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·p".:.'..'.," . ','.,... ~""",: ~~I:,.:I..g·" "':'·",'0.'.,·',3,,,,5.. .,',.. ~..çr~"'- ,-, . .,.. ~:. . : ,. ,. ., , " ~;", ',', ":':: "', " ~,.,.' :.:.', :.:: ',;.:.:.:,: ::-: ',:<,".:.' ::'.:.:-', ',': .,',-:y,:.:,~: :,. ... .,.. . .. . .. . YOtJr Prt)r),ane Connect.i'on -, St. Lucie COU11ty ¡¿f) 70 / . l\.}Jril 1 8, 2007 Code Compliance Divisiol1 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: 772-462-1533 (~)tltstaI1ding Pertnits by C~oIltrac,t t~'aJne: Tadd I-{()sl<ins (,·.~Oj1tra(~tor Nttlllber: 19669 I would like to reenact the foJIowing pern1it numbers to con1j"llete a final inspection on each: '1)504-1648 v1>504-1651 V{)505-0634 ~07-0707 ~08-033<1 ~509-0487 0)603-0172 ~61 0-0080 ~e ~ J J~ ".i",':·,','C',:,·,· 0 py ~..;~,:J~.;¡.¡ ~,,'" ~, L,},I,'~.~",' .', I ' ~ b l;", RECEIVED APR 1 9 2001 Thank you for your time al1d C011sideratiol1 011 this matter. Public Works St. Lucie COUtlty) FL qO~' (2t~ $ ~.(t>~ ~ Tadd I-Ioskins F AM - F errellgas Ioe 4103 BaIldy Blvd, Fort Pierce, FL 34981 772-465-8282 F~AX 772-468-3409