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FROM : AÆX ÆST cq,~!~~ I..... '.. ~ II r,' 'Ii ¡: , ~ : I,' L.' t I , :..,'... ....' ~;. ... r : , , St I:.u~je County Ins~ections'~ e 2300 Virginia AveD~ &: Ce1vr::-o Ft Pfer£e~ FL 34982 : APR 2 ....... (772) 461..2i72 ...., þ 4, 20~ 'a.. l.Iblic IAt ~ ""-I'. I..I.JC/e C rYOrk. êERTmcA TE OF TERMITE TREA TMENT OUl}ty, ~> I CONSTRUÇTION SOIL THEA TÑENT . 6/(-'OÝð3 JOBÅDDRESS~70i (';tyC,;fJ .AVl. ,,+ (}ðQ;+i ~~LD~R ~~ ~ ") Q.V ~( ~e.~ .. _ !' ~STCONTROLCONTRAÇTO~ ~ :&s+ CfYliro I ~T¿ONTROLLICENSE.# -:) lL 19<6',/ . , ~. .,., FAX NO. :+321-459-9754 ~...'-' .L I ~\.t r .L L 'pr. 23 2007 09:17AM Pi PAGE 81/83; ) , ! i PERMIT #: 3 Vff'¡ ~~. .- - Wt, the ullderslgned, hereby éertlf) that we have pretreated the a~"..described construction for 5ui;herr...ean termites in accøtdanee with the standardl or the Natiønal Peat Control Ahoclation. Sq~.re:r~tofareatreated: /':S'o CbemicaJluBtd~ l~/~ 7C- ~~cenbi.ge of loluiion:' ;O~ % 'rotal gallons USed~ /4 D þ~~t or; ~reatment: '4 -I 'ì ~ D 7 Time af Treatment: 1/: I )' ! I· I , I J i : I:J Footing " : : " ~ [J 1st Treatfuent . i 'Q Re.trelt ' ;:0 Slab , . , : CJ lit Treanncnt ' , :; [J Re-treat 'r . ria Priveway , : " a let 1'rtatment" ! : ,: Q"Re...treat. : " ;,0 Pools [J 1st Treatment Q Re-rreat ¡ ¡ 0 Othe.r ' 1 · I :.' ': a 1st Trea~ent : !f:V,pe~::e;~r ~nal Inspection' r NOTE:; I " j:. rh~re must be ø ctfmpliItedformfor each "quj~d lrWftm.ønt liT rø.trflø,,,,,lIt ad this JOT7ft my., MI." ; ttla, Job site to b~ pick... lip by, tM i~pector at .. of eru:h ¡"".ctitJn Dr '''6Ieh.4''~4 inspection ~ i :. ," fGtl øIUl ø "'iM¡MctitJlI fa, c1,ør,etl. ~ R~JVŸ "11111 ~"" , . FBC1OU.' Ctrrti,f"Jetlt, øj Pro"efn,e TNalllUnt/tJr p"wlIliorl s/'''''''Í/ft. J4 w.ø'1l., '''ista.n'ifllll¡,. pon'''' bøørri81uJ111H p,.qVùl«lIO Nelli", duplicate TrIG".. Ce"'l/ktJfU ct$ eaell I'ffMind prtJt«:I¡", trMnn4I1' II CtJmplfl6d, plYJ\idi1fl D copy Jør ,. p.non the ~""iJ ;, issu«l to .1111 aIIDt/lI.r cDP1lfJr I,8 b,dldln, ~rn.i' !'tat 1.1ur Trtat"",m CøftiJiCQ,tB sholl ptØu;d.t 1M pf'ðllLla 114.tJ, liJifntity ollM øpplktJto,. tirM ø",d dati ()f 1#1, , , ,retlmcnt. .m.IØl:dtion. ",-.. trNt~ chaùt:øl þU.tl. perc',, Nnt'lt/NJriøll ø"d ftumbflroj gø'lo/tJ used. 10 "'''blish ø 'NrißÑ11. _Qrd ofþ1VJtlltJliv, ,,..Þtm,It'. 1/11,_ soil ~h'IfticQl _ir;'r IIIfthod/Dr tørll1lrw prlltlttllMIt Ú III. finol .~lIl"i",. J".tlllPUnt "lIaU be ctPtrpJ"., pl'iør tl),/fnDl butlll;II' tJþPrøwJ/.. j ': St Lude CouJaty requires for t~ 1In.1 ill$]NJalon tor COt. ........n.nt ' I S.lcker to ~e plac.d on the elet!trlell pa.... box œ,er.llftin. aU tile rr£atments and dates or .pplleatfons. PeIlY7f7lj II OS)/" () ) / I o yO S Iu..ladoll. CeztUlaattoD Cud Peønll II: laulUloa Co."...... Name: obsile COJlII'at:Io.r: Foam lDsu1ation S eeia1i8t8 &dftaCed D en obsite~: Stnet: "tH CltJu "...e a : 1'1. P.fe.rcttÞ SlUe: n SeøtlOII: 1Ilock: £0': CeWag lualatio. Demi1ec LLC Sea1ection 800 Open cellaemi-rigid apray...pp1ied 01 ethane foam insulation B..Val.. oI.....tioa: a.3.81 inch ftlci.r.hta 01 luaMllo.a JiutaIIed: S ÏDehel -19.08 l.oød_ oIluaJaUoalaøtalled: UDdenide of roof deck DlIIe oIlutülelJ.oJJ: laøølIatloa Mualadrlre,.: IuDlfllloJl NlIm8: Iualatloa Pn-: waUlDn1atioD " Demi1ec ~ LLC Sea1eotion 800 Open ceU øemi-rigid 8p1'ay-app1ied I thane foam inaulation a.VaI.e ollllJlrJlalloll: 1.-3.81 er inch ftI.._ ollual.".. 1IøIded: s.! incheø ...13.338 £ocraUoa oIlualúioa ..,aIIed: Inside of gable walla and exteriœ walla where a 1icable 10/04/2008 lIualatIoa Manøl.actarer: IIIøIIItIOII Neme: """"""011 I'ppe: Date ollulldlaUoa: Coaune.at.s: PGaDJ.!Mu1ttt- ~...~, 3S44 ......... Drift ......: 321.......%'.. 0dMd0, n. II83S :r.c: 407......1.. WWW.lo1llUp4Klftlltata.com 19/19 39t1d ~ èf3^MaQI^\1a ØØ99t6lE9LBP 0P:aø LØØG/9t/P0