv *'ah+ e' „Fi'" - ` nrd �� * Ba 3 w,, 4" f{� 1 ♦ r .� I r P # Km l— Al . ' s. r?ry �i`y„ ,s , ''?,^ ze 'Ni`n>:` y ,^ ,. 'S�ar �,'.ra°" "t ` T r!^"ry' aC" �#'"x? e 4 +i'^r�'n"xc' 4� ?J'f t:, °' > '""1h ` 't xt ."",Tt t +� i'A' °�.r'-r ,x�„ M n�ar,� r m t. "w 1 r s'asr.+1¢` ,11 ffi.ii i - u f y x'" s a'e""F a w -: ' l x . w �r : � rr " 3�"'m w i '� a m + y'� " R rr,:+i�a e 3�ta` "ro'� � r�"n * '-T h "xy +;S $$O sx. a k ,aR i ''a F T a Y s " S r yf y + ? ,5 +s s ":-}4 11 I v a',s ;�-5 i' +'�t"x rH 5t # rtw '���!k:wG z i"w4 '+ ,�ib'f"''1''"r r, z ' c i a ,,t nv ( h,,"aT`:,'i + 'k p-+ .F 5 tr a r 'w % "^ r' . `,i air .ti c°,. w74f'T-i ga `'A "c�'e��'�1"z a,,,1r+F.. '+Di r?'. �nx n r:Je''xrx .rurT' '{,r v:, 'c --a ���+ �tc"s. r�. r"3P�%k *`i`-qr w�°'n.,nF n i4 r.-5ti ,�W7k +°''"t'k1777 + rr ' s'. r w x` a "rv.`F` t x Rn..,r k };,., d l a k r} w A, r ?. i' a W i$' f^5' �" K a�.e^9 » 'x`�' 'dri x .. .' 'n s• ,ki a c -4 a �"S, '� rA I, I ,l' 1,.y, .r v� 11 1&r : y 5re i ^e ` E �� �',., 3 � ry t i#.l,Ya _ rhg4 s'+x P '`i � �' 4, m wu �" k.5'v-'TM,e ,at�' 2 ? .R��...a + s^et�et'i,9$d,nC�`fi kw.,r . µr r 3 .. ,1,,,r. J.y.'".r.. .. o . ^s , n ✓ w ` �� ` �°e F6 i. ,r.: 9°a` x a ." . i +F' "x y �;w x" ii�•� j - a=e t `wr e` ars`$a_ ., "'x? r. . ,`2 * Y` s Rry i,....�i ;;h-W .Ye�.F.� +. 4 r. .. ,.='�'1%5r,,.' - _ �':': i-•<.,. ..� ., ,r,,. -,;g,n '� ''� '' "^» �lInkr 'sr +s rn ar"Y a r s - r ",sue Y 7 w- aiit,7 v : £Mrw i11 k +{'w i l 6 , 11 i u I r :Er + r', s ` 4k� 5"r. 1�1, 11" f "IV3rI'M^" t, ;, r aa,ag �`~w, r, �"p" r�9ri r r b 4 r > € S�11 ' �r ,. + i d'-iv y,is� 3 'r Fr �ae F'v"^'` S' mrSSNt,�� a ""}A Y �k`I^ x.ued pIV +' t' �, +1 m'!, a'�, k 3w.n '"° .: � ,+ rxrWs ry z x w ' y .. ¢ I, Ia �,a T £ P# rart ^ H -9• ' .:3 c . xA a ,.% w A e rn as reC P'8w a ,'* 6 h : +f ffi v AFC , '. r x .x :kdi'' m1 t" 1a�(. nr r�^ru ''q� r kuvzg Y! k ar' v A k , +i. A�VIw I: $ k � d �11"" �'11 - i ` s y Jn w' ,+T r s� '2 I _ v v Po� i ";,,"y dr k'r� ° b i *�, �' a dhhr k Ry k + s 1 u' r 3 9' m rr'} "" +v a 4 G �i r rwe ul ry ,w9ax " '1�1+ 5xa -, r fat '�'"'. t o ' b #u, .:� ''h d +'"!n; Y s r "; £ a a :,Y?ILF to II I�a ea e m r "11 y rw .rxV."y,,, , f£r r r r > a `'- TY-j w £ Ir is M S a" 1 iA wet.' ' , n , `" r, x r fi �y A +.5+w fff n A r''IP y � n 1 r rI'll �' t'd3 11 r + r MN." > _# Y yq £' ;I M1 2 t. 1 '(4"i �'^x a n r " a a, gy'ti�s s :. a r a d 1a� A, N h+h r} 4�t` t r x e. r u 4- ' s a �, +�, r d '"' p1' n t�s Y'.' r f,iilt„r il. ! +wxsS, IIV,, ui y *. +. + +a 3 r '.'Y x s rxia. A Yti�,7I ,, Aar '•r lf"r ' i1 "Ill s `L.e rxF r a Sl +,,�' nr rqa „ f w'�^°�^ r,} r °£ P^ eNA t .t § 1 r `iL Yl df 9 S 4 q a un ry > }w' wCsn l'yr1'e%, 'rc r sI 14 w „an, v,j[y�S,^�"iAt k`rIr, a t.r' ' sA ,. "� r i r ^' < z r <' " `at r "'I � 4 k, - yt�.� r'1"IfA'` " aR'+r "9 r' .: s ". „� y c , + i. �,ya H 'A :� '"^ t f x sx r° *}N £ '' F,`, "w�y�s " r„u +" .tR1P d 'x '4 r q� gnn + 1,6 n4L.. 4 !' }H^>�a'fh�F n! r9 urW i r#, s r k fir; t n m r �+ # ,�,; °` 1 i _ r+ §i'�, , M r t,,n, n ,Ja}, r- s A rt + Ay4 r 'A'i 'e'i ` " _� r A r""@,- `}�SB q J '' a 1-k f '' , sw�,1'i�4A� pYa.i + £ F r A - , n ' a d ", t : s a r "7e, 'mx �4.r a �, Y y r er.-�} p a, a { I'� ' -,^ n t*' � Ip- r > � P s r ,ig, i' r �. 'L u,Fa,./�$ s.F a a i�y�'k:r s y , ' , — : 5 4'a ed A Y 1 q 7 d�,, + £Y R � a T x Aar fa t ' ' �> Yt{a ,z1""r. 