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FL# FLvsion R1 � D03
Application Type Revis(on
Code Version 2017 REV IEWED FOR
Application Status Approved
Archived BOCCE^f
,Product Manufacturer Boral Roofing LLC,
Address/Phone/Emali 7575 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine,CA 92618
Authorized Signature Robin Anderson
robinandersori @boral.com
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Roofing Tiles
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from,a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida:Engineer or Architect Name who developed the.2achary R,Priest
Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-74421
Quality,Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies;LLC.
Quality�Assurance Contract Expiration Date 11/03/2020
Validated By Locke:Bowden P.E.
Validation Checklist-HardcopyReceived
Certificate ofIndependence FL28328 R1 COI B0R18003.1 2017,FBC Eval Boral Tiles.fnol:p2f
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM C 1492 2003
TAS 100 1995
TAS 101 1995
TAS 102 1995
TAS 102(A) 1995
TAS 112 1,995
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certifled By
Sections from the.Code
file:///C:/Userstadmin/OneDriVe/DocuMents/Product Approvals/Boras PA's/Boral FL28328-R1.h1ml 1'13
3/19/2020 Florida Building.Code Online
Product Approval:Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 02/22/2019
Date Validated 02/22/2019
Date Pending FBC.Approval 03/02/2019
Date Approved 04/16/2019
Summary of Products
FL# ,Numb or Description
28328.1 Barcelona 940(Lake Wales) ASTM C'1492/TAS 112 type la,high profile concrete the
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in H es FL28328 RI II BOR18003.1 2017 FBC Eva[Boral Tiles
Approved for use outside HV ''YeS� '~ fin :pd£
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By:Zachary.R.Priest.PE-74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created:by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
FL28328 RI .AE BOR18003.1 2017 FBC Eval Boral Tiles
Created by'Independent,Thirci Party:Yes
28328.2 Bermuda(Okeechobee) ASTMG 1492/TAS 1,12,type 3a,fiat concrete the
-Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL28328 R1 II BOR18003.1 2017 FBC Eval Boralfiles
Approved for use.outside HVHZ:Yes ha?Lp&
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified BY:Zachary,R.Priest PE-74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
FL28328 R1 AE BOR18003.12Q17 FBC Eval Boral Tiles
Created by Independent Third Party:,Yes
28328.3 :Estate"S"(Okeechobee) ASTM C 1492/TAS 112.type Ib,low profile concrete the
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL28328.RI II. 13OR18003.1 2017 FBC Eval Boral Tileg.
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes finalpdf
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By:Zachary R.Priest PE-74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:,See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
FL28328: R1 AE BOR18003,12017.FBCEval Boral Tiles
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
28328.4 Galena Spanish"S"(Okeechobee) ASTM C 1492/TAS 212 type 2a,high profile concrete the
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL28328 R1 II BOR18003.1 2017 FBC Eva[Boral Tiles
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes QOaf pdf
Impact Resistant.N/A Verified BY:Zachary R.Priest PE-74421
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
FL28328 R1 AE BOR18003.1 2017 FBC Eval Boral Tiles
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
28328.5 Plantation(Okeechobee) ASTM C 10i/TAS 112 type 3a,fiat concrete tile.
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL28328 R1 II BORI8003.1 2017.FBC Eval.Bora[Tiles
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes anal pdf
,Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By:Zachary R.,Priest PE-74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
FL28328 RI AE BOR18003.1 2017 FBC'Eval.Boral Tills,
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
28328.6 Saxony 900 State,Shake and-Split ASTM C 1492/TAS 112,type 3a,.Flat concrete tile
Shake(Lake Wales and Okeechobee)
Limits of Use Installation Instructions.
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL28328 Rl II BOR18003.1 2017 FBC Eval Boral Tiles
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes finaLpff
Impact..Resistant:N/A Verified By:Zachary R-Priest PE-74021
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
file:0/C:/Usets/admin.0neD ive/Documents/Product Approvals/Bora(PA's/Borat FL28328-R1.html 2/3
Certificate of Authorization No.29824
CREEK 17520 Edinburgh Dr
Tampa,FL 33647
Manufacturer: BORAL ROOFING LLC Issued February 19, 2019
7575 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618
Manufacturing Plants: Lake Wales, FL
Okeechobee, FL
Quality Assurance: PRI Construction Materials Technologies(QUA9110)
Category: Roofing
Subcategory: Roofing Tiles
Code Sections: 1507.3.5, 1507.3.7, 1523.6.5, 1523.6.5.2, 1523., 1523.
