HomeMy WebLinkAbout05120249 ~ APR-11-2007 09:55 AM : I ,..' SOUTHCOAST PEST 561 225 0507 P.01 ~CEIV St Lucie CO~Dty Inspect. ogg4PR 1 ,3 2DO;-U¡ 2300 Virgima Avenue 1]3)7:. ' / Ft Pierce, FL 34982 I (771)462-2172 ~CERTIFICAT£ OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUcnON SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT~l2· 0247 JOB ADDRESS 1512 LANCEWOOD TERRACE BUILDER WINCHIP CONSTRUCTION PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR SOUTHCOAST PEST CONTROL INC.- PEST CONTROL LICENSE II JB 110518 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-clescribed construction Cor subterranean termites In attordanee with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: Chemicals used: DRAGNET Total gallons used: 4 5 Time 01 Treatment: 1·: 3 0 Percentage or solution: ~ $; Date of treatment: 3/28/ 0 7 o Footing Q 1st Treatment [J Re-treat [J Slab [J I st Treatment aRe-treat [J Driveway [J 1st Treatment Q Re-treat a Pools Q 1st Treatment ORe-treat o Other CJ 1st Treatment ORe-treat tII Perimeter for Final Inspection FBCl04.2.6 ~ttVJe,* of Prøt«liN Tlwtbaøt for lnN1tIiÐ" 01 urmita. A wetllh~, resistant jobsi'~ posting boørd mtJU be provided 10 rec~i1Je dltplicme TrttfJlmllllt C.rtificatlls ø.s each Tlq,,¡,uJ protectiv~ treatment is completed, providing (J eopy joT th~ fN!rsOl'l the p~""it is issuai to and fJIIOtlrer copy for the building pennil files. 7ü T,«ztment Certificate shall provitk ,he product 1ISed, itlentity of th~ applicator. tiIM and elate of the trøl.ltlftSlt. s;,~ locølÏON, aTea rr~øted. chemica/JUett. percellt CORCD11ration and nlUftber of gøllolU ust!d, 10 establish a W!ri/illbk record of protective tretltllMllt. 1/ rh~ soil chemical høTri~, møthotl for 'ønnit~ prftlØ'llion ;$ u ~d. final merlor trelll1lUmt shøll be complllled ,rio, tD fin¡Jl bwiJdÙlg approval. St Lade County requires for tile final inspedIoD for CO, . Pe....neut Sticker to I»e placed 011 tile electrical p.... box COftl', listing aU tIae treatments aDd dates of applications. NOTE: The'~ must be a completed form for elKh required treatment or re-treatment and this form mllSt be 011 tIll' inlt ~;;p In It, ni,.lr.,/ ,," It,. ,It. ;" ..nÐ~^. If' ,.;... ð n I' .,.60" ; _ co ftA.A~"" .ft.. "..... .......... .I.. r...I : _ .._ ,.. A":... _ ...:lJ Signature of exterminator