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", t f;+e5rwr-r+�fytV�u. � w+�x'AW t'»Y§, h� rj n nk"r ry�i £a ya >+na c,HiSh` �'°" `. ✓ r `: t c M'w, It, a 'Y ai ,' +-' Y S ,�'>w +,"».F m �: 'A t'` r z f r w t?, �;.lt r '"' +ur . y f x v x e x '�,it,- a =s ors.. -: a fiF y s i', b a a.. rrx x Ai't' y' h r 7'Y + w asun dM 7t ; f'" + t a i, 1�1y : r ei r . �, i �k �r r.I'' , a F£kr"S iN F`>4�F 'f „+3 Ys Fyt. f% yam', �'m d 7 � {}, ' �'„ t - N , P £ 1R F a4dx op er '� 3 "ft 1- ih v Y nY nm a ' n+ arym rka, t d : cr' a. , r L r �°,„ 4 ( r- JI} £,,�y,fA $ ,,, i�4 C 4 4 x yea ' k++¢+'t Rip+,+,y l=`s >giai 4 a vi e'd� 1-Y tx$�`.^ y _r 5 -. 1 "v y , rF-% Sr r "-.A tx.5: �x`�'N"x F'� i, 1 xn$ ", f£ 1+a`sa ° r v a >'''1"'' '9�jeMT r<�W(v < w'r {p.�."� ^�l-, `fr i .4: '9'». a : V£'l• u t 1 5Y A C IlZ j+ an f:, 5 #YI" 1 d%h k ��-.. ;f w fi,_ n x..'' 3 �4f� f .'lhva , �, ft iu r; 1 '• m�r,a ,.1 q i C , 'Vy_ ...., i r _ a ,..' r w. xs '' x�.. eE' 1..211r" t + z. r x. .: r. n a. , u., a .m nri,.. < , r•, ...aS 4 '�"� _ ., s., .y., ,rl,:,:. lW x" e .. .. Acw' , - .. "E .. .., x i , e.: z,. .,,x r'.... , , x .L. ,; ,,.4 .. 44.E M .: nr.,t , am} 3 ., ... a,... f <t- n .. ...� ... ..} -.'' ..; w,.. e o . uFI. ti.. r.. r:.., d .Y g5..r., < :{ {. 1 .rY'.. _. � .... ,,. .. ,.. F.,. �r 1 itti ,.:.n ,�E r r x.. .n.. .'. r: tI a .,- . « ..;. r rb A.i i ..L. l w ;. i# ,g0 .; - „q.,., �d,. 'y ,. x,= 7, e ry a-:...1rSp , ,. .,.:- ,. � n.,_ W,D. . .. ... at.,;S',17d^�'.�ra�s':., s+ crs,.:..: ;_. ... .... R+ to .e .. �?o "s ...::. s l ,�*£r+ 'A -+ ay , , tIAi. ,, 4 ., yt n ,. '". xt ,.ye' -a, t1z,,I r , a� dlm>d,'c +... j", JIw'",e '""+'v: F y g r ur a m I 'Ij 3rs �Riml'� r 4, — IK 40 g�y # "i�.w, a. ` 3 F w , Gm , z ,. +4 0 ,.. .. :.. 1. a. '.... , ,, .. ,., r ..b"W '.. ...r.. ,.. ..:. d .. ._ .. r+ :.. t ,. ,. i a _ n i. 3..a... ,. , .%. ... s , , ... , a we '. n .. 4. . f , .:eFw .:.. ... :... .. - .. . w. ... Y ... ..`...'., .f .. n 4, .. r_.. . v.. ..e. .... . ,. ', x 4. , n'.. .. YU..;,. i.. ::, fl ... .�. x k. 3 d r' �y�. 5 , :,..,n. . A..Y ,� $,: MV N vd .'.TR'S.1ex' .. .. fE. : ..... .... ..a .may yy 4t. .. n v_ ...... e t. e.._ .. a a.. � �...N. a -. a :..:. .. ...:., � y . s. a ... . , _:. .... ,.. a e: L .� k"Kv �.' -.i }. i. Y�M1 Ice na n..:; ..r ... e i. , r. ..e. v. }.. na.. X. .A .. k i... W x ' '.. ._ .,. .... .. ..r ..ry .1.. _ y.` ,.:a ..... e e ;-:. ....fir+=^'.�.. ..... .. i. .: ....,.. -. n. :. tL' , i.. n .... `e"ie _.x..; t ;.:r ,. ,.. - .,, . ,.. -. .. .. ., ... ..:.. ..,, e. ti I::. a _,.. ..r .. .. , 1 , . ., x M.. _e. ..:,. _ u.. „ 3 .. , .. r. ... , ..., .... a .. e.. .. ,.. ,. ...tl ,..., _ .. 1 e x F z _. - .... ... ,,.. .. .._ .. a. ..., . ... i. .. ... _4 ,..., .. : a.:. i ., , . ,. A r._. .,a•,.; ... .. ,... . ... i , , .. ... .. 1.... e .... I .. ... t Pwill� t ,.,I. s 1p e i ,. , , w e.: Mom �- e ..pw,1 -. ,.. , k�1 f?I TIwii.RtiL".r'x!Sv"LI,,..2 .. I a I a °- ,, , II , .. ..�,. ..x-- ;,.. ....:> - .. ,-. mow.I 11 fA,r pi aaj,X TM V54 T9 11RUM WIIIIIMW7 IMPT " 7111 M i NO WO,. I ,!A.Mgj,Wli 1,R Pwl, <JU Ro Nig —,;,r ."RU, 4 nq "A 1 1,0 j� Z;� ve 1 ,E P. tn 0, 14j, � . .... . V� , � " , 5", _ 10' X 180 OONT. CONC FTG. W/ 2/ b'S CONT. s' CONC. SLAB W/ 8 X a V.B. OVER X 3/18' SIL -�. 1C1, X 2(r CONT. CONC:. . _ ✓ _ _'W/ J/ 8'S CONT. k CJ Mfrs 14 u. F- I- z 0 W U aQ o O W J N Z Z Q 0 = I- F Q LL Q LL W 0 j Z 0 W :) W W 0 x O 0 0 0 LL F 0 3 ! N 00 a m W r a r � c v r � U t v o V file number drawing A-2 of In � 4 4F ROOFING SPECIFICATIONS:" ` � • � � � � � '� �� �� ikU I r 1. ALL GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE GENERAL REQUIR ENTS SECTION 01 `` " THE FIBERGLASS BUILT UP ROOFING SPECIFlCA11ONS MANUAL (P #1-PW-5393) SHALL BE CONSIDERED PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. 2. ROOF DECKS MUST BE GRADED TO DRAIN ALL WATER FREELY TO DRAINAGE FITTINGS. DRAINS SHALL BE IN SUFFICIENT NUMBER AND SIZE TO ASSURE RAPID ELIMINATION, OF WATER FROM THE ROOF SURFACE. 