Properties: Physical Properties,Attachment Requirements,Wind Driven Rain, Static Uplift
En& Report No. Standard Year
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0201.01-19 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0130.01-14 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0426.01-14 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0615.02-11 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0615.03-11 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0615.04-11 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0617.02-16 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0617.03-16 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0617.04-16 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0623.04-14 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0624.04-14 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT0624.05-14 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT1210.02-15 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
American Test Lab of South Florida Inc(TST3782) RT1210.03-15 TAS 112 1995
ASTM C 1492 2003(2009)
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 14-0408.06 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 14-0416.12 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 15-0721.04 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 16-0112.07 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 16-0112.08 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 18-0509.15 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 18-0509.16 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
Miami-Dade BCCO(CER1592) 18-0509.17 FBC(HVHZ) 2017
BOR18003.1 FL28328-R1 Page 1 of 12
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.
Concrete Roof Tiles
Enti Report No. Standard Year
Tile Roof Institute Membership Confirmation TAS 100 1995
TAS 101 1995
TAS 102&102(A) 1995
BOR18003.1 FL28328-R1 Page 2 of 12
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation, recommended use,or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.
Concrete Roof Tiles
'Barcelona 9.00 (LakeWales)
Profile/Description: ASTM C 1492,TAS112 Type 1a, high profile, interlocking,class III, 'S'shaped conc'r . .
roof file
Alloyuable•Applications: For mechanically fastened:(direct deck or.batten);mortar set or adhesive set applications
Dimensions: 17",x 13"x 3-5/8"
s � "Z
Figure 8. Barcelona 900
Galena Spanish "S" (.Okeechobee)
ProflelDescription: ASTM C 1492,TAS 112 Type 2a, high profile,interlocking,class Ill'S'shaped concrete
roof tile
Allowable Applications: For mechanically fastened(direct deck),mortar set-oradhesive set applications
Dimensions: 17"x 1.0"x 2.7"
Fastener Holes
Figure 9.Galena Spanish ":S"
130RI8003.1 FL28328-R1 Page 6 of 12
This-evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20=3. The manufacturer shall rtotify,CREEK
Technical Services,LCC of any product changes or quality assurance,changes throughout the duration for which this report is.valid:
This evaluation report does not express not imply warranty,installation,recommended,use,or other.product attributes that are,not
specifically addressed herein.
Concrete Roof Tiles
Data for Aifachment Calculat!.66 for Direct to Deck.Appllcatlot s
F�`a Weig(it(W}and Restoring Moments clue to Gravity M9.,(##lbf}
Dlmenslo- x w) s Direct Deck
1N(ibf} I(ft). W, Direct12''
.App!ication .
Bermuda 9.7 1:33 0.833 0: 6.97 6.86 6:71 6.54 6.35
Plantation, 11.6 1.375 1.08 0.289 ,79: 7.67 7:52 7.32 7:04
Saxony900 10.9 1.417 1.08 0315 7.62 _,7,5' 7:34 7.16 :6.95
Estate"S''` 10.0 1:375 1.08 0.289 6.74 6.64 6:50 6.33 6.14
V1119 900 10.9 1.42 1.08 0.3.15 7.62 7.50 7.3kq 7.15 6.95
Barcelona 11.5 1.417 1.08 0.301 7.00 6:90. 6.76 6. 0 6.42
Galena: 8.5 1,.42 0.833 0.235. 6:13 6.03. 5.89 5.74 -.57
Spanish'"S'` 8.95 1.417 0.8125 0.233 5.93 :5.83 5.70 5:56 5:39
Data for Attachment Calculations for Batten Applications.