3. TREATED WOOD NAILERS ARE REQUIRED ON INCLINES EXCEEDING 2"/FT TO HELP ` SECURE INSULATON AND ROOF MEMBRANES TO NON-NAILABLE DECKS OR TO DECKS WITH INSULATION. NAILERS SHOULD BE THE SAME THICKNESS AS THE INSULATION AND SHOULD BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE ON 20 FT. FACE TO FACE own ma, FOR SLOPES UP TO 3"/FT AND 4 FT. FACE TO FACE FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 3/FT FELTS ARE TO RUN PARALLEL TO THE INCLINE AND MUST BE SECURED AT EACH AT EACH NAILER 12" IN FROM THE BACK EDGE OF THE FELT EACH NAIL MUST BE COVERED BY SUCCEEDING P IGH TEMPERATURE AREAS MAY REQUIRE NAILING ON LOWER SLOPES. 4. APPLY ROOF INSULATONIN'ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. IN ATION JOINTS SHOULD BE STAGGERED IN ONE DIRECTION, FOR MULTIPLE -LAYER,', APPLICATIONS, JOINTS OF EACH LAYER SHOULD BE 0 A MINIMUM OF 6" FROM, ALL JOINTS IN THE PRECEDING LAYER. w BED THREE PLIES OF PERMA-PLY IN SHINGLE' FASHION (STARTER SHEETS REQUIRED),. PPING 24-2/3" INTO UNIFORM SOLID MOPPINGS OF HOT ASPHALT, USING A NOMINAL 25 LB./100 SQ. FT. PER PLY. PLIES MAY BE LEFT EXPOSED UP TO SIX MONTHS WITHOUT SURFACING. 6. EMBED NOT LESS THAN 400 LB./100 SQ.FT. OF GRAVEL OR 300 LB./100 SQ.FT. OF't SLAG INTO APPROPRIATE GRADE HOT ASPHALT, USING NOT LESS THAN LB./100 SQ.FT. OF ROOF AREA. THE APPLICATION OF AGGREGATE TO FIBERGLASS RO TEM SHOULD BE DELAYED UNTIL TH SYSTEM, INCLUDING FLASHINGS, IS D. GRAVELING GRAVELING MAY BE C D BY "SECTION". OVER THE ENTIRE AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE B -UP ROOF SYS TO MINIMIZE PUNCTU A, OR TRAPMENT OF AGGREG BETWEEN THE CING dm. :, L 1-1 4' X 1-1 A X MED w W/„ 2- S fib' 90L k MIE A/C UNIT W. I n W 0 I!I .P 13 W u o4 F J a N Lj Q Vi ` IL N t 0 0 M X 0 v 0 0 o Q � o 3 a) o a. m rn a a Y c ; � Y � V � t V � U file number drawing i —3 of A IF'1 ■ 1 �� "Ap0 , VIE" o ss Ell, gff Iola as 45===M 'MMM M "M ip ls, wwwwra AMML, wwwwwww am Imm m 1 1, � St. 4 111 lot ^AMIM 11 1 -. w = IM." w mmmI MOMMISM, Emmm, mmwl m mom m 4"=Mm '40=M' 7 or "Mm ............ ......... ..... A 'V-�V5 v : q El. i oc-- M4IN ammmmm�mmmw.l mall mj KiV S iM , 101, �MMOWMMM"M=M ..a , t',sd ie . --m toot.ammm oomww l E.77 11 MM R 1,27 M-ov IQ 11, A �'i K7 11 ad Irk 1'. I ',� � OI a EMISSION I 8- SLOPE OF ROOF FROM FRONT WALL TO REAR WALL TOP OF ME BEAM O REAR TOP OF PLATE th ELEV- 108 T - — UNION MINOR O FINISH FLOOR FINISH FLOOR ELEV- Oro- �ETFV- O'D- ROOF JO ST SECTION SARD BY OTHERS 2' X 8- WD. BLOCKING n CANT FLASHING J 5-PLY BUILT-UP ROOF CANT FL.ASHNG W — /15 FELT OVER 1- RIGID — N 0 INSUL ON 22 GA. CORR. MTL DECK 5-PLY BUILT-UP ROOF FELT OVER A. RI STL BAR JOIST /18 Q O IL'ISUL ON 22 GA. CORR K. W r STEEL BAR JOISTS MTL DECK / BOTTOM ROOF DECK SE ROOF FRAMINPL AN LAN 0 U TTOOF Z I STL BAR JOIST SLOPE E T'O BACK OF STORE_ O O I BOTTOM OF ROOF DECK SA _ ISLOPE TD BACK of STORE � � Mn. PLATE Q LL U TOP OF TIE —BEAM W I LL v J GALV. MTL DRIP p N J 1/2- ANC. BOLT O 48. O.0 (D Q t L — — 8'x 12' CONC. TIE -BEAM I X o 7 z W/4-P CONT.& #3 TIES Q • 24 O.C.STEEL ANGLES CONY LL 2' X 4' ACOLW CLG. W/ 0 F COX 3/4' COX PLYWD. R-19 BATT INSULATION TO 2' X 4' ACST.CLG TREE R-19 BATT INSULATION ROMDECK W 16 X 35 STEEL. BEAM O DOUBLE WD. PLATYS SOLDIER COURSE IIr-fK 1/4' Mn- PLATE i/4' TEMP PL GLASS IN BRONZE ANOD. 3-1/2' X 3-1/2' X 3/leSTEEL COL ALUM. FRAME W/ 6- X 10• X 516- BASE PLATE W/ 4-6/8' X 12 AN04ORS ! LEVELING NUTS io I b PAINT ON GONG BLIC • (BACK OF STORE -ROOM) O b a METAL SILL 6' CONC. BLOCK W/ STUCCO ON LONG CAP 1-/5 VERT. • 48. D.C. 8' CONC. B.K. 1/4- PANEUNG ON - 1/`L- COX. PLYWD. 2' X 4' X 8' BRICK 8- C GyC. % W/ 0 48-O.G 1 PT. DRYWALL W1 (STORE -ROOM) 6- CONC. SLAB W/ 1/2- DRYWALL (SALES AREA) RFL D.C. 2 X 4 WD. PARTITION 6 X 6 10/10 W.W.M. 4- CONC. SLAB W/ 10,2 X 4 WD. PLATE 4- CONG SLAB W/ EXPANSION JOINT o X6 1100/10� W.W.M. PRE -FIN. WD. PANELING 6 B' 10 O�W.W.11. W/ 1-/5 CONY. VINYL BASE W/ 1-%S CONY. EXPANSION MAT 1 VINYL BASE VINYL TILE 5' CONC. APRON VINYL TILE TOP OF FLOOR �— �_ �— _— •it's . • • .`i " .: • �— �_' —� �— _� a a:. ♦ _ >'. • • u� _— •� t .i' • • EL EY' 0'G' —_ -- 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER 8 MIL VAPOR BARRIER EXPANSION MAT C�•• i; .. •.. EXPANSION MAT . • L •�. ,..•w p 10' X 180 CONC. FTG. 1'-4' W/ 2-05 CONT. 10' X 18' CON(. FM W/ 2-•/5 COWL 16' STORE FRONT SECif'O REAR -WALL SECTON °0° ah W a) � C N C ; � Y f O C ► U � v v c=i file number drawing r\-5 of I "W' gg '31 61 Jj "!�P N-R—F—I 11 17, all Akio— �'4 �Z, m "S sl eY gg, WRO" n 1, 'KTI "Z -IT 11� I M"r,lleb 'lh a�V`Iw INlIP,KIas 'a. Pn. 01 A -1b :1 4 i�, i :V 0 1, a. IN's A", w IF MEN wo, w" "50, lin, . • + ., ",,,��' �a a.. 07 ilia s 3. ""AVOW tol 7T71111777 "ZI K v -Al l cg_ 51, All mv ' 'Flx� u, w '4 l V'l ijih►° li ? I 9 I I r wYrrirr�rrWrr s� �r Y .¢+ I fSgp � y�A y` �Y�tiH���ylryw R �_ �rx`R a61iv R- Y ra ,j, 4FFF,a , hr =aiS nWL il � • �=Y • • `� i AWON 1 I O•4 'T "F Yk' d 0 ^ u r t a ;: 'v '� y, `t p T i a va s a 1h y ' n7hd1" V_'4U� Ali, yi x #" " i5 H �v.sil9palb,� ^uvye�Ys - - � AII KIM t rq xa ? 4 � � h f m"'a' n• will �"'x. S'$ y "4s C�,.I,�i'4ry. �' , ��I �� ■ �' a _ ■ t` ...u..-,. i *�tk nY . 11, TAM! Z-LQW' 0, " .., NET EOWP"' GIENT SCHEDULE MARK DESCRIPTON (Z) PRE-FAB WALK-IN COOLER © UPRIGHT REACH -IN FREEZER , © ICE MACHINE QD WATER HEATER ON SHELF 0 3-COMPARTMENT SINK QF ICE MERCHANDISER © ICE CREAM FREEZER QH MERCHANDISE END DISPLAY BY OWNER �j PREP. SINK O HAND SINK t�K DRINK COOLER _ © SANDWICH PREP CASE DISPLAY r@NMICRO-WAVE _ DISPLAY _ © DISPLAY ® HOT DOG MACHINE ® POST MIX SO COFFEE QT DRINK DISPENSERS QU DRINK DISPENSERS OV SLUSH PUPPIE OW DISPLAY CASE QX DELI CASE O HOT DELI DISPLAY CASE W/ OVEN O COOK AND HOLD OVEN O VIDEO DISPLAY �2 SANDWICH PREP. * NOTE: EQUIPMENT TO FURNISHED BY FARM STORES * EOUIP uEN7 LAY SHELF rX-TAR 4' SQUARE 2 X 4 FRAMING WATER HEATER SUPPORT �� a. > 3 M � C U o u. h Y Z � d W d L;cr _ Y/ 3 �W �� mo A Wm F- U t W F Z 0 L� N � W a W F 0 � � � 0 � t } H J LL Q J Z W 0 GJ � o a X 0 0 u' 0 W I I - a CL N a � c v r v v u file number FS-87-3352-10 drawing EQ-1 of n, T T�i 4 4r zl� jo, 41 "k, 01'ls "k N "p Z. M NIA "gi I IT kr" 41, lI� T, Ep CTII, I.J., i3il"ll �,i I IT AR A, A; I-gis _1A P ",I IT i dW, „,W rzy, k IT iiTiii; .4, Till W17 Ti Tu lip l Ni x, 14 ie I,- ", 4, �, ATT A- WI,$ TI iq K 'T ✓ 'M I'll Till "V �r Till pr 1,610 4�1 IT I Vl- jkpl TN IiI It IMF a izA: 3f, �44 L T'l, 4,111 1 ", "'I, , Iii IT .T is llol FI, 3, T'i "Ric, I _ IV Rlg i�� gKil A "Alit, 116.71 R 1.4 - ' I �,4, �'& � � , I .'', 11 11 1,1 I imVI A e.T V IF IV*l.,TI1 *j . __ �, I Ip -Pp. XV A, a Ti , 4"Irl IA J1,4 Av 4 , I, 'I � I - " I 4T IT, Ill 140411I�A_1, 1 11 "1 IlT W I avd, 11"Wk, Allll,�S, ir m m IN, tgA "T, j, s �11 14 IT gt WIV IT 4", T, L 1 , IiA pf p"', ml IT. IT, X 7311 I, T ,rf414- _Till IT "l i4i X III I �: )" ax.T I, , " I e,r),. I - fl; T, AN re- '01 IV -------------- s� Ti �j lj,'� e• 77 j�"%Al IW 77 7 jij v Vn. 'JW�A _11,50""', Ai" ITT 1, 6' 4 Tl14, �61 IV Ij T' 1p"PAl U'Ai -Z VWVillvW I T ", ,, , I 1' 4 5 A, T , L IiAl -1 4 V'11' TT 0 IT I was w. _�m-..,., am --«FT. 's^:�vra �e.,, 9-+crow,;, .,•w7�*'ri]uMM•a' - :,qqm �� � `riA:5..rt3 , ,"�`. s.,,.tiew.Y.•,.u�� i�sa.