moral Wei ht =Aerodynamic
g. rW}and Restoring Moments due to GraVlty Md(ft I"
signs•(i x w} a Direct Deck
Roof Tile
w(ft) Apphc'afion, 3 12 4 12" 5":12 6°12' :>7 12
Bermuda 9.7 1.33 0.833 0.189 6.53 6x43 6;29 6.14 5.97
Plantation 11.6 1.375 1.08 0.21. 6.85 6.75 6.61 6.44 6:26
Saxony 900 10.9 1;:417 1.08 0.291 6.61 6.48 6.31 6.13
Estate"S" 10.0 1.375 1.08 0.267 5.91 .82 5.70 5:56 5:40
Villa 900 10..9. 1.42 1.08 0'.291 - 6.56 6.42 6.26 6:08
aarceiona 11.5 1.417 1.08 0:286 6.19 6.19 6.0 5.92 5:76
Spanish"S" , 8.95 1.417 0.8.125 0.215 5.30 5.21 5.09 96 4;82
BOR18603.1 FL28328-Rl Page 8 of 12
This evaluation report is-provided for State of Florida product.approval.inder Rule 61G20-3, The manufacturer shall notify.CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the.duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does notexpress nor imply warranty,instaiiation,recommended use,or other product attributes"that.ire not
specifically addressed herein.
Concrete Roof Tiles
Attachment Resistance,Expressed as a Moment for,Mechanically Fastened Ap.piications
the Faistener Mr(ft-lbf)
Roof'1"i� Direct Deck , Direct Deck *:
Type -Count• Size Shank Clip (min. 15%32 '. (min.�19/32` - 'Battensr
plywood) plywood)
Nail 2 10d Ring N/A 30.9 38.1 17.2
Nai 1 10d Smooth N/A 7.3 9.8 4.9
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth N/A 14.0 18.8 7.4
or Screw
Screw 1 #8 N/A N/A 30.8 30.8 18.2
Bermuda, Screw 2 8 N/A N/A 51.7 51.7 24.4
Plantation or
Saxony 900 Nail 1 10d Smooth Screw Field 24.3 24.3 24.2
Nail 1 10d Sm thEave 19.0 19.0 22.1
or Scre
Nail 2 10d Smooth d 35.5 35.5 34.8
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth Eave 31.9 31.9 32.2
or Screw
Nail' 2 10d Ring N/A 50.3 65.5 48.3
Nail 2 10d Ring N/A 27.8 37.4 28.8
\' Nail 1 10d Smooth N/A 8.8 11.8 4.1
�. or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth N/A 16.4 21.9 7.1
or Screw
Screw 1 #8 N/A N/A 25.8 25.8 22.9
Estate"S"Z' Screw 2 M N/A N/A 47.1 47.1 49.1
Villa 900
Nail 1 10d Smooth Field 24.3 24.3 24.2
or rew
Nail 1 10d Smoo Eave 19.0 19.0 22.1
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth Fiel 35.5 35.5 34.8
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth Eave .9 31.9 32.2
or Screw
Estate"S" Nail' 2 10d Ring N/A 43.0 67.5 50.9
Continued on following page
BOR18003.1 FL28328-R1 Page 9 of 12
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.
Concrete Roof Tiles
Attachment:°Resisfa.nce,.Expressed as a Moment�for Mechanically Fastened Apph cations"".
Tile Fastener Mf'(ft-1bf),
Roof Tile 1Direct Deck°y-. Direct Deck
" Type Count Size =, St ank Clip. 5/32",; (min`. _:.Battens: _
' plywood) plywood)
Nail 2 10d Ring N/A 28.6 41.2 19.4
Nail 1 10d Smooth N/A 5.1 6.8 2.8
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth N/A 6.9 9.2 7.3
or Screw
Screw 1 #8 N/A N/A 20.7 20.7 18.1
(B:iii1ona910 Screw 2 #8 N/A N/A 43.2 43.2 29.8
Spanish"S" Smooth
Nuevo Nail 1 10d or Screw Field 23.1 23.1 19.0
Nail 1 10d Smooth Eave 29.3 29.3 24.0
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth Field 27.6 27.6 38.6
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Smooth Eave 38.1 38.1 41.8
or Screw
Nail 2 10d Ring N/A 33.1 48.1 45.2
Notes: 1)Not for Saxony 900,Villa 900 or Barcelona 900. Installation with a 4"the headlap and fasteners are located a min.2-1/2"
from head of tile.