�S.. � �.�a-.`.w"u ��,.a.Pa�kx�r3mi.; n. fi In q�' .. . ^ �..m � . s14� ��.{$l.�+ld".SSw.d�tn �k"�i .n� 7 Alr �,. _ " , .... WI ID k *v f 1 r iZ"I x x a s n • .�,' ,� # MY � v as s " r Siwr � 5�9 1? {1Y aiM_ �92,Tzt 4 a qi mraP ^1 %�sy^` M S` 3' ly€ayY�i�rw r3� ak'r � � %�RA' �fi : ,t ei" •. �.'F* �� y#' � &• }y�'( i �v o WRWIvaL W/ JWVIiRD MTAQ.E� lqpwmw WrNT Y Y e �hxfrhu•�=.al�r ��e you I� �°.. d; , , ". �'& ;�.„1S�h'e& £' ,.:� .iS�. ka., " �.. MOUNTING 10 , � a p f lc e, Ug .r'a. i �"�&aY'����.�•.'I� -� •� ,,.� ..� � .�4� * �� 11 a!- M 11 CONDUIT STUBS FOR E-5 TO GAS IN THE REAR 01 Ste) A/C 'i i SY *'%A- A 3 a,,t��R H 'kQ'y,,, C �. 9.. r)' 1 .Ili y➢ R' $ A R K f.IX "`j.,'.- @ - 1J% . !"k``iRq.y'1 "k "a l�'•.b'` � 4'0 `� ♦ . ♦� i• 'i, +y a ��VW k� • J • 1 ♦ � � V f Sti-t+µS"A �1 � d� � P + µ. ICE MERCH. UNION W N 0 W W a 0 0 z z � I F LL Q W w a j U IL w of 0 1- o 0 0 X LL U W W 0 I 3 N V ti CD a m d c ; � Y � O U i 9 U file number drawing E-2 of Q i4 L-9 CON -Te .,'�..¢ Eft J-BOX FOR SIGN MOUNT ON OF 'D ABOVEROOF ECK PRI Y �y L-1 L-3 L-5 L-7 �I■ L- L- W 0 N W 0 H 0 W z � t7 Z N I � Q ILN 0 LL W `J p W 13 W 1- U t0 0 W X 0 LL J LL W o � a 0 m a. m T � a T a d c it � O ► � � Q C U file number drawing E 3 of saIf _.ouu�n.+r�.�u.�nenrns=neoneamnm+w;:ae�=�r�: 1MC i nw on TO PHA' -fr PHASE PHASE tsttec' `1 i e 4 -if- 'Eg2 n hs t ' ac qa°*.r nirr` ,:,� 1'� '• rY h .!__k f f�, 1, r3 g .i� 3+ i 'Z 'k i, 't� iF qr ¢ k v t i '+w a Sir ''- i x� P" `� "� �"+r �5 V f�" C a��' .F•, e - �a" �� � -� � 4R �j a p�u* �L q �^,K3 'XrY r a`-�r �k.5 ^[ ti- 8F "^,„n✓,^:. s w' F'., "' -s 1 z k. .,;- >.`' x v %, w""i r -R- R �..:dq '$wwA yii' '��ii ."Nrt'�i�' t „5'�� ,4 X SY{a`.,'✓ aC}:" � "4f � 9 Gf l ,ia PTr " �� L Q Lt W Q 1 L to t 1-20/2-40 V 3 t D� -_l� E L l aut•zH yeV� sloe-Y.=-D� � co►!�1 Mg*.- . i r • i • ,ot�.y1D bPiL4 1>Bod1.1�r1'( tl�1�t' A5 H W H E F GAL} ED F� ft F i _ rc • 3aivt rzo�1,+e �tT. 1 xLr. •I DEL I I �ro�c MC> Jd-r itg pn.►Jti-L off 7At�F.L, I 4'°�SZ�h-�lafr7*,�z� Iti!cta:ro� 1 I souk F-��[11:P+t��_l�'c1sIa�FLaS I icr J-I-WLJ Tf_ =tt. `}r i.— _ _ _ " cry" 3c Et - - - � UNt�-+c . _-Z a _ y-0a7A1..ILSRb go M ELxNlr�ihl`Ep IJHErI MET K GfS IS MOt1h}j�� 6A.-_x To S- m v��lEt_ otiNo n pPt2o�Eo q THE PoLJEQ GD, ;rep ,. , ._... ..... _ • . T. ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM N.T.S. i. .._ -.ice. •i.�/�_�i^. � - L .-OV4 �4� oIJ 0-6p-4 y jati t ,x a V Z u � m a v r b � _. w Z 0 u 2 e 2 I Ic LL Q W �. J C �0 0 A � J a m U 0 J 0 W CQ _ G 0 �D X 0� q �I d 6r�+rinq TYYPICAL ;E-5 of t L. r 400 WATT METAL HAL 1 DE INTERCOM (TYA) m JEE GAS S1TE PLAN FOR NUMBER AND LOCATION OF MONITOR WELLS. Ca A 6 016 P cIK� fg—/7 8 -t12 THWN 2t14THWN 3412 BLUE THWN 3/.I "C TO OTHER F/XTURE6 (7 pER G/RCU/T) 3/4 "C 12t12 THWN PIANO 1% / S IN LOCATIO CANOPY COLUMN CTYP) INTERCOM :.MASTER CIA- pt/(eTFFN D/5P. 8*12 THWN c ! rc � 3/4 .G G -17 D/S PENS �LIyHT 5W1TGH 3+12 BROWN rHWI 3 6 3* 12 YELLOW rHwN 314*C ^s yes 4A5 UN vun. HpoV r 230V Z3ov K'�-4 G-8 /0-12 NOTE 3 OR MORE DISPENSERS USE l 1/2 N.P. PUMP MONITOR WELLS (TYP) AS PUMP EMERCgENCY 6HUT-OFF OCATED MINIMUM 20' FR c M AS 0/6PEN6ER CI' er UIM14 WIS EFA RATE NE, ?AL 6 Z) C30N0 WIRES PA^ y (I).6INC,LE RECEPT. .SEI .ATE CIRCUITS FOR CON60L6t TERCOI CgA6 CONSOLE ON j'UNTER /SOLA7ED yN0 RECaT Fc '.'"ON60L - DISPENS ER CONTP BOXES BY GIA6 CONTRACTe ; PHOTOCELL 180OWATT (3) ~l2 THWN //2"C CONTACTOR $ POLE 60 D 8903 Lq 8o (2) 0/2 THWN //2 "C KEY OPERATED 6WITC14 FOR MANUAL OPERATION OFL/4H-rj 41X4ill 4UTTER GA6.PANEL MOUNT (*UTTER UNDER C UTTER SqD C.�020 L /2,4 (20)vr12THWN /N I1/Z"C n ' .'SIDEWALK, ALL CONDUIT l06 1 6 ENERAL CONTRACT PON6161L/TY.GA6 CONTRACTOR MIMI SN PULL CONN T ALL _..-Affm POWER RISER DIAGRAM (GAS) N.T.S. (- WNITE NEUTRAL D15PEN6ER I- GREY NEUTRAL DISPENSER 1 1- RED ols;PEN6ER 1-14 HTS ) C I K a 17 I - BLACK DISPENSER FEED J 2- BLUE SU8MERCgED LUMP UNL. 2- YELLOW SUBMERCgED PUMP RECq. 2- BROWN 6UBMERC7ED PUMP PREM. I- CgREEN 80N0 3- ORANGE' 12 THWN CANOPY L/Cgl-/T6 CIK a 3-7-/l ,3- PURALE "12THWN CANOPY L1C?HTS CIK 51- WHITE- '12THWN CANOPY NEUTRAL GAS 01SIozil CONOUC ill cr l2 THWNq`(Z) x16TFFN I - `l2THWN BLACK DISPENSER FEED -.:. 1 - '127HWN'RED LICgHT FEED I- *'I2 TflVH1TE DISPENSER NEUTRAL, I- *12THWAI.gREY LIGjHT NEUTRAL 4, 1- o12TH'WN:gREE'N BOND I - *12 THWNFBLUE PUMP RELAY CON"i i-'12THWN BROWN PUMP RELAY GONTROL_i I- ~12THVVN YELLOW PUMP RELAY GONTRO I- 'w16TFFN`6ROWN DATA + I- "to TF-FN`YELLOW DATA - (� �SUBMERCgEO PUMPS - w . - � HP Will OR MORE 9h CONDUITS .` or� \\ ONE. PER PUMP TANK �\ ONE 6?AUC7E ...5 O L E /� 4 j/ - ADo (I) 3/4 `CONoU/T FOR EACH �� ADDITIONAL DSSPEN6ER 6AL.E.5 AREA /(t <2) °j14"CONDu1Ts I) U> PER 0/6PENbER (2)3/4~CONDUITS LICH'TS AND i � ( ( lyEw -6T0RE CONSTRUCTION INTERCOM Cy—.COL/NE INSTALL '7 SHALL BECgIN CONDUIT R "-'O'OUTSiDE 8U1L0/Nf? ANO TO _ IONS 4Fill I SHOWN, BURY CONDU/Tl M1N. Z " 4016PENSER aIUGTION BOX MUST I j FACE STORE . SEE gA6 61TE PLAN FOR NUMBER AND LOCATION OF DISPENSERS, CANOPY COLUMN (TYP) - EL PAIVE4-6 FM INTERCOM � ^'' ( TYP) I,�`�-ELEG. METER MUSHROOM EMERGENCYSry/TGN TO SHUNT BREAKER FOR PANEL 'G WHERE REQUIRED By CODE ONLY 6gAS GUTTER WHEN MTD I N REAR OF 64L>4, USA 6'Xtox.3re. WHEN MTD o UNDER COUNTER USE 4"x4;c,YG" PANEL G SQ D 00 20L IES ' 1 PH 240 VOLT _ __- /25I MLO CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD w w 2 N 3: 41 a ¢ _ to 1- F 0 z I- U z a Ir _ m t- w w ¢ N 3: co LOAD CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A -C N C A CANOPYL14HT6 1200 1200 /2 20 1 2 20 12 I2'00 RECg.PUMP CANOPYL/GHTS 12001200 12 20 A 20 12 1200 REG.PUMP CAN0PYLIGgHT6 1200 /200 /Z 20 5 6 20 12 1200 UNL.PUMP CANOPYLIGHTS 1200 1200 12 20 7 8 20 12 1200 Ull • PUMP (:AN0PYL1r4HTS 1200 /zoo /2 20 9 10 20 12 1200 PPEM. PUMP CANOPY L/f7HTS IWO 1200 /2 20 Il 12 20 12 1200 PREM. PUMP INTERCOM SO ' 50 12 20 19 14 20 I�oo l000 c �lo('�1 51411 CONSOLE 250 250 /2 20 15 i(o 1 O 1000 clsaory 6I4u 01SP. POWER 500 12 20 1-7 IS 0/6P: NEUTRAL 500 12 ZO 19 zQ 'Afolo 5900 8000 000 4600 A600 PHASE A 4100 + 4400 -8700 JOHA6E C 3900 + AGOO -8500 171200 — v2 0 72I A? PAL , $000 + 2000 = 10000 _ 421 A W FIE 6/ZE = 3 THW PANEL SUB -Fro FROM SHUNTS EAKER IN NEIL MA" OPE to t Q: N 2'MAX. �• 9�'SWEIER ELBOW C pilil C CONDUIT TO all — FROM ONE TANK ONLY ,L1Nd CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL M ,1I7-OR/NQ1 DEVICE PROvjl BY Fr -'M 6TORE6 AS 6PECIF•IED /N 45TATED INJT , JTURE TANK MO EXTFAlf p 6 L Z fVies Pon0V/GED WITH 611BOXES - %i OFF 20X20� RED ACKET STE RET Bok FURNISHED 19Y FARM JTORE6 o � P) O o OPW Ilfo GAP �-- 3/4"Rl(g/v COMoU17 (TY)=) 4"RISER /2" LONCg LOOP 5/4"pVC GONDU/T TANK TO TAN/ 9�4 C (/PL/NC 4'GO PLINK _ 4"RISER (LENGHT VARIES TO TANK BUR)AL) WTI TAIL N.T.S• 4 HS W uTi C) cd W V) Q U_ cc C) W W V � y� T C a ; a c v v III* eumb•r .g. of M2:j24W'1a 'II:a DN RC e►rnIf r a «•• r.t' e' n .�. a ,.•z "Ing 1..m 71 l: S � • • `" OW pL� i t iM 6A +�ypl. M Pyyk}Ji%���J', WN�, t<,� ,, ' l ry u '` Irvl +` (S. E�f S W I r � � rvr ((( �t, f lit .ya v 1t �f �� ���♦{ 14 ANt� FLAN �, Dy, c J� ili z I%4 s yob' aGfOT bVnvv..