2)When using only one fastener,use the hole that is approximately 4-3/4"away from interlocking edge.
3)Direct Deck applications only.
Attachment Res stance Expressed as.a Moment for Adhesive or Mortar Set
Roof Tile Adhesive,,,.,,,' i Product Approval Paddy Average Paddy Mf(ft Ibf)
Count VVeight•(grams)_
Dow Chemical TILE BOND TM NOA 16-0222.01 2 13.9 31.3
Planation and 2 8 31.3 Saxony 900 ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 NOA 17-0322.03 1 24 40.4
1 45 118.9
2 8 59.0
DAP Foam Inc.Touch N' Seal® NOA 17-0829.12 1 24 45
Saxony 900 Storm BondTm 2 Two-Component 1 45 93
Premix Marbletite, Inc.TILE-TITE NOA 17-1016.07 N/A N/A 43.9
Dow Chemical TILE BOND TM NOA 16-0222.01 2 11.4 26.1
2 8 26.1
Villa 900
Estate 9or ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 NOA 17-0322.03 1 24 45.5
1 54 86.61
Premix Marbletite, Inc. TILE-TITE NOA 17-1016.07 N/A N/A 20.6
Villa 900 DAP Foam Inc.Touch N'Seal® 2 8 55
NOA 17-082912 1 30 40
Storm BondTm 2 Two-Component 1 60 70
BOR18003.1 FL28328-R1 Page 10 of 12
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.
Concrete Roof Tiles
Attachmenf`Re'_ ance:Expressed asp a Moment for�Adheslve or'Mortar,:Set
Roof Tile Adhesive ProducfApprovah Paddy Average Paddy ` Nor(ft=1bf)
_ Count Weight(grams)
Dow Chemical TILE BONDTm NOA 16-0222.01 2 10.7 29.3
Barcelona 900, 2 8 29.3
Galena Spanish
"S"or Spanish ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 NOA 17-0322.03 1 24 38.7
"S"Nuevo 1 63 66.5
Premix Marbletite, Inc.TILE-TITE NOA 17-1016.07 N/A N/A 24.5
Barcelona 900 DAP Foam Inc.Touch N'Seal® 2 8 66.0
NOA 17-0829.12 1 30 63
Storm BondT""2Two-Component
1 60 82
Notes: 1)See manufacturer's product approval for installation requirements.
1) All tiles shall bear the identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo as follows:
Manufactured in Lake Wales, FL
Manufactured in Okeechobee, FL
BOR18003.1 FL28328-R1 Page 11 of 12
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation, recommended use,or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.
Concrete Roof Tiles
1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation.
2) Installation of the evaluated products shall comply with FBC Section 1507.3, FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind
Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Fifth Edition Revised and the manufacturer's published
application instructions. Installations in the HVHZ shall comply with RAS 118, RAS 119 and RAS 120.
3) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with
Rule 61 G20-3.
4) All product listed in this shall tested quarterly in accordance with TAS 112 Appendix A.
5) Installation of the evaluated products shall be limited to projects in areas subjected to weathering indices of
50 or greater as illustrated in ASTM C 1492-03,figure 1 (see below).
50 50
The products evaluated herein by Zachary R Priest P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building
Code,6t'Edition(2017)as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer.
R. p iii
, 0 ', EIUSFs-,; .. _._ ._. 2019.02.1
• No 74021 � - 9 10.10.22
O'.. STATE OF :�44/`
���(�`•'• O R �NZachary R. Priest, P.E.
% Florida
CREEK Technical Services,LLC does not have,nor will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing
products under this evaluation.
CREEK Technical Services,LLC is not owned,operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under
this evaluation.
Zachary R. Priest, P.E.does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products
under this evaluation.
Zachary R.Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the
BOR18003.1 FL28328-R1 Page 12 of 12
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.