�••._._. r Designed to convert a side by side or an over and under _ arrangement into a concentric distribution of air diffuser isllush mounted, completely insulated, a ow/Pressure Drop Information bled, and internally baffled to provide tour way su Aw irfl au distribution with a Center return. To make the'-' 9 : 4' aut alb 1 r. 1 n WX a WA COLD WATER VALVE • Ur A.F.F. A-, 11111111, 4" WASH Ott 3 Rt x VT. C.O. 3" VT.R. I -' 4 1 3 3" F.D. FOR COOLER "<J 4" CONDENSATE F.D.tr w 3• 3 3" VT.R. 3" F.D.--\ C.O. 3" CONDENSATE " F D 1 /2" C.W. DRAIN 0 3"AFF. W/ CAP \\ 24"AFF. (� " �� 3 fib. \ " 3" HUB \\ 6" PVC PULL -CHASE 6• p G X\ j / / DRAIN 3w \'�- yy/ (4)-REF. ONES PULL J` /� \\ CHASE �\ / 3" REFRIG. LINE \\ 16" X 16" DRAIN WAMPORM o \\ BOX o \ \ tO m WWI\\ BEV/AIR X :;� \\ \ 3" HUB DRAIN IN BO 1 /2w C.W. 1 CAP -OFF 3" HUB DRAIN 3" INDIRECT FAST FOODS WASTE CENTER BEV/AIR H.B. _ WHINE HAND SINK H.B. i DISP. ISLAND PLUMBING PLAN d 0 w 0 5 .; ICE MERCH. a 2 :7 Q • „ z C Q O V iY � �> Y a o � ci 0 it a 0 a a O � O C n_ J 0 to W 0 R W 0 Z W = � FIL ? Q LL j v 0 (D a 0 X 0 0 0 LL Ic F 0 01 n co N a � c v d W i Y t v v u file number FS-87-3352-10 drawing P-1 of k`v �t�er SK To Serve mrber Served Per Day )tal Floor Area ,pica) Base Flows ,. ;timated Average Flow ;timated Peak Flow timated Peak Flovr" TANK: fnp Capacity ze Multiplier's quired Tan oposed Ta I5 - Chlorin ed i ,A, OW; ow', rgemen ce t i oner :x k btal Lo cyst slope 3f 1210 z ;r gag" �4 Alt, s, s� Alt, s, s� sa s- � i t� a 1 "s w� Pill M-Al, Mq� _ . ATM* 9f.roa.NSn Ty G . Y ,r"!r'Ys -aA %Ni' .. ,.a 1 <ri5 k kil,v 1' m sY <u } A t, r e p p✓�`, r+ ',qtw Div ; t 4 a ,:. z �g� i�k3 . _ ` .'.«r9z v? °" r Yy. s:. r, ^,V+ , ti d L ' �,� :fit al La h •o w i s '' ro , §... ,<:M � 4 a}V '.,"-b'h a1 I4�F�,:�! J/dl a, % .i.✓' � y', i .. o.F. `..:, <: i ,.. ;:w .. e r•,..' _. :� rYl° :n M1: �' r n, 1+1 I y yl .}!a � Y a. FF y� 'rv�" ... ,,,E a.,, ? :• ::... .row , o- , r.. .. .F+4 k. ^� Y ,.. Y. ,.: , J '3" < . , -. , e ,, ,..,. ' . Y .;'�. 2 ": „b;: .,: .,. .. ..'d.. v±'.... ^-... x e. b :.:. .... .. 4..1 f,... .Y.. ..:'. M:........ ......R..v :.r. d.. _,.. :.£. 1. :. .n .. r.,. I�., n• a'. ,...-. 1. V. ., :, ,..,-.�.., y..r. r.. Vrt ,.. Ft5h,.e E.: $s... <:.) „ .. . .. ♦.t. - <, ... .. Y , „ x.. . e._ ,. „JX,n.,.,f _ , 1 , _. i...� I r �.r. .. :1 , .. w .;vi' x., :. i ,.. ..: T.., .... .. :3 W' 3� •, v3.,r„ _4, �� f....,I ry T A . s;. _. ,.,.._,. .e, �� ,+ ,.. ..p ., ,„r ,a, >s. .r. ..,. ✓n:v , V ....n- ,... <.. <, . �S„ ... ," 1{.,.. vv ,...m ... -. h.. ice,.. .. ,.... . ik ,. l� „•ry� d � 4b... _ .....x..S. ,... E ,,. .. .....A .. ......,. M x?11 � R.L. .. .. vha <. ..... .... y .F ,Y :, i0 .i. r$ ... h, ,ram 1,..':. 4 Jry S,L,.,r Y .,::"I'll 3 , I, s,.' n ..;'Na. „ : �, ....?r. _l.,... .I ., a ., sE.. m-,...t.. u, .:,,-. r' - ,"Sd x u d i I c 1 4' ..a o I Irr� A,', L.,1y r . yvEs YLy" .M1s,,. u, y' � .:.''�., vg '.. ', ;}°. FCI4. "I ^'''.' +l. :. >3 ''•. r .i..:,: AVA 3. i q r : § : y :.. ,... t Y ? I y 6Y trv� .vV1 k ..'z. If '.,iv.s' 4'�: u F >: rs 9 R ^uX s I s ! Y 4 A iv f M1 4 41, g , 1 „ +„"`; .,, ^ : ..v.>',vi, :,,"s - x' m.:. , < .:3 '�` , : ,..., A� -- r m`�tW .. , :'. ,:. ,6 C, ,. r"+- ✓ , n V , a':. I. . .....,ti. t. + .. ; }. t:.. a<..... _. �,$ ✓� , ,: ,.r.:?v , ,.1..,. s.r , , P:r. # 11.Ivk a. , 4': ! ul e a tx 4 t I ,mw w I 1 �t r s ry aff � t a I t � s 44 pj � ;:m.Y f'7, �~3ai x.. .+ i _� '^x, � Ii "4'`r �`;s, " .� rz 3m.'.' 3 ,4rW�.,..N?5 W3 .a3'. x, Y `r x ell w � 415, ae fi° a 4k5 u 4 K I �i an 41k r fi of s rt. y4i g TL'1 3 s'S' Vf Y y) r s r nd sz s P : e v � rl t x F S 7, 4 tl§9pR 1§",+I' r 5 c#. x %`s,. .x�„s•.w 4 r"a �+t :c h •d v F l 9 w SMill" ..., , 'gas .- 4 G nr i 4 ry"u v i 4 "C ie i 1 t I 2 Y< 3 t ?y� u t r,x is i A .t V I n d4 „ f byy {fi t N fJ k 1 Y a°k t4 £ "a 4 k• A i 4 , ! a r ^h d' J c { 1 i7GY . q� NA h ILF 3" 4 'x 4 ri v Ys '3 a F Ya� l e m z � n,^ r n d a ro d J dA AY �t nNa R , � e� �.... •x��a .E C6� �. y a ag o-b e �"�",9�`.:>k':�:;,r �,ha�ae�'a ! k book S . \1 .4 ML" � � | Q /vtc i '7 I j ✓> k i , rbL 5 L A P E- L. F CG E 1—I C �1_a=- ANO'.1F� r _�' � �-: �;"i!.4-_ !-IAME� - ------� ---GOMMGh-1 Iv/.�N � --- I - - ..`� --- I R"•FJ,'.G.V-Yi`_� � ✓-�1... j c _n_.._ c~�=MC�-i V!t•-1!N�!_.I�; j �=71"rL.�.��,1.JSla IC'-�2' Y �j-�� F'r: i I � -i�� t I I � �cc�=� r,_,..1 !�>✓t. G,-"F;cl-a �'�.;_tr i 17'- �i� � � 1 i i ML. �..i J!-{�G/=a ►'��. 1=:-'� �' ._�_•"-• SEi- i='Y:_l-IFc�t-i/�. 5T!�t=��?C.,-.T P �EJ-, I I'L�'.�:� ,'L J� I I I�,Q,1 GAT! O N I-F- C IE✓tNC) — Z'ZLF--S r7 �" '>F��!►:1<�EP� Pam^-alE�" 'r'�l If1 F,CL rF- V. !-� 1F./��I Lj5 GPI.': --- FArr�_Ir, l-J 7, r71 2,r2 F-7 - 7-CFO F_ <_ ��� GG_A'i: i^P P,4[DgJS I GPM r W �W god LL �- ti� Z U n� LL � LL1 ell � Z v � � _t 1 1 J 7. tL 1 [1 (1 N H LN r � a � c � O ► W t v v u file number drawing of ( LANDSCAPING NOTES 1. Contractor should make his own tyke off to eliminate discre- pancies;in case they occur,plan will take precedence over plant list. 2. Exact location of plant material may vary slightly,coordinate field locations with other trades prior to commencement of work. 3. All planting material to be Fiorida No.l or better. 4. All planting to be done according to good nursery practice. 5. All planting material to be guaranteed to 60 days except Sabal= Palms that should be guaraInteed 365 days. 6. All sod to be St.Augustine Floratlam solid. 7. All bed areas to receive a 2" layller of cypress bark mulch. 8. All trees to have a 2" minimum trunk caliper. 9. All trees field grown ( Lirio true not acceptable.) tayrite storage area or if I outside, providepump house with p p locking king cover unless other - ' m 'wise 2. X-rain zoning valve must be Used unless otherwise specified. 3. Ali mains & sleeves must be PVC 4C buried a minimum of 18" below finish grade apa �, 4 *' f+H $r 4. All later als must be PVC Sch.160 and be buried a minim m of 12" below finish grade. 5. Provide sleeves under pavement prior to installation of game. 6. Contractor to size piping (unless otherwise shown)& adiudt 144 'x{Gt�� spray heads location to conform With water requirements of I� .; " `t`` actual landscaping for adequate "ter coverage. 7. Irrigation contractor shall provide 100% coverage to all landscaped areas and maintain 5 overlap. �lopx'Y'"�� rigation contractor to provide 25 PSI at all heads. 9. Heads to be installed in planter lareas to be located on risers to conform with height of planters. ` 10. Irri ation contractor to fu ni g r ah controller time c1.o4ck to be located in mechanical room or approved location. 11. Building. contractor to supply electr cal hook iA }}I s �4 a acrt to sele- necessary to u e'City water,;FT noid valve to replace pump and. I�p h �yF.�. •-°13 . Landscape Architect shall be notified of any chnnges in the system prior to installation of the same. 14. i 2" cased in well, 10 feet below yearly water level. 2 straaM of 12 gauge wire (hardwood)s. „. 3"layer of mulch _ , ®� Ground 3"layer of efuich . v s SHRUB & GROUND COVER PLANTING DETA (not to scale) a J& F- t n ' a Cvfir6 connectors Finished grade valve - c •� fix: �� � iv 4r, y a. re a a�' i 9 CP C, Control wires Concrete brick'> to irrigation heads Gravel irri.. I ftn . ge( ` on i�fai AUTOMATIC CONTROL vALVE DETAIL � (not_ to seals) AT 1011 (not to box with I V j N r.. Q Iowa ■® r .0 n n e t � Y � b L V i file number drawing_ _.. - r w 'D P_1/�1//✓Ll�� 7 r�mmmzo � Oil -